If condition query for mongo db - node.js

I have an collection with documents that can be public or private. I am looking to have a single query that can get a document by an _id and check if it's private. If it is private it needs to check if the user requesting the document is a participant in the object.
Here is the object:
"_id" : ObjectId("5769ae620e80ea1c7f8a997f"),
"owner" : ObjectId("5740edae95a1b4c043d033df"),
"private" : false,
"participants" : [
"uid" : ObjectId("5740edae95a1b4c043d033df"),
"notify" : true
"messages" : [ ]
This is the 2 step query I wrote and wondering if I can simplify it
function getRoom(roomId, user){
db.rooms.findOne({ _id: pmongo.ObjectId(roomId) })
.then(room => {
return db.rooms.findOne({
_id: pmongo.ObjectId(roomId),
participants: {$eleMatch: {uid: String(user._id)}}
} else {
return room
Any help would be great!

MongoDB has $or operator which can be used in this case:
db.rooms.findOne({ $or: [
_id: pmongo.ObjectId(roomId),
private: { $ne: true }
}, {
_id: pmongo.ObjectId(roomId),
participants: {$eleMatch: {uid: String(user._id)}}


Find id field in array of objects and return another field of that object

I can't really figure out how to return nested fields within array of objects. Here is my schema:
const chat = new Schema({
id: {
type: String,
required: true
channels: [
id: {
type: String
messages: [
author: String,
body: String,
created_at: Date,
_id: false,
avatar: String
I want to receive 50 channel messages by using chat ID and channel ID from specific range provided by user (0-49, 50-99 and so on).
So in the end I receive array of objects from that channel.
const messages = [{...}, {...}, ...]
Just a different variation of the first answer to actually return ONLY the required channel and not all of them.
"$match" : {
"id" : chatid
"$unwind" : "$channels"
"$match" : {
"channels.id" : channelid
"$project" : {
"messages" : {
"$slice" : [
I'd use the aggregation pipeline for this. I haven't used mongoose but for a basic mongo query it'd look like:
//find the matching documents
"$match" : {
"id" : "chatid",
"channels.id" : "channelid"
//split the document into the individual messages
"$unwind" : "$channels.messages"
"$match" : {
"channels.id" : "channelid"
//limit to 50 (can be after the project stage)
"$limit" : 50
//update to just return the message subdoc
"$replaceRoot" : {
"newRoot" : "$channels.messages"
For mongoose check the aggregation API or aggregation middleware docs to implement this

How to update multiple documents?

I want to update multiple documents.
My current Document,
Document Account
"_id" : "5cbd96aca1a6363473d4g8745",
"contact" : [
"_id" : "5cbd96aca1a6363473d4g8746",
"contact" : [
I need below output,
update contact array with different _id.
Document Account
"_id" : "5cbd96aca1a6363473d4g8745",
"contact" : [
"_id" : "5cbd96aca1a6363473d4g8746",
"contact" : [
Use $addToSet or $push to push id with bulk update.
You can use update with upsert. It will update the doc if exist and if not then it will create new one.
for example:
//Make a obj to set
var contacts = {
id: req.body.id,
contactIds: req.body.contactIds,
//if you want multiple fields to be update
$and: [{ id: contacts.id }, { contactIds: { $in: contacts.contactIds } }]
//Set the above obj
{ $set: contacts },
{ upsert: true },
(err, result) => {
if (err) {
console.log("Updated successfully")
This is just a reference. Modify accordingly your use.
You can use Bulk.find.update() method to update all matching documents.
var bulk = db.items.initializeUnorderedBulkOp();
bulk.find( { status: "D" } ).update( { $set: { status: "I", points: "0" } } );
bulk.find( { item: null } ).update( { $set: { item: "TBD" } } );

