Angular Formly - Is it possible to change the fields className with expressionProperties - angular-formly

I have an Angular Formly form with a checkbox and I want to set a class on the wrapper based on if the field is checked or not.
So in the same way that I can do
expressionProperties: {
'templateOptions.label': '$viewValue'
is it possible to do something like
expressionProperties: {
'className': '$viewValue'
I don't seem to be able to get it to work.

Here's how you'd do it:,output
Basic idea: Your wrapper can reference the formControl object to get the $viewValue directly. You could also have it reference a data property that you set with expressionProperties. You could also use a templateManipulator to add the template (instead of a wrapper). angular-formly is very flexible.


Alternate shape for EditorTemplate of Field is not being recognized

I need an alternate for the EditorTemplate of an Enumerator Field that's used when the Field has a particular name (PublishingMethod).
Based on the docs, I created a view with the pattern [ShapeType__FieldName] in the same folder as the original shape:
This is not working and still uses the original. I've thought of changing the Editor method in the Driver, but I think that defeats the purpose of alternates, which is that Orchard automatically detects the correct shape as I understand from the docs:
The Orchard framework automatically creates many alternates that you can use in your application. However, you can create templates for these alternate shapes.
Note: I can't use the Shape Tracing module, it never worked even with a clean Orchard install.
The editors in Orchard work different to how Display works. I guess it is so you get a MVC-style experience. Basically, the actual shape returned is of type EditorTemplate, which then binds your model and prefix then renders a partial view with the template name you gave it. What this means is alternates wont work as expected, or as the docs state. The alternates for your field name are actually added to the EditorTemplate shape. So what you can do is add a view called EditorTemplate-PublishingMethod.cshtml with contents like:
var m = (Orchard.Fields.Fields.EnumerationField)Model.Model;
#Html.Partial("PublishingMethodEditor", m, new ViewDataDictionary {
TemplateInfo = new TemplateInfo { HtmlFieldPrefix = Model.Prefix }
Then add another view called PublishingMethodEditor.cshtml with the overrides you want for your editor. All these views should go in the root of your Views folder.
Another approach would be to implement the IShapeTableProvider interface and adjust the TemplateName property on a certain condition but, meh, that requires code...
Edit 1
If you have that field name on other content types that you don't want to override you can use the override EditorTemplate-ContentTypeName-PublishingMethod.cshtml

Kentico 9 - Add content to an Editable Image Region (CMSEditableImage) programatically

We are looking for information on how to add content to an Editable Image programatically (with the Kentico C# API). Essentially, the equivalent of this Editable Region article for an Editable Image.
Any suggestions?
CMSEditableImage Docs
Devnet Update EditableRegion Programatically
CMSEditableImage Class
You Sure Can
Each individual editable cms page control is stored in the document's DocumentContent field and can be accessed using an indexer field. For example:
TreeNode document = DocumentContext.CurrentDocument;
string editableImageControlId = "EditableImage1";
// get the field value
string editableImageContent = document.DocumentContent.EditableRegions[editableImageControlId];
// set it to something new
document.DocumentContent.EditableRegions[editableImageControlId] = newValue;
If you look at the DocumentContent field in CMS_Document in the database you'll notice that all of the content is XML. That's because each control is serialized into XML and then nested inside this field. Thus, in this case, the value of the editableImageContent variable is an XML string:
<property name="imagepath">
I wouldn't recommend trying to modify this directly since there's no telling if Kentico would ever change this code, or the individual control would ever change its serialization output.
But if you really must
You've got a couple of options:
1. Per #josh, you could create a new control that wraps the existing one and do some method override magic so that the control continues to do the serialization on your behalf and you just modify it after the fact. However this requires that the control is currently loading.
2. You could just hard code the beast and deal with it if it ever changes (which it likely will). Try:
// get the node from wherever you need to get the node
TreeNode document = DocumentHelper.GetDocuments().TopN(1).FirstObject;
var relativeMediaFilePath = "~/NewImage.png";
var xmlImage = string.Format("<image><property name=\"imagepath\">{0}</property></image>", relativeMediaFilePath);
var cmsControlId = "editableImage1";
if (document.DocumentContent.EditableRegions.ContainsKey(cmsControlId)) {
document.DocumentContent.EditableRegions[cmsControlId] = xmlImage;
else {
document.DocumentContent.EditableRegions.Add(cmsControlId, xmlImage);
// a little hack to get this field to be indicated as updated
document.SetValue("DocumentContent", document.DocumentContent.GetContentXml());
You could clone the editableimage webpart and then work in the prerender or change the override for the GetContent() method and add your own part of the string or do a string replace and add your code.
What is that you want to add to an Editable Image? - image path?! Not sure why you'd do that, but I'd take another direction: I'd add a field to a page type, which makes it much easier to work with through API. Having this field set up with API is should be quite easy to get it on the page... e.g. place editable image and use a macro to get field value.
collections to programmatically update editable content.
The best code example can be spotted at \CMS\CMSModules\Content\CMSDesk\Properties\Advanced\EditableContent\Main.aspx.cs
It's the dialog under Pages->General->Advanced->Edit regions & web parts.

