Ubuntu unable to install .Net Core - linux

I just installed Ubuntu 16.04 on virtual machine and trying to install .Net core.
I have followed following link for Installing .Net Core on Ubuntu
I tried to install package but it's failing.
Here is snapshot please check it once.
After installing Ubuntu 16.04 i found that .Net core is still not supported in 16.04 and maximum support is provide is up to 15.10.
Ubuntu - Installing .net core
Why there is no note on Installing .Net core in Ubuntu page about what version of Ubuntu should be used?
Is it correct that .Net Core is still not supported in Ubuntu 16.04? Is there any way to resolve this?

As far as I know, there is no package available for dotnet on Ubuntu 16.04. But you can build it yourself by cloning the dotnet/cli repository and then following this guide.
Doing that seems to work for me on Ubuntu 16.04.

Documentation has been updated.
And now Installing .NetCore on linux provides separate command that can be used to install .NetCore on Ubuntu 16.04.
Please check it once.


How to make a compatible application with CQtDeployer for any version of Linux/Ubuntu?

I deployed my Qt Gui application with CQtDeployer on Ubuntu 18.04.
But, I can't run it on Ubuntu 16.04 / Ubuntu 14.04.
It has an error on version.
How can I fix it?
Just build and deploy your application on ubuntu 14.04
Your distribution not run because you build and deploy application on OS that has new version of (libc/libz) library.
So, If you want to create distribution that will be works correctly on all versions of your OS then you need to build and deploy application must early OS version.
Application that was built on ubuntu 16.04 will be works great on ubuntu 18.04 , 20.04 and may be 22.04
But not 14.04 because minimum required libc level is some as on ubuntu 16.04.
How to get cqdeployer on ubuntu 14.04
Install from snap store:
sudo snap install cqtdeployer
sudo snap connect cqtdeployer:process-control
sudo snap connect cqtdeployer:removable-media
sudo snap connect cqtdeployer:system-backup
The ubuntu 14.04 too old. So i recommend to drop support of ubuntu 14.04.
User Ubuntu 16.04 as main build machine.

How do I know which Ubuntu package to install?

I am using an application on Linux, Ubuntu that originally was on Windows. I am missing opengl header files that I had access to with the Windows 10 SDK.
I want to install opengl on my Ubuntu machine. I did a search for it under Ubuntu packages here.
How do I know which package to install?

Installation of Microsoft .net framework for linux

I want to install nosql manager on ubuntu for cassandra database. so for that i have installed wine, which helps to run windows applications in ubuntu. so while installing nosql manager, it requires microsoft.net framework also to be installed, so i tried installing but it is not getting installed properly.
what is the best way to install microsoft.net framework latest version 4.5 on ubuntu.

Error while installinng libimobiledevice in ubuntu 14.04

After installing libimobiledevice in ubuntu 14.04, when I run command 'ideviceinfo' it is generating error
'Could not connect to lockdownd, error "code -5"'
I have other dependencies - build-essential
Correctly installed with no error.
Can I get some advices about the error ?
You didn't mention how you acquired libimobiledevice - did you install it via apt-get or did you compile it from source?
Ubuntu 14.04 ships with a very old version of libimobiledevice, and there have been changes made to libimobiledevice to provide compatibility with newer versions of iOS which are probably not in Ubuntu 14.04.
We host a PPA which provides up-to-date builds of libimobiledevice; currently only for Ubuntu 16.04 though. You can find it at https://launchpad.net/~quamotion/+archive/ubuntu/ppa/+packages .
Let me know if you need help configuring the PPA and installing the latest libimobiledevice.

Install openerp 7 on windows azure platform

I want to install openerp on windows azure platform.
Firstly, i think install a virtual machine on windows azure, after that, i think install ubuntu 12.04 LTS. And finally, i will install openerp 7.
Is It the best way to run openerp 7 on windows azure ? Which has already installed openerp 7 on microsoft windows azure platform?
How should I proceed?
Please, give me your feedback.
You should have use all in one installer
or you can also install it on virtual machine
