Is it possible to run gulp task as crone job on Apache server i have gulp.js and some tasks like this
gulp.task('image-compress', function() {
The problem is that i can start it on my machine, but user will add a lot of more pictures on CMS, and i need to optimize those pictures, lets say once a day?
The question is not about this task, it is how to start gulp on production shared hosting server, that i can not access command line :(
I have an existing nodejs app which i have pushed to the VSTS repository.
I have added three build tasks
npm install - running fine
Gulp - i have a gulpfile in which there is one task which executes "nodemon app.js" command, runs fine but this command starts listening the ports and hence the 3rd task which is the Web App task doesnt gets build. Until and unless Gulp task is built successfully, 3rd task wont get built. for eg "Express server started listening on port 1234" and then the gulp build task is still in running state due to which upfront task doesnt get started.
Some tasks, like nodemon start a background process and will watch the folder for changes. Normally you'd place these under the watch command, then implement a one-pass version of that in the build command.
As long as the Watch is running, control over the process isn't handed back to the Build agent and this will hang your build.
(Re)moving the commands that start watch/monitor processes so they won't get executed during a build is your best solution.
Is there a way to run a process at startup on Express.js?
I want to run a continuous process that will execute every 30 minutes, but it should run always and start running when Express applications is started.
You can set up a cron task in nodejs. You need to set crontab on the server to call a path in node every 30 minutes and then have the path execute the task required.
app.get('/cron', function(req, res){
I want to run the exact same grunt watch task in production mode that's run in development mode. I thought it would be as simple as adding the watch task to the "prod.js" task in tasks/register/prod.js, but doing that hangs Sails upon lift.
How do I run the watch task in production?
How do I run the watch task in production?
I have found out recently that sails (v.0.11.0) restricts grunt executions in production mode before startup. To fix this problem, you need to change a few lines in /node_modules/sails/lib/hooks/grunt/index.js
Specifically, comment the lines:
// Fire finish after grunt is done in production
/*if(sails.config.environment === 'production'){
comment and add:
// Go ahead and get out of here, since Grunt might sit there backgrounded
/*if(sails.config.environment !== 'production'){
This is a bit of an oddball question.
Capistrano 2.14.2
I'm using capistrano to deploy a couple of Node.js projects, and this works fine (from within the same rvm and gemset Ruby installation). However, I'd like to have Airbrake be notified of these deployments.
Using the 'airbrake' Node.js module, and calling
airbrake.trackDeployment({repo: '...'});
works, but not sure how to reliably call this just once at deploy time. If I call it within my server, then Airbrake is notified of a "deployment" every time my server starts, which is obviously not correct.
require 'airbrake/capistrano'
to deploy.rb definitely does not work.
How do others successfully use
You could create a simple js file you'd run locally (on your machine for example) that notifies airbrake as a last deploy task. You could for example use the backtick operator to run a task:
deploy.task :notify_airbrake do
`node notify_airbrake.js`
If you don't have node installed locally, you could also pick one of the servers to run the notification script through ssh:
deploy.task :notify_airbrake do
`ssh youserver "node notify_airbrake.js"`
Based on this solution (which is clearly embedded in a Rails app.), I came up with the following, which depends solely on Javascript:
In my Node.js root directory, create a deploy.js file, like so:
var airbrake = require('airbrake').createClient("AIRBRAKE_API_KEY");
var deployment = {rev: process.argv[2],
repo: process.argv[3],
env: process.argv[4],
user: process.argv[5]};
airbrake.trackDeployment(deployment, function(err, params) {
if (err) {throw err}
console.log('Tracked deployment of %s to %s', params.rev, params.env);
In config/deploy.rb, add
require 'airbrake/capistrano'
namespace :airbrake do
desc "Notify Airbrake of a new deploy."
task :deploy do
system "node deploy.js #{current_revision} #{repository} #{stage} #{user}"
I'm learning how to propel use gruntjs. I found the server task but I can't get the point.
Can i use the server task mapping concatenated/minified files to test my application (uses backbone.js) without moving or placing source files in web server root? Without apache for example.
If no, what's the supposed use of server task?
The server task is used to start a static server with the base path set as the web root.
Example: Serve ./web-root as http://localhost:8080/:
server: {
port: 8080,
base: './web-root'
It will function similar to an Apache server, serving up static files based on their path, but uses the http module via connect to set it up (source).
If you need it to serve more than just static files, then you'll want to consider defining a custom server task:
grunt.registerTask('server', 'Start a custom web server.', function() {
grunt.log.writeln('Starting web server on port 1234.');
And custom server instance:
// server.js
var http = require('http');
module.exports = http.createServer(function (req, res) {
// ...
Can I use the server task mapping concatenated/minified files to test my application [...]
Concatenation and minification have their own dedicated tasks -- concat and min -- but could be used along with a server task to accomplish all 3.
If you want it to persist the server for a while (as well as grunt), you could define the task as asynchronous (with the server's 'close' event):
grunt.registerTask('server', 'Start a custom web server.', function() {
var done = this.async();
grunt.log.writeln('Starting web server on port 1234.');
require('./server.js').listen(1234).on('close', done);
The server task is now the connect task and it's included in the grunt-contrib-connect package.
The connect task starts a connect web server.
Install this plugin with this command:
npm install grunt-contrib-connect --save-dev
Note: --save-dev includes the package in your devDependencies, see
Once the plugin has been installed, it may be enabled inside your Gruntfile with this line of JavaScript:
Run this task with the grunt connect command.
Note that this server only runs as long as grunt is running. Once grunt's tasks have completed, the web server stops. This behavior can be changed with the keepalive option, and can be enabled ad-hoc by running the task like grunt connect:targetname:keepalive. targetname is equal to "server" in the code sample below.
In this example, grunt connect (or more verbosely, grunt connect:server) will start a static web server at http://localhost:9001/, with its base path set to the www-root directory relative to the Gruntfile, and any tasks run afterwards will be able to access it.
// Project configuration.
connect: {
server: {
options: {
port: 9001,
base: 'www-root'
The point of the server task is to have quick and dirty access to static files for testing. grunt server IS NOT a production server environment. It really should only be used during the grunt lifecycle to get static testing assets to the testing environment. Use a full-fledged server, possibly controlled by the NPM lifecycle scripts, for production environments.