GML room_goto() Error, Expecting Number - game-maker-language

I'm trying to make a game that chooses a room from a pool of rooms using GML, but I get the following error:
FATAL ERROR in action number 3 of Create Event for object obj_control:
room_goto argument 1 incorrect type (5) expecting a Number (YYGI32)
at gml_Object_obj_control_CreateEvent_3 (line 20) - room_goto(returnRoom)
pool = ds_list_create()
ds_list_insert(pool, 0, rm_roomOne)
ds_list_insert(pool, 1, rm_roomTwo)
ds_list_insert(pool, 2, rm_roomThree)
ds_list_insert(pool, 3, rm_roomFour)
var returnIndex;
var returnRoom;
returnIndex = irandom(ds_list_size(pool))
returnRoom = ds_list_find_value(pool, returnIndex)
if (ds_list_size(pool) == 0){
I don't get the error message saying it's expecting a number.

This is weird indeed... I think this should actually work.. But I have no GM around to test :(
For now you can also solve this using "choose". This saves a list (and saves memory, because you're not cleaning up the list by deleting it - thus it resides in memory)
room_goto(choose(rm_roomOne, rm_roomTwo, rm_roomThree, rm_roomFour));
choose basically does exactly what you're looking for. Might not be the best way to go if you're re-using the group of items though.


How can I handle the "Maximum number of emojis reached (50)" error on discord?

So ive been making a command to steal an emoji from a different server, and im just trying to handle errors, but cannot seem to handle this error without it still throwing the error in my console like a madman...
DiscordAPIError: Maximum number of emojis reached (50)
is there some way to handle this error so it doesn't crash the bot but simply just inform the user that they cannot add any more emojis in their server?
You could do a check on how many emojis the server currently has, nothing harder.
This is just an example, as you did not provide any code so you need to figure out how to work around this.
const serverTier = message.guild.premiumTier;
let maxSize = 50;
if(serverTier == "TIER_1") maxSize = 100
elseif(serverTier == "TIER_2") maxSize = 150
elseif(serverTier == "TIER_3") maxSize = 250
if(message.guild.emojis.cache.size >= maxSize) return message.reply("No can do");
Using Guild.premiumTier you get a response of which tier of server boosting the server is on, which affects the emoji slots. So this way you can count the amount Guild can have emojis and then check if they have that many.

Sprite object is not iterable, Platform Game (Python)

I am creating a platform game. I was trying to do a platform that went constantly up and down like an elevator, when i got this error: TypeError: 'Sprite' object is not iterable.
Here's the code related to the elevator:
self.platform_list = arcade.SpriteList()
self.elevator = arcade.Sprite()
for i in range(600,800,32):
self.elevator =
arcade.Sprite("imagenes/platformer/Ground/dirt_grass.png", SCALE_PLATFORMS)
self.elevator.center_x = i
self.elevator.center_y = 420
self.elevator.change_y = 2
for plat in self.elevator :
if plat.center_y > 680 :
plat.change_y = - 2
if plat.center_y < 400 :
plat.change_y = 2
if i change the update by replacing plat for self.elevator, and get rid of the for, only one block of the ones that conform the platform goes up and down, the rest goes up without stoping, and gets out of the screen. I have tried also changing the for by "for self.elevator in self.platform_list" and then changing plat for self.elevator, but when i execute it, all platforms move up and down.
¿How can i fix this? Please help me.