Mongoose Aggregation match an array of objectIds

I have a schema that Looks like this
var Post = new mongoose.Schema({
author: {
type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref: 'User'
created: {
type: Date,
Default: Date.now
I have a User Table as well. I Have a array of user ids and i am trying to search the post table based on an array of user ids
For Example
var userIds = ["575e96652473d2ab0ac51c1e","575e96652473d2ab0ac51c1d"] .... and so on
I want to return all posts created by these users. And posts should be sorted by their creation date. Is there a way to group this post based on the user ids provided, basically match the posts for an individual user?
The result I am trying to attain is something like this:
userAId : "56656.....",
post : [postA, postB],
userBId :"12345...",
post : [postA, postB]
How do I write this query?
This is what I have so far
// {"$unwind" : ""},
// "$group": {
// _id: "$author",
// "created" : {"$sum" : 1 }
// }
"$match" : { author : id}
}]).exec(function(error, data) {
return console.log(error);
return console.log(data)
"_id" : ObjectId("575e95bc2473d2ab0ac51c1b"),
"lastMod" : ISODate("2016-06-13T11:15:08.950Z"),
"author" : ObjectId("575dac62ec13010678fe41cd"),
"created" : ISODate("2016-06-13T11:15:08.947Z"),
"type" : "photo",
"end" : null,
"commentCount" : 0,
"viewCount" : 0,
"likes" : 0,
"tags" : [],
"title" : "Today is a good day",
"__v" : 0
To return all posts created by users depicted in a list of ids, use the $in operator in your query and then chain the sort() method to the query to order the results by the created date field:
Post.find({ "author": { "$in": userIds } })
.sort("-created") // or .sort({ field: 'asc', created: -1 });
.exec(function (err, data){
return console.log(err);
} else {
return console.log(data);
To get a result where you have the post id's grouped per user, you need to run the following aggregation operation:
{ "$match" : { "author": { "$in": userIds } } },
{ "$sort": { "created": -1 } },
"$group" : {
"_id" : "$author",
"posts" : { "$push": "$_id" }
"$project": {
"_id": 0,
"userId": "$_id",
"posts": 1
]).exec(function (err, result){
return console.log(err);
} else {
return console.log(result);
Or with the fluent API:
.match({ "author": { "$in": userIds } })
"_id" : "$author",
"posts" : { "$push": "$_id" }
"_id" : 0,
"userId" : "$_id",
"posts": 1
.exec(function (err, result){
return console.log(err);
} else {
return console.log(result);
This should be possible without aggregation.
.find({ author: { $in: userIds } })
.sort({ created: -1 })
If you get CastError: Cast to ObjectId failed, make sure to map your userIds array from an array of strings to an array of mongoose id's.
userIds = userIds.map(userId => new mongoose.Types.ObjectId(userId))

Create GeoJson from coordinates array in the same Mongodb collection

I want to modify my mongodb collection from 2d to 2dsphere.
I have this structure in my db.users:
"_id" : "1c6930387123e960eecd65e8ade28488",
"interests" : [
"_id" : ObjectId("56a8b2a72f2c2a4c0250e896"),
"coordinates" : [-3.6833, 40.4]
I would like to have something like this:
"_id" : "1c6930387123e960eecd65e8ade28488",
"interests" : [
"_id" : ObjectId("56a8b2a72f2c2a4c0250e896"),
"coordinates" : [-3.6833, 40.4]
I tried this:
db.users.update( {interests:{$elemMatch:{coordinates : { $exists: true } }}}, { $set: { 'interests.$.place':{"type":"Point", "coordinates":'interests.$.coordinates'} } }, { upsert: false, multi: false });
Obviously, it insert literally "'interests.$.coordinates'
And tried this in Node:
{coordinates :
{ $exists: true } }}} ,
{"interests.coordinates":1,"interests._id":1,"_id":0 }).forEach( function( doc ){
users.update( {interests:
{_id : doc.interests[0]['_id'] }}},
{ $set: { 'interests.$.loc':{"type":"Point", "coordinates":doc.interests[0]['coordinates']} } },
{ upsert: false, multi: false },function(err, numberAffected, rawResponse) {
var modified=numberAffected.result.nModified;
But coordinates were inserted with mixed values.
I didn't test this piece of code but I think this would shed light on this issue.
{interests:{ $elemMatch: {coordinates : { $exists: true } }}}).forEach( function( doc ){
for(var c = 0; c < doc.interests.length; c++) {
var orig = doc.interests[c].coordinates;
doc.interests[c].loc: { type:"Point", coordinates: orig };
//delete doc.interests[c].coordinates;
users.update({ _id: doc._id }, doc);
Try to iterate over all documents in your collection modifying the whole document and then update it in a single line.
Warning: If you have a huge quantity of documents in your collection that match the 'find' condition, you should use pagination (skip/limit) to avoid performance and memory issues in the first load.

