How to replace a string containing "\u2015"? - linux

Does anyone know how to replace a string containing \u2015 in a SED command like the example below?
sed -ie "s/some text \u2015 some more text/new text/" inputFileName

You just need to escape the slashes present. Below example works fine in GNU sed version 4.2.1
$ echo "some text \u2015 some more text" | sed -e "s/some text \\\u2015 some more text/abc/"
$ abc
Also you don't have to use the -i flag which according to the the man page is only for editing files in-place.
-i[SUFFIX], --in-place[=SUFFIX]
edit files in place (makes backup if extension supplied). The default operation mode is to break symbolic and hard links. This can be changed with --follow-symlinks and

Not sure if this is exactly what you need, but maybe you should take a look at native2ascii tool to convert such unicode escapes.
Normally it replaces all characters that cannot be displayed in ISO-8859-1 with their unicodes (escaped with \u), but it also supports reverse conversions. Assuming you have some file in UTF-8 named "input" containing \u00abSome \u2015 string\u00bb, then executing
native2ascii -encoding UTF-8 -reverse input output
will result in "output" file with «Some ― string».


How to replace non printable characters in file like <97> on linux [duplicate]

I am trying to remove non-printable character (for e.g. ^#) from records in my file. Since the volume to records is too big in the file using cat is not an option as the loop is taking too much time.
I tried using
sed -i 's/[^#a-zA-Z 0-9`~!##$%^&*()_+\[\]\\{}|;'\'':",.\/<>?]//g' FILENAME
but still the ^# characters are not removed.
Also I tried using
awk '{ sub("[^a-zA-Z0-9\"!##$%^&*|_\[](){}", ""); print } FILENAME > NEW FILE
but it also did not help.
Can anybody suggest some alternative way to remove non-printable characters?
Used tr -cd but it is removing accented characters. But they are required in the file.
Perhaps you could go with the complement of [:print:], which contains all printable characters:
tr -cd '[:print:]' < file > newfile
If your version of tr doesn't support multi-byte characters (it seems that many don't), this works for me with GNU sed (with UTF-8 locale settings):
sed 's/[^[:print:]]//g' file
Remove all control characters first:
tr -dc '\007-\011\012-\015\040-\376' < file > newfile
Then try your string:
sed -i 's/[^#a-zA-Z 0-9`~!##$%^&*()_+\[\]\\{}|;'\'':",.\/<>?]//g' newfile
I believe that what you see ^# is in fact a zero value \0.
The tr filter from above will remove those as well.
strings -1 file... > outputfile
seems to work. The strings program will take all printable characters, in this case of length 1 (the -1 argument) and print them. It effectively is removing all the non-printable characters.
"man strings" will provide the documentation.
Was searching for this for a while & found a rather simple solution:
The package ansifilter does exactly this. All you need to do is just pipe the output through it.
On Mac:
brew install ansifilter
cat file.txt | ansifilter

How to print only txt files on linux terminal?

