Working with Data.Map.StrictMap.Maps using Control.Parallel - haskell

I have the following code. The M prefix designates functions from Data.Map.Strict, and Table is a type alias for Data.Map.Strict.Map Mapping Bool, where Mapping is an arbitrary opaque structure.
computeCoverage :: Table -> Expr -> Maybe Coverage
computeCoverage t e = go t True M.empty
where go src flag targ
| null src = if flag
then Nothing
else Just (M.size t, targ)
| otherwise = let ((m, b), rest) = M.deleteFindMin src
result = interpret e m
flag' = result && flag in
go rest flag' (if b == result then targ else M.insert m b targ)
I would like to be able to use Control.Parallel to perform this with as much parallelism as possible. However, I'm not sure how to do this. Based on reading Data.Map.Strict, it seems what you're supposed to do is call splitRoot, then do whatever parallel stuff you want on the resulting list, then recombine (I guess?). Have I basically got the right idea? If not, what should I do instead to parallelize the code above?

Here's a contrived example. You just use parMap over M.splitRoot m:
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import Control.Parallel.Strategies
import System.Environment
fib 0 = 0
fib 1 = 1
fib n = fib (n-2) + fib (n-1)
theMap :: Int -> M.Map Int Int
theMap n = M.fromList [ (x, 33 + mod x 3) | x <- [1..n] ]
isInteresting n = mod (fib n) 2 == 0
countInteresting :: M.Map Int Int -> Int
countInteresting m = length $ filter isInteresting (M.elems m)
doit :: Int -> [Int]
doit n = parMap rseq countInteresting (M.splitRoot $ theMap n)
main :: IO ()
main = do
( arg1 : _) <- getArgs
let n = read arg1
print $ doit n
Note, however these caveats:
the splits may not be of equal size
use splitRoot if working with a Map is helpful for your computation; this particular example doesn't benefit from the Map structure of root - it could have just parMapped over the elements.


Parallelize computation of mutable vector in ST

How can computations done in ST be made to run in parallel?
I have a vector which needs to be filled in by random access, hence the use of ST, and the computation runs correctly single-threaded, but have been unable to figure out how to use more than one core.
Random access is needed because of the meaning of the indices into the vector. There are n things and every possible way of choosing among n things has an entry in the vector, as in the choice function. Each of these choices corresponds to a binary number (conceptually, a packed [Bool]) and these Int values are the indices. If there are n things, then the size of the vector is 2^n. The natural way the algorithm runs is for every entry corresponding to "n choose 1" to be filled in, then every entry for "n choose 2," etc. The entries corresponding to "n choose k" depends on the entries corresponding to "n choose (k-1)." The integers for the different choices do not occur in numerical order, and that's why random access is needed.
Here's a pointless (but slow) computation that follows the same pattern. The example function shows how I tried to break the computation up so that the bulk of the work is done in a pure world (no ST monad). In the code below, bogus is where most of the work is done, with the intent of calling that in parallel, but only one core is ever used.
import qualified Data.Vector as Vb
import qualified Data.Vector.Mutable as Vm
import qualified Data.Vector.Generic.Mutable as Vg
import qualified Data.Vector.Generic as Gg
import Control.Monad.ST as ST ( ST, runST )
import Data.Foldable(forM_)
import Data.Char(digitToInt)
main :: IO ()
main = do
putStrLn $ show (example 9)
example :: Int -> Vb.Vector Int
example n = runST $ do
m <- (2^n) :: ST s (Vm.STVector s Int)
Vg.unsafeWrite m 0 (1)
forM_ [1..n] $ \i -> do
p <- prev m n (i-1)
let newEntries = (choiceList n i) :: [Int]
forM_ newEntries $ \e -> do
let v = bogus p e
Vg.unsafeWrite m e v
Gg.unsafeFreeze m
choiceList :: Int -> Int -> [Int]
choiceList _ 0 = [0]
choiceList n 1 = [ 2^k | k <- [0..(n-1) ] ]
choiceList n k
| n == k = [2^n - 1]
| otherwise = (choiceList (n-1) k) ++ (map ((2^(n-1)) +) $ choiceList (n-1) (k-1))
prev :: Vm.STVector s Int -> Int -> Int -> ST s Integer
prev m n 0 = return 1
prev m n i = do
let chs = choiceList n i
v <- mapM (\k -> Vg.unsafeRead m k ) chs
let e = map (\k -> toInteger k ) v
return (sum e)
bogus :: Integer -> Int -> Int
bogus prior index = do
let f = fac prior
let g = (f^index) :: Integer
let d = (map digitToInt (show g)) :: [Int]
let a = fromIntegral (head d)^2
fac :: Integer -> Integer
fac 0 = 1
fac n = n * fac (n - 1)
If anyone tests this, using more than 9 or 10 in show (example 9) will take much longer than you want to wait for such a pointless sequence of numbers.
