Scikit SVM gives very poor accuracy for STL-10 dataset - scikit-learn

I am using Scikit-learn SVM for training my model for STL-10 dataset which contains 5000 training images (10 pre-defined folds). So I have 5000*96*96*3 size dataset for training and test purposes. I used following code to train it and measure the accuracy for the test set. (80% 20%). Final result was 0.323 accuracy. How can I increase the accuracy for SVM.
This is STL10 dataset
def train_and_evaluate(clf, train_x, train_y):, train_y)
#make 2D array as we can apply only 2d to fit() function
nsamples, nx, ny, nz = images.shape
reshaped_train_dataset = images.reshape((nsamples, nx * ny * nz))
X_train, X_test, Y_train, Y_test = train_test_split(reshaped_train_dataset, read_labels(LABEL_PATH), test_size=0.20, random_state=33)
train_and_evaluate(my_svc, X_train, Y_train)
print(metrics.accuracy_score(Y_test, clf2.predict(X_test)))

So it seems you are using raw SVM directly on the images. That is usually not a good idea (it is rather bad actually).
I will describe the classic image-classification pipeline popular in the last decades! Keep in mind, that the highest performing approaches right now might use Deep Neural Networks to combine some of these steps (a very different approach; a lot of research in the last years!)
First step:
Preprocessing is needed!
Normalize mean and variance (i would not expect your dataset to be already normalized)
Optional: histogram-equalization
Second step:
Feature-extraction -> you should learn some features from these images. There are a lot of approaches including
Local binary patterns
... (just test with LDA initially)
SVM for classification
again there might be a Normalization-step needed before this and as mentioned in the comments by #David Batista: there might be some parameter-tuning needed (especially for Kernel-SVM)
It is also not clear, if using color-information is wise here. For more simple approaches i expect black-and-white images to be superior (you are losing information but tuning your pipeline is more robust; high-performance approaches will of course use color-information).
See here for some random tutorial describing a similar problem. While i don't know if it's good work, you could immediatly recognize the processing-pipeline mentioned above (preprocessing, feature-extraction, classifier-learning)!
Why preprocessing?: some algorithms assume centered samples with unit-variance, therefore normalization is needed. This is (at least) very important for PCA, LDA and SVM's.


Does it make sense to use scikit-learn cross_val_predict() to (i)make predictions with unseen data in k-fold cross-validation and (ii)compare models?

I'm training and evaluating a logistic regression and a XGBoost classifier.
With the XGBoost classifier, a training/validation/test split of the data and the subsequent training and validation shows the model is overfitting the training data. So, I'm working with k-fold cross-validation to reduce overfitting.
To work with k-fold cross-validation, I'm splitting my data into training and test sets and performing the k-fold cross-validation on the training set. The code looks something like the following:
model = XGBClassifier()
kfold = StratifiedKFold(n_splits = 10)
results = cross_val_score(model, x_train, y_train, cv = kfold)
The code works. Now, I've read several forums and blogs on how to make predictions after a k-fold cross-validation, but after these readings, I'm still not sure about the proper way of doing the predictions.
It would seem that using the cross_val_predict() method from sklearn.model_selection and using the test set is OK. The code would look something like the following:
y_pred = cross_val_predict(model, x_test, y_test, cv = kfold)
The code works, but the issue is whether this makes sense since I've seen more complicated ways of doing so and where it doesn't seem clear whether the training or the test set should be used for the predictions.
And if this makes sense, computing the accuracy score and the confusion matrix would be as simple as running something like the following:
accuracy = metrics.accuracy_score(y_test, y_pred)
cm = metrics.confusion_matrix(y_test, y_pred)
These two would help compare the logistic regression and the XGBoost classifier. Does this way of making predictions and evaluating models make sense?
Any help is appreciated! Thanks!
I want to answer this question I posted myself by summarizing things I have read and tried.
First, I want to clarify that the idea behind splitting my data into training/test sets and performing the k-fold cross-validation on the training set is to reserve the test set for providing a generalization error in much the same way we split data into training/validation/test sets and use the test set for providing a generalization error. For the sake of clarity, let me split the discussion into 2 sections.
Section 1
Now, reading more stuff, it's clearer to me cross_val_predict() returns the predictions that were obtained during the cross-validation when the elements were in a test set (see section in this scikit-learn cross-validation doc). This test set refers to one of the test sets the cross-validation procedure internally creates (cross-validation creates a test set in each fold). Thus:
y_pred = cross_val_predict(model, x_train, y_train, cv = kfold)
returns the predictions from the cross-validation internal test sets. It then seems safe to obtain the accuracy and confusion matrix with:
accuracy = metrics.accuracy_score(y_train, y_pred)
cm = metrics.confusion_matrix(y_train, y_pred)
While cross_val_predict(model, x_test, y_test, cv = kfold) runs, it seems doing this doesn't make much sense.
Section 2
From some blogs that talk about creating a confusion matrix after a cross-validation procedure (see here and here), I borrowed code that, for each fold of the cross-validation, extracts the labels and predictions from the internal test set. These labels and predictions are later used to compute the confusion matrix. Assuming I store the labels and predictions in variables called actual_classes and predicted_classes, respectively, I then run:
accuracy = metrics.accuracy_score(actual_classes, predicted_classes)
cm = metrics.confusion_matrix(actual_classes, predicted_classes)
The results are exactly the same as the ones from Section 1's equivalent code. This reinforces that cross_val_predict(model, x_train, y_train, cv = kfold) works fine.
Does it make sense to use scikit-learn cross_val_predict() to make
predictions with unseen data in k-fold cross-validation? I would say
No, it doesn't since cross_val_predict() makes predictions with
the internal test sets from the cross-validation procedure. It
seems that to make predictions with unseen data and compute a
generalization error we would need a way to extract one of the
models from the cross-validation procedure (e.g., see this
Does it make sense to use scikit-learn cross_val_predict() to
compare models? I would say Yes, it does as long as the method is
executed as shown in Section 1. The accuracy and confusion matrix
could be used to make comparisons against other models.
Any comment is appreciated! Thanks!

