Unmarshalling SOS GetCapabilities via JSONIX yields only abstract offering data - jsonix

I am trying to use jsonix to unmarshall a GetCapabilities response from SOS_2_0. Below is the code I wrote to unmarshall the xml string. It seems to work fine however not all of the elements have been mapped correctly.
function jsonixParseSensors(xmlStr) {
var module = SOS_2_0_Module_Factory();
var context = new Jsonix.Context([XLink_1_0, GML_3_2_1, OWS_1_1_0, SWE_2_0, SWES_2_0, WSN_T_1, WS_Addr_1_0_Core, OM_2_0, ISO19139_GMD_20070417, ISO19139_GCO_20070417, ISO19139_GSS_20070417, ISO19139_GTS_20070417, ISO19139_GSR_20070417, Filter_2_0, SOS_2_0]);
var unmarshaller = context.createUnmarshaller();
var data = unmarshaller.unmarshalString(xmlStr);
return data;
In the screenshot below it is apparent all of the 'offerings' in 'contents' are defaulted to the abstract type (SWES_2_0.AbstractContentsType.Offering) and have no information about the sensor/observation offering in them. It's odd because other elements such as 'filtercapabilities' contain all the info and attributes as well. I have tried this both with and without passing namespacing arguments to unmarshallString and it does not seem to make a difference. Is there something I am fundamentally misunderstanding?
SOS GetCapabilities xml from Botts-Geo
SOS GetCapabilities xml from Sensiasoft

The problem was in the SWES_2_0 mapping. The abstractOffering property of the SWES_2_0.AbstractContentsType.Offering type was generated as "element" property:
ln: 'AbstractContentsType.Offering',
tn: null,
ps: [{
n: 'abstractOffering',
rq: true,
en: 'AbstractOffering',
ti: '.AbstractOfferingType'
This should have been an "element reference" property to allow the swes:AbstractOffering element to be replaced by other elements via substitution groups.
This should be fixed now in ogc-schemas trunk, see the test.


Deserialize nested properties

I am using ServiceStack.Text to deserialize a response like so:
var obj = JsonObject.Parse(response);
The problem is that it only deserializes top level properties.
I tried playing around with some settings like:
JsConfig.Init(new ServiceStack.Text.Config
IncludeTypeInfo = true,
ConvertObjectTypesIntoStringDictionary = true
but doesn't change anything.
How do I fully deserialize response including nested objects without a concrete type? (my goal is to be able to access deep values by string)
If you want to parse arbitrary JSON with ServiceStack, use JSON.parse() from ServiceStack.Common NuGet package:
var obj = JSON.parse(response);
ServiceStack.Text JSON Serializers is primarily for deserializing JSON into Typed models.

Mockito with newInstance method

I have a class-under-test that has the following code :
public void getDetails (String message){
DocumentBuilderFactory docBuilderFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
DocumentBuilder docBuilder = docBuilderFactory.newDocumentBuilder();
StringReader strReader = new StringReader(message);
InputSource inputSrc = new InputSource(strReader);
Document doc = docBuilder.parse(inputSrc);
I want to write a JUnit for this piece of code using Mockito.
I tried various things like :
DocumentBuilderFactory docBuilderFactoryMock = Mockito.mock(DocumentBuilderFactory.class);
But I get the Exception:
DocumentBuilderFactory$$EnhancerByMockitoWithCGLIB$$23223735 cannot be returned by toString()
toString() should return String
If you're unsure why you're getting above error read on.
Due to the nature of the syntax above problem might occur because:
1. This exception *might* occur in wrongly written multi-threaded tests.
Please refer to Mockito FAQ on limitations of concurrency testing.
2. A spy is stubbed using when(spy.foo()).then() syntax. It is safer to stub spies -
- with doReturn|Throw() family of methods. More in javadocs for Mockito.spy() method.
If I do the following:
DocumentBuilderFactory docBuilderFactoryMock = Mockito.spy(DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance());
DocumentBuilder documentBuilderMock = Mockito.mock(DocumentBuilder.class);
and debug my code then I see that the class-under-test does not use my Mock objects anywhere but creates its own objects and throws a SAXParseException at
Document doc = docBuilder.parse(inputSrc);
Unit testing is intended to test your components/classes, not the library components/classes that are used.
Your class is parsing a String as xml content and to test that, you will find that providing a set of xml Strings with known output is the best way to test.
Simply pass a known xml String to your class under test and assert that the resulting model that is parsed, contains the data that you expect for that xml content.
I don't think that you need any mocking.

