Running spark streaming forever on production - linux

I am developing a spark streaming application which basically reads data off kafka and saves it periodically to HDFS.
I am running pyspark on YARN.
My question is more for production purpose. Right now, I run my application like this:
Imagine you are going to deliver this spark streaming application (in python) to a client, what would you do in order to keep it running forever? You wouldn't just give this file and say "Run this on the terminal". It's too unprofessional.
What I want to do , is to submit the job to the cluster (or processors in local) and never have to see logs on the console, or use a solution like linux screen to run it in the background (because it seems too unprofessional).
What is the most professional and efficient way to permanently submit a spark-streaming job to the cluster ?
I hope I was unambiguous. Thanks!

You could use spark-jobserver which provides rest interface for uploading your jar and running it . You can find the documentation here spark-jobserver .


how to get the apache spark job state and transfer it to front-end web in real-time?

I want to get the Apache job state or application state in real-time and push the state to front-end web for demonstration(web will show this state to users). How can I do this besides fetching information in json through visting RESTFUL API of spark? or any books can help me with this?
In the past , i have used Apache LIVY. There are REST API's available that allow you to submit spark jobs, monitor status and report errors/completion
You can read more at :
Please check on SparkUI. I hope this will help you to get the spark state in Web UI.
Getting spark job state depends on the way you are running your spark application.
So, if you ran your spark application on yarn, you can use Yarn UI and Spark UI
If you are running spark in Standalone for example, and as #Kumar Immanuel said, you can use Spark UI
You can use SparkLauncher and then SparkAppHandler to get the status
of the job.
You can also explore SparkListeners.

Is there a way to submit spark job on different server running master

We have a requirement to schedule spark jobs, since we are familiar with apache-airflow we want to go ahead with it to create different workflows. I searched web but did not find a step by step guide to schedule spark job on airflow and option to run them on different server running master.
Answer to this will be highly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
There are 3 ways you can submit Spark jobs using Apache Airflow remotely:
(1) Using SparkSubmitOperator: This operator expects you have a spark-submit binary and YARN client config setup on our Airflow server. It invokes the spark-submit command with given options, blocks until the job finishes and returns the final status. The good thing is, it also streams the logs from the spark-submit command stdout and stderr.
You really only need to configure a yarn-site.xml file, I believe, in order for spark-submit --master yarn --deploy-mode client to work.
Once an Application Master is deployed within YARN, then Spark is running locally to the Hadoop cluster.
If you really want, you could add a hdfs-site.xml and hive-site.xml to be submitted as well from Airflow (if that's possible), but otherwise at least hdfs-site.xml files should be picked up from the YARN container classpath
(2) Using SSHOperator: Use this operator to run bash commands on a remote server (using SSH protocol via paramiko library) like spark-submit. The benefit of this approach is you don't need to copy the hdfs-site.xml or maintain any file.
(3) Using SimpleHTTPOperator with Livy: Livy is an open source REST interface for interacting with Apache Spark from anywhere. You just need to have REST calls.
I personally prefer SSHOperator :)

Kafka Spark Streaming

I was trying to build Kafka and spark streaming use case. In that, Spark Streaming is consuming streaming from Kafka. And we are enhancing stream and storing enhanced stream into some target system.
My question here is that does it make sense to run spark streaming job in yarn-cluster or yarn-client mode? (Hadoop is not involved here)
What I think Spark streaming job should run only local mode but another question is how to improve the performance of spark streaming job.
This is specific to run the job in local mode
Usually we use this to perform POC's and on a very small data.
You can debug the job to understand how each line of code is working.
But, you need to be aware that since the job is running in your local you cannot get the most out of sparks distributed architecture.
your driver program is running on the yarn client where you type the command to submit the spark application . But, the tasks are still executed on the Executors.
In cluster mode, the Spark driver runs inside an application master process which is managed by YARN on the cluster, and the client can go away after initiating the application. This is the finest way of running the spark job to be benefited by the advantages provided by a cluster manager
I hope this gives you a clarity on how you may want to deploy your spark job.
Infact, Spark provides you a very clean documentation explaining various deployment strategies with examples.
the difference will be with yarn-client, you will force the spark job to choose the host where you run spark-submit as the driver , because in yarn-cluster , the choice won't be the same host everytime you run it
so the best choice is to always choose yarn-cluster to avoide overloading the same host if you are going to submit multi job in the same host with yarn-client

How to make spark streaming job run perpetually on HD Insights (YARN)?

I am developing a spark application running in HD Insights Cluster (YARN based) with IntelliJ. Currently, I submit jobs through the Azure HD Insights plug-in directly from IntelliJ. This, in turns, use the Livy API to submit the job remotely.
When I am done with developing the code, I would like the streaming job to be run perpetually. Currently, if the job fails five times, the program stops and doesn't restart itself. Is there any way to change this behavior? Or what solution do most people use to make spark restart after failing?
Restart of Yarn Spark jobs is controlled by Yarn settings. So you need to increase number of restarts for the spark application (yarn application master) in yarn. I believe it's:
In HDInsight go to Ambari UI and change this setting in Yarn -> Config -> Advanced Yarn-site.
In order to submit production job you can use livy APIs directly as described here:

why Livy or spark-jobserver instead of a simple web framework?

I'm building a RESTful API on top of Apache Spark. Serving the following Python script with spark-submit seems to work fine:
import cherrypy
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
spark = SparkSession.builder.appName('myApp').getOrCreate()
sc = spark.sparkContext
class doStuff(object):
def compute(self, user_input):
# do something spark-y with the user input
return user_output
But googling around I see things like Livy and spark-jobserver. I read these projects' documentation and a couple of tutorials but I still don't fully understand the advantages of Livy or spark-jobserver over a simple script with CherryPy or Flask or any other web framework. Is it about scalability? Context management? What am I missing here? If what I want is a simple RESTful API with not many users, are Livy or spark-jobserver worth the trouble? If so, why?
If you use spark-submit, you must upload manually JAR file to cluster and run command. Everything must be prepared before run
If you use Livy or spark-jobserver, then you can programatically upload file and run job. You can add additional applications that will connect to same cluster and upload jar with next job
What's more, Livy and Spark-JobServer allows you to use Spark in interactive mode, which is hard to do with spark-submit ;)
I won't comment on using Livy or spark-jobserver specifically but are at least three reasons to avoid embedding Spark context directly in your application:
Security with the main focus on reducing exposure of your cluster to the outside world. Attacker which gains control over your application can do anything between getting access to your data to executing arbitrary code on your cluster if cluster is not correctly configured.
Stability. Spark is a complex framework and there many factors which can affect its long term performance and stability. Decoupling Spark context and application allows you to handle Spark issues gracefully, without full downtime of your application.
Responsiveness. User facing Spark API is mostly (in PySpark exclusively) synchronous. Using external service basically solves this problem for you.
