Use express and hapijs together - node.js

We have a somewhat big nodejs app using express. We started experimenting with hapijs on smaller services and kind of like it more than express. So we'd like to migrate the express app to hapijs. But since the app is already big, and we don't want to do a complete rewrite at once, but rewrite it step by step, so we can do it in more time. Is there any way to use express and hapijs within the same nodejs process and do the routing between those to by routes?

You should go through on this link:
It will show you how to mount your express app onto your hapi server.

You have a couple of options to do it:
You can run those in two separate servers under a HAProxy and decide which server will answer by the route.
You can run 2 separate servers where Hapi will be in charge on all the routes once the route is not found it will proxy the request to express.
Option 1 will have better performance and help you in the future when you need to scale.


What is the best way to integrate Nodejs and Vuejs

I want to know the best practices involved in integrating nodejs and vuejs applications.
I looking at various options and I’m not sure which is the best
The best approach is to have a nodejs API in one place and a VueJS app in another and to communicate between both via API calls.
Not sure which other ones there are.
├───api // Your Nodejs server
└───client // Your Vue app
Create a folder like this. Now start your Node API on any port (for example 3000) and then start your Vue app on different port (for example 4000).
Now you can send any request (GET, POST, PUT etc.) from your Vue app to your Node API. In our case API origin is http://localhost:3000

Building scalable SPAs using websockets, how complex is it?

I am beginner in web technologies. While studying about frontend frameworks, I came to know that we run separate application servers for frontend and backend server(API).
e.g. If I am using vue.js, I'll be running a vue server for frontend and I'll be running another MEAN stack API server separately. Now my application will need to show real-time updates, I'll have to use websocket connection between my browser and frontend server which further will need websocket/webhook connection with my backend server(API). Now I am already aware of the scalability and session management issues with websocket connection. In this scenario, how should I build my application for better scalability and with less complexity? Is it possible to create a monolithic application server for frontend and backend? Will that be a good choice?
Is it possible to create a monolithic application server for frontend and backend? Will that be a good choice?
That choice is fine; start simple and you can break into microservices in the future. Unless this is for a large production system!
If you use something like express you can serve the Vue.js files using express.static, API endpoints using express.Router() instances, and the ws or module attached to express instance for websockets.
Now my application will need to show real-time updates, I'll have to
use websocket connection between my browser and frontend server which
further will need websocket/webhook connection with my backend server
This isn't the case. You can have your frontend (the app running in a browser) connect directly to the backend via websocket if you wish, no need to proxy via a frontend server. For session management look into JWT tokens.
You can go for library in Nodejs. It's simple and easy to use, The scalability and session can be handled by introducing Redis,

Loopback and Express wiring

I am planning to build a new application with express (for frontend) and loopback for managing all APIs, hosted on different servers.
How would you typically architect this, would the app (browser) directly make http requests to loopback for data, or would all requests go through expressjs and user never interacts with loopback?
If its the former, how do you do session management? If its latter, would you need to recreate all routes even in express?
Would appreciate some help.
Disclaimer: I am co-author and a core developer of LoopBack.
LoopBack is using Express under the hood. Every LoopBack application is an Express application too, therefore you can use any Express compatible middleware (like session management) and define Express-based routes in your LoopBack project.
It's entirely possible to write a LoopBack application that's serving both REST/JSON API and front-end files, we have users successfully running this setup in production.
As for session management, I don't know what exactly are you asking about. In general, you handle sessions in LoopBack the same way you handle them in Express.
You may find the following resources helpful:
Defining middleware
Use cookies securely

What is the best framework and difference of nodejs framework

These days I try to develop real time application using nodejs.
That application want to update the dashboard according to api data.
I installed express and faye and try to compare what is the best and what are the differences of that two.
As I know express is a node base framework and faye is a subscriber/publisher based one.
But I think both are almost same and anyone can help me to identify the differences?
What is fast and what can be done using the frameworks like that ?
Thanks in advance.
They are not very comparable. If you want to create a real-time application, you will probably need to use both.
Express is a web framework. You will need it to serve and handle HTTP requests and responses. It will help you handle things like url routing, request/response handling middleware, interfacing with template engines, etc... Express is as fast as you'll get.
Faye is a pub sub messaging system- It will not be capable of handling standard HTTP requests and responses. You may be able to implement a live stream of the data using Faye, however, you will still have the need to serve up your client side application using Express.
I would also look into as an alternative to Faye- in addition to Express.

Requests to api on Heroku-hosted NodeJS app not making it to app

I'm hosting a NodeJS+Express+Mongoose app on Heroku and have been struggling to understand why some of my GET requests are serving stale data, after repeated changes to resources using the api. The changes only get reflected through the GET call after about half an hour or if I restart the server.
The stale resource data gets returned for requests from multiple clients, my Angular JS webapp as well as curl. So, I'm guessing it isn't something to do with caching on the client.
Based on the logging it looks like the requests aren't even making it to the Express app routes, so I'm guessing there's some kind of caching that's happening on the server. I don't see this behaviour on my local system, so is it something that can be disabled on Heroku?
Generally, if you are using Express then your request passes through multiple Express Middleware before actually reaching your app routes. You have to see if there is some error in any of those middleware or there is some validation error for the data which you feed in.
I would suggest you to exhaustively test the data which failed on the heroku app on your local app too.
