Transfer and manage domains to/within Azure? - azure

I bought some domains a few years ago and managed it within the admin section the provider offered. I would like to manage both the domains and servers within one service, hence Azure. Is their a way to transfer my domain to a service within Azure? I know you can buy domains within Azure, hence I assume you can transfer them to Azure as well, though I read everywhere that I can only point them within the DNS.
Help would be highly appreciated!

You can use Azure DNS (warning: currently in preview so no SLA)
You maintain the old registrar for all administrative activities (i.e. annually payment for your domain) and move technical activities on Azure (name server and DNS records). You can do that for all your domanin ( or only for a zone (
Details here:


Adding custom domain names to an Azure webapp in a Nested traffic manager profile

I want to have the following setup in Azure.
* Main Traffic manager
        - WebAppA (West Europe)
        - Nested Endpoint
                 * WebAppB (West Europe)
WebappA has a custom domain name linked with a CName to the main traffic manager.
Now WebAppB also needs this custom domain name, but I'm not possible to add this.
I receive the message "Hostname is already being used in the following App WebAppA".
What I want to achieve is to have 2 WebApps running in the same datacenter with a Traffic manager on top to have better control control over the setup while doing BlueGreen deployments.
We currently have a setup spread over 2 datacenters, but we experience a lot of latency while hopping to the SQL server in WestEurope from UKSouth?
Is there any setup what can make this work?
I would suggest you to raise a support ticket where MS engineers can force add the Custom Domain if you are able to prove your Domain ownership.
The error which you are getting has nothing to do with the Traffic Manager Nested configuration. Since you have added the Custom Domain to the WebApp A, you are not able to add it to the Web App B due to some validation check.
There are probably two methods.
You could associate the same hostname to multiple web apps regardless of subscription (or even AAD tenant!) using the awverify method of validating domains. That is to create two TXT records for your two web app services.
Hostname —
Set type = TXT
value = <yourwebappname>
TTL — short. Like seconds or minutes.
You could get more details from this blog: Azure Traffic Manager with Web Apps in different subscriptions.
Another option is to assign the same hostname to Web Apps in different app service plans. Bear in mind that if you're using IP addresses/A records in your DNS, you'd need both web apps to have different IP addresses for the DNS to be able to differentiate between your web apps. Read the details in the the SO answer.

How to transfer domain to IIS in Azure with EPP Code?

I have an old website I'm trying to move to an Azure Virtual Machine (Windows 10 Server). My old service gave me an EPP Code and unlocked the domain, but after hours of research I couldn't find anything that told me how to transfer it to the server.
Domains can only be transferred amongst Domain registrars. Microsoft or you VM is not a Domain registrar so you cannot transfer to either.
You can set record on current domain registrar to point to your VM or website hosted in VM like article in comment mentions.
If you are trying to manage everything on the azure portal you can make use of Azure DNS. This will make it easier to assign domain to azure resources, just be aware there is a cost to it. You can follow this article to host you domain in Azure DNS.
Hope this helps.

Azure AppService - multitenant application different datacenter

I am building a multitenant application and I would need to know if I can achieve this in Azure.
Assuming the application will be deployed to multiple regions/datacenters. The tenant will be identified by the subdomain:, and My question is how can I make the redirect so that will be redirected to an application hosted in an US datacenter, to a datacenter in EU and to a datacenter in Australia for example?
I will guess here I have to use Azure Traffic Manager and DNS? Can somebody point me to correct path?
One possibility would be to use Azure DNS (or any DNS with an API really) to setup the CNAME record for a tenant so that it points to the right datacenter.
You would then have to add that as a custom domain on the app if you run on App Service.
Though it does have a limit on the number of domains, max 500 according to:
If you run on virtual machines, you can of course configure the server to accept traffic to *
Can't really do that with App Service, since you would only be able to map the wildcard record to one region.
You can't really use Traffic Manager in this case I think, since your tenant's data really is in one datacenter.
Unless you have replication to a secondary, in which case you could use a TM profile per region in Failover mode.

Azure App Service accept all domain names

Is it possible to have an App Service respond to all domain names that it receives? I would really like to be able to deploy to an App Service plan, rather than a VM. Note I am not trying to do wildcard subdomains - these require adding them through the Azure console. I am trying to accept any domain name that the app service receives. Adding and verifying each domain is not practical.
I have a multitenant app, so this is really important to me so that customers can use their own domain names.
I've tried adding the domain * and ., but it fails validation.
I don't think you can do this because Azure requires validation of domain ownership by adding specific records to DNS. Here is a discussion as to why they do that.
The best you might be able to do is to automate or script the binding, but even then you would need assistance from your third party partners/customers to verify their DNS ownership.
An alternative would be to transfer your DNS to Azure and use subdomains. I know you've said you're not looking at that solution, but using the Azure DNS offering would allow you to fully script out the onboarding process for a new customer.
Could you ensure that the changes to your DNS settings have been confirmed and validated from your DNS provider’s end. For certain providers, such as GoDaddy, changes to DNS records don't become effective until you select a separate Save Changes link.
For more details, refer "Map an existing custom DNS name to Azure Web Apps".
You may refer MSDN thread, which addresses similar issue.

Move domain to Microsoft Azure

I registered some domains in registrar A, but I am not satisfied with the quality of t's service. And I want to move my domains to Azure (not only deligating domain, but full management), other words - like I bought domains in Azure. I think, this will be more easy to manage all my resources in Azure only.
I need to write a request to my registrar A with full name of new registrar and set ids.
Is it possible to move domains to Azure?
Where I can get Azure registrar ids?
Looking at the comments here:, as of today it is not possible to move domains to Azure. What you could do is move domain to other registrar and make use of Azure DNS Service for DNS hosting of your domains in Azure.
