Groovy - 'no signature of method' error when calling method in main - groovy

I'm new to Groovy and I'm trying to fill a hash map with strain names and corresponding N50 values of bacteria obtained from a JSON-file. First, I want to fill the hash with the strain names as keys.
My method for doing so looks like this:
def getStrains() {
//create Slurper to get content from JSON file
def slurper = new JsonSlurper()
def inputFile = new File("-path to JSON file-")
def inputJSON = slurper.parseText(inputFile.text)
//get strain names from JSON file
def genus = it.genus
def species = it.species
def strain = it.strain
def folderName = "${genus}_${species}_${strain}"
//save folder name in hash
Now when I want to call my method in my main method (just to see if the strain names are correct) like this
public static void main (String[] args){
I get the following Error:
Exception in thread "main" groovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method: static scaffolds.ReadJSON.getStrains() is applicable for argument types: () values: []
I defined the hash in the beginning of my class.
I feel like I'm missing something obvious here, but I don't know what the error message wants to tell me. I've looked through other people having the same error but they are all very subjective. Any help is appreciated, thanks in advance.

declare the getStrains() as static since it is calling from a static context

You misspelled your var name:
def inputJSON = slurper.parseText(inputFile.text)
btw, this
doesn't make any sense. perhaps you want to have it like
n50Values << folderName
n50Values[folderName] = folderName
looks like you want to use a collect instead of each here:
def n50Values = inputJSON.strains.collect{
/*your code*/


Camunda: Use in an external Groovy script a provided Class

I want to use for scripting external Groovy Scripts.
To not copy a lot of code, I want to share classes.
I have:
- external_test.groovy
- Input.groovy
Running the external_test.groovy in Intellij works.
Input is a simple class:
package helpers
class Input {
String serviceConfig
String httpMethod
String path
LinkedHashMap headers = [:]
String payload
Boolean hasResponseJson
When the script is executed by Camunda, it cannot find the class:
import helpers.Input
And throws an Exception:
unable to resolve class helpers.Input # line 16, column 9. new helpers.Input(serviceConfig: "camundaService", ^ 1 error
It is listed in the Deployment:
Do I miss something or is this not supported?
I found a post in the Camunda forum, that helped me to solve this:
Here is the solution (that is not really satisfying - as it needs a lot of boilerplate code):
static def getScript(fileName, execution) {
def processDefinitionId = execution.getProcessDefinitionId()
def deploymentId = execution.getProcessEngineServices().getRepositoryService().getProcessDefinition(processDefinitionId).getDeploymentId()
def resource = execution.getProcessEngineServices().getRepositoryService().getResourceAsStream(deploymentId, fileName)
def scannerResource = new Scanner(resource, 'UTF-8')
def resourceAsString = scannerResource.useDelimiter('\\Z').next()
GroovyShell shell = new GroovyShell()
return shell.parse(resourceAsString)
def helper = getScript("helpers/helper_classes.groovy", execution)

Binding Groovy TemplateEngine with any variable names

I am trying to write a method that:
Loads a template file (*.tpl) from the local file system
Parameterizes that template file with a list of supplied variables
Best attempt thus far:
String loadParameterizedTemplateByName(String templateName,
String... variables) {
InputStream inputStream =
StringWriter writer = new StringWriter()
IOUtils.copy(inputStream, writer, 'UTF-8')
String templateBody = writer.toString()
def binding = variablesAsBinding(variables) // ?!?!
So for instance say I have the following HelloEmail.tpl template file:
Hello ${firstName},
You are awesome! ${someGuy} even says so!
Then my desired invocation of this would be:
String firstName = 'John'
String someGuy = 'Mark'
String me = '#smeeb'
String parameterizedTemplate =
loadParameterizedTemplateByName('HelloEmail.tpl', firstName, someGuy, me)
So that the final result is that parameterizedTemplate string has a value of:
println parameterizedTemplate
// Prints:
Hello John,
You are awesome! Mark even says so!
The trick here is that the method needs to be able to use any list of supplied variables against any supplied template file!
Is this possible to accomplish via reflection? Meaning the TemplateEngine just looks as the supplied list of String variables, and substitutes them for variables of the same name (as found in the template)?
You can pass a Map like so:
import groovy.text.markup.MarkupTemplateEngine
import groovy.text.markup.TemplateConfiguration
String loadParameterizedTemplateByName(Map variables, String templateName) {
def engine = new groovy.text.SimpleTemplateEngine()
this.class.getResource(templateName).withReader { reader ->
def result = loadParameterizedTemplateByName('/mail.tpl', firstName:'Tim', someGuy:'StackOverflow', me:'smeeb')
assert result == 'Hello Tim,\n\nYou are awesome! StackOverflow even says so!\n\nSincerely,\nsmeeb'

Unexpected results with groovy.util.slurpersupport.NodeChild.appendNode() (Groovy 2.2.1)

