lookup and sumifs an item for specific date in excel - excel

i have a data bank in excel that i want to get sum of an item in specific date in another workbook file, i try to find a solution with excel function instead of macro. i made a file to explain what i mean:
picture above is like my data bank,i want in another file if i enter a date, for example all A items with good quality to be summed, for 7/10/2016 answer is 8.
i don't know how to use hlookup and sumifs for it (for now i think hlookup and sumifs could answer my question). please help me to solve this problem

If in H2 is the date, H4 the item and H6 the quality then use something like:
It would be less complex with OFFSET, but I tried to avoid volatile functions ;)

If you unmerge the items column, you can use a simple PivotTable to view all sums (or any filter of them) at once:


Excel sumifs #value when closing excel file

I have used the formula sumifs in order to calculate the sum of values in a column ranging between, e.g., 100 and 1000, located in a different workbook. The problem is that when I close that excel workbook the formula in my first excel file doesn't work anymore and #value appears. I would like to find an alternative formula/solution to this, and I have already looked online, but I don't seem to be able to find a proper solution. For instance, I could use sumproduct, but as a result I only get a count of the values satisfying the conditions and not the sum of them. Could you help me?
There are a few functions which do not work when the source data file is closed. They are:
You will have to write alternative formulas in those cells or have the source data in the file that is doing the calculation

Excel - How to count the number of distinct texts of a specific date inside a table?

I'm trying to count the number of distinct text from a specific date in a data table.
Data Sample with expect result :
I was able to figure out how to count the distinct element from a range I specify, because I can determine the first and last row containing the date.
I have tried to modify my formula so that it determines the cell range by itself but without success.
I searched for an answer, using a combination of CELL and MAXIFS, example below, but Excel does not accept the formula.
I've looked at the INDEX formula, but I can't figure out how to do what I want to do. 😑
Any idea what I'm doing wrong, or what I should be doing instead?
Thanks, I appreciate it!
If you have Office 365 and the new Dynamic Arrays, this sort of formula has become ridiculously easy.
This formula in cell E3:
Copy down.
You can also generate the unique list of dates with this formula in D3, which spills down automatically and does not need to be copied.
It wasn't easy, but by separating each step of the problem, I was able to solve it.
Note that my solution only works because my dates are sorted.
Here's the final formula in the cell "One formula to rule them all":
Here are my explanations of my process:
Formula if I select the range :
Formula to get the first iteration
Formula to get the last iteration
Create range from two addresses
Formula giving me the expect result

Excel formula checklist in employees

I want to know about this Excel formula and how it works
IFERROR(COUNTIF(OFFSET(T_E[[#Headers],[EMPLOYEE NAME]],MATCH(I_E,L_E,0),MATCH("ACT 1 DT",L_H,0)-1,1,N_S),">0")&" / "&N_S,"")
Please tell me about this formula and how can I change this by adding or removing.
The best for trying how function works is to try it in excel, but still...
You want to know what the whole function works or just how partial functions work?
In general, the function addresses to formatted table and to named parts of the table, so it should return value from formatted table, that is x rows from employee name in row and x columns from employee name in this row.
How many depends on what is under "I_E", "L_E" and "L_H" and "N_S", I cannot tell without this knowledge.
How to evaluate a formula
If you would like to better understand how a complex formula works, use the Formula Evaluator in Excel. Therefore select the cell that contains the formula, and on the Formulas tab, in the Formula Auditing group, click Evaluate Formula.
Also there is a documentation for all formula functions. With this and the Formula Evaluator you should be able to trace what the formula does.

Excel: Find the most common value in array given a certain value (IF, Index, Mode)

I'm trying to find the most common value in a range given a previuous value occurs, so for instance, if Shared mailbox (Col C) is equal to Finance tell me the most common team number (Col B) of the users who access it:
The function I have so far is (obviously ignore the absolute cell references)
I could do this with a pivot but I need to insert the value into a cell and vlookup in a pivot wont cut it. Also there are tens of thousands of rows. But essentially the pivot result is what I'm looking to get to, just in a cell via a formula.
Here is an example of the table, a pivot and a peek at the formula and results.
Excel image with pivot
Any and all help is welcome.
You can use an array formulas. Use the mode function over an if
Refer to image for example:
You might be looking for this formula:
p.s. you can replace the hard-coded "Finance" with any cell reference.
Indeed if there's only one matched row, or two rows with different values, the MODE will fail because there is actually no single mode. You want then to return the "first" match, therefore wrap the formula inside IFERROR with an INDEX/MATCH alternative:

Excel DSum function multiple criteria

Hello guys, I have been trying to implement the DSUM function but failed to figure it out. I looked through the previous DSUM posts on here and still don't understand. This is my problem:
on I8:L9, i have to implement the DSUM to calculate the "calculated quantity sold" for each item, ie Textbook, Novel,notepad and laptop. from A9-A16
I am supposed to use these values on B20 - B23. I don't know how to make sure i have multiple criteria for the DSUM function.
I tried this and it worked only for the first function: =DSUM(bookstore,J8,I8:I9)
This gave me the correct value only for Textbook, It summed up the quantities for textbook. What I want to do now is replicate it down so that it is the same for all the other elements.
Please help. thank you
With the setup you have then using this formula in B20 copied down will give the cumulative total of the categories
so that will give the sum for Textbook only in B20 but then in B21 it will be the sum for Textbook and Novel combined....then in B22 Textbook, Novel and Notepad (A22 should be "Notepad" to match I11)
To get the sum for the item in question only you could subtract the previous values above, i.e. use this version in B20 copied down
....but all things being equal I agree with user667489, except SUMIF is usually preferable for a single condition, i.e. in B20 copied down
Is there any particular reason that you need to use DSUM to do this? You're making life very hard for yourself. You could do this much more easily via SUMPRODUCT or by using a pivot table.
When you create a column of conditions on the same variable, and you specify that as your constraint range for DSUM, excel sums over your database range where any of those conditions are true. You can't make it apply the constraint from just one row, unless that's the only row other than the column headings. So you need to put your different constraints for the same variable in different columns. This gets very messy.
Here is a sumproduct formula that will accomplish what you're trying to do, which can be copied down:
Paste that into cells J9:J12 (or B20:B23).
Another alternative having entered the DSUM formula in B20 is to select the range B20:B23 and choose Data > What If Analysis > Data Table... Column Input Cell: I9, OK. This should give the formulas below:
B20: =DSUM(bookstore,J8,I8:I9)
B21:B23: {=TABLE(,I9)}
Note: the Table formula cannot be entered from the formula bar, it is automatically generated by the Data Table command. (The same procedure could also be used to enter formulas in J9 and J10:13.)
I'd also recommend using SUMIF, or looking at PivotTables which could be used easily for this and create the list of categories for you.
