In the Glimpse SQL tab, some of the stored procedures called are orange. What does this signify? The tab details don't seem to say what that means.
I am using Glimpse.MVC5 and Glimpse.ADO, if that makes a difference.
I had a similar question, see Why are some commands in Glimpse's SQL tab orange with an exclamation icon?
I downloaded the Glimpse code and answered my own question. Here's the short of it:
Glimpse.Ado maintains a dictionary that tracks the number of times each particular command text has been executed during the lifetime of a web request. Any command texts that have been executed previously in the web request are marked as duplicate and these duplicate requests are colored orange in the Sql tab.
Here's a direct link to my answer, with more details.
It appears those mean that transactions are left open, as I gathered from this rather old issue.
I am using SoapUI 5.6.0. I find the multiple opened request windows are very annoying,
all of them have the same label name "Request 1"
if you run another request, the previous one will be covered and find to find it out again.
do u have any tips to improve this usability? For example, show all the requests on one page? like showing multiple files in Notepad++?
There are 2 workaround that you can use
First way
Click on minimise button on top right corner of a request
Notice there at the down you will see like notepad++
you are free to move those tabs of multiple request to anywhere on the screen..
Like below you can see 1 is below and few are at the top
So every time you minimise one you can see others tabs..
you can adjust window size so you can see all at the same time. after maximising
Second way
Another better alternative is to use ctrl+w
I have a question about Ultimate Special Offers plugin. Has anybody used it?
The problem is that this plugin sets the table with discounts in a special place where it wants. In my case, it shows up under the "add to cart" button. But I want it to appear above the button. How can I regulate the place where the table shows up?
You have two choices. One is to dig into your theme and move the table yourself. If you right-click the element displaying the table while having your browser console open, you will spot where it is in the HTML that makes up your page. Now click the Add to cart button, and see where it is. Memorize the name of the button, and now look for that in your product.liquid page. Chances are, the plugin itself has some liquid, so you can cut it out of the page, and move it the before the add to cart button in the liquid.
If all that seems like a mountain to climb, just ask the makers of the plugin to do it for you. It is a simple task for them, and should take them a minute to do. If they choose to ignore you, I would call them out as unreliable, and try a different plugin, from a company that will help you with your simple task.
Glimpse's SQL tab shows some queries as orange with an exclamation icon in the leftmost column. Here's an example:
In my research, I found this Stackoverflow question - What does orange mean in Glimpse's SQL tab? - which references issue #435 on Github for this project, which is from 2013 and states:
When a transaction is started but left uncommitted, a warning icon is displayed and the font colour is set to orange.
I don't think this is correct, though, because in my case the stored procedure in question doesn't use a transaction within it and it's not wrapped in a transaction from the .NET code calling it.
So my question is, why is this particular query result in Glimpse's SQL tab orange and decorated with an exclamation icon? There's no tooltip or other help when hovering over the icon, unfortunately.
I downloaded the Glimpse code to get to the bottom of this...
In short, Glimpse.Ado maintains a dictionary that tracks the number of times each particular command text has been executed during the lifetime of a web request. Any command texts that have been executed previously in the web request are marked as duplicate and these duplicate requests are colored orange in the Sql tab.
Unfortunately, when using stored procedures the command text is just the name of the stored procedure. Therefore, when determining if a call is a duplicate, Glimpse bases is just off the stored procedure name and not its input parameters. So if you have a page that calls the same sproc twice, but uses different input parameters, Glimpse will flag the second call as a duplicate even though it's not really a duplicate (since there are different parameters).
In any event, I hope this helps someone else who wonders the same thing.
It's been a while that I've been reported about a problem on the software I'm on charge. I will try to explain it as much detailed as possible (Sorry if my english seems bad to you by the way ^^').
Context : The software has been developed as a Web Application (Java EE) + the framework Vaadin 6 (not 7). Since this project exists for about 4 or 5 years, the technology used isn't the newest but it's currently ok. This software is used by our internal clients so about a 70 users are using it per day. I'm on charge of this project for 9 months now.
Problem : Often, users copy some info (words, tables and so on) from others sources like a Word Document, or a PowerPoint. Then paste it into a RichTextArea. then they export all those info into an Excel (XLS) file. But sometimes, those pasted info aren't reported, or generate some HTML Tags (not understandable for most users).