On my Linux directory I have 6 files. 5 files are txt files and 1 file a .tar.gz type file. How can I print to the terminal only the name of the txt files?
directory :dir
ex1, ex2, ex3, ex4, ex5, ex6.tar.gz
Because you do not have a file extension (.txt) I would try to do it with exclusion.
ls | grep -v tar.gz
If you have multiple types then use extensions.
The command 'file', followed by the name of a file, will return the type of the file.
You can loop over the files in your directory, use each filename as input to the 'file' command, and if it is a text file, print that filename.
The following includes some extra output from the file command, which I'm not sure how to remove yet, but it does give you the filenames you want:
for f in *
file $f | grep text
You can put this into a shell script in the directory you want to get the filenames from, and run it from the command line.
The suggestions of using the file command are correct. The problem here is parsing the output of this command, because (1) file names can contain pretty any character, and (2) the concrete output of the file command is a bit unpredictable, because it depends on how the so called magic files are present.
If we rely on the fact that the explanation text of the output of the file command - i.e. that part which explains what file it is - always contains the word text if it is a text file, and that it never contains a colon, we can process it as follows:
The last colon in the output must separated the filename from the explanation. Everything to the left is the filename, and if the word text (note the leading space before text!) occurs in the right part, we have a text file.
This still leaves us with those (hopefully rare) cases where a file name contains a non-printable character, they would be translated to their octal equivalent, which might or might not be what you want to see. You can suppress this by passing the -r option to the file command. This is useful if you want to process this filename further instead of just displaying it to the user, but it might corrupt your parsing logic, especially if the filename contains a newline.
Finally, don't forget that in any case, you see what the system considers a text file. This is not necessarily the same what you define to be a text file.
Updated Answer
As #hek2mgl points out in the comments, a more robust solution is to separate filenames using nul characters (which may not occur in filenames) and that will deal with filenames containing newlines, and colons:
file -0 * | awk -F'\0' '$2 ~ /text/{print $1}'
Original Answer
I would do this:
file * | awk -F: '$2~/text/{print $1}'
That runs file to see the type of each file and passes the names and types to awk separated by a colon. awk then looks for the word text in the second field and if it finds it, prints the first field - which is the filename.
Try running the following simpler command on its own to see how it works:
file *
Given this directory of files:
$ file *
1.txt: UTF-8 Unicode (with BOM) text, with CRLF line terminators
2.pdf: PDF document, version 1.5
3.pdf: PDF document, version 1.5
4.dat: data
5.txt: ASCII text
6.jpg: JPEG image data, JFIF standard 1.02, aspect ratio, density 100x100, segment length 16, baseline, precision 8, 2833x972, frames 3
7.html: HTML document text, UTF-8 Unicode text, with very long lines, with no line terminators
8.js: UTF-8 Unicode text
9.xml: XML 1.0 document text a /opt/local/bin/perl script text executable, ASCII text
B.Makefile: makefile script text, ASCII text
C.c: c program text, ASCII text
D.docx: Microsoft Word 2007+
You can see the only files that are pure ascii are 5.txt, 9.xml, and A-C. The rest are either binary or UTF according to file.
You can use a Bash glob to loop through files and use file to test each file. This save having to parse the output of file for the file names but relies on file to accurate identify what you consider to be 'text':
for fn in *; do
[ -f "$fn" ] || continue
fo=$(file "$fn")
[[ $fo =~ ^"$fn":.*text ]] || continue
echo "$fn"
If you cannot use file, which is certainly the easiest way, you can open the file and look for binary characters. Use Perl for that:
for fn in *; do
[ -f "$fn" ] || continue
head -c 2000 "$fn" | perl -lne '$tot+=length; $cnt+=s/[^[:ascii:]]//g; END{exit 1 if($cnt/$tot>0.03);}'
[ $? -eq 0 ] || continue
echo "$fn"
In this case, I am looking for a percentage of ascii vs non ascii in the first 2000 bytes of a file. YMMV but that allows finding a file that file would report as UTF (since it has a binary BOM) but most of the file is ascii.
For that directory, the two Bash scripts report (with my comments on each file):
1.txt # UTF file with a binary BOM but no UTF characters -- all ascii
4.dat # text based configuration file for a router. file does not report this
5.txt # Pure ascii file
7.html # html file
8.js # Javascript sourcecode
9.xml # xml file all text # Perl file
B.Makefile # Unix make file
C.c # C source file
Since file does not consider the all ascii file 4.dat to be text, it is not reported by the first Bash script but is by the second. Otherwise -- same output.