Just do it in IO. If you need to use the result in pure code, then unsafePerformIO is available.
The following version runs about 3-4 times faster with +RTS -N16 than +RTS -N1. My changes involved converting the ST vectors to IO, changing the forM_ to forConcurrently_, and adding a bang annotation to let !v = bogus ....
Full code:
import qualified Data.Vector as Vb
import qualified Data.Vector.Mutable as Vm
import qualified Data.Vector.Generic.Mutable as Vg
import qualified Data.Vector.Generic as Gg
import Control.Monad.ST as ST ( ST, runST )
import Data.Foldable(forM_)
import Data.Char(digitToInt)
import Control.Concurrent.Async
import System.IO.Unsafe
main :: IO ()
main = do
let m = unsafePerformIO (example 9)
putStrLn $ show m
example :: Int -> IO (Vb.Vector Int)
example n = do
m <- (2^n)
Vg.unsafeWrite m 0 (1)
forM_ [1..n] $ \i -> do
p <- prev m n (i-1)
let newEntries = (choiceList n i) :: [Int]
forConcurrently_ newEntries $ \e -> do
let !v = bogus p e
Vg.unsafeWrite m e v
Gg.unsafeFreeze m
choiceList :: Int -> Int -> [Int]
choiceList _ 0 = [0]
choiceList n 1 = [ 2^k | k <- [0..(n-1) ] ]
choiceList n k
| n == k = [2^n - 1]
| otherwise = (choiceList (n-1) k) ++ (map ((2^(n-1)) +) $ choiceList (n-1) (k-1))
prev :: Vm.IOVector Int -> Int -> Int -> IO Integer
prev m n 0 = return 1
prev m n i = do
let chs = choiceList n i
v <- mapM (\k -> Vg.unsafeRead m k ) chs
let e = map (\k -> toInteger k ) v
return (sum e)
bogus :: Integer -> Int -> Int
bogus prior index = do
let f = fac prior
let g = (f^index) :: Integer
let d = (map digitToInt (show g)) :: [Int]
let a = fromIntegral (head d)^2
fac :: Integer -> Integer
fac 0 = 1
fac n = n * fac (n - 1)
I think this can not be done in a safe way. In the general case, it seems it would break Haskell's referential transparency.
If we could perform multi-threaded computations within ST s, then we could spawn two threads that race over the same STRef s Bool. Let's say one thread is writing False and the other one True.
After we use runST on the computation, we get an expression of type Bool which is sometimes False and sometimes True. That should not be possible.
If you are absolutely certain that your parallelization does not break referential transparency, you could try using unsafe primitives like unsafeIOToST to spawn new threads. Use with extreme care.
There might be safer ways to achieve something similar. Outside ST, we do have some parallelism available in Control.Parallel.Strategies.
There are a number of ways to do parallelization in Haskell. Usually they will give comparable performance improvements, however some are better then the others and it mostly depends on problem that needs parallelization. This particular use case looked very interesting to me, so I decided to investigate a few approaches.
We are using a boxed vector, therefore we can utilize laziness and built-in spark pool for parallelization. One very simple approach is provided by vector-strategies package, which can iterate over any immutable boxed vector and evaluate all of the thunks in parallel. It is also possible to split the vector in chunks, but as it turns out the chunk size of 1 is the optimal one:
exampleParVector :: Int -> Vb.Vector Int
exampleParVector n = example n `using` parVector 1
parVector uses par underneath and requires one extra iteration over the vector. In this case we are already iterating over thee vector, thus it would actually make more sense to use par from parallel directly. This would allow us to perform computation in parallel while continue using ST monad:
import Control.Parallel (par)
forM_ [1..n] $ \i -> do
p <- prev m n (i-1)
let newEntries = choiceList n i :: [Int]
forM_ newEntries $ \e -> do
let v = bogus p e
v `par` Vg.unsafeWrite m e v
It is important to note that the computation of each element of the vector is expensive when compared to the total number of elements in the vector. That is why using par is a very good solution here. If it was the opposite, namely the vector was very large, but elements weren't too expensive to compute, it would be better to use an unboxed vector and switch it to a different parallelization method.
Another way was described by #K.A.Buhr. Switch to IO from ST and use async:
import Control.Concurrent.Async (forConcurrently_)
forM_ [1..n] $ \i -> do
p <- prev m n (i-1)
let newEntries = choiceList n i :: [Int]
forConcurrently_ newEntries $ \e -> do
let !v = bogus p e
Vg.unsafeWrite m e v
The concern that #chi has raised is a valid one, however in this particular implementation it is safe to use unsafePerformIO instead of runST, because parallelization does not violate the invariant of deterministic computation. Namely, we can promise that regardless of the input supplied to example function, the output will always be exactly the same.