Sort Embedded Documents in Array and fetch specifics

I have a mongoose model like this:
var activityItem = mongoose.Schema({
timestampValue: Number,
xabc: String,
full: Boolean,
comp: Boolean
var ABC = mongoose.Schema({
activity: [activityItem],
user: {
type: mongoose.Schema.ObjectId,
ref: 'User'
username: String
I want to get the activityItem array elements that have a timestampValue less than a specific value. Also, I want to sort the activity array first according to the timestampValue
This is the code that I currently have. And it doesn't work.
'user': current_user,
'activity' : {
$all: [
"$elemMatch": {
timestampValue: {
$lte: time
function(err, user){
Sample Document structure:
"_id" : ObjectId("56d5e88adfd14baf1848a7c6"),
"user" : ObjectId("56bf225342e662f4277ded73"),
"notifications" : [],
"completed" : [],
"activity" : [
"timestampValue": 1456902600000,
"xabc": "Some value",
"full": true,
"comp": false,
"_id" : ObjectId("56d5e88adfd14baf1848a7d2")
"timestampValue": 1456702600000,
"xabc": "Some other value",
"full": true,
"comp": false,
"_id" : ObjectId("56d5e88adfd14baf1848a7d3")
"__v" : 1
The POST call has the following params
hash: "2e74aaaf42aa5ea733be963cb61fc5ff"
time: 1457202600000
hash comes into the picture once i have the docs from mongo
time is a unix timestamp value.
Instead of returning only the elements that are less than the time value, it is returning all the array elements. I tried the aggregation framework to sort the array before querying, but couldn't get the hang of it.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Please try to do it through aggregation as below
// filter the document by current_user
{$match: {user: ObjectId(current_user)}},
// unwind the activity array
{$unwind: '$activity'},
// filter the timestampValue less than time
{$match: {'activity.timestampValue': {$lte: time}}},
// sort activity by timestampValue in ascending order
{$sort: {'activity.timestampValue': 1}},
// group by _id, and assemble the activity array.
{$group: {_id: '$_id', user: {$first: '$user'},activity: {$push: '$activity'}}}
], function(err, results){
if (err)
throw err;
// populate user to get details of user information if needed
//ABS.populate( results, { "path": "user" }, function(err, rets) {
Well, it seems little bit tricky with MongoDb aggregation pipeline unless you have MongoDB 3.2, but you can definitely
achieve your result with help of map-reduce.
MongoDB version < 3.2
var findActivities = function (time) {
db.col.mapReduce(function () {
var item = Object.assign({}, this);
delete item.activity;
item.activity = [];
for (var i = 0; i < this.activity.length; i++) {
if (this.activity[i].timestampValue <= time) {
emit(item._id, item);
}, function (k, v) {
return {items: v};
}, {
out: {"inline": true},
scope: {time: time}
}).results.forEach(function (o) {
printjson(o); // Or perform action as appropriate
Based your sample data when called findActivities(1456802600000), it will find and return only those documents matching criteria.
"_id" : ObjectId("56d5e88adfd14baf1848a7c6"),
"value" : {
"_id" : ObjectId("56d5e88adfd14baf1848a7c6"),
"user" : ObjectId("56bf225342e662f4277ded73"),
"notifications" : [
"completed" : [
"__v" : NumberInt(1),
"activity" : [
"timestampValue" : NumberLong(1456702600000),
"xabc" : "Some other value",
"full" : true,
"comp" : false,
"_id" : ObjectId("56d5e88adfd14baf1848a7d3")
MongoDB version 3.2+
{$project:{user:1, notifications:1, completed:1, activity:{
$filter:{input: "$activity", as: "activity", cond:{
$lte: ["$$activity.timestampValue", 1456802600000]}}}}}
Both solutions will have same output.
