Unable to access Parallels Plesk Panel account - dns

I have come to an issue while logging into the Parallels Plesk Panel with the username and password provided by our hosting agent.
It was going fine until I removed a directory through FileZilla application, which was holding the contents of a running live website.
After resetting the directory, I got an error message:
Internal error: Domain Service Web not exists: domain=example.com,
id=XXXX Domain Service Web not exists: domain=example.com, id=XXXX File
DSWeb.php Line 76 Type PleskFatalException
Then I found a solution after searching the error. But that was saying about removing and adding entries from and to psa database. I am using a windows system and no way to access this psa database.
Then I found some server administration service providers can solve this issue but they are asking tickets and payments. I doubt if they can help or if they ask me the credentials of the service. Is that the only and safe solution?
And somewhere else I saw I can use dbclient utility for running SQL query on Windows. How does that help?
Now I can't login through the panel, it shows the error:
The xxx.xxx.xxx.xx page isn’t working
xxx.xxx.xxx.xx redirected you too many times. Try: Reloading the page
Clearing your cookies ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS
I am not able to access mail accounts and some domains(were running good) show this error message:
The service is unavailable.
The one which I removed (directory and files) shows Web Server's Default Page of Parallels Plesk Panel when accessing the domain address through web browser.
I don't see any questions like this here in Stack overflow, but there are tags.
Waiting for your suggestion and help me to find the best solution for this.

Have you tried this?
Trouble shouting for:
Cannot Access Panel
Cannot Log In to Panel
If you get the error message "Access for administrator from address xx.xx.xx.xx is restricted in accordance with IP Access restriction policy currently applied." when trying to access Parallels Plesk Panel, it means that the Panel IP access policy does not allow you to log in from your current IP.
To access Panel from an IP address:
Here is a way of access psa table.
1-Log in to the server via SSH.Using Putty
2-Change the IP access policy in the psa database:
To find the current policy and its restricted and allowed IP addressess,run the following commands.
mysql -uadmin -p`cat /etc/psa/.psa.shadow ` psa
mysql> select * from cp_access;
mysql> select * from misc where param='access_policy';
Panel in a Virtuozzo Container: Broken Layout


SSRS and UAC problem

I have using SSRS 2008r2 on Windows2003 server and added Domain Users group as a System Administrator via report manager. However, when I mimic an ordinary user in report manager web interface on my computer(member of the domain) I get;
User 'usera' does not have required permissions. Verify that sufficient permissions have been granted and Windows User Account Control (UAC) restrictions have been addressed.
if I try with user a on the server by using FQDN, it it shows same error above.
If I type localhost instead, it does work. while using localhost, it I navigate to a folder and while I am in a folder and change the localhost to FQDN, it still works.
There are lots of solutions on the web, like the one on http://skamie.wordpress.com/2010/06/24/ssrs-and-uac/, but it did not work..
Does anyone have any idea?
Many Thanks
Have you tried right-clicking on IE and select Run as Administrator?
I have to do that from time to time on my development machine so it is sort of first solution that came to mind. Hope it helps.
Additional answer:
So the Domain Users group has System Admin role. You can try adding that group as Browser role or Content Manager role at the root folder.

Sharepoint users are logged out

Everyday at sometime (mostly near the noon) all users of our sharepoint (2007) except "System Account" automatically get logged out and cannot login for about 30mins.
I have no idea what possibly causes this situation. Can anyone help?
Thanks in advance.
Update: we use Active Directory for user authentication. At situations described above we can successfully login to Active Directory but it seems that SharePoint fails to login.
When you say 'cannot login for about 30mins' do you mean that the site is inaccessible or users get an Access Denied page (and I mean the SharePoint one)?
If the site is inaccessible then the SharePoint web server is probably down.
On the 30 minutes what are the events in the Windows Logs of the server ?
What can be the cause : Maybe the primary DNS is filled in, and not the secondary. And maybe there is a reboot of the first DNS server ?
Or maybe a network firewall or proxy is acting weird ?