Green threads are pretty cheap in Haskell, but they aren't free. The solution above with async package has one slight drawback: it will spin up at least as many threads as there are elements in the newEntries list each time forConcurrently_ is called. It would be better to spin up as many threads as there are capabilities (the -N RTS option) and let them do all the work. For this we can use scheduler package, which is a work stealing scheduler:
import Control.Scheduler (Comp(Par), runBatch_, withScheduler_)
withScheduler_ Par $ \scheduler ->
forM_ [1..n] $ \i -> runBatch_ scheduler $ \_ -> do
p <- prev m n (i-1)
let newEntries = choiceList n i :: [Int]
forM_ newEntries $ \e -> scheduleWork_ scheduler $ do
let !v = bogus p e
Vg.unsafeWrite m e v
Spark pool in GHC also uses a work stealing scheduler, which is built into RTS and is unrelated to the package above in any shape or form, but the idea is very similar: few threads with many units of computation.
Here are some benchmarks on a 16-core machine for all of the approaches with example 7 (value 9 takes on the order of seconds, which introduces too much noise for criterion). We only get about x5 speedup, because a significant part of the algorithm is sequential in nature and can't be parallelized.

How to solve Alphametics puzzle using the State Monad and mutable Vector?

I'm working on the Alphametics puzzle
A set of words is written down in the form of an ordinary "long-hand" addition sum, and it is required that the letters of the alphabet be replaced with decimal digits so that the result is a valid arithmetic sum.Example:
This equation has a unique solution:
A non brute force solution is to use backtracking with memoization. My choice is to use the State Monad along with mutable Vectors.
The algorithm goes as follows:
If we are beyond the leftmost digit of the sum:
Return true if no carry, false otherwise.
Also check that there is no leading zero in the sum.
Else if addend and current column index is beyond the current row:
Recur on row beneath this one.
If we are currently trying to assign a char in one of the addends:
If char already assigned, recur on row beneath this one.
If not assigned, then:
For every possible choice among the digits not in use:
Make that choice and recur on row beneath this one.
If successful, return true.
Else, unmake assignment and try another digit.
Return false if no assignment worked to trigger backtracking.
Else if trying to assign a char in the sum:
If char already assigned:
If matches the sum digit, recur on next column to the left with carry.
Else, return false to trigger backtracking.
If char unassigned:
If correct digit already used, return false.
Assign it and recur on next column to the left with carry:
If successful return true.
Else, unmake assignment, and return false to trigger backtracking.
I'm having trouble with writing the part where a number is assigned to an addend.
Rust code for reference that needs to be translated to Haskell.
let used: HashSet<&u8> = HashSet::from_iter(solution.values());
let unused: Vec<u8> = (0..=9).filter(|x| !used.contains(x)).collect();
for i in unused {
if i == 0 && non_zero_letters.contains(&letter) {
solution.insert(letter, i);
if can_solve(
row + 1,
carry + (i as u32),
) {
return true;
My code, that I've yet to compile, and without the above case implemented, is shown below:
equation contains the addend rows.
result is the sum row.
solution is the assignments.
nonZeroLetters is an optimization that checks there are no leading zeros in any of the rows.
solve :: String -> Maybe [(Char, Int)]
solve puzzle = error "You need to implement this function."
type Solution = Vector Int
type Row = Vector Char
data PuzzleState = PuzzleState
{ equation :: Vector Row,
result :: Row,
nonZeroLetters :: Set Char,
solution :: MVector Row
canSolve :: Int -> Int -> Int -> State PuzzleState Bool
canSolve row col carry = do
PuzzleState {equation, result, nonZeroLetters, solution} <- get
let addend = row < length equation
let word = if addend then (equation ! row) else result
let n = length word
let letter = word ! col
let ord x = C.ord x - C.ord 'A'
let readC = (solution . ord)
i <- readC letter
let assigned = i >= 0
let isNonZero = flip S.member nonZeroLetters
case () of
| col >= n && addend -> canSolve (row + 1) col carry
| col == n && (not . addend) -> carry == 0
| addend && assigned -> canSolve (row + 1) col (carry + i)
ord :: Char -> Int
ord x = C.ord x - C.ord 'A'
readC ::
(PrimMonad m, UM.Unbox a) =>
MV.MVector (PrimState m) a ->
Char ->
m a
readC solution c = solution $ ord c
writeC ::
(PrimMonad m, UM.Unbox a) =>
UM.MVector (PrimState m) a ->
Char ->
a ->
m ()
writeC solution c x = UM.write solution $ ord c $ x
Here's the (invalid and incomplete) draft that I need help with. This is the part for which I showed Rust code above.
| addend -> let used <- M.mapM (0 <= solution) [0..length solution - 1]
unused = filter (\x -> x == 0 && isNonZero x) [0..9] \\ used
in do
i <- unused
writeC letter
Edit Jan 7, 2023:
Here's the cleaned up code that produces the compilation error shown at the end.
