Inno Setup: Disable specific Types from menu - similar to Components method previously posted - inno-setup

First I:
Searched a lot but did not find anything that seemed to cover this, but i might be missing it. (my coding sucks so I don't always know the right thing to search)
I like using the drop down list approach of selection more than the radio buttons or check boxes. So I typically add a Type for each component and disable component screen so the user just selects the appropriate option.
However I would like sometimes to check if a condition is met before offering the ability to select or reduce the list altogether.
What I did find:
For conditions I found this post Hide/Disable Component at runtime I tried it his way works but I would like to do the same thing but with Types.
I cannot find if there is something like WizardForm.TypesList.ItemEnabled (I know that is not a real call)
Can this be done without building a fully custom types page? Also can it be a true hide? (disable works for me as well, hide is just cleaner)

To hide a setup type conditionally, use the Check parameter in the Types section.
Name: "typeA"; Description: "A installation"
Name: "typeB"; Description: "B installation"
Name: "typeConditional"; Description: "Some other installation"; Check: CanInstallOther
function CanInstallOther: Boolean;
Result := ...;
I do not think you can really disable an item of the drop down list. You can prevent a user from selecting it, but you cannot make it gray or something.


Can I show the custom window before all the wizard pages in Inno Setup?

I export a function from dll like this:
function IsClientLaunched : Boolean;
external 'IsClientStarted#files:IsStart.dll stdcall setuponly';
I need this function to check if my application is already running or not. It returns True if it's running and false if it's not.
What I need to do is depending on the result of that function I have to show the custom window with the custom message and 2 buttons: Continue and Cancel. So if I close the app and press Continue then the installation process goes on. If I press Cancel then the installer finishes its work and closes. The problem is that I don't know how to show that custom window before all the wizard pages and if it's even possible to do that?
Also, I use ISSI to show the splash screen:
#define ISSI_Splash "C:\InnoSetupProject\Images\client.bmp"
#define ISSI_Splash_T 3
#define ISSI_Splash_X 500
#define ISSI_Splash_Y 220
There's also one problem with that. If I show the MsgBox dialog before the first wizard page and press Cancel on it I want my setup program to close, but instead it shows me the splash screen anyway and then closes. Can I somehow cancel it if I need it in InitializeSetup?
Use the code from:
Is it possible to check if program is already running before trying to install it? (Inno Setup)
(it's your question!)
And just replace IsAppRunning with your IsClientLaunched.
Though, now the question is, whether you need your custom IsClientLaunched at all. You can use the IsAppRunning instead.
According to the CreateCustomPage documentation the parameters for creating a custom page are as follows:
function CreateCustomPage(const AfterID: Integer;
const ACaption,
ADescription: String): TWizardPage;
As you can see, you are providing AfterID which implies you can tell it to show a custom page after a specific builtin page.
But, have you considered using PrepareToInstall? It says:
You can use this event function to detect and install missing
prerequisites and/or to shutdown any application which is about to be
So maybe you can do your tests there and show any needed pop-up message box. Then, based on the reply, you can return with the appropriate error message. The documentation explains.
There might be other ways to do what you want.

MFC SDI Application, how to change caption of menu item?

The whole day I am trying to solve this simple issue, but without any success.
I found a lot of hints in internet, but seems, that none of them is valid for my problem.
My issue is quite simple: I want to change the caption of a menue item while runtime
But it seems, that all solutions I found are very specific.
My requirements are this:
- it is a MFC application (VS2010)
- It is a SDI application, not MDI
- I want to change the caption of a main menu item (like "File"), not an entry of a submenue.
Because of main entry item, there is no ID for the menu item. Therefore solutions with ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI will not work!
My problems are:
- either the code I tried, is generating an assertion or exception
- or the function call returns with false
- or the function seems to work well, but I do not see any result (the caption is still unchanged)
Maybe I am using the wrong functions, or the wrong place for calling the functions.
Has anybody an example, which would work within my application pre-conditions?
Many, many thanks!
Windows cleverly hides the function to modify a menu under the arcane name of ModifyMenu. I hate it when they do things like that. Really makes me wish for Linux/Unix, with nice clear names like shmdt and mvwaddchnstr. Anyway, getting off my soap box for the moment, you'd call it something like this:
GetParentFrame()->GetMenu()->ModifyMenuW(1, MF_BYPOSITION, 0, L"New Item");

