TinyMCE and SVG - svg

I'm using the latest/current TinyMCE editor (<script type="text/javascript" src='https://cdn.tinymce.com/4/tinymce.min.js'></script>) and it doesn't seem capable of displaying <svg>. I have some HTML saved in a database which contains some <svg>. When loaded in TinyMCE, it doesn't display.
Is this a known issue (I've searched and haven't found much)? Any workarounds?

TinyMCE strips empty and invalid tags. You can solve it by
Adding '&nbsp' to each empty element:
svg.find('*').each(function() {
if (!$(this).html()) {
$(this).text(' ');
here svg is your jQuery wrapped svg element.
Extending the valid elements according to the svg element reference*
extended_valid_elements: "svg[*],defs[*],pattern[*],desc[*],metadata[*],g[*],mask[*],path[*],line[*],marker[*],rect[*],circle[*],ellipse[*],polygon[*],polyline[*],linearGradient[*],radialGradient[*],stop[*],image[*],view[*],text[*],textPath[*],title[*],tspan[*],glyph[*],symbol[*],switch[*],use[*]"
*Note I added only the elements relevant for my case.

I tried Koen's first suggestion and it worked for existing SVG content (I added this in the setup callback). However it still filtered the SVG tags out when pasting HTML into the source code editor and then confirming the dialog.
After digging a bit into TinyMCE's source code to see where those elements are actually removed (it's in the DomParser class) I found an undocumented editor setting for the Schema class that specifies tags that are allowed to be empty without being removed. The only annoying thing is that you can't use it to add to the existing list, you can only override it. So when setting it you have to list the tags it has in there by default as well. Use this in the settings that you provide to TinyMCE when initialising it:
// First the list of tags that it normally knows about by default:
non_empty_elements: "td,th,iframe,video,audio,object,script,pre,code,area,base,basefont,br,col,frame,hr,img,input,isindex,link,meta,param,embed,source,wbr,track"
// Now we add tags related to SVGs that it doesn't normally know about:
+ "svg,defs,pattern,desc,metadata,g,mask,path,line,marker,rect,circle,ellipse,polygon,polyline,linearGradient,radialGradient,stop,image,view,text,textPath,title,tspan,glyph,symbol,switch,use",
This way these SVG tags should never be filtered out because they are empty - as long as they are also valid in general, e.g. by setting the extended_valid_elements as Koen suggested above or by allowing all elements (not recommended as it leaves you vulnerable to XSS attacks):
extended_valid_elements: "*[*]"
Please note that this worked for my version 4.5.8 of TinyMCE. Since this setting is undocumented it might not work anymore in current or future versions. Also they might've adjusted the default list that I'm overriding here in later versions. Find nonEmptyElementsMap and shortEndedElementsMap in Schema.js in their source code to find the default list in your version (the two lists get combined) and note that in there the tags are separated by spaces but when you supply a list yourself the list is separated by commas (for whatever reason).

Seams to be TinyMCE that removes it because it is an empty tag: http://world.episerver.com/forum/developer-forum/-EPiServer-75-CMS/Thread-Container/2015/1/tinymce-and-svgs/
You might be able to use this inside the init:
extended_valid_elements : "svg[*]",
It works with other empty tags etc, but have never tried with SVG.
From the forum post I linked to:
ok,I did some debugging into TinyMCE and the problem seems to be that
the svg element is detected as being empty and therefor removed.
Unfortunatley there is no config way to change this behavior but there
are some workarounds.
Always have a name attibute for the svg element: <svg name="something"
Always have a data-mce attribute for the svg element: <svg data-mce-something="something"
Include some text content within the svg element: <svg> </svg> Using these techniques i could succesfully store
inline svg in an xhtml property

I made it work by adding all valid SVG elements to the extended_valid_elements property of the settings object while initializing TinyMCE, no other action was needed
For your convenience here's the full list of SVG elements I used


Workaround for url(#fragment) shadowTree bug in Safari?

In an SVG, url(#fragment) fails in Safari under some conditions when the ancestor SVG is in a shadowTree. This means filters and patterns in a custom element can just stop working sometimes.
Basically, when there are two instances of the SVG created from a template, and one instance is hidden, fragment references in the other instance stop working, e.g.
<filter id="blur">
(attach cloned template to new shadows etc... )
templateUsingInstance1.style.display = "none"
// And then the following doesn't work.
templateUsingInstance2.shadowRoot.querySelector("g").style.filter = "url(#blur)"
Full Example: https://jsfiddle.net/InBllm/dw4vhax0/2/
The bug has already been reported but I'm curious if anyone else has run into this and knows a work-around.
I've tried
Inlining an SVG with relevant patterns/filters in the main doc and referring to that.
Inlining another SVG in the shadow tree with relevant patterns/filters and referring to that.
Referring to filters/patterns in an external SVG with relative and absolute paths. (Looks like this is a separate bug itself.)
Changing the style attribute directly (opposed to in defs>style).
Adding a base tag in the root HTML document.
Create an extra instance from the template, hide it (without using display:none), keep it around forever. (If other instances are created and destroyed the problem comes back.)
Abandoning shadowDom avoids the issue but that is not an option.
Best I got is this hack:
Create an extra instance from the template, hide it (without using display:none), keep it around forever.
Whenever an instance built from the offending template is removed, flash the stick-around instance. el.style.display = "none"; setTimeout(()=>{ele.style.display = "initial"},0)
This prevents breaking fragment references from getting stuck, but it can result in a one frame flash of missing filters/patterns...

