I am trying to write an cron expression with a specific start time and end time everyday. i.e.
every minute from 10:15 to 17:35 everyday
One possible solution for this is writing 3 different cron expressions like this:
0 15-59 10 * * *
0 * 11-17 * * *
0 0-35 17 * * *
Is there any possible way to write this in one single cron expression ?
There is no other way to achieve it using single crone expression but to specify multiple crone expressions for specific startDate and endDate.
There is a slight modification in second crone expression though (highlighted one)
0 15-59 10 * * * (Every minute between 10:15 AM and 10:59 AM)
0 * 11-16 * * * (Every minute, between 11:00 AM and 04:59 PM)
0 0-35 17 * * * (Every minute between 05:00 PM and 05:35 PM)
Quartz Scheduler c#
run job between to hours
use corn mask:
ITrigger trigger_1 = TriggerBuilder.Create()
.WithCronSchedule("0 0/1 8-13 ? * SUN,MON,TUE,WED,SAT *")
use Quartz Schedule:
trigger_1 = TriggerBuilder
.WithDailyTimeIntervalSchedule(c => c
.StartingDailyAt(new TimeOfDay(08, 30))
.EndingDailyAt(new TimeOfDay(12, 30))
HashMap<String, String> weekday = new HashMap<>();
// String strDays ="[Monday, Friday]";
String strCalDay = "";
String startDate[] = fromDate.split("-");
String endDate[] = toDate.split("-");
weekday.put("MONDAY", "1");
weekday.put("TUESDAY", "2");
weekday.put("WEDNESDAY", "3");
weekday.put("THURSDAY", "4");
weekday.put("FRIDAY", "5");
weekday.put("SATURDAY", "6");
weekday.put("SUNDAY", "7");
strDays = strDays.replace("[", "").replace("]", "");
String strDay[] = strDays.trim().toUpperCase().split(",");
if (strDay != null && strDay.length > 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < strDay.length; i++) {
strCalDay = strCalDay + "," + weekday.get(strDay[i].trim().replace("\"", ""));
// System.out.println(" No of days :: "+ strCalDay);
strCalDay = strCalDay.replaceFirst(",", "");
//System.out.println(" No of days :: "+ strCalDay);
Calendar startCal = Calendar.getInstance(TimeZone.getDefault());
Calendar endCal = Calendar.getInstance(TimeZone.getDefault());
int yearsInBetween = endCal.get(Calendar.YEAR) - startCal.get(Calendar.YEAR);
int monthsDiff = endCal.get(Calendar.MONTH) - startCal.get(Calendar.MONTH);
long ageInMonths = yearsInBetween * 12 + monthsDiff;
System.out.println(" ageInMonths: " + ageInMonths);
if (startCal.get(Calendar.MONTH) != endCal.get(Calendar.MONTH)) {
if (ageInMonths == 3) {
Calendar middleMonth1 = (Calendar) startCal.clone();
middleMonth1.add(Calendar.MONTH, 1);
Calendar middleMonth2 = (Calendar) startCal.clone();
middleMonth2.add(Calendar.MONTH, 2);
int getFirstMMonth = middleMonth1.get(Calendar.MONTH);
int getSecMMonth = middleMonth2.get(Calendar.MONTH);
if (getFirstMMonth == 0) {
getFirstMMonth = 12;
System.out.println(" getFirstMMonth : " + getFirstMMonth);
if (getSecMMonth == 0) {
getSecMMonth = 12;
// System.out.println(" getSecMMonth : " +getSecMMonth );
exp = strTimeMin + " " + strTime + " " + startDate[2] + "-" + "31,1-31,1-31,1-" + endDate[2] + " " +
startDate[1] + "," + getFirstMMonth + "," + getSecMMonth + "," + endDate[1] + " *";
// System.out.println(" expression for month3 : " + exp);
if (ageInMonths == 2) {
Calendar middleMonth1 = (Calendar) startCal.clone();
middleMonth1.add(Calendar.MONTH, 1);
//System.out.println(" get middleDate month : " + middleMonth1.get(Calendar.MONTH));
int getMiddleMonth = middleMonth1.get(Calendar.MONTH);
if (getMiddleMonth == 0) {
getMiddleMonth = 12;
// System.out.println(" getMiddleMonth : " +getMiddleMonth );
// System.out.println(" Outside getMiddleMonth : " +getMiddleMonth );
endCal.set(Calendar.MONTH, 11);
//System.out.println(" get middleDate month 001: " + endCal.get(Calendar.MONTH));
exp = strTimeMin + " " + strTime + " " + startDate[2] + "-" + "31,1-31,1-" +
endDate[2] + " " + startDate[1] + "," +
getMiddleMonth + "," + endDate[1] + " *";
// System.out.println(" get end month2 : " + exp);
} else if (ageInMonths == 1) {