How to find the indirect nodes connected to a particular node in Spark Graphx

I want to find the indirect nodes that are connected to a particular node.
I tried using the connected components class of Graph like below...
However, it is giving for all the graph..but i want for a particular node.
I have tried doing like below also.
graph.edges.filter(_.srcId == x).map(_.dstId)
This gives the direct nodes of a particular node and i have to recursive this by using RDD operations only.
Could any one please help on this ?
Try something like this:
graph.edges.filter(_.srcId == x).map(e => (e.dstId, null)).join(
).flatMap{t => t._2._2}.collect.toSet
If you want to go deeper than this, I would use something like the Pregel API. Essentially, it lets you repeatedly send messages from node to node and aggregate the results.
Edit: Pregel Solution
I finally got the the iterations to stop on their own. Edits below. Given this graph:
res46: Array[(org.apache.spark.graphx.VertexId, Array[Long])] = Array((4,Array()), (8,Array()), (1,Array()), (9,Array()), (5,Array()), (6,Array()), (2,Array()), (3,Array()), (7,Array()))
res47: Array[org.apache.spark.graphx.Edge[Double]] = Array(Edge(1,2,0.0), Edge(2,3,0.0), Edge(3,4,0.0), Edge(5,6,0.0), Edge(6,7,0.0), Edge(7,8,0.0), Edge(8,9,0.0), Edge(4,2,0.0), Edge(6,9,0.0), Edge(7,9,0.0))
We are going to send messages of the type Array[Long] -- an array of all the VertexIds of connected nodes. Messages are going to go upstream -- the dst will send the src its VertexId along with all of the other downstream VertexIds. If the upstream node already knows about the connection, no message will be sent. Eventually, every node knows about every connected node and no more messages will be sent.
First we define our vprog. According to the docs:
the user-defined vertex program which runs on each vertex and receives
the inbound message and computes a new vertex value. On the first
iteration the vertex program is invoked on all vertices and is passed
the default message. On subsequent iterations the vertex program is
only invoked on those vertices that receive messages.
def vprog(id: VertexId, orig: Array[Long], newly: Array[Long]) : Array[Long] = {
(orig ++ newly).toSet.toArray
Then we define our sendMsg -- edited: swapped src & dst
a user supplied function that is applied to out edges of vertices that
received messages in the current iteration
def sendMsg(trip: EdgeTriplet[Array[Long],Double]) : Iterator[(VertexId, Array[Long])] = {
if (trip.srcAttr.intersect(trip.dstAttr ++ Array(trip.dstId)).length != (trip.dstAttr ++ Array(trip.dstId)).toSet.size) {
Iterator((trip.srcId, (Array(trip.dstId) ++ trip.dstAttr).toSet.toArray ))
} else Iterator.empty }
Next our mergeMsg:
a user supplied function that takes two incoming messages of type A
and merges them into a single message of type A. This function must be
commutative and associative and ideally the size of A should not
Unfortunately, we're going to break the rule in the last sentence above:
def mergeMsg(a: Array[Long], b: Array[Long]) : Array[Long] = {
(a ++ b).toSet.toArray
Then we run pregel -- edited: removed maxIterations, defaults to Int.MaxValue
val result = graph.pregel(Array[Long]())(vprog, sendMsg, mergeMsg)
And you can look at the results:
res48: Array[(org.apache.spark.graphx.VertexId, Array[Long])] = Array((4,Array(4, 2, 3)), (8,Array(8, 9)), (1,Array(1, 2, 3, 4)), (9,Array(9)), (5,Array(5, 6, 9, 7, 8)), (6,Array(6, 7, 9, 8)), (2,Array(2, 3, 4)), (3,Array(3, 4, 2)), (7,Array(7, 8, 9)))