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
module Alphametics (solve) where
import Control.Monad as M
import Control.Monad.Reader (ReaderT)
import qualified Control.Monad.Reader as R
import Control.Monad.ST (ST)
import qualified Control.Monad.ST as ST
import qualified Data.Char as C
import Data.List ((\\))
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as U
import Data.Vector.Unboxed.Mutable (MVector)
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed.Mutable as UM
solve :: String -> Maybe [(Char, Int)]
solve puzzle = error "You need to implement this function."
data PuzzleState s = PuzzleState
{ equation :: V.Vector (U.Vector Char),
result :: U.Vector Char,
nonZeroLetters :: Set Char,
solution :: MVector s Int
type M s = ReaderT (PuzzleState s) (ST s)
canSolve :: Int -> Int -> Int -> M s Bool
canSolve row col carry = do
PuzzleState {equation, result, nonZeroLetters, solution} <- R.ask
let addend = row < length equation
let word = if addend then ((V.!) equation row) else result
let n = length word
let letter = (U.!) word col
let x = ord letter
y <- R.lift $ solution x
let assigned = y >= 0
let isNonZero = flip S.member nonZeroLetters
let sumDigit = carry `mod` 10
let used = filter (\i -> 0 <= solution i) [0 .. length solution - 1]
case () of
| col >= n && addend -> canSolve (row + 1) col carry
| col == n && (not addend) -> return $ carry == 0
| addend && assigned -> canSolve (row + 1) col (carry + y)
| addend ->
let unused = filter (\i -> i == 0 && isNonZero letter) [0 .. 9] \\ used
in assignAny unused y solution
| assigned && sumDigit == y -> canSolve 0 (col + 1) (carry `mod` 10)
| sumDigit `elem` used -> return $ False
| sumDigit == 0 && isNonZero letter -> return $ False
| otherwise -> assign 0 (col + 1) (carry `mod` 10) y sumDigit solution
ord x = C.ord x - C.ord 'A'
assignAny [] _ _ = return (False)
assignAny (i : xs) y solution = do
success <- assign (row + 1) col (carry + i) y i solution
if success then return (success) else assignAny xs y solution
assign r c cr y i solution = do
UM.write solution y i
success <- canSolve r c cr
M.when (not success) (UM.write solution y (-1))
return (success)
• Couldn't match type ‘s’
with ‘primitive- m0’
Expected: MVector
(primitive- (ST s)) Int
Actual: MVector
(primitive- m0) Int
‘s’ is a rigid type variable bound by
the type signature for:
canSolve :: forall s. Int -> Int -> Int -> M s Bool
at src/Alphametics.hs:31:1-41
There's a larger conceptual problem in your code that's been pointed out in the comments.
The State monad simulates a mutable state by passing invisible state values into and out of a sequence of monadic actions. The state values themselves are immutable, but since they are passed into and out of each action, an action can simulate mutation by returning a state value that's different than the one it was given.
On the other hand, the Data.Vector package provides two types of mutable vectors, IOVector and STVector. These are vectors with truly mutable elements, not simulated. They can be mutated within the IO and ST monads respectively, because these monads provide the capability for true mutation. Neither type can be mutated in a State monad, because the State mutation is only simulated. It would be too inefficient to implement a third type of mutable vector using State's simulated mutation.
In your program, you are using a State that includes a field solution with a (true) mutable vector for its value. This points to a probable design problem. Either you want to simulate mutation with a State or you want to use a true mutable vector that's made available to your program in some convenient manner, maybe via a ReaderT, and manipulated within an IO or ST base monad.
I actually can't quite understand your PuzzleState representation from the code you've provided. For example, solution has type MVector Row, which isn't a valid type, but maybe it's supposed to have the unused type Solution instead, except that Solution isn't mutable. And I'm not sure what nonZeroLetters represents.
However, if your intention is to access fixed character vectors of the addends and result that don't change over the course of solving the puzzle, and mutate an array mapping letters to their digit assignments, then you probably want a "context" that's something like:
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as U
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed.Mutable as UM
data PuzzleContext = PuzzleContext
{ equation :: V.Vector (U.Vector Char) -- fixed matrix of addends, as Chars
, result :: U.Vector Char -- fixed result as Chars
, solution :: UM.IOVector Int -- mutable array of digit assignments
made available using a monad M like:
import Control.Monad.Reader
type M = ReaderT PuzzleContext IO
This allows you to access the puzzle details:
canSolve :: ... -> M Bool
canSolve ... = do
PuzzleContext{equation, result, solution} <- ask
let c = equation V.! 0 U.! 2 -- access third letter of first addend
and mutate the solution:
let ord x = C.ord x - C.ord 'A'
UM.write solution (ord 'M') 6 -- try M=6
Note that solution is an immutable reference that comes out of the reader, but what it references is a mutable vector, which is why you can UM.write to its elements within the base IO monad.