exp = strTimeMin + " " + strTime + " " + startDate[2] + "-31,1-" +
endDate[2] + " " + startDate[1] + "," + endDate[1] + " *";
//System.out.println(" expression for one month : " + exp);
} else {
exp = strTimeMin + " " + strTime + " " + startDate[2] + "-" + endDate[2] + " " + endDate[1] + " *";
System.out.println(" expression for before parameter : " + exp);
//Run with only Start Date
if (strRepeat != null && strRepeat.equalsIgnoreCase("No")) {
exp = strTimeMin + " " + strTime + " " + startDate[2] + " " + startDate[1] + " *";
} else if (strRepeat != null && strRepeat.equalsIgnoreCase("Daily")) {
exp = exp;
} else if (strRepeat != null && strRepeat.equalsIgnoreCase("Weekdays")) {
// System.out.println(" expression for weekdays before : " + exp);
exp = exp.replace("*", strCalDay);
// System.out.println(" expression for weekdays after : " + exp);
} else if (strRepeat != null && strRepeat.equalsIgnoreCase("Weekends")) {
// System.out.println(" expression for weekend before : " + exp);
exp = exp.replace("*", "6,7");
// System.out.println(" expression for weekend after : " + exp);
System.out.println(" cron expression ::: " + exp);
How can I format this String with double x,y,total to two decimal places. String output = (x + " + " + y + " = " + total);
String ouput = String.format("%.2f + %.2f = %.2f",x,y,total);
will give you the output with 2 decimal places or you can use DecimalFormat as well.
I have a form with two drop down type ahead fields. The first one works but the second one has to use different views based upon the input of the first value (actually a viewScope variable stored after the first is input). The second drop down is empty no matter what is typed into the first one. I will include the code I have for the selectItems for the second field below. I also will include the visible code to only display the second field for certain circumstances. Can you please take a look at what I have? Thanks for your help. (the views in the code are all data sources)
switch(viewScope.vsTieIn) {
case "0046":
return viewAceLkup.getColumnValues(0) + viewAceLkup.getColumnValues(1) + viewAceLkup.getColumnValues(2) + "|" + viewAceLkup.getColumnValues(0);
case "0009":
return viewDIBLkup.getColumnValues(0) + viewDIBLkup.getColumnValues(1) + viewDIBLkup.getColumnValues(2) + "|" + viewDIBLkup.getColumnValues(0);
case "0166":
return viewOrgillLkup.getColumnValues(0) + viewOrgillLkup.getColumnValues(1) + viewOrgillLkup.getColumnValues(2) + "|" + viewOrgillLkup.getColumnValues(0);
case "0016":
return viewPPGLkup.getColumnValues(0) + viewPPGLkup.getColumnValues(1) + viewPPGLkup.getColumnValues(2) + "|" + viewPPGLkup.getColumnValues(0);
case "0005":
return viewTrueValueLkup.getColumnValues(0) + viewTrueValueLkup.getColumnValues(1) + viewTrueValueLkup.getColumnValues(2) + "|" + viewTrueValueLkup.getColumnValues(0);
case "0026":
return viewAllProLkup.getColumnValues(0) + viewAllProLkup.getColumnValues(1) + viewAllProLkup.getColumnValues(2) + "|" + viewAllProLkup.getColumnValues(0);
getComponent("DropShip").getValue() ||
viewScope.vsTieIn == "0046" ||
viewScope.vsTieIn == "0009" ||
viewScope.vsTieIn == "0166" ||
viewScope.vsTieIn == "0016" ||
viewScope.vsTieIn == "0005" ||
viewScope.vsTieIn == "0026";
Here is the xsp code:
promptMessage="Enter a Customer ID, Phone or Name"
invalidMessage="Invalid Entry - check spelling"
<xe:this.rendered><![CDATA[#{javascript:getComponent("DropShip").getValue() ||
viewScope.vsTieIn == "0046" ||
viewScope.vsTieIn == "0009" ||
viewScope.vsTieIn == "0166" ||
viewScope.vsTieIn == "0016" ||
viewScope.vsTieIn == "0005" ||
viewScope.vsTieIn == "0026";}]]></xe:this.rendered>
<xp:selectItems id="selectItems1">
<xp:this.value><![CDATA[#{javascript:switch(viewScope.vsTieIn) {
case "0046":
return viewAceLkup.getColumnValues(0) + viewAceLkup.getColumnValues(1) + viewAceLkup.getColumnValues(2) + "|" + viewAceLkup.getColumnValues(0);
case "0009":
