Alternatives for Application Insight reg: - azure

I have an existing on-prem/Cloud environment in which am running my enterprise application and I would like to implement Application Insight to capture telemetry. But I have few issues on it. Are there any alternatives to use application insights? I have two concerns here:
1) it might not be possible to install softwares in production environment 2) restarting IIS Server would pull all the sites down at least for a minutes or two. It would be great if some one can suggest alternatives of leveraging these App Insights. Thanks in advance :)

there are 2 ways to use Application insights:
1) using the sdk, where you add the sdk to your service. At some point you have to deploy the service, so when you deploy, you'd also deploy app insights into that service
2) using status monitor, which does require restarting IIS. using status monitor isn't required, but does let you collect extra and detailed information that you wouldn't get from the sdk alone.
A lot of people end up doing both, (1) so they can do custom collection of events, traces, etc, and (2) to get detailed dependency calls
But like AlexB suggested, setting up something where you can swap between slots is one of the best ways to set things up, if possible, so you can just swap between the slots without having any downtime at all.


What is the production deployment / runtime architecture of ResolveJS backend systems?

Does the reSolveJS generally run as a single NodeJS application on the server for production deployment?
Of course, event store and read models may be separate applications (e.g. databases) but are the CQRS read-side and write-side handled in the same NodeJS application?
If so, can / could these be split to enable them to scale separately, given the premise of CQRS is that the read-side is usually much more active than the write-side?
The reSolve Cloud Platform may alleviate these concerns, given the use of Lambdas that can scale naturally. Perhaps this is the recommended production deployment option?
That is, develop and test as monolith (single NodeJS application) and deploy in production to reSolve Cloud Platform to allow scaling?
Thanks again for developing and sharing an innovative platform.
reSolve app can be scaled as any other NodeJS app, using containers or any other scaling mechanisms.
So several instances can work with the same event store, and it is possible to configure several instances to work with the same read database, or for every instance to have its own read database.
reSolve config logic is specified in the app's run.js code, so you can extend it to have different configurations for different instance types.
Or you can have the same code in all instances and just route command and queries to the different instance pools.
Of course, reSolve Cloud frees you from these worries, in this case you use local reSolve as dev and test environment, and deploy there.
Please note that reSolve Cloud is not yet publicly released. Also, local reSolve can not have all required database adapters at the moment, so those yet to be written.

Front End Developer workflow for Service Fabric Web Apps

I'm a front end developer about to join a project team working with Service Fabric to build a Web Front End to their microservice driven application.
One of the problems I've been having in my own research is that when working with local Service Fabric Clusters, I have to redeploy my Application to test if something does or doesn't work in my Web App. This slows down developer velocity massively, as the process will only take longer and longer as other Back End services are added. I largely work with the Web App communicating to an API Gateway Service (GraphQL.NET).
What I'd like to know is if there's a way to run a local Web Application out outside of a Service Fabric cluster, but still have it communicate to one. This would allow my front end developer tool chain to remain intact, and develop at a much faster pace with incremental building and live-reload tools.
Of course, if anyone's come up with any better solution to the problem, I'd love to hear about it! ;)
We have a javascript front end (so this may not be applicable to you)- which means that there's a ton of front end library files etc. This was a nightmare to copy across to the cluster for testing and took forever. Theres a couple of ways I've been able to speed things up.
One is by keeping all the front end files in a separate project and using a build step to copy them across into the core project. So only the bundled/minified files are copied into the cluster when deploying.
Another option is to host these front-end files with a local node http-server which watches for changes etc and keep a static environment file where you can set the ip/hostname of your local cluster thats running. I use fiddler to redirect the hostname to the local ip, this way you can use the urls that you will use in production, which is handy. You'll need to set up cors though, which wasn't a problem for us.
So yes, definitely possible.

Quickly setting up Kudu on IIS for Horizontal Scaling

I have been playing around with Kudu on an IIS development server and succeeded in making it deploy a hello world site etc.
But I was wondering if there was some resources on how to deploy Kudu in larger environments. So that you can quickly add new server nodes (virtual) to balance load.
Is there some approach to manage multiple Kudu deployments from a centralized location? I know It has an REST API and obviously we can probably use this, but that sort of requires some development, so was just looking to see if there was an existing solution out there.
But So far I have either searched after the wrong thing on Google, or there isn't much of what I need.
Does anyone have any experience in running it in larger environments with many servers?

Scheduler on Azure

I need to be able to generate some type of Scheduling service within Windows Azure, but which is the best and most resilient?
Currently I have a Windows Service running Quartz, which works okay, but on a Windows Server. I need this to run in the cloud.
The tasks, read/write to a database and some will send emails.
I've looked over all the possible solutions in Stack Overflow, but they appear to be old and not updated to the latests Azure Platform.
Any suggestions or pointers?
The most adapted solution might be a worker role, MS has a tutorial specifically for what you're looking for:
This would definitely a less expensive solution than instantiating a virtual machine, but might require some work.
I ended up using the Azure Mobile service and the Scheduler that come with it, which works a treat
I run a Worker Role using Quartz .NET to schedule stuff. Works great!
Obviously, that would be difficult to do on the cloud since you won't be able to install services or anything that could run in the background. A less than perfect solution would be to have a workstation under your control handle the scheduling and send updates to the web server which would then write them to the DB server. Otherwise, you should self host the website and application, etc.

Best solution to host a (command line) Windows application?

I have a Windows application that does some calculations and is called from command line. On my Windows machine, I have a PHP script running under Apache that executes the application and shows the output.
Is there any hosting solution that I can use to do the same? I can't figure out if EC2 or Azure are the right solutions. Basically, I need a web server + ability to execute my application.
Suggestions? Thanks.
You can host your application on AppHarbor, the .NET Platform-as-a-Service. You can either port your web frontend to .NET or try to get your PHP stuff working with Phalanger. AppHarbor is working on Background Tasks, which might be a good match for your workload.
I would just run the PHP script you already have under IIS in a Windows Azure web role.
If it is a Windows Application and you have the source code I would go with an Azure Worker Role. The advantage of using a PaaS (as Azure) instead of an IaaS (as Amazon) is that you wont have to bother of keeping the server up to date.
The real investment in time will be when you rewrite your application to make it work as a Worker Role. The time needed to do this work depends on how your application works right now. If is uses a lot of disc access it might be difficult and perhaps an Amazon server would be better. But if it only crunches numbers in memory an Azure Worker Role is a very good candidate.
The real advantage of using an Amazon server is that you probably wont need to do any work at all. Except maintaining the server.
As described in the question both Azure and EC2 will do the job very well. This is the kind of task both systems are designed for.
So the question becomes really: which is best? That depends on two things: what the application needs to do and your own experience and preference.
As it's a Windows application there should probably be a leaning towards Azure. While EC2 supports Windows, the tooling and support resources for Azure are probably deeper at this point.
If cost is a factor then a (somewhat outdated) resource is here: -- the conclusion is that, by and large, Azure and Amazon are roughly similar for compute charges.
Steve Marx has a blog post that describes how to run another web server (i.e not IIS) on Azure
This potentially has everything you need - you can deploy Apache and your executable and run it in exactly the same way.
Alternatively - you can deploy your executable along side a bit of code in a worker role that would run that application periodically, all depending on your exact requirements