As for helping you with your specific draft code, as I say I can't really understand your representation from the code you've written so far, so it's not clear to me how to help with that.
OP here, figured it out myself. This code, and an alternative implementation using State monad, are available here. I’ve done some benchmarking, and surprisingly, the immutable version using State appears to be faster than the mutable code below.
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
module Alphametics (solve) where
import Control.Monad as M
import Control.Monad.Reader (ReaderT)
import qualified Control.Monad.Reader as R
import Control.Monad.ST (ST)
import qualified Data.Char as C
import Data.List ((\\))
import qualified Data.List as L
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as U
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as VU
import Data.Vector.Unboxed.Mutable (MVector)
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed.Mutable as UM
solve :: String -> Maybe [(Char, Int)]
solve puzzle
-- validate equation, "ABC + DEF == GH" is invalid,
-- sum isn't wide enough
| any (\x -> length x > (length . head) res) eqn = Nothing
| otherwise = findSoln $ VU.create $ do
let nonZeroLetters = S.fromList nz
-- process in reverse
let equation = (V.fromList . map (U.fromList . reverse)) eqn
let result = (U.fromList . reverse . head) res
solution <- UM.replicate 26 (-1)
_ <- R.runReaderT (canSolve 0 0 0) PuzzleState {..}
return solution
xs = filter (all C.isAsciiUpper) $ words puzzle
(eqn, res) = L.splitAt (length xs - 1) xs
-- leading letters can't be zero
nz = [head x | x <- xs, length x > 1]
chr x = C.chr (C.ord 'A' + x)
findSoln v = case [ (chr x, y)
| x <- [0 .. 25],
let y = v VU.! x,
y >= 0
] of
[] -> Nothing
x -> Just x
data PuzzleState s = PuzzleState
{ equation :: V.Vector (U.Vector Char),
result :: U.Vector Char,
nonZeroLetters :: Set Char,
solution :: MVector s Int
type M s = ReaderT (PuzzleState s) (ST s)
canSolve :: Int -> Int -> Int -> M s Bool
canSolve row col carry = do
PuzzleState {equation, result, nonZeroLetters, solution} <- R.ask
let addend = row < V.length equation
let word = if addend then equation V.! row else result
let n = U.length word
case () of
| col >= n && addend -> canSolve (row + 1) col carry
| col == n && not addend -> return $ carry == 0
| otherwise -> do
let letter = word U.! col
let x = ord letter
i <- readM solution x
let assigned = i >= 0
let canBeZero = flip S.notMember nonZeroLetters
let sumDigit = carry `mod` 10
used <- M.mapM (readM solution) [0 .. 25]
let unused =
(\y -> y > 0 || canBeZero letter)
[0 .. 9]
\\ used
case () of
| addend && assigned -> canSolve (row + 1) col (carry + i)
| addend -> assignAny solution x unused
| assigned ->
if sumDigit == i
then canSolve 0 (col + 1) (carry `div` 10)
else return False
| sumDigit `elem` used -> return False
| sumDigit == 0 && (not . canBeZero) letter -> return False
| otherwise ->
(col + 1)
(carry `div` 10)
-- lift is needed because we're working in in a ReaderT monad,
-- whereas and VM.write work in the ST monad
readM solution = R.lift . solution
ord c = C.ord c - C.ord 'A'
assignAny _ _ [] = return False
assignAny solution ix (i : xs) = do
success <- assign (row + 1) col (carry + i) solution ix i
if success then return success else assignAny solution ix xs
assign r c cr solution ix i = do
UM.write solution ix i
success <- canSolve r c cr
M.unless success (UM.write solution ix (-1))
return success

Infinite list parallel filter in Haskell

I want to find the first matching element in a infinite list in Haskell.
This code is working:
findPassword passwordHash = (head . filter (checkPassword passwordHash)) allStrings
checkPassword is really long (because it's a SHA1 hash)
checkPassword hash string = (sha1 string) == hash
allStrings is just the list of all possible strings:
allStrings = [ c : s | s <- "" : allStrings, c <- ['a'..'z'] ++ ['0'..'9'] ]
I want this code to be run in parallel but if I replace filter by parFilter:
import qualified Control.Parallel.Strategies as S
parFilter p = S.withStrategy (S.evalBuffer 1000 S.rseq) . filter p
It doesn't work… Do you have an idea? This code is also using a lot of memory but it's another problem.
The full script is available here
I'm pretty sure you want to use parBuffer instead of evalBuffer.
See this SO answer for a good explanation:
How to choose between parList and parBuffer?