return viewDIBLkup.getColumnValues(0) + viewDIBLkup.getColumnValues(1) + viewDIBLkup.getColumnValues(2) + "|" + viewDIBLkup.getColumnValues(0);
case "0166":
return viewOrgillLkup.getColumnValues(0) + viewOrgillLkup.getColumnValues(1) + viewOrgillLkup.getColumnValues(2) + "|" + viewOrgillLkup.getColumnValues(0);
case "0016":
return viewPPGLkup.getColumnValues(0) + viewPPGLkup.getColumnValues(1) + viewPPGLkup.getColumnValues(2) + "|" + viewPPGLkup.getColumnValues(0);
case "0005":
return viewTrueValueLkup.getColumnValues(0) + viewTrueValueLkup.getColumnValues(1) + viewTrueValueLkup.getColumnValues(2) + "|" + viewTrueValueLkup.getColumnValues(0);
case "0026":
return viewAllProLkup.getColumnValues(0) + viewAllProLkup.getColumnValues(1) + viewAllProLkup.getColumnValues(2) + "|" + viewAllProLkup.getColumnValues(0);
id="eventHandler10" refreshId="custTable">
<xe:this.action><![CDATA[#{javascript:var compID = getComponent("djFilteringSelect1").getValue();
var custDoc:NotesDocument = viewCustByID.getDocumentByKey(compID);
//Set Billing Info
document1.setValue("BillCompID", custDoc.getItemValue("CustID"));
viewScope.vsBillCompID = custDoc.getItemValue("CustID");
viewScope.vsBillFax = custDoc.getItemValue("CustFax");
//Set Shipping Info
document1.setValue("ShipCompName", custDoc.getItemValue("CustShipName"));
document1.setValue("ShipAddr1", custDoc.getItemValue("CustShipAddr1"));
document1.setValue("ShipAddr2", custDoc.getItemValue("CustShipAddr2"));
document1.setValue("ShipAddr3", custDoc.getItemValue("CustShipAddr3"));
document1.setValue("ShipCity", custDoc.getItemValue("CustShipCity"));
document1.setValue("ShipState", custDoc.getItemValue("CustShipState"));
document1.setValue("ShipZip", custDoc.getItemValue("CustShipZip"));
document1.setValue("ShipProv", custDoc.getItemValue("CustShipProv"));
document1.setValue("ShipCountry", custDoc.getItemValue("CustShipCntry"));
var a = custDoc.getItemValue("CustBillName");
var b = custDoc.getItemValue("CustBillAddr1");
var c = custDoc.getItemValue("CustBillAddr2");
var d = custDoc.getItemValue("CustBillAddr3");
var e = custDoc.getItemValue("CustBillCity");
var f = custDoc.getItemValue("CustBillState");
var g = custDoc.getItemValue("CustBillZip");
var h = custDoc.getItemValue("CustBillProv");
var i = custDoc.getItemValue("CustBillCntry");
var j = custDoc.getItemValue("CustPhone");
viewScope.a = custDoc.getItemValueString("CustBillName");
viewScope.b = custDoc.getItemValueString("CustBillAddr1");
viewScope.c = custDoc.getItemValueString("CustBillAddr2");
viewScope.d = custDoc.getItemValueString("CustBillAddr3");
viewScope.e = custDoc.getItemValueString("CustBillCity");
viewScope.f = custDoc.getItemValueString("CustBillState");
viewScope.g = custDoc.getItemValueString("CustBillZip");
viewScope.h = custDoc.getItemValueString("CustBillProv");
viewScope.i = custDoc.getItemValueString("CustBillCntry");
viewScope.j = custDoc.getItemValueString("CustPhone");
document1.setValue("BillCompInfo", a + "<br />" + b + (c ? "<br />" + c : "") + (d ? "<br />" + d : "") + "<br />" + e + ", " + f + g + (h ? "<br />" + h + " " : "") + (i ? ", " + i : "") + (j ? "<br />" + j : ""));
document1.setValue("OrderStatus", "Draft");
viewScope.vsTerms = custDoc.getItemValue("CustTerms");
viewScope.vsDiscCode = custDoc.getItemValue("CustDiscCode");
viewScope.vsTradeDisc = custDoc.getItemValue("CustTradeDisc");
viewScope.vsTieIn = custDoc.getItemValue("CustTieIn");
viewScope.vsPromoCode = custDoc.getItemValue("CustPromoGroup");
viewScope.vsPromoBypass = custDoc.getItemValue("CustPromoBypass");
document1.setValue("djFilteringSelect1", "");
if(document1.isNewNote()) {
var vUNID = session.evaluate("#Unique").elementAt(0);
document1.setValue("OrderUNID", vUNID);
viewScope.vsOrderUNID = vUNID;
Take a look here http://tc-soft.com/blog/377
Your second combo has to be refreshed by the first one. So first combo must fire partial refresh to the area of second combo.