Model underfitting

I have trained a model and it took me quite a while to find the correct hyperparameters.
The model has now been trained for 15h and it seems to to its job quite well.
When I observed the training and validation loss though, the training loss is somewhat higher than the validation loss. (red curve: training, green: validation)
I use dropout to regularize my model and as far as I have understood, droput is is only applied during training which might be the reason.
Now Iam wondering if I have trained a valid model?
It doesn't seem like the model is heavily underfitted?
Thanks in advance for any advice,
First, check whether you have good data set, i.e., if it is a classification, then get equal number of images for all classes and get it from same source not from different sources. And regularization, dropout are used for overfitting/High variance so don't worry about these.
Then, I think your model is doing good when you trained your model the initial error between them are different but as you increased the epochs then they both got into some steady path. So it is good. And may be reason for this is as I mentioned above or you should try shuffle them then using train_test_split for getting better distribution of training and validation sets.
A plot of learning curves shows a good fit if:
The plot of training loss decreases to a point of stability.
The plot of validation loss decreases to a point of stability and has a small gap with the training loss.
In your case these conditions are satisfied.
Still if you want to deal with High Bias/underfitting then here are few methods:
Train bigger models
Train longer. Use better optimization techniques
Try different Neural Network Architecture and also hyper parameters
And also you can use cross-validation or GridSearchCV for finding better optimizer or hyper parameters but it may take really long because you have to train it on different parameters each time considering your time which is 15 hours then it might be very long but you will find better parameters and then train on it.
Above all I think your model is doing okay.
If your model underfits, its performance will be lower, similar as in the case of overfitting, because actually it can not learn effectively to get the optimal result, i.e the proper function to fit the given distribution. So you have to use less regularization technique e.g. less dropout to get the optimal result.
Furthermore the sampling can also be crucial, because there can be training-validation subsets where your model performs well on validation set and less effective on training set and vice-versa. This is one of the reason why we use crossvalidation and different sampling methods e.g. stratified k-fold.

SMOTE over sampling applied on text classification

I am working on text classification, where I am using Multinominal Naive Bayes Classifier to predict article titles into their respective subject categories. Both of these are stored in a pandas data frame and are text columns. However they're are two categories which contain 50,000 records and 30,000 records respectively. Hence I need to do oversampling of the data and then apply the algorithm. When I do oversampling it reduces the model accuracy score and give me 15%. Please tell me how I can improve it.
X_train, X_test, Y_train, Y_test=train_test_split(df['Title'],df['Subjects'], test_size=0.2,random_state=42)
count_vect = CountVectorizer()
X_train_counts = count_vect.fit_transform(X_train)
tfidf_transformer = TfidfTransformer()
X_train_tfidf = tfidf_transformer.fit_transform(X_train_counts)
sm = SMOTE(random_state=2)
X_train_res, y_train_res = sm.fit_sample(X_train_tfidf, Y_train)
print("Shape after smote is:",X_train_res.shape,y_train_res.shape)
nb = Pipeline([('clf', MultinomialNB())]), y_train_res)
y_pred = nb.predict(count_vect.transform(X_test))
I expect to increase model accuracy by doing so. Model accuracy without oversampling is 62% and after oversampling is 15%, when it should actually be higher.
Actually, using SMOTE for balancing/oversampling classes can be problematic in text classification tasks. There are nice explanations and suggestions for alternatives here:
In short, the SMOTE output may not represent "meaningful" substitutes and due to the size of the feature space its nearest-neighbor based approach may yield poor results.
Some more ideas:
Instead of using accuracy, it is advisable to use F1 or similar.
Rather unlikely to help but did you try undersampling?
For the MultinomialNB classifier you might try setting class_prior explicitly.
Finally, other methods like Forests and Boosting approaches might be better suited for imbalanced datasets.