Firebase... Add/Update Firebase Using node.js Script

I have arbitrary JSON that is sensibly laid out like this:
"name":"Buckeye, AZ",
"street":"416 S Watson RD",
I've written a node.js script like this for proof of concept (why I'm using node is that the JS API seems better supported than REST or Ruby for this. I could be wrong):
http = require('http')
Firebase = require('firebase')
all_sites_url = ""
firebase_url = ""
http.get(all_sites_url, (res) ->
body = ""
res.on "data", (chunk) ->
body += chunk
res.on "end", ->
response = JSON.parse(body)
all_sites = response
).on "error", (e) ->
console.log "Got error: ", e
send_to_firebase = (response) ->
firebase_ref = new Firebase(firebase_url)
for charger in response
console.log charger
new_child = firebase_ref.push()
new_child.set {id:, data: charger}, (error) ->
if error
console.log "Data cound not be saved #{error}"
console.log "Data saved successfully"
The result is a unique id generated by Firebase, which has as a child a data and an id child. The data child has the expected information like name, status, etc.
What I'd prefer is to generate a key-value pair. E.g., for an id of 100:
- 100
- name
- address
etc. So my first question is how to accomplish this or if it is even sensible.
After the first time around, this data (call it the data from an external server) will be there and a mobile app will have added some fields. These are not present in the data already there. Next time I fetch data from the external server, I want to update things that have changed that the server would know about, like status. I don't want to tamper with things that only the mobile devices would know about like remote_observations.
I know I'm seeming a bit dense here, but I'm trying to put together a sensible data model that will be updatable from that server using a CRON job and incrementally updatable from a bunch of mobile devices.
Any help is much appreciated.
UPDATE: I have found that this works for getting the structure I want:
send_to_firebase = (response) ->
firebase_ref = new Firebase(firebase_url)
for charger in response
firebase_ref.child( charger, (error) ->
if error
console.log "Data could not be saved #{error}"
responses_pending += 1
console.log "Data saved successfully : #{responses_pending} pending"
firebase_ref.on 'value', ->
console.log "value received rp=#{responses_pending}"
process.exit() if (responses_pending -= 1) < 1
So the code I settled on is this:
http = require('http')
Firebase = require('firebase')
firebase_url = '/path/to/your/firebase'
# code to get JSON of the form:
"name":"Buckeye, AZ",
"address":{"street":"416 S Watson RD",
... etc.
# Asynchronous get of JSON hash from some server or other.
get_my_fine_JSON().on 'complete', (response) ->
send_to_firebase = (response) ->
firebase_ref = new Firebase(firebase_url)
length = response.length
for charger in response
firebase_ref.child( charger, (error) ->
if error
console.log "Data could not be saved #{error}"
console.log "Data saved successfully"
process.exit() if length -= 1 is 0
The idea was to have a Firebase structure like this:
- 100
- address
street: "123 Main Street"
That's reason 1 why id is pulled up to be the primary key. Reason 2 is so that I can uniquely identify an object pulled off the external server as the "same" one in my Firebase and apply any updates necessary.
Epiphany 1: Update is more like upsert. If the key is there, whatever hash you supply replaces matching values. If it's not there, then Firebase happily adds it. Which is way cool because it covers both the push and patch cases.
Epiphany 2: This process will hang waiting for events if nothing tells it to stop. That's why the countdown index, length is decremented until the code has upserted (for lack of a better term) each item.
Observation 1: Doing this in node.js is super fast compared with REST using Python or Ruby. And this upsert stuff is wicked cool if I'm understanding it right.
Observation 2: There isn't a ton of wisdom out there as of this writing regarding writing node shell scripts to do this kind of stuff. Maybe it's a good idea, maybe a bad one. I don't know.
Observation 3: Because of the asynchronous nature of node and the Firebase Javascript API (both GOOD THINGs), terminating a process before the last bit is done can be tricky because your process has to hang on just long enough to complete its last request/response with Firebase. This is, as mentioned before, done in the completion handler of the update. Otherwise we wouldn't necessarily be complete when the process exited.
Caveat 1: Related to observation 2, this could be a bad idea, but I haven't been able to find resources that speak to the problem.
Caveat 2: This could be a horrid abuse or misunderstanding of the Firebase update API. I am reporting observed behavior in the limited case of my specific data. YMMV.
Caveat 3: I'm hoping the process lifetime is as I suggest it is in observation 3.
A note to the decaffeinated: The Javascript for this is so trivially different that it shouldn't be too tough to translate. Or go to js2coffee and paste the Coffeescript into the right pane to get real Javascript in the left pane that you can tune.

Lua string from file

I'm trying to make a system which backs up and restores points for a gameserver, so it can safely restart without loosing anything.
I have made a script to do just this and the actual backing up part works fine, but the restore part does not.
This is the script that runs if 'Backup(read)' is used (Backup(write) works perfectly as it is designed to do):
if (source and read) then
System.LogAlways("[System] Restoring serverdata from file 'backup.CHK'");
for line in source:lines() do
Backup = {};
Backup.Date = (Date or line:match("File Last Modified: (.-)"));
Backup.Time = (Time or line:match("time: (.-)"));
US = tonumber((US or line:match("us: (.-)")));
NK = tonumber((NK or line:match("nk: (.-)")));
local params = {class = "Player";
position = {x = 1, y = 1, z = -1000};
Respawn = { bRespawn = 0; nTimer =0; bUnique = 1; };
bUsable = 0;
orientation = {0, 90, 135};
name = "BackupEntity"; };
local ent = System.SpawnEntity(params);,;, 100, (NK/3));,;, 100, (US/3));
I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong,and most sites that I have looked at don't help that much. The problem is that it's not reading any values from the file.
Any help will be appreciated :).
The reason that we have to divide the score by 3 is because the server multiplies all scores by 3. If we were not to divide it by 3, then the score will always be 3 times larger on each restore.
Example contents of the backup.CHK file:
The server is dependent on this file, and writes to it every hour. Please do not edit.
File Last Modified: 11/07/2013
This file was generated by the servers' autobackup system.
time: 22:51
us: 453445
nk: 454567
A couple of ideas of what might be causing the problem:
Use of (.-) lazy matching which matches the shortest pattern possible -- this can include an empty string. Usually, you want to make the pattern as specific as possible while still matching the required possible inputs. eg. It looks like (%d+) for us and nk is an appropriate fit.
The for line in source:lines() do reads one line at a time. That necessarily means not all the variables are going to be set inside the loop. Yet everything starting at local params and down uses those variables as if they were. It seems to me that section of code shouldn't even be in the loop.
Lastly, have you considered saving the Backup file as just another lua file? Doing so means you can let lua do the heavy lifting for you and you won't have to bother parsing it yourself. That also minimizes the risk for error.
