Custom domain verification failing with dreamhost and firebase - dns

The custom domain verification is not working with Dreamhost hosted domain. The instructions specify to add the DNS TXT entries at domain registrar. But since the domain is hosted on dreamhost, domain registrar (GoDaddy) doesn't allow to edit the DNS entries. So I created DNS entries at the dreamhost panel. But even after 48 hours the verification keeps failing. Any ideas why?
I checked a similar question here but it doesn't help -
Unable to Verify Custom Domain with Firebase Using Namecheap

For gandi, you need to do the following (pro tip: edit your zone file in expert mode, it's simpler to understand what is being saved)
# 10800 IN TXT "firebase=SITE_NAME"
# 10800 IN TXT "globalsign-domain-verification=KEY"


Firebase template domain verification and firebase hosting at the same time seems to fail

I'm after having associated a custom domain for firebase hosting and firebase dynamic links, I was trying to setup a custom domain for authentificatio email templates. However verification for the authentification fail.
I'm using Namecheap for the DNS configuration.
Is it because the cname and # directive conflict one with each other ? I chose a subdomain for the authentification template mail:
Information is DNS servers is public information. Trying to answer what is wrong is very hard when you hide the information required.
Go to Google Domains Is your domain verified in Google Domains? If not complete that step first.
The CNAME resource records appear correct.
Most likely the last two TXT records are wrong. I am guessing that you are using something like The managed zone is The host is app. Your TXT records should only have *app without the managed zone
After you modify DNS server resource records be prepared to wait. Firebase will say up to 48 hours.
If my answer does not solve your problem you will either need to disclose your DNS server resource records or find someone that understands DNS to help you.

Adding Sub-domain in Route53 for CloudFront

I followed the steps on creating sub-domain via Route53 by creating a new Hosted Zone for and added the NS to the registrar in addition to the root domain, NS.
I then added Alternate Domain Name in the CloudFront Distribution that reads and saved it. I then waited for the status to get deployed.
My question is,
Do I still need to add an A record for the sub-domain that I created? If so, where will it route?
If I don't need to create an A Record, shall I add a new record CNAME on the root domain Hosted Zone or on the sub-domain Hosted Zone? Because I see no target Available.
IPV6 is also enabled on the CloudFront Distribution. Please advise on what would be my next step.
Thank you!
I'm not familiar with the method of multiple hosted zones for the same domain, be sure to use the correct NS servers. (see here)
The simple approach is to on the root domain add an A record for the subdomain, with an alias set to the CloudFront distribution.

Firebase Hosting Custom Domain - site not "Go Live" after update DNS records by "CNAME records" method

My domain verification process is completed and i also update my domain's DNS records to point to Firebase using "CNAME records" method (updated before approx 96 hours) but my site was not "Go Live". In Firebase console Hosting menu that give me below message:
Your site will go live when your domain registrar propagates your updated records.
I have already deploy my site default index.html using "Firebase deploy" CLI command and it's already successfully uploaded on ""
My Question: why my custom domain is not redirect to Firebase hosting?
Note: I have set default GoDaddy DNS nameservers in my domain.
I had the same problem and here is how i resolved it :
I put three parameters in the DNS record :
CNAME with www
A with 1st IP
A with 2nd IP
and then i only add two nameservers i.e.: ns1 & ns2 out of the 4 default Nameservers provided by
and now my website is live on firebase.
-extra info:
it was not going live when i was using the 4 default nameservers.
it was not working with only one CNAME or both CNAME, or only both A with IP
I even contacted support on they answered it is essential to have NameServer.
If you're using GoDaddy
Just try changing your host name from '' to '#'
That worked for me
I could never get the "recommended" CNAME record to work. I ended up just using the two IP's for the A record. It took about 5 minutes to propagate enough to get my site in a browser.
If you are customizing your url domian with Godaddy and Firebase, you need to do the following:
Remove your existing A record (domains from Godaddy has one A record by default).
Add the A records from the instructions found in your Firebase Console.
If you want to use, you need to set up the subdomain in Godaddy Domain (Attached image).
Maybe this step is not necesary, but I also added CNAME found in my Firebase Console.
After this changes you need to wait a few hours. If you problem persists Firebase has an excellent support as #FrankvanPuffelen says above. They solved my problems fastly.
For me after adding those 3, that #Orkun Ozen and #SarkawtNoori mentioned:
CNAME with www
A with 1st IP
A with 2nd IP
(without touching the nameservers)
in the domain service site (in my case hostinger).
I added a new domain to Firebase and called it including to and it worked perfectly.... (though I had to wait for it to be secure).
I deleted the custom firebase hosting site and added it again, actually when I did that it automatically was set as "connected". I didn't need to set up verification records or wait for provisioning.

Unable to verify custom .ninja domain for Azure website

I'm trying to verify a custom .ninja domain for a Azure hosted website, but it fails to complete verification. I've completed these steps for several other sites and domains hosted in Azure before and familiar with the awverify CNAME requirement. I've also updated the A record(s) with the Azure provided IP. A ping on the domain name returns the correct IP. It has been close to 48 hours of waiting giving plenty of time for DNS settings to propagate.
Here's the error (I replaced the actual domain with "mydomain"):
A CNAME record pointing from to was not found. Alternative record to was not found either.
Are there any restrictions on .ninja domains or those that do not have 3 char extensions maybe? All my other successful attempts with other sites have been on .com domains.
Added an A record for the www prefix, thus having 2 A records. One for # and one for www. Once the www record was added to DNS, verification worked for both and Odd, but maybe this will help someone else.

Mailserver: using same domain but other hosting

I have a question about setting up my mailserver settings. I have a website on azure, so in my DNS settings at my reseller, i set up tot point to
Website is working fine, so far so good. Now i want to use a mailserver, hosted somewhere else, because azure doesn't provide this out of the box.
In my DNS settings i set up the MX record to point to my other hosting where i have a mailserver defined. MX A "ipadress mailserver"
When i try to send a mail using my mailcredentials and as smtp server, all works fine. But i can't receive email messages. Is it possible to set this up if my main domain will point to azure?
Seems like i found a solution. You should not use a CNAME for the root domain as this is also used to resolve the MX record. So just add an A record for instead of a CNAME and the MX record will be reslved properly. Off course, azure does not recommend an A record because the IP address can change, but this is only when you change plan or disable/enable your website.
