How to update in one query in waterline - node.js

In SQL, I can update a field with inline calculation like this-
UPDATE user SET count=count+1 WHERE id=userID
It requires only one database operation.
But, in waterline, my only option now is to query the user, change the value, and save back into the database.
User.findOne(userID).exec(function(err, user) {
if(user) {
user.count++; {
if(!err) console.log("success");
It requires double database access. How can I reduce the overhead?

You can execute native querys with waterline so I would go that route.
User.query("query string here", function (err,result){//Handle errors and result here});


How is insertMany different to collection.insert in Mongoose?

I scouted around to find the right solution for inserting a large amount of documents to MongoDB using Mongoose.
My current solution looks like this:
MongoClient.saveData = function(RecordModel, data, priority, SCHID, callback){
var dataParsed = parseDataToFitSchema(data, priority, SCHID);
console.log("Model created. Inserting in batches.");
.then(function(mongooseDocuments) {
console.log("Insertion was successful.");
.catch(function(err) {
callback("Error while inserting data to DB: "+err);
.done(function() {
But it appears to me there are other offered solutions out there. Like this one:
Using collection.insert. How is that different to the Model.insertMany?
Same goes for update, my previous question: What is the right approach to update many records in MongoDB using Mongoose
Asks how do I update big chunk of data with Mongoose, defined by _id. The answer suggests to use collection.bulkWrite while I am under impression Model.insertMany can do it too.

In mongoose, is atomic for increment or should I always use $inc?

I need to increment the likes field of a record in MongoDB and mongoose, but I'm little 'worried' about atomicity of these operations, as this should be concurrently-safe:
Post.findById(id, function(err, post) {
post.update({$inc: {
likes: 1
Post.findById(id, function(err, post) {
Do they provide the same secure result? Think about the fact that I have even to decrement the likes of the record (e.g. if the user clicks again on the like button)
Post.findById(id, function(err, post) {
post.update({$inc: {
likes: -1
MongoDB $inc is an atomic operation within a single document (see mongoDB documentation).
In the second case, the operation is not atomic, because when the model is saving, another request could be sent, and the loaded likes will have the previous value.

Cannot delete json element

I have a node js function:
function func() {
USER.find({},function(err, users){
user = users[0];
console.log(user); // {"name":"mike", "age":15, "job":"engineer"} = "bob"; //{"name":"bob", "age":15, "job":"engineer"}
console.log(user); // {"name":"mike", "age":15, "job":"engineer"} name still there??
Here USER is a mongoose data model and find is to query the mongodb. The callback provide an array of user if not err. The user data model looks like
{"name":"mike", "age":15, "job":"engineer"}.
So the callback is invoked and passed in users, I get the first user and trying to delete the "name" from user. The wired part is I can access the value correctly and modify the value. But if I 'delete', this element is not deleted from json object user. Why is that?
As others have said, this is due to mongoose not giving you a plain object, but something enriched with things like save and modifiedPaths.
If you don't plan to save the user object later, you can also ask for lean document (plain js object, no mongoose stuff):
.exec(function(err, user) {
delete; // works
Alternatively, if you just want to fetch the user and pay it forward without some properties, you can also useselect, and maybe even combine it with lean:
.select('email firstname')
.exec(function(err, user) {
console.log(; // undefined
Not the best workaround, but... have you tried setting to undefined? = undefined;

How to use MongoDB in sails instead of waterline

I have a database which have approx 600000 records.
I 'm using the sails.js but
when I'm fetching the data with waterline approach It takes very long time to fetch 600000 records (approx 17sec) and It has limited query i.e It doesn't have Accessing Join Tables. so I join take the result of two query and then filter the data that's by It take lot's of time.
So I decided to use MongoDB with sails instead of waterline and I'm wondering if I can somehow use the Blueprint API without being linked to a Waterline model.
How to use the MongoDB instead of the waterline?
If you want to use the Sails models api, you can overwrite the blueprint methods in the controller.
So to overwrite, say, User Model, create the following functions in UserController.js:
find, create, update, destroy
find will override 'get api/v1/user'
create will override 'post api/v1/user'
update will override 'put api/v1/user'
destroy will override 'delete api/v1/user'
Once inside the controller, you can run a native query on Mongo like so:
In UserControllelr.js
find: function (req, res) {
var packet = req.params.all();
// packet now has all url and posted parameters
User.native(function (err, UserCollection) {
if(err) {
//handle error
else {
// here you can run any native mongo Query using UserCollection
// eg:
{"$match": {"gender": "Male"} },
{"$group": { "_id": "$socialNetwork", "count": {"$sum":1} } },
function (err, results) {
//do stuff with results
Hope this helps.

Why is not working in Sails.js?

Save() giving me error like "Object has no method 'save'"
if(err) return res.json(err);
cntry.image = 'images/countries/'+filename;{ console.log(err)});
Any Idea about how to save model within update query . ??
Assuming you're using Waterline and sails-mongo, the issue here is that update returns an array (because you can update multiple records at once), and you're treating it like a single record. Try:
if(err) return res.json(err);
if(cntry.length === 0) {return res.notFound();}
cntry[0].image = 'images/countries/'+filename;
cntry[0].save(function(err){ console.log(err)});
This seems to me an odd bit of code, though; why not just check for the presence of image in model before doing Country.update and alter model (or a copy thereof) accordingly? That would save you an extra database call.
When using mongoose (3.8) to update the database directly the callback function receives 3 parameters, none of then is a mongoose object of the defined model. The parameters are:
err is the error if any occurred
numberAffected is the count of updated documents Mongo reported
rawResponse is the full response from Mongo
The right way is, first you fetch and then change the data:
Country.findOne({id: req.param('country_id')}, function (err, country) {
// do changes
Or using the update method, the way you intended:
Country.update({id: req.param('country_id'), image: {$exists: false}}, {image: newValue}, callback)