I need to get local system ip address and browser agent (firefox,chorme,ie,etc..) in MVC 5. Search google Request.ServerVariables["REMOTE_ADDR"] which is not working in MVC5
For getting IP Address use this code:
public static string GetIPAddress(HttpRequestBase request)
string ip;
ip = request.ServerVariables["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"];
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ip))
if (ip.IndexOf(",") > 0)
string[] ipRange = ip.Split(',');
int le = ipRange.Length - 1;
ip = ipRange[le];
ip = request.UserHostAddress;
catch { ip = null; }
return ip;
And for getting browser info:
System.Web.HttpBrowserCapabilities browser = Request.Browser;
string brw_info = "Browser Capabilities\n"
+ "Type = " + browser.Type + "\n"
+ "Name = " + browser.Browser + "\n"
+ "Version = " + browser.Version + "\n"
+ "Major Version = " + browser.MajorVersion + "\n"
+ "Minor Version = " + browser.MinorVersion + "\n"
+ "Platform = " + browser.Platform + "\n"
+ "Is Beta = " + browser.Beta + "\n"
+ "Is Crawler = " + browser.Crawler + "\n"
+ "Is AOL = " + browser.AOL + "\n"
+ "Is Win16 = " + browser.Win16 + "\n"
+ "Is Win32 = " + browser.Win32 + "\n"
+ "Supports Frames = " + browser.Frames + "\n"
+ "Supports Tables = " + browser.Tables + "\n"
+ "Supports Cookies = " + browser.Cookies + "\n"
+ "Supports VBScript = " + browser.VBScript + "\n"
+ "Supports JavaScript = " +
browser.EcmaScriptVersion.ToString() + "\n"
+ "Supports Java Applets = " + browser.JavaApplets + "\n"
+ "Supports ActiveX Controls = " + browser.ActiveXControls
+ "\n"
+ "Supports JavaScript Version = " +
browser["JavaScriptVersion"] + "\n";
To get client IP Address
var IPAddress = Request.ServerVariables["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"];
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(IPAddress))
IPAddress = Request.ServerVariables["REMOTE_ADDR"];
To get client user agent.
var userAgent = Request.UserAgent;
You are looking for something like to get Ip address
HttpRequest.UserHostAddress Property
and check out this for browser detection 51Degrees.Mobi Foundation
I am currently developing a game, and I have a small problem.
When a player buys an item from a shop, I set it to be sold at 75% the buying price.
But when the value is checked (before selling the item) it says, for example, "Can be sold for 115.0 gold"
How do I remove the ".0" from the "115"?
I'm still new to coding, any help is appreciated.
(It's also shown with brackets, I would like to remove those as well. In example: "You can sell this for (120.0) gold pieces.")
Edit: This is java.
int ShopValue = (int)Math.floor(getItemShopValue(removeId, 1, removeSlot));
String ShopAdd = "";
if (ShopValue >= 1000000000) {
ShopAdd = " (" + Math.floor(ShopValue*.75 / 1000000000) + " billion)";
} else if (ShopValue >= 1000000) {
ShopAdd = " (" + Math.floor(ShopValue*.75 / 1000000) + " million)";
} else if (ShopValue >= 1000) {
ShopAdd = " (" + Math.floor(ShopValue*.75 / 1000) + "k)";
} else if (ShopValue >= 100) {
ShopAdd = " (" + Math.floor(ShopValue*.75 / 1) + ")";
} else if (ShopValue >= 10) {
ShopAdd = " (" + Math.floor(ShopValue*.75 / 1) + ")";
c.sM(c.getItems().getItemName(removeId)+": shop will buy for <col=255>"+ShopAdd+"</col> coins");
simple way is use a integer type cast
(int)Math.floor(ShopValue*.75 / 1)
Math.floor is returning double parameter so u have to just convert it to int before you give it to ShopAdd string.
Apologies, as I'm sure this is a stupid question, but...
Please could anyone explain to me why this:
public class java {
public static void main(String[] args) {
byte zero = 0;
short one = 1;
int three = 3;
long one2 = 1;
float onepointnought = 1.0f;
double onedotnone = 1.0;
char letterh = 'H';
char letterw = 'w';
char letterr = 'r';
char letterd = 'd';
boolean bool = true;
String output = letterh + three + one + one2 + zero + " " + letterw + zero + letterr + one + letterd + " " + (onepointnought+onedotnone) + " " + bool;
} }
Is outputting:
77 w0r1d 2.0 true
I'm expecting it to say "H3ll0 w0r1d 2.0 true"
It's from the interactive online java tutorials over at http://www.learnjavaonline.org/
In this sentence
String output = letterh + three + one + one2 + zero + " " + letterw + zero + letterr + one + letterd + " " + (onepointnought+onedotnone) + " " + bool;
the letterh contains 'H' whose ASCII value is 72 & the addition of three + one + one2 + zero is 5 because these are non-string variables, so it is displaying (72 + 5)77 in the result,
you must convert three , one , one2 , zero to sting variable