Create a new item and delete item on button press polymer designer - browser

I'm having trouble. I, being the novice polymer user I am, am trying to make
<core-icon-button icon="add" id="core_icon_button7" theme="core-light-theme"></core-icon-button>
to create a new one of these...
<core-toolbar id="core_toolbar4">
<core-icon-button icon="close" id="core_icon_button6"></core-icon-button>
<div id="div1" flex>{{ inputValue }}</div>
while having the close button remove it. I would also like to know how I can make the toolbars have a button like function that switches pages while the add button creates a new page while close removes a selected page.


Selenium(Python) click add to cart button not working!Have searched up and down and can't find anything

I have been working on a way to click the add to cart button using Selenium on a website and have run into troubles.The page opens up and brings me to the page I need, but doesn't click the button. I have tried all the find_element_'s and none of them seem to work my code right now is:
def add_to_cart(url):
elem=driver.find_element_by_css_selector('#add-remove-buttons > input')
actions = ActionChains(driver)
HTML code for the Button element
<input type="submit" name="commit" value="add to cart" class="button">
Thank you!
The element is either not visible to Webdriver, being refreshed by the site and your code performs the click before the element has reloaded, or the element is covered by an overlay. I'm sure you would have seen an overlay while inspecting the button, though. Try adding a wait time for the button to be clickable like in WebDriverWait(driver, 10).until(EC.element_to_be_clickable(By.CSS_SELECTOR, elem), or visible/presence located through WebDriverWait. You can maybe use actions like
actions = Actionchains(driver)

How to add menuitem or button on Netsuite

Recently I built suitelet script and I want to execute that script clicking menu item.
Let me know how to add menuitem.
Otherwise I want to add button to execute that script.
For instance I want to add button on list of items.
You could be on items list page by Lists/Websites/Items.
There are already Edit View button and New Item button, but I want to add my own button.
Thanks in advance.
You add a navigation item by going to your Suitelet's Script Deployment record and adding an entry in the Links tab.
You can not script very many of the List pages, if any of them, so you won't be able to add your button here. You are able to add buttons to the pages for a single Record.
If you add your Link to the main navigation, that would seem to accomplish what you want as that navigation is available on every page.

How do I move a widget around on the screen?

I have a Menu widget that I want to display whenever the user clicks on specific dom elements, but I don't want a MenuBar. What's the best way to do this? I've tried attaching click handlers to the relevant DOM elements and having the click handler display the Menu, but I can only get it to display the Menu in the area where the original declarative markup would have been rendered. I can't get it to move at all. I'm attempting to use, 'top', calculatedTop) (and the equivalent with 'left'). What (obvious thing) am I missing?
Since you are using the dijit's default menu widget, I would think that you just need to specify the property targetNodeIds on the Menu Widget (reference) to define where the context menu is relevant:
targetNodeIds (Defined by dijit.Menu)
Array of dom node ids of nodes to attach to. Fill this with nodeIds upon widget creation and it becomes context menu for those nodes.
To get the popup showing on left click I believe you'd want to use the property leftClickToOpen:
// leftClickToOpen: [const] Boolean
// If true, menu will open on left click instead of right click, similiar to a file menu.
//defaults to false
leftClickToOpen: false,
Specifying this declaratively would look like:
<div data-dojo-type="dijit.Menu" data-dojo-props="targetNodeIds: ['nodeId1','nodeId2','nodeId3'], leftClickToOpen:true"
style="display: none;">
<!-- Your content here -->

How to prevent auto-closing in jquery mobile dialog

I am trying to use Jquery Mobile's dialog. On the documetnation, it says that diaglog would be closed if a user clicks any links on a dialog page.
"When any link is clicked within in a dialog, the framework will automatically close the dialog and transition to the requested page, just as if the dialog were a normal page. To create a "cancel" button in a dialog, just link to the page that triggered the dialog to open. This pattern of linking to the previous page is also usable in non-JS devices as well."
How do I prevent it?
Don't use an <a> tag, use a <div>
<div id="my_button" data-role="button" data-theme="a">Don't Close</div>
Then you just have to programmatically attach some actions to the clicking of that div
$('#my_button').live('click', function({
// do something
If you add a function to onclick, that will override the default behavior. Just leave href="#" in the tag, put the function like onclick="myFunction()" and you should be good.
Then in the function you can do the close with this: $('.ui-dialog').dialog('close')
Or you can obviously navigate to another page with: $.mobile.changePage('#page')
I'm sure you've moved on by now, but hopefully this can help someone else looking for this solution.
wom's solution is good, but you don't need to change from tag to . You just need to change href like href="#" as Mar said. I have test like this, it works fine.
And if still can't prevent default action, add e.preventDefault() on button's click handler.

SharePoint Add New Item Button on Home Page

I'm building a bulletin board site (in 2010) and I'm sure this must be simple but again it doesn't seem so. Anyway on my default page I have a query webpart showing the latest items and what I need is just a button at the top of the page "Add new item" which would show the popup and allow users to complete the form just like it works on the display list items form.
I've looked at AllItems.aspx but can't even see the "Add new item" button to copy!
Any ideas?
This is actually very easy. You need to know the address for your NewForm.aspx page. To make it look like a dialog box, you want to add IsDlg=1 to the query string. SharePoint has a built in JavaScript that can do all this for you. Below is an example of a button I created to open new help desk tickets.
//Handle the DialogCallback callback
function DialogCallback(dialogResult, returnValue){}
//Open the Dialog
function OpenNewDialog(){
var options = {
width: 700,
height: 700,
dialogReturnValueCallback: DialogCallback
You can also leave off the width and height options and the dialog window will size itself. For the HTML
<div style="text-align: center">
Open a new Service Request
How complicated is your query? If the query is only pulling from one list, you could put the filters into a view in the list and replace your query webpart with a List View Web Part (in the browser, select the webpart named after your list). In the List View Web Part properties, switch to your new view. By default, a List View Web Part includes an Add New Item link.
Now, it's a link and not a button. And it's in the footer of the webpart, not at the the top. If you really need a button at the top of the page, you could add a Content Editor Web Part and insert HTML for your own button. You should be able to reuse the Add New Item URL from AllItems.aspx. The URL should look something like this: http://mysite/_layouts/listform.aspx?PageType=8&ListId={21AA3D96-75EE-45CC-A153-D0FA7856DE67}&RootFolder=