Remove lines with japanese characters from a file

First question on here- I've searched around to put together an answer to this but have come up empty thus far.
I have a multi-line text file that I am cleaning up. Part of this is to remove lines that include Japanese characters. I have been using sed for my other operations but it is not working in this instance.
I was under the impression that using the -r switch and the \p{Han} regular expression would work (from looking at other questions of this kind), but it is not working in this case.
Here is my test string - running this returns the full string, and does not filter out the JP characters as I was expecting.
echo 80岁返老还童的处女: 第3话 | sed -r "s/\\p\{Han\}//g"
Am I missing something? Is there another command I should be using instead?
I think this might work for you:
echo "80岁返老还童的处女: 第3话" | tr -cd '[:print:]\n'
sed doesn't support unicode classes AFAIK, and nor support multibyte ranges.
-d deletes characters in SET1, and -c reverses it.
[:print:] matches all printable characters including space.
\n is a newline
The above will not only remove Japanese characters but all multibyte characters, including control characters.
Perl can also be used:
PERLIO=:utf8 perl -pe 's/\p{Han}//g' file
PERLIO=:utf8 tells Perl to tread input and output as UTF-8

convert this linux statement into a statement which is supported by windows command prompt

This is my statement supported by unix environment
"cat document.xml | grep \'<w:t\' | sed \'s/<[^<]*>//g\' | grep -v \'^[[:space:]]*$\'"
But I want to execute that statement in windows command prompt .
How do I do that? and what are the commands which are similar to cat, grep,sed .
please tell me the exact code supported for windows similar to above command
The double quotes around the pipeline in your question are a syntax error, and the backslashed single quotes should apparently really not have backslashes, but I assume it's just an artefact of a slightly imprecise presentation.
Here's what the code does.
cat document.xml |
This is a useless use of cat but its purpose is to feed the contents of this file into the pipeline.
grep '<w:t' |
This looks for lines containing the literal string <w:t (probably the start of a tag in the XML format in the file). The single quotes quote the string so that it is not interpreted by the shell (otherwise the < would be interpreted as a redirection operator); they are consumed by the shell, and not passed through to grep.
sed 's/<[^<]*>//g' |
This replaces every pair of open/close brokets with an empty string. The regular expression [^<]* matches zero or more occurrences of a character which can be anything except <. If the XML is well-formed, these should always occur in pairs, and so we effectively remove all XML tags.
grep -v '^[[:space:]]*$'
This removes any line which is empty or consists entirely of whitespace.
Because sed is a superset of grep, the program could easily be rephrased as a single sed script. Perhaps the easiest solution for your immediate problem would be to obtain a copy of sed for your platform.
sed -e '/<w:t/!d' -e 's/<[^<]*>//g' -e '/[^[:space]]/!d' document.xml
I understand quoting rules on Windows may be different; try with double quotes instead of single, or put the script in a file and use sed -f file document.xml where file contains the script itself, like this:
This is a rather crude way to extract the CDATA from an XML document, anyway; perhaps some XML processor would be the proper way forward. E.g. xmlstarlet appears to be available for Windows. It works even if the XML input doesn't have the beginning and ending <w:t> tags on the same line, with nothing else on it. (In fact, parsing XML with line-oriented tools is a massive antipattern.)
May try with "powershell" ?
It is included since Win8 I think,
for sure on W10 it is.
I've just tested a "cat" command and it works.
"grep" don't but may be adapt like this :
PowerShell equivalent to grep -f
The equivalent of grep on windows would be findstr and the equivalent of cat would be type.

Using sed in red hat linux to replace text

I have some XML files in a directory and they all include the tag: <difficult>0</difficult>. I just want to change that to <difficult>1</difficult>.
I'm using the following command:
sed 's/difficult>0/difficult>1/g' *.xml
All that happens is that the full XML text of all the files gets displayed, with the difficult tag showing a value of 1, but nothing happens to the actual files. When I open them, they still all contain <difficult>0</difficult>.
sed -i 's/difficult>0/difficult>1/g' *.xml
Change a string in a file with sed?
Yes, sed usually puts its result on stdout. To change the files in-place, use the -i flag:
-i[SUFFIX], --in-place[=SUFFIX]
edit files in place (makes backup if SUFFIX supplied)
One more time :)
Don't use regex to parse HTML. Using a proper parser & xpath :
xml ed -L -u '//difficult/text()' -v "1" file
xml is xmlstarlet
Check: RegEx match open tags except XHTML self-contained tags
