Aligning two columns with partial matches - excel

I am trying to align two columns that have the same partial values, say, up to the 9 first characters.
Some emails in the second column show up without being in the first column.
I would like to know how to match the first column emails to the second column.

I would like to know how to match the first column emails to the second column.
=match(a2&"*", b:b, 0)

I'm sure you can do this with an Excel formula, but in the meantime, here is a VBA solution. Press ALT + F11 to open the VBA Editor, on the left hand pane locate your Excel file, and under that double-click on "This Workbook". Now paste this code in:
Option Explicit
Private Sub Match()
Dim i As Long
Dim sourceCell As String
'Start at 2 if you have a header on row #1
For i = 2 To ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
'1 is the A column
sourceCell = Cells(i, 1)
'2 is the B column
If Trim(sourceCell) = Left(Trim(Cells(i, 2)), Len(sourceCell)) Then
Cells(i, 3).Value = "Match"
End If
Next i
End Sub
Now make sure that you have the correct Excel sheet open and again from the VBA editor click on Run -> Run Sub/User form.
CAUTION - It will report results and overwrite any data in your "C" column. If you need to change this, just change the Cells(i, 3) value from 3 to another column.


How to copy the number if contains certain number (first 4 digit) to another column - EXCEL VBA

I'm trying to search on the specific column(E), and if matched with the first 4 digit, I would like to copy the number to a different column.
Column E is where i would like to paste all the random number(dynamic)
Column A/B/C is static where i would add 4 digits from time to time.
Column I/J/K is where is would like to paste the result.
I'm doing it manually and would really appreciate if someone can help me out with the automation hence no code is provided. :(
Having ExcelO365 means you may use FILTER(). Therefor try the below:
Formula in I2:
Drag right to K2. Now, this is dynamic and will change accordingly upon data entry in column E:E, or changing values in A:C.
this is the code to execute on sheet 1, it goes through the entire column E and validates through the formula of counting if in each of the first three columns and assigns the value found in the corresponding columns.
Sub macro()
Dim Static_Data As String
Dim Sht As Worksheet
Set Sht = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Hoja1")
Active_row = 2
Do While Sht.Range("E" & Active_row).Value <> ""
Static_Data = Sht.Range("E" & Active_row).Value
For i = 1 To 3
If Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Sht.Columns(i), Mid(Static_Data, 1, 4)) > 0 Then
Sht.Cells(Sht.Cells(Rows.Count, i + 8).End(xlUp).Row + 1, i + 8).Value = Static_Data
End If
Next i
Active_row = Active_row + 1
End Sub
For Excel versions that don't support FILTER or as an alternative you can use standard formulas for this.
If you use columns F-H as helper columns (and these columns can be hidden) then the formula in F2 will be:
The formula can then be copied across and down. This will find your matches.
In order to then remove the blanks from the data you can use the following formula in I2 and again copy across and down. Depending on how many numbers you want to add in, you may want to extend the range A$2:A$100 in the top formula and F$2:F$100 in the bottom formula

VBA - Enter a formula into all active rows of the current column (when you don't know the column letter, or if the column changes)

Hi guys this is my first post, I'm wondering if you can possibly assist me.
I'd like to write a macro / script that will allow me to put a formula into the column to the right of the currently selected one (for all active rows of the current column) based on what column I've selected. The issue I'm having is that I don't always know the current column letter (as my selection changes from worksheet to worksheet).
To give you an example:
One of my columns currently contains dates, that dates are entered in different formats though, some are separated with ".", some with "-", some with spaces and so on. I have a formula that will deal with this so I need to put this formula in the column to the right of the selected column (which has the dates).
I have been able to do this when I specify the column letter, but not if it changes.
Please can you help?
Give this a go,
Sub SomethingNeat()
Dim rng As Range, x
x = Selection.Column
On Error Resume Next
Set rng = Columns(x).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants, 23)
If Not rng Is Nothing Then rng.Offset(, 1) = "'=MyFormula"
End Sub
You can use ActiveCell.Offset(0,1).Value = Variable
That means that whetever your current cell is you can move and "select" to put a value to the right cell of the one you have activated. You can move the selection using a loop.
Workbooks("Yur workbook name").Worksheets(1).Range(Adress you want to start adding).Offset(0, 1).formula = "=FORMULA"
i = i + 1
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Activate
Loop While i <= max_row
Edit: 2nd
Put the formula in a cell lets say C1
'Select a range
Set take = Worksheets(1).Range("C1")
take.Copy 'copy the formula
Worksheets(1).Paste Destination:=Worksheets(1).Range("B1:B10")
That will copy your function whenever you want it to