Here is some demo code:
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import Control.Parallel.Strategies
import System.Environment
import Debug.Trace
fib 0 = 0
fib 1 = 1
fib n = fib (n-2) + fib (n-1)
fib' n | trace "calling fib" False = undefined
fib' n = fib n
theList = cycle [30,31,32]
firstN :: Int -> [Int]
firstN n = take n $ filter even $ map fib' theList
firstNpar :: Int -> Int -> [Int]
firstNpar n k = take n $ filter even $ runEval $ parBuffer k rseq $ map fib' theList
main = do
(argn : argk : _) <- getArgs
let n = read argn
case argk of
"" -> print $ firstN n
_ -> let k = read argk in
print $ firstNpar n k
Example runs:
prog 20 2 +RTS -N2 -- I only have two cores
prog 20 '' -- run single threaded

Short-circuiting a function over a lower triangular(ish) array in Haskell: speed leads to ugly code

I've got a function, in my minimum example called maybeProduceValue i j, which is only valid when i > j. Note that in my actual code, the js are not uniform and so the data only resembles a triangular matrix, I don't know what the mathematical name for this is.
I'd like my code, which loops over i and j and returns essentially (where js is sorted)
[maximum [f i j | j <- js, j < i] | i <- [0..iMax]]
to not check any more j's once one has failed. In C-like languages, this is simple as
if (j >= i) {break;}
and I'm trying to recreate this behaviour in Haskell. I've got two implementations below:
one which tries to take advantage of laziness by using takeWhile to only inspect at most one value (per i) which fails the test and returns Nothing;
one which remembers the number of js which worked for the previous i and so, for i+1, it doesn't bother doing any safety checks until it exceeds this number.
This latter function is more than twice as fast by my benchmarks but it really is a mess - I'm trying to convince people that Haskell is more concise and safe while still reasonably performant and here is some fast code which is dense, cluttered and does a bunch of unsafe operations.
Is there a solution, perhaps using Cont, Error or Exception, that can achieve my desired behaviour?
n.b. I've tried using Traversable.mapAccumL and Vector.unfoldrN instead of State and they end up being about the same speed and clarity. It's still a very overcomplicated way of solving this problem.
import Criterion.Config
import Criterion.Main
import Control.DeepSeq
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Traversable as T
import qualified Data.Vector as V
main = deepseq inputs $ defaultMainWith (defaultConfig{cfgSamples = ljust 10}) (return ()) [
bcompare [
bench "whileJust" $ nf whileJust js,
bench "memoised" $ nf memoisedSection js
iMax = 5000
jMax = 10000
-- any sorted vector
js :: V.Vector Int
js = V.enumFromN 0 jMax
maybeProduceValue :: Int -> Int -> Maybe Float
maybeProduceValue i j | j < i = Just (fromIntegral (i+j))
| otherwise = Nothing
unsafeProduceValue :: Int -> Int -> Float
-- unsafeProduceValue i j | j >= i = error "you fool!"
unsafeProduceValue i j = fromIntegral (i+j)
whileJust, memoisedSection
:: V.Vector Int -> V.Vector Float
-- mean: 389ms
-- short circuits properly
whileJust inputs' = V.generate iMax $ \i ->
safeMax . fromJust . V.takeWhile isJust $ (maybeProduceValue i) inputs'
where safeMax v = if V.null v then 0 else V.maximum v
-- mean: 116ms
-- remembers the (monotonically increasing) length of the section of
-- the vector that is safe. I have tested that this doesn't violate the condition that j < i
memoisedSection inputs' = flip evalState 0 $ V.generateM iMax $ \i -> do
validSection <- state $ \oldIx ->
let newIx = oldIx + V.length (V.takeWhile (< i) (V.unsafeDrop oldIx inputs'))
in (V.unsafeTake newIx inputs', newIx)
return $ V.foldl' max 0 $ (unsafeProduceValue i) validSection
Here's a simple way of solving the problem with Applicatives, provided that you don't need to keep the rest of the list once you run into an issue:
import Control.Applicative
memoizeSections :: Ord t => [(t, t)] -> Maybe [t]
memoizeSections [] = Just []
memoizeSections ((x, y):xs) = (:) <$> maybeProduceValue x y <*> memoizeSections xs
This is equivalent to:
import Data.Traversable
memoizeSections :: Ord t => [(t, t)] -> Maybe [t]
memoizeSections = flip traverse (uncurry maybeProduceValue)
and will return Nothing on the first occurrence of failure. Note that I don't know how fast this is, but it's certainly concise, and arguably pretty clear (particularly the first example).