Using SELECT Options outside of Fields in Angular-Formly

I have found Angular-formly and it looks awesome. However, I have found a problem. We load the array of options for our <SELECTS> using an Ajax call so the select options can come asynchronously.
Unless I am missing something (hopefully) it seems we need to have the array when we create the "fields" for the form.
I have set up an example here
Ideally I would like to load the Array for the SELECT OPTIONs via ajax and formly to use the options like standard Angular does.
Another issue is editing the array using angular as in the button will not work.
What am I missing or doing Wrong?
I think the example you're looking for is on the website. Basically, you create a controller for the field to do the loading for you. You could also define that controller as part of a custom type.
Alternatively, you could also use expressionProperties which can accept a promise and you could do:
expressionProperties: {
'templateOptions.options': function() { /* return promise that resolves to the options you want*/ }
Good luck! Enjoy angular-formly :-)

Is there a way to use a javascript object as a custom control property?

I'm currently building a custom control to be used as an application's view navigator (classic OneUI style). First of all: this is a 8.5.3 based project, and unfortunately there's no way to use Extlib stuff or other extensions / plug-ins. So we have to build all the tricky stuff ourselves using only what came "out-of-the-box" with 8.5.3.
I'd llike to build my navigator using a repeat control containing <xp:link> controls. Datasource could be an array of javascript objects where each single object would look like this:
var navEntry = {"entryLabel" : "label-of-link",
"entryTarget" : "target-url-of-link",
"entryStyle" : "style-to-emphasize-selected-link"}
Each array element then would describe a single navigator entry.
Since the navigator will be used in all possible "DominoView" Xpages it yould make sense to build the array of JS objects at the Xpage level and then pass that info into the custom control.
I'm aware that there are multiple ways to do this, and one could be "Custom Control Properties". If there was a way to pass my JS object array.
(Hope I could make clear what I'm trying to do here...)
That object looks like a HashMap to me really. You should be able to pass that in to a custom control via custom property if you use the type java.util.HashMap I'd think. You'll need to type it in I'm sure. I've passed custom objects in by using java.lang.Object.
The custom control will get loaded during the Page Load event, and usually properties have to be available at that point. If they're loaded during the Render Response phase, that's too late. So your SSJS object will need to be Compute on Page Load.
To use contents of a repeat control, you would need to set repeatControls=true, otherwise the repeat is only built during render response. Until then it's just a single set of controls with no data in them. However, Im pretty sure repeatControls="true" means you only get the number of rows you define. You can't change it via a pager.
You can manually define the type of the custom property. For a standard SSJS Object you use "", for a SSJS Array you use "" etc. As editor for the custom property, I set the string editor ("String value").

How to render a template by name?

I am trying to get my head around ServiceStack self-hosted app and the new API.
Adding two views of the same name in separate folders results in an error at startup. Is this not allowed?
Is there a way to specify a template via a decorator on a method or directly as a return value? I know about the convention of naming views after DTOs. I prefer to be more explicit or follow a convention closer to Sinatra/Express.
return Render(typeof(Views.Foo.Index), new { Name = "Nelly" });
The ServiceStack's Razor Rockstars website which holds the documentation for Razor support in ServiceStack lists some options for selecting a different template:
If it doesn't follow the convention (i.e. Request or Response DTO name) then you can dynamically specify which view or layout template gets used by returning a decorated HttpResult like:
return new HttpResult(dto) {
View = {viewName},
Template = {layoutName},
If you're using a static view (i.e. service always uses the same view) then you can specify what view to use by decorating it with the [DefaultView] attribute
public object Get(Rockstars request) {
return responseDto;
In either case, if you want it strong-typed you can use something like typeof(RequestDto).Name.
View names must be unique
Unlike MVC, heirachy's does not influence view selection in ServiceStack and because each View Page (i.e. razor pages in the /Views folder) must be unique, you're free to lay them out in any flat or nested folder structure you wish.