VBA code to recopy multiple cells if a specific cell contains a specific text

I'm new here and I apologize in advance in my question isn't clear... I couldn't find the answer after some research...
I'm looking for a way to go through all the cells of column "R" and if one cell on a given row contains "Y", then the values of cells at columns "W","X" and "Y" will take the same value as the columns "F","G" and "H" (always at the same row).
The goal is to have a button that will execute the VBA code in order to do this (instead of having to copy/paste all the time).
Thank you very much in advance for your help.
A poor ignorant but motivated VBA beginner...
Here is VBA which will do what you want. It takes advantage of the replacement operation being cells that are next to each other by using Resize.
Iterates through each cell in column R. I used Intersect with the UsedRange on the sheet so that it only goes through cells that have values in them (instead of all the way to the end).
Checks for "Y" using InStr.
Replaces the contents of columns WXY with values from columns FGH. Since they are contiguous, I did it all in one step with Resize.
Sub ReplaceValuesBasedOnColumn()
Dim rng_search As Range
Dim rng_cell As Range
'start on column R, assume correct sheet is open
Set rng_search = Range("R:R")
For Each rng_cell In Intersect(rng_search, rng_search.Parent.UsedRange)
'search for a Y, case sensitive
If InStr(rng_cell, "Y") > 0 Then
'update the columns as desired
'takes advantage of cells being next to each other
Range("W" & rng_cell.Row).Resize(1, 3).Value = Range("F" & rng_cell.Row).Resize(1, 3).Value
End If
Next rng_cell
End Sub
I tested it on my end, and it works, producing the following after running:

Sort a list by groups of varying number of rows

I've imported the results of a broken link search in to Excel and I now need to sort the results based on the error code. I can't get my head around how to do this because the error code is in the row below the URL and not in a column next to it. Also, some URLs take up more than one row.
Here is a screenshot of part of the spreadsheet:
How would I go about grouping all results with error 404 together?
Below you'll find a VBA code that do what you need. As I don't have the original sheet I create an excel and put some random data. Works fine for me.
Sub test()
Dim row, rowDest, rowAux As Integer
Dim source As Worksheet
Dim dest As Worksheet
'Replace here by the name of the worksheet that contains the data
Set source = Worksheets("Sheet1")
'This is the sheet where the modified data will be placed
Set dest = Worksheets("Sheet2")
'Start row (source sheet)
row = 1
'Start row (dest sheet)
rowDest = 1
'This is an auxiliary variable used to fill the error code column
rowAux = 0
'Go to the last line (column 1) of your source sheet and write the string !q
'This will be used as a flag to know where your data finish
While (source.Cells(row, 1).Value <> "!q")
If (InStr(source.Cells(row, 1).Value, "http") > 0) Then
dest.Cells(rowDest, 1).Value = source.Cells(row, 1).Value
If (rowAux = 0) Then rowAux = rowDest
rowDest = rowDest + 1
ElseIf (InStr(source.Cells(row, 1).Value, "error code") > 0) Then
While (dest.Cells(rowAux, 1).Value <> "")
dest.Cells(rowAux, 2).Value = source.Cells(row, 1).Value
rowAux = rowAux + 1
rowAux = 0
End If
row = row + 1
End Sub
My dataset and results:
Source sheet:
Dest sheet:
Insert a column to the left of A and fill in with a sequence of numbers (1, 2, 3, ...). Now sort by column B. Select all the error code entries and drag them to column c (or some other empty column). Resort the sheet by the sequence of numbers in column A. Now with everything ordered and the error codes is a separate column (C), you can right-click on C1, and select shift cells up. Column A can be deleted, and you can sort by the URL's (although it looks like you clean up the text a bit).
This is going to be difficult to do unless you can get the error code in the same row as the URL. However, you can still do it by using the SEARCH function on the error code. This will find the 404 error, but it won't give you the URL in the cell beneath it. Therefore, you need a function that checks to see if the cell beneath it's cell has found a 404 code. Then you can filter on the "true" values and get two rows.
Create a new column in A, and use the function below.
Filter down on 1 and 2 values.
Solution based on and the function:
=IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH("v",A2)),"OK", "Not OK")
Subject to some constraints (but they are not in your Q!) this formula in an inserted ColumnA may serve:
=INDEX(C1:C3,MATCH("*error code:*",C1:C3,0))
along with =ROW() in an inserted ColumnB (though could be elsewhere) and both copied down at the same time.
The formulae should be converted to values (copy ColumnsA:B, Paste Special..., Values over the top) and sorting be based on ColumnA then ColumnB. The rows blank in ColumnC may be deleted, as also those with error codes in that column.