I think what I am trying to do is simple: Add child nodes dynamically to a node (without even knowing the name of the node to be added - developing some framework) using XmlSlurper.
For ease of explaining, something like this:
def colorsNode = new XmlSlurper().parseText("""
NodeChild blueNode = new XmlSlurper().parseText("<color>blue</color>") // just for illustration. The actual contents are all dynamic
colorsNode.appendNode(blueNode) // In real life, I need to be be able to take in any node and append to a given node as child.
I was expecting the resulting node to be the same as slurping the following:
However the result of appending is:
.children => LinkedList[Node('red') -> Node('green') -> <b>NodeChild</b>(.node='blue')]
In other words, what gets appended to the LinkedList is the NodeChild that wraps the new node, not the node itself.
Not surprising, looking at the source code for
protected void appendNode(final Object newValue) {
this.node.appendNode(newValue, this);
Well, I would gladly modify my code into:
Unfortunately NodeChild.node is private :(, don't know why! What would be a decent way of achieving what I am trying? I couldn’t see any solutions online.
I was able to complete my prototyping work by tweaking Groovy source and exposing NodeChild.node, but now need to find a proper solution.
Any help would be appreciated.
Aby Mathew
It would be easier if you use XmlParser:
import org.custommonkey.xmlunit.Diff
import org.custommonkey.xmlunit.XMLUnit
def xml = """
def expectedResult = """
def root = new XmlParser().parseText(xml)
root.appendNode("color", "blue")
def writer = new StringWriter()
new XmlNodePrinter(new PrintWriter(writer)).print(root)
def result = writer.toString()
def xmlDiff = new Diff(result, expectedResult)
assert xmlDiff.identical()

Groovy/Grails: Fill up String Placeholder with current instance

Im really new to groovy/grails and I want to implement following:
In Groovy.config declare a string with a placeholder:
urls.sampleUrl = "http://foo/bar/${}.jpg"
Later in another file, I want to fill up the placeholder with the current instance of the 'person'-object:
private void updateUrls(Person person)
def sampleString = urls.sampleUrl;
sampleString should then be, for example: _http://foo/bar/anthony.jpg
But the output is: _http://foo/bar/[:].jpg
How could I solve this?
...of course the code is probably wrong, I know, but its just for make you understanding my problem ;-)
Thanks for help.
try to use
urls.sampleUrl = "http://foo/bar/${->}.jpg"
this will turn it into a GString. The closure will be executed when the .toString() is applied.
def person = [name: 'jim']
def sampleUrl = "http://foo/bar/${->}.jpg"
println sampleUrl = 'jeff'
println sampleUrl
it could be that you run into a problem with
the scope of . It must be defined before you define the GString
the config itself. If it is a properties file, I guess it does not know about GStrings
So you can also just use a replace like the following one:
def person = [name: 'jim']
def sampleUrl = "http://foo/bar/{0}.jpg"
println sampleUrl.replace('{0}', = 'jeff'
println sampleUrl.replace('{0}',

What function is meant to format/substitute {0} {1} parameters in an string in Grails/Groovy?

I'm just getting started with Groovy/Grails
I noticed the error messages you get when you validate a form look like this:
Property [{0}] of class [{1}] cannot be blank
For example this code to dump the errors to the console
println it.defaultMessage
Now, it.arguments contains the arguments that need to be filled in here.
The problem is, I can't find any method in the Grails or Groovy documentation that formats strings based on positional parameters like {0}, {1} and substitutes values from an array
I need something like python's %
What is the proper way to format these error strings so the parameters get substituted properly?
These markers are actually replaced using the standard java.text.MessageFormat APIs. If you display the messages using Grail's g:message tag, it will fill in the gaps if you pass a suitable args="..." attribute:
<g:message code="mymessagecode" args="${['size', 'org.example.Something']}"/>
Under certain circumstances (within GSP pages and from controllers IIRC) you cann call the tag like a function:
g.message(code:'mymessagecode',args: ['size', 'org.example.Something'])
Note, that the value to supply as message code is only a symbolic string constant. The actual translation (the message text with the "gaps" in it) will be read by the framework using Spring's reloadable resource bundles.
If all you actually have is a translation text, you can call the message formatting APIs directly. See for example:
import java.text.MessageFormat
args = ["english"].toArray()
println(MessageFormat.format("Translation into {0}", args))
// Or - as the method is variadic:
println(MessageFormat.format("Translation into {0}", "english"))
Look what Groovy can do for you, using a little bit of meta-programming.
greetings = Hello {0}.
inquiry = {0}: How are you {1}?
farewell = Goodbye.
import java.text.MessageFormat
class ResourceBundleUtils {
def propertyMissing(String name) { this.getString(name) }
def methodMissing(String name, args) {
MessageFormat.format(this.getString(name), args)
ResourceBundle.metaClass.mixin ResourceBundleUtils
def msg = ResourceBundle.getBundle("MessagesBundle", new Locale("en","US"));
println msg.greetings("Serge")
println msg.inquiry("Serge","Mary")
println msg.farewell // You can use also: msg.['farewell'] msg."farewell" or msg.getString("farewell")
Hello Serge.
Serge: How are you Mary?