Some minor comments:
-- any sorted vector
js :: V.Vector Int
js = V.enumFromN 0 jMax
If you have a vector of Ints (or Floats, etc), you want to use Data.Vector.Unboxed.
maybeProduceValue :: Int -> Int -> Maybe Float
maybeProduceValue i j | j < i = Just (fromIntegral (i+j))
| otherwise = Nothing
Since Just is lazy in its only field, this will create a thunk for the computation fromIntegral (i+j). You almost always want to apply Just like so
maybeProduceValue i j | j < i = Just $! fromIntegral (i+j)
There are some more thunks in:
memoisedSection inputs' = flip evalState 0 $ V.generateM iMax $ \i -> do
validSection <- state $ \oldIx ->
let newIx = oldIx + V.length (V.takeWhile (< i) (V.unsafeDrop oldIx inputs'))
in (V.unsafeTake newIx inputs', newIx)
return $ V.foldl' max 0 $ (unsafeProduceValue i) validSection
Namely you want to:
let !newIx = oldIx + V.length (V.takeWhile (< i) (V.unsafeDrop oldIx inputs'))
!v = V.unsafeTake newIx inputs'
in (v, newIx)
as the pair is lazy in its fields and
return $! V.foldl' max 0 $ (unsafeProduceValue i) validSection
because return in the state monad is lazy in the value.
You can use a guard in a single list comprehension:
[f i j | j <- js, i <- is, j < i]
If you're trying to get the same results as
[foo i j | i <- is, j <- js, j < i]
when you know that js is increasing, just write
[foo i j | i <- is, j <- takeWhile (< i) js]
There's no need to mess around with Maybe for this. Note that making the input list global has a likely-unfortunate effect: instead of fusing the production of the input list with its transformation(s) and ultimate consumption, it's forced to actually construct the list and then keep it in memory. It's quite possible that it will take longer to pull the list into cache from memory than to generate it piece by piece on the fly!

What can be improved on my first haskell program?

Here is my first Haskell program. What parts would you write in a better way?
-- Multiplication table
-- Returns n*n multiplication table in base b
import Text.Printf
import Data.List
import Data.Char
-- Returns n*n multiplication table in base b
mulTable :: Int -> Int -> String
mulTable n b = foldl (++) (verticalHeader n b w) (map (line n b w) [0..n])
lo = 2* (logBase (fromIntegral b) (fromIntegral n))
w = 1+fromInteger (floor lo)
verticalHeader :: Int -> Int -> Int -> String
verticalHeader n b w = (foldl (++) tableHeader columnHeaders)
++ "\n"
++ minusSignLine
++ "\n"
tableHeader = replicate (w+2) ' '
columnHeaders = map (horizontalHeader b w) [0..n]
minusSignLine = concat ( replicate ((w+1)* (n+2)) "-" )
horizontalHeader :: Int -> Int -> Int -> String
horizontalHeader b w i = format i b w
line :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> String
line n b w y = (foldl (++) ((format y b w) ++ "|" )
(map (element b w y) [0..n])) ++ "\n"
element :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> String
element b w y x = format (y * x) b w
toBase :: Int -> Int -> [Int]
toBase b v = toBase' [] v where
toBase' a 0 = a
toBase' a v = toBase' (r:a) q where (q,r) = v `divMod` b
toAlphaDigits :: [Int] -> String
toAlphaDigits = map convert where
convert n | n < 10 = chr (n + ord '0')
| otherwise = chr (n + ord 'a' - 10)
format :: Int -> Int -> Int -> String
format v b w = concat spaces ++ digits ++ " "
digits = if v == 0
then "0"
else toAlphaDigits ( toBase b v )
l = length digits
spaceCount = if (l > w) then 0 else (w-l)
spaces = replicate spaceCount " "
Here are some suggestions:
To make the tabularity of the computation more obvious, I would pass the list [0..n] to the line function rather than passing n.
I would further split out the computation of the horizontal and vertical axes so that they are passed as arguments to mulTable rather than computed there.
Haskell is higher-order, and almost none of the computation has to do with multiplication. So I would change the name of mulTable to binopTable and pass the actual multiplication in as a parameter.
Finally, the formatting of individual numbers is repetitious. Why not pass \x -> format x b w as a parameter, eliminating the need for b and w?
The net effect of the changes I am suggesting is that you build a general higher-order function for creating tables for binary operators. Its type becomes something like
binopTable :: (i -> String) -> (i -> i -> i) -> [i] -> [i] -> String
and you wind up with a much more reusable function—for example, Boolean truth tables should be a piece of cake.
Higher-order and reusable is the Haskell Way.
You don't use anything from import Text.Printf.
Stylistically, you use more parentheses than necessary. Haskellers tend to find code more readable when it's cleaned of extraneous stuff like that. Instead of something like h x = f (g x), write h = f . g.
Nothing here really requires Int; (Integral a) => a ought to do.
foldl (++) x xs == concat $ x : xs: I trust the built-in concat to work better than your implementation.
Also, you should prefer foldr when the function is lazy in its second argument, as (++) is – because Haskell is lazy, this reduces stack space (and also works on infinite lists).
Also, unwords and unlines are shortcuts for intercalate " " and concat . map (++ "\n") respectively, i.e. "join with spaces" and "join with newlines (plus trailing newline)"; you can replace a couple things by those.