How execute code before which the Inno Select language dialog is shown

I need to execute a pascal code before that the Select Setup language Dialog is shown , unfortunately the InitializeSetup event is executed after.
function InitializeSetup(): Boolean; //This event occurs to late
Result := True;
So it's possible execute a script code before of the Select Setup language Dialog is shown?
I had similar problem, and I thought about different workarounds: style all setup manually, or make inner localization, but they all looked so doomed from the beginning.
Select Setup language Dialog
I have forked issrc, built it locally, and looked at the main.pas of the Setup project. I see the idea behind doing as it is now : people may wanna use {Language} in InitializeSetup, so its called after the AskForLanguage method.
To just check the idea I made small changes to main.pas: call AskForLanguage after CodeRunner inited and InitializeSetup called. I got VCL'ed Select Setup Language dialog, but not all - NON Client Area wasnt VCL'ed:
I've tried to inherit the language form not from the TForm class but from the TSetupForm, or call it in the middle of setup or make other changes - with no result. If anybody know why it's not VCL'ed - tell me please!
Then I read the Custom Window Frame Using DWM article and just made the form border bsNone and got this:
So for now I'm fine with it. That form not styled before many pages of styled setup was so... annoying.
If we wanna do it a right way, I guess all that needs to be done - is moving CodeRunner init before AskForLanguage, and add a custom code function like StyleInit or so. Then all will be happy: {Language} will be available in InitializeSetup and Dialog will be VCL'ed.
No, the function InitializeSetup() is called as first.
All other functions are called later.
Of course you can modify Inno's sources and add custom functions but I think it is not your case.
Why do you need this? Maybe there is solution which can solve your situation, please tell us details.
Another possible solution is using Inno setup Ultra, it has several inprovements, and InitializeLanguageDialog function is one of them. just load style in it. (Also you can freely change language dialog itself that is so nice).

InnoSetup pascal inheriting TControl causes identifier expected

I am trying to create my own InnoSetup Control (combined dropdown and file input box with browse button). I need dynamic number of these controls. My idea was to inherit TControl and build the needed control like that.
TConfigControl = class(TControl)
constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent);
I am not avid Pascal programmer but I think the syntax should be correct. When I try to compile the InnoSetup script it gives "Identifier expected" to the second line.
On the other hand, is this the correct way to do this kind of thing in innosetup?
You can create your component in Delphi - regular Pascal allows you to do this.
Inno Setup Script cannot handle such situations (it is pretty complicated).
So develop plug-in (.dll file) and use it to place your control on Wizard's form.

in-place message in MFC?

If any one knows how to use in-place warning message in MFC could you share info.
Is there a way to use it or is there any control we can use directly in mfc.
In-Place warning message: A warning message with appropriate icon along with warning message, will be displayed with in the same dialog.
I found some info about in-place message in msdn
InPlace message in msdn glossary
Different messages
Please share information.
From your comment, it appears that you're referring to this as an in-place message:
Ironically, of course, that's labeled as the incorrect example on the MSDN page that you link to. It's specifically recommended that you provide more specific advice, such as securing the projector with a password so that the presentation is not visible to unintended viewers. Putting that aside, however...
This is quite easy to implement in MFC. It's done simply with two STATIC controls, one on the left that displays an icon (in this case, a warning triangle) and the longer one on the right that displays static text (the warning message itself). If you're using the dialog editor to create your window, it's a simple matter of dragging the two controls to the dialog window and arranging them accordingly. There isn't a single control that encapsulates this functionality, but it's silly to expect that there would be, considering that doing it with two separate static controls is already so straightforward.
To load built-in icons such as the warning triangle shown above, you can use the LoadStandardIcon function and specify IDI_WARNING as the icon name. The complete list of values is available here. Obviously you can load any icon of your choosing as well; just add it to your project's resources.
Since you will presumably want to display the warning message only when it's applicable, you will need to programmatically hide and show the two controls depending on action taken by the user in your dialog. The standard ShowWindow member function makes this a trivial task. Call it on the two static controls, passing SW_SHOW as its argument if you want the warning message to be visible. Otherwise, you can specify SW_HIDE to hide the control.
As an alternative to what you are trying to do; you could place your message in a dialog:
int nResult = AfxMessageBox("Save changes to Current Job?", MB_YESNO);
if (nResult == IDYES)