does training on total dataset improves confidence scores

I'm using SVC(kernel="linear", probability=True) in multiclass classification. when I'm using 2/3rd of my data for training purpose, I'm getting ~72%. And when I tried to predict in production, Confidence scores I'm getting are very less. Does training on the total dataset helps to improve confidence scores?
Does training on the total dataset helps to improve confidence scores?
It might. In general, the more data the better. However evaluating performance should be done on data that the model has not seen before. One way to do this is to set aside a part of the data, a test set, as you have done. Another approach is to use cross-validation, see below.
And when I tried to predict in production, Confidence scores I'm getting are very less.
This means that your model does not generalize well. In other words when presented with data it has not seen before the model starts to make more or less random predictions.
To get a better sense of how well your model generalizes you may want to use cross-validation:
from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score
clf = SVC()
scores = cross_val_score(clf, X, Y)
This will train and evaluate your classifier on the full dataset using folds of the full data. A fold For each split the classifier is trained and validation on an exclusive subset of the data. For each split the scores result contains the validation score (for SVC, the accuracy). If you need more control over which metrics to evaluate, use the cross_validation function.
to predict in production
In order to improve your model's performance, there are several methods to consider:
Use more training data
Use an ensemble model to reduce prediction variance
Use a different model (algorithm)

Sklearn overfitting

I have a data set containing 1000 points each with 2 inputs and 1 output. It has been split into 80% for training and 20% for testing purpose. I am training it using sklearn support vector regressor. I have got 100% accuracy with training set but results obtained with test set are not good. I think it may be because of overfitting. Please can you suggest me something to solve the problem.
You may be right: if your model scores very high on the training data, but it does poorly on the test data, it is usually a symptom of overfitting. You need to retrain your model under a different situation. I assume you are using train_test_split provided in sklearn, or a similar mechanism which guarantees that your split is fair and random. So, you will need to tweak the hyperparameters of SVR and create several models and see which one does best on your test data.
If you look at the SVR documentation, you will see that it can be initiated using several input parameters, each of which could be set to a number of different values. For the simplicity, let's assume you are only dealing with two parameters that you want to tweak: 'kernel' and 'C', while keeping the third parameter 'degree' set to 4. You are considering 'rbf' and 'linear' for kernel, and 0.1, 1, 10 for C. A simple solution is this:
for kernel in ('rbf', 'linear'):
for c in (0.1, 1, 10):
svr = SVR(kernel=kernel, C=c, degree=4), train_target)
score = svr.score(test_features, test_target)
print kernel, c, score
This way, you can generate 6 models and see which parameters lead to the best score, which will be the best model to choose, given these parameters.
A simpler way is to let sklearn to do most of this work for you, using GridSearchCV (or RandomizedSearchCV):
parameters = {'kernel':('linear', 'rbf'), 'C':(0.1, 1, 10)}
clf = GridSearchCV(SVC(degree=4), parameters), train_target)
print clf.best_score_
print clf.best_params_
model = clf.best_estimator_ # This is your model
I am working on a little tool to simplify using sklearn for small projects, and make it a matter of configuring a yaml file, and letting the tool do all the work for you. It is available on my github account. You might want to take a look and see if it helps.
Finally, your data may not be linear. In that case you may want to try using something like PolynomialFeatures to generate new nonlinear features based on the existing ones and see if it improves your model quality.
Try fitting your data using training data split Sklearn K-Fold cross-validation, this provides you a fair split of data and better model , though at a cost of performance , which should really matter for small dataset and where the priority is accuracy.
A few hints:
Since you have only two inputs, it would be great if you plot your data. Try either a scatter with alpha = 0.3 or a heatmap.
Try GridSearchCV, as mentioned by #shahins.
Especially, try different values for the C parameter. As mentioned in the docs, if you have a lot of noisy observations you should decrease it. It corresponds to regularize more the estimation.
If it's taking too long, you can also try RandomizedSearchCV
As a side note from #shahins answer (I am not allowed to add comments), both implementations are not equivalent. GridSearchCV is better since it performs cross-validation in the training set for tuning the hyperparameters. Do not use the test set for tuning hyperparameters!
Don't forget to scale your data