Data validation list, combo box, or active X combo box in Excel 2010?

Started with a data validation list and I like that it is in the cell where I want the data to appear. Tried combo box and active X combo box and don't like that they do not reside in the cell. This is very different than Access. This is what I am trying to accomplish:
My named range (Employee) is A4:C100, 3 columns, with headings Title, MI, and LN on a sheet named "Emp".
My form location is C6. I wanted to be able to show 3 columns and end up with data from the three columns. For example, Officer J. Doe.
Currently I am using data validation list entering data into one column as Doe, J., Officer and it works. The list can be long and I will need it to be in alphabetical order.
Is this the best way or am I confused with combo box and active X combo box?
The only way to show a combination of all 3 columns in a dropdown list is to concatenate the data in a 4th column e.g. use the following formula in Cell D4
=A4&" "&B4&" "&C4
...then you can name the range D4:D100. You may wish to hide this column for presentational reasons
Actually, you will probably want to avoid naming the whole range as the bottom cells may be blank/make scrolling more awkward than strictly necessary. I would recommend dynamic ranges
The next extension exercise might be to develop your formula to allow for e.g. a missing middlename e.g.
=A4&" "&IF(B4<>"",B4&" ","")&C4
The above assumes you can sort the data manually. If the data is not being sorted manually, you will need to use VBA e.g. ensure Column D gets completed and the named range created each time a user moves off Sheet("Emp"). You can embed the following code in the Emp sheet...
Private Sub Worksheet_Deactivate
For n = 4 to 100
If Cells(n, 1) <> "" Then
Cells(n, 4) = Cells(n, 1) & " " & Cells(n, 2) & " " & Cells(n, 3)
End If
Next n
Range(Cells(4,4),Cells(100,4)).Sort Key1:=Cells(4,4), Order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlNo
LastRow = 4
Do Until Cells(LastRow + 1, 4) = ""
LastRow = LastRow + 1
ActiveWorkbook.Names.Add Name:="Employee", RefersTo:=Range(Cells(4,4),Cells(LastRow,4))
End Sub
The expressions for sorting/adding range names can be found by recording macros and eliminating code as in this expert Excel support video. Your data validation would refer to 'Employee' which is the range name created in the 4th column
There are a number of assumptions made above such as the idea that all employees have data in the first column and you would need to add logical tests if you do not always have data in all three columns
It may also be that you would prefer to create the Employee range when a user clicks in cell C6 of your form, as this may be more robust. My assumption in using Worksheet_Deactivate is that 'Employee' may be used elsewhere in your spreadsheet
Something like this. Put this code in your worksheet where the comboBox is
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim topY As Integer, leftX As Integer
topY =
leftX = ComboBox1.left
Dim c As Range
Set c = Cells(5, 5)
c.Left = topY
c.Top = leftX
c.Width = ComboBox1.Width
c.Height = ComboBox1.Height
End Sub
It should keep it locked in place if you move things around. Or you could try it in your Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range) event.