IIS7 redirection to SharePoint Site problem?

I have a sharepoint site hosted on windows server 2008 r2 and iis7.
the sharepoint site is hosted on port 80.
when I browse the site by typing the IP of the machine I receive a login window asking for credentials to connect the Machine. after providing credentials another login window asks for credentials to connect to the sharepoint site.
my question is that when a user logs in to a sharepoint site he uses the credentials specified in the active directory, so why in my case I recieve the login window twice ?
I've seen this before but rough guess:
When a SharePoint site has a reference to a resource held inside another site (not necessarily SharePoint).
contains perhaps an image with the url http://someothersite/images/someimage.gif.
Not necessarily an image, it would be any resource.
Best way to check could be to view source and check to see if there are any urls pointing to outside the site.
Also check for urls starting with https: .
Hope this helps.
Another thought:
Since you're accessing the site through the IP address, maybe its treating your IP address site ( seperately to the actual host headed sharepoint site (http://actualsharepointsite). Therefore the first authentication prompt is for the IP address host headed site and the second is for the actual host header of the sharepoint site.
To eliminate this, I would try (if you have access to these areas):
a) Logon to the actual box, and browse the site on the actual server using its proper host header (might need host file entry and proxy bypass setup depending on your environment). See how many times you're prompted for login details.
or b) In Central Admin, try to setup Alternate Access Mapping from the IP Address url to the actual host headed url.
Sorry if this doesn't help..

User can't access IIS 6 FTP site

I set up a new virtual directory in IIS under the Default FTP Site. I already have other virtual directories, and I'm able to access them with my user account, which is a domain admin. I created an account named FTPuser, gave it full permissions to the virtual directory, but I can't open the site. When I log in, I get a Success Audit event in Event Viewer, so my account is being authenticated. But the site doesn't appear, I just get the login box again.
I ran Process Monitor and saw different behavior between the two login scenarios. When I login to the same FTP site with my admin account, I get a SUCCESS result in Procmon when trying to access the folder that is specified as the home directory for my Default Web Site. But I get an ACCESS DENIED message when trying to connect as the FTPuser. Above that in the log, it also shows a NO SUCH DEVICE error trying to connect to the IPC$ share on that drive (the one containing the home directory).
When I look at the permissions, both accounts seem to have Full Control on the relevant directories. Can anyone point me in the right direction as to what is going on here?

sharepoint permissions issues - "Access Denied"

I am trying to replicate a production issue in my dev environment but am running into permissions issues, where a user in the "Contributor" group gets an access denied error. Furthermore, if I make this user a Site Collection administrator he still gets the same access denied error.
Why is this happening? How do I fix?
UPDATE: I do not have a problem when I log in from inside my VM in the dev environment. The problem must be that my dev environment is its own domain. So the question becomes, how can I log in from a machine not in the domain? I'd like to avoid extending the web application if possible.
UPDATE 2: By the way, I'm able to log in the site from my host OS fine when the credentials I use are of the "System Account."
Troubleshooting Access Denied errors is something that plagues me daily... so I feel your pain.
I am assuming this user is trying to access some page in SharePoint. From my experience, if even one Web Part on the page is accessing something the user does not have access to, the entire Access Denied page is shown.
One way to troubleshoot access to the SITE (not the page) is by visiting the "All Site Content" page: /_layouts/viewlsts.aspx. If they can get to this page, then it is something wrong with the page and not the site.
Next I would try exporting and then DELETING (not closing) webparts from the page to determine which one is causing the problem. Since you have a dev environment, I assume you could do another restore if things get too mucked up.
when do they get the access denied error? hitting the site?
are you sure that the user you're adding to the group is the same user you're logging in as? Sometimes if you have multiple user stores you can add different users to the group: DOMAIN\joe.user, forms:joe.user, someotheraccountstore:joe.user, etc.