What I had suggested : The RichTextArea has some tools, displayed with buttons, one of them is "Remove Formatting", if they press it, everything would be ok. But I had to agree with them, it isn't intuitive and "friendly" to use. Since they are my clients, I want to help them as much as possible.
What I want : I want that if they copy paste into the RichTextArea:
They should be invited to remove the format (with a notification on paste) by pressing the Remove Formatting Button, so I should valorize it.
Or automatically apply the remove formatting on paste.
But I couldn't achieve those solutions because I don't know how to detect the action of pasting, moreover, for the second solution, I couldn't retrieve on the code the remove formatting action.
Can you help me in order to achieve this please? Any tips that doesn't involve an other technology would be appreciated :)
If this is still relevant:
Not sure about the first approach. But the first thing that comes to my mind is to use usual change event. When user will paste the new text, you will be notified that values were changed. Then use any tool to clean HTML and get the simple text (I suggest to use something like jsoup because it is the easiest thing). Or, if you need something specific implement your own parser/cleaner. The last thing is to simply set a new text to the current area value.
Otherwise, you can use Vaadin add-ons which may provide such information. Just look for add-ons repository for CKEditor or TinyMCE Editor
I was wondering if it was ever ok not to have a submit button (Ok, Go or Search for example) near a search box in Web pages.
I know that hitting enter is much faster and that it will perform the search.
However, is it an accepted convention for the average non tech savvy user or only for the tech community?
For example, the search box here at stackoverflow doesn't have a submit button, but I don't think anyone is complaining (and I sure don't).
On the other hand, someone suggested using Google as an example: would people notice if the buttons were removed?
I just started reading Don't Make Me Think by Steve Krug and he mentions that every search box should have something that tells me I can click on it to launch the search.
Your thoughts?
Why you should have a button:
Not everyone knows they can hit
enter, so you are leaving some less
savvy people out in the cold.
Some devices like phones and consoles may not have a way to submit without a button. The PC based browser is still dominant but don't assume it is the only way people access your site.
You may not have a button if (both conditions must be satisfied):
Your audience is tech savvy (as on SO)
You provide a visual cue that the search box actually is a search box
By adding text inside it mentioning it should be used to search
By adding an icon inside the box
Generally I would think that hitting enter is a shortcut to submit rather than the primary means.
I think it depends on your target market. If you are StackOverflow it's not too hard too think they know how to use a browser (using a back button on a browser to navigate is a similair design convention) and pressing Enter = submit for search.
However if your target market is say mechanics (no offence to mechanics) that don't use a browser/computer often then look at how Google does it (and they target the broadest scope) - they have a button to submit.
There is a middle ground you could look at, which is have a water mark like StackOverflow which tells users "Click here, type in search values and press enter to search" - or something like that (hopefully shorter) where you actually catering for users of all levels.
Whether or not a button is required depends on the audience. Here are issues to consider:
Technically oriented users may not need a button and will usually not have to think about hitting enter to submit a search request.
Conversely non-technical people may not even know it is possible to hit enter to submit a search request. So no amount of thinking might work for them.
There may be technology limitations that require a button. If you expect your audience to be browsing your form from a platform that does not provide an implicit way to submit a search request then you may need to provide an explicit button.
So essentially you need to know your audiences and determine where the edge cases lie and how critical they are. Using SO as an example, it is directed at technical users so an explicit button probably isn't required. However for a site like google where you need to be accessible to every single user using every possible platform, a clear explicit search button is a must.
"Don't Make Me Think" - so gimme a button.
There will always be someone using the application for the first time; don't make them think either. And your screen shouldn't be so fussy that it is impossible to fit the button in comfortably - that would indicate a different set of problems.
I think for a non-tech person some sort of submit button is needed. Think about people who don't use computers very much. They often click all of the buttons needed instead of hitting enter because they don't realize enter does the same thing. My opinion...if it isn't for tech guys only then it should be as simple as possible.
It depends on your audience. Steve's audience is everybody. Majority of which are so far from IT you'd need a telescope to see them. If your auditory is a single user, you might skip all clues: button (with or w/o names), in-box label.
For my own login window I leave two fields: no labels, no buttons, no javascript to tell you which one is which. But that's not a public project.
A while ago there was an article on Smashing Magazine about this.
There were some alternatives like a looking glass or another icon, but basically there is always a button, or something which represents it.
Having a button makes it clearer that the text field is a search field. Merely having the text field itself indicate this in its contents is unsufficient.