Foursquare API : Retrieve principal Venue Photo - foursquare

I'm using search Foursquare API to get list of venues but in result I don't have principal picture of venue (like profile picture in a facebook page).
Is there a way to retrieve it, using an other API ?
This API give me all photos and I can't retrieve only profile picture (
I want for example url of photo with logo Mcdonald here :

Are you using the venues/explore endpoint? There is a boolean parameter venuePhotos=1 that will include the venue profile photo in the response.


how can I search other users media and likes by user name on my website with instagram API

I am trying to build a kind of a clone of Instagram, where you have a search field and you can type a user name and display the user profile and media, I know that you can search for a user by ID but how can I get the ID by user name? And also in the documentation, there is no mention of how can I get the number of likes
So far I've been querying Instagram successfully on for my own media and there is no mention of the likes on the pictures.
Is it possible to query Instagram API by the username to get the media with the number of likes?

Is there any way to filter instagram new basic display api by hashtag

I want to get latest images from instagram account and I am using this url,media_type,media_url,thumbnail_url,permalink,caption&access_token={account-token} and it get all posts in my instgram account.
Is there any way to get only posts with specific hashtag?
Not right now, Hashtag Search API is only available as part of Instagram Graph API

Can I get user id via Instagram Graph API?

I'm using Instagram Graph API and getting some data.
Actually, this data is too few.
I want to get an user ID for an unique user, but this API doesn't include an user ID.
How do I get this value?
Instagram Graph API actually returns user ID. Please have a look into the reference for the user object:
You can either use the id field for unique user ID from Instagram Graph API or you can use ig_id. The latter is the ID that was used in legacy Instagram API.

Is there any way to get images from an instagram account since the new changes of the API (April 4th, 2018)?

Instagram API removed the following endpoint:
GET /users/search
which I was using to get images from my profile on my website.
Is there any way to do this now? I can't find any info since this is very new.
You can get at least the newest 12 pictures from a public account by using this URL scheme:[name_of_account]/?__a=1
You can parse the Json output and find the image-URL in display_url
This also works with hashtags and locations:
you can show your own media,
just enter access token an you will be able to get your media data
I do not see any way via either the old Instagram API or via the new Facebook graph API for Instagram Business Accounts to get profile images for accounts that are not yours. If it is an Instagram Business Account, you could get the Facebook profile image from the Facebook page associated with that Instagram account; but if it is a non-business Instagram account, that won't work. More documentation here:

can I get the restaurant name , menus from particular place or city using facebook graph api

I am new to Facebook API . how can I get the restaurant name , menus,items,item-images and comments from particular place or city using Facebook graph API like foursquare API. please help me , thanks in advance
I got the access token from Facebook API