Unless you use big numbers, w = length $ takeWhile (<= n) $ iterate (* b) 1 is probably faster. Or, in the case of a lazy programmer, let w = length $ toBase b n.
concat ( (replicate ((w+1)* (n+2)) "-" ) == replicate ((w+1) * (n+2)) '-' – not sure how you missed this one, you got it right just a couple lines up.
You do the same thing with concat spaces, too. However, wouldn't it be easier to actually use the Text.Printf import and write printf "%*s " w digits?
Norman Ramsey gave excellent high-level (design) suggestions; Below are some low-level ones:
First, consult with HLint. HLint is a friendly program that gives you rudimentary advice on how to improve your Haskell code!
In your case HLint gives 7 suggestions. (mostly about redundant brackets)
Modify your code according to HLint's suggestions until it likes what you feed it.
More HLint-like stuff:
concat (replicate i "-"). Why not replicate i '-'?
Consult with Hoogle whenever there is reason to believe that a function you need is already available in Haskell's libraries. Haskell comes with tons of useful functions so Hoogle should come in handy quite often.
Need to concatenate strings? Search for [String] -> String, and voila you found concat. Now go replace all those folds.
The previous search also suggested unlines. Actually, this even better suits your needs. It's magic!
Optional: pause and thank in your heart to Neil M for making Hoogle and HLint, and thank others for making other good stuff like Haskell, bridges, tennis balls, and sanitation.
Now, for every function that takes several arguments of the same type, make it clear which means what, by giving them descriptive names. This is better than comments, but you can still use both.
-- Returns n*n multiplication table in base b
mulTable :: Int -> Int -> String
mulTable n b =
mulTable :: Int -> Int -> String
mulTable size base =
To soften the extra characters blow of the previous suggestion: When a function is only used once, and is not very useful by itself, put it inside its caller's scope in its where clause, where it could use the callers' variables, saving you the need to pass everything to it.
line :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> String
line n b w y =
$ format y b w
: "|"
: map (element b w y) [0 .. n]
element :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> String
element b w y x = format (y * x) b w
line :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> String
line n b w y =
$ format y b w
: "|"
: map element [0 .. n]
element x = format (y * x) b w
You can even move line into mulTable's where clause; imho, you should.
If you find a where clause nested inside another where clause troubling, then I suggest to change your indentation habits. My recommendation is to use consistent indentation of always 2 or always 4 spaces. Then you can easily see, everywhere, where the where in the other where is at. ok
Below's what it looks like (with a few other changes in style):
import Data.List
import Data.Char
mulTable :: Int -> Int -> String
mulTable size base =
unlines $
[ vertHeaders
, minusSignsLine
] ++ map line [0 .. size]
vertHeaders =
$ replicate (cellWidth + 2) ' '
: map horizontalHeader [0 .. size]
horizontalHeader i = format i base cellWidth
minusSignsLine = replicate ((cellWidth + 1) * (size + 2)) '-'
cellWidth = length $ toBase base (size * size)
line y =
$ format y base cellWidth
: "|"
: map element [0 .. size]
element x = format (y * x) base cellWidth
toBase :: Integral i => i -> i -> [i]
toBase base
= reverse
. map (`mod` base)
. takeWhile (> 0)
. iterate (`div` base)
toAlphaDigit :: Int -> Char
toAlphaDigit n
| n < 10 = chr (n + ord '0')
| otherwise = chr (n + ord 'a' - 10)
format :: Int -> Int -> Int -> String
format v b w =
spaces ++ digits ++ " "
| v == 0 = "0"
| otherwise = map toAlphaDigit (toBase b v)
spaces = replicate (w - length digits) ' '
0) add a main function :-) at least rudimentary
import System.Environment (getArgs)
import Control.Monad (liftM)
main :: IO ()
main = do
args <- liftM (map read) $ getArgs
case args of
(n:b:_) -> putStrLn $ mulTable n b
_ -> putStrLn "usage: nntable n base"
1) run ghc or runhaskell with -Wall; run through hlint.
While hlint doesn't suggest anything special here (only some redundant brackets), ghc will tell you that you don't actually need Text.Printf here...
2) try running it with base = 1 or base = 0 or base = -1
If you want multiline comments use:
{- A multiline
comment -}
Also, never use foldl, use foldl' instead, in cases where you are dealing with large lists which must be folded. It is more memory efficient.
A brief comments saying what each function does, its arguments and return value, is always good. I had to read the code pretty carefully to fully make sense of it.
Some would say if you do that, explicit type signatures may not be required. That's an aesthetic question, I don't have a strong opinion on it.
One minor caveat: if you do remove the type signatures, you'll automatically get the polymorphic Integral support ephemient mentioned, but you will still need one around toAlphaDigits because of the infamous "monomorphism restriction."