In SVG, is <path /> identical to <path></path>?

I've been doing some work with SVG, and have been both writing it from scratch and generating it with javascript (including d3js).
One thing I have just noticed is that when I create a new element in javascript, ie by using
var pathNode = document.createElementNS(svgns,"path");
var pathElement = svg.appendChild(pathNode);
The resulting HTML is <path></path>. I've checked lots of D3 demos and this is how D3 produces the HTML too.
In all the docs I've read about SVG, I've never seen any mention of writing an SVG element this way. Do browsers treat the two identically? In all the browsers I've tested, the SVG displays correctly, and the W3C validator validates both versions so it would appear to be the case, but can anyone just clarify this to give me peace of mind?
SVG is an XML language and in XML <x></x> is exactly the same as <x/>. Per the XML specification
Empty-element tags may be used for any element which has no content, whether or not it is declared using the keyword EMPTY

Do SVG docs support custom data- attributes?

In HTML5, elements can have arbitrary metadata stored in XML attributes whose names start with data- such as <p data-myid="123456">. Is this part of the SVG spec too?
In practice this technique works fine for SVG docs in many places. But I'd like to know if it's part of the official SVG spec or not, because the format is young enough that there's still a lot of incompatibility between browsers, especially in mobile. So before committing to code I'd like know if I can expect future browsers to converge on supporting this.
I found this message from the working group mailing list saying they "expect [they] will" support it. Did this become official?
While other answers are technically correct, they omit the fact that SVG provides an alternative mechanism for data-*. SVG allows any attribute and tag to be included, as long as it doesn't conflict with existing ones (in other words: you should use namespaces).
To use this (equivalent) mechanism:
use mydata:id instead of data-myid, like this: <p mydata:id="123456">
make sure you define the namespace in SVG opening tag, like this: <svg xmlns:mydata="http://www.myexample.com/whatever">
EDIT: SVG2, currently W3C Candidate Recommendation (04 October 2018), will support data- directly (without namespaces, the same as HTML). It will take some time before the support is widespread though. Thanks #cvrebert for pointing this out.
The data-* attribute is part of HTML5. It’s not a generic XML attribute.
The current SVG W3C Recommendation is SVG 1.1 (from 2011-08). It doesn’t allow this attribute, as you can check in the attributes list.
The same is the case for the SVG 2 Working Draft (from 2012-08). Update (2015): It seems that it’s intended to support data-* attributes in SVG 2 (currently still a Working Draft).
data-* attributes on SVG elements are officially supported in the current draft of SVG2. See:
w3c/svgwg commit 1cb4ee9: Added SVGElement.dataset and allowed data-* attributes on all SVG elements.
ACTION-3694: Add "data-*" attributes notes to spec. (Created on: January 15, 2015)
RESOLUTION: We will reserve "data-*" attributes to be used in SVG content. The API for handling them is on Element. (from SVG WG Telecon on 15-Jan-2015)
there is a more general mechanism.
svg supports desc elements which may contain arbitrary xml from other namespaces. link instances of this elements or child nodes from you own namespace by dependent ids or refid attributes.
this is the relevant part of the spec (5.4).

How to get the effect of 'user-select: text' in css3?

The validator at http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/ says that the value 'text' for 'user-select' is not valid. For a css rule with this code in it:
user-select: text;
the validator says:
text is not a user-select value : text text
Presumably this is because of this behavior, specified at (the outdated) http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/WD-css3-userint-20000216#user-select:
This property is not inherited, but it does affect children in the
same way that display: none does, it limits it. That is if an element
is user-select: none, it doesn't matter what the user-select value is
of its children, the element's contents or it's childrens contents
cannot be selected.
Also, I only see the attribute value 'text' specified in that out-of-date css3 doc from w3.org:
and not in the latest one: http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-ui/
Additionally, searching 'whatwg.org' yields nothing.
Any ideas if 'user-select: text' is valid css3, and if not, what should be used instead?
This would be used, for example, when overriding 'user-select: none' rules applied to containers of text and ancestor containers.
You are getting this wrong. user-select:text doesn't mean it would select text only. It's default value of user-select property. W3C describe it this way:
The element's contents follow a standard text content selection model.
And Also MDN syas something same:
-moz-none The text of the element and sub-elements cannot be selected,
but selection can be enabled on sub-elements using
-moz-user-select:text .
So I don't think this should prevent selecting images or boxes.
As far as I know user-select:text is useful when you have user-select:none for most or all of your elements and you have a textbox or text area that is kind of output and you want it be selectable for copying and pasting.
It seems if you use -webkit- prefix it works for me. I'm sure it works with -moz- prefix too. Test this fiddle in your browser. I don't know why user-select:text is not working on my Chrome 13 Mac?

how to get the css keys and values for any html tag

I would like to dump all css key/value pairs for an html tag.
In particular, I would like to learn the css properties for <audio> tag, so I can try to customize the look.
document.getElementById('myaudio').style returns a CSSStyleDeclaration object but length returns 0 and I cannot figure out to iterate over the key/value pairs.
Thank you
Try Firebug for firefox. It allows you to view the CSS and properties of any element on a webpage and allows in-page editing so you can customise it on the fly until you are happy without having to create hard and fast changes
You can't iterate over the keys in the style object. It's simply impossible.
The best answer is what Chris said. Use Firebug in Firefox, or similar tools in the other browsers, which can do the work for you and tell you exactly what CSS properties apply to the element.
(Make sure that you tell the tool to show you "user agent styles", not just styles you've added, so you can see what styles the browser applies automatically.)