Unable to instantiate NSFetchedResultController with generic type AnyObject in Swift 3

I'm experimenting with CoreData in Swift 3 and have come up against a very bizarre circular compiler error in Xcode 8 beta.
NSFetchedResultsController needs a generic type parameter and AnyObject has worked fine up until now. The compiler throws the error:
Type 'AnyObject' does not conform to protocol 'NSFetchRequestObject'
To make me extra confused, if you delete the type parameter, XCode then says:
Reference to generic type NSFetchedResultsController requires argument in `<...>`
and helpfully suggests a fix using <AnyObject>....and the cycle repeats.
This looks very much like a bug. Any ideas before I report it?
If you take a look into NSFetchedResultsController, you can clearly see that it has a parameter with name ResultType which conforms to NSFetchRequestResult. So you should pass a type which conforms to NSFetchRequestResult.
So if you take a look into NSFetchRequestResult, you can see that it conforms to NSObjectProtocol. Also NSDictionary, NSManagedObject and NSManagedObjectID conforms to NSFetchRequestResult.
public protocol NSFetchRequestResult : NSObjectProtocol {
extension NSDictionary : NSFetchRequestResult {
extension NSManagedObject : NSFetchRequestResult {
extension NSManagedObjectID : NSFetchRequestResult {
So it clear that you should pass a type from any of these three NSDictionary or NSManagedObject or NSManagedObjectID.
Create your instance of NSFetchedResultsController like this.
let resultsController : NSFetchedResultsController<NSManagedObject>!
or like this
let resultsController : NSFetchedResultsController<NSManagedObjectID>!
or like this
let resultsController : NSFetchedResultsController<NSDictionary>!
Any entity in your Core Data model maps as a subclass of NSManagedObject generated in your code so they all can be used to replace AnyObject, they all conform indirectly to NSFetchRequestResult protocol. You should see which entity/class is being fetch by your FetchRequest connected to this FetchedResultsController and that's the type you should use there.

Trivial deserialization failing with YamlDotNet

What can possible go wrong with this:
public void Main()
var input = new StringReader(Document);
var deserializer = new Deserializer(namingConvention: new CamelCaseNamingConvention());
var p = deserializer.Deserialize<Person>(input);
public class Person
public string Name {get;set;}
private const string Document = #"Name: Peter";
A serialization exception is thrown:
Property 'Name' not found on type 'YamlDotNet.Samples.DeserializeObjectGraph+Person'
The same happens if I first serialize a Person object using the Serializer.
While the online sample for deserialization works just fine - this trivial code does not. What am I missing? It must be a stupid little detail. (But it happened before with other data structures I tried.)
As it seems, the problem is with the namingConvention parameter. If I don't set it to an instance of CamelCaseNamingConvention all is fine.
Unfortunately the "canonical" example (https://dotnetfiddle.net/HD2JXM) uses it and thus suggests it is important.
For any reason the CamelCaseNamingConvention converts the fields to lowercase in the class (ie. 'Name' to 'name'). As the string is 'Name' and not 'name' the deserialization fails. The example uses lower-case therefore it works....
I had the same problem....

Cannot access properties on a populate()'d object from Mongoose?

This is very odd... I'm using populate() with a ref to fill in an array within my schema, but then the properties are inaccessible. In other words, the schema is like this:
new Model('User',{
'name': String,
'installations': [ {type: String, ref: 'Installations'} ],
'count': Number,
Of course, Insallations is another model.
Then I find & populate a set of users...
model.find({count: 0}).populate('installations').exec( function(e, d){
for(var k in d)
var user = d[k];
for(var i in user.installations)
} );
So far so good! I see nice data printed out, like this:
{ runs: 49,
hardware: 'macbookpro10,1/x86_64',
mode: 'debug',
version: '0.1' }
However, if I try to actually ACCESS any of those properties, they're all undefined! For example, if I add another console log:
Then I see "undefined" printed for this log.
If I try to operate on the object, like this:
Object.keys(user.installations[i]).forEach(function(key) { } );
Then I get a typical "[TypeError: Object.keys called on non-object]" error, indicating that user.installations[i] is not an object (even though it is outputted to the console as if it were). So, I even tried something ugly like...
var install = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(user.installations[i]));
console.log(install, install.mode);
And, again, the first output (install) is a nice object containing the property 'mode'... but the 2nd output is undefined.
What gives?
Finally, I solved this...
I tried doing a console.log(typeof user.installations[i]); and got "string" as the output. This seemed odd, given that printing the object directly created console output (above) that looked like a normal object, not a string. So, I tried doing a JSON.parse(); on the object, but received the error "SyntaxError: Unexpected token r"
Finally, I realized what was going on. The "pretty console output" I described above was the result of a string formatted with \n (newlines). I had not expected that, for whatever reason. The JSON.parse() error is due to the fact that there is a known necessity with the node.js parser when attempting to parse object keys without quotations; see the SO question here:
Why does JSON.parse('{"key" : "value"}') do just fine but JSON.parse('{key : "value"}') doesn't? .
Specifically, note that the JSON parser in my case is failing on the character 'r', the fist character of "runs," which is the first key in my JSON string (above). At first I was afraid I needed to get a custom JSON parser, but then the problem hit me.
Look back to my original schema. I used a String-type to define the installation ref, because the array field was storing the installations's _id property as a String. I assume the .populate() field is converting the object to a String on output.
Finally, I looked at the Mongoose docs a little closer and realized I'm supposed to be referencing the objects based upon Schema.ObjectID. This explains everything, but certainly gives me some fixing to do in my schemas and code elsewhere...
