p4v not looking in correct root directory for workspace - perforce

I am trying to look up history for a workspace in p4v. I believe I changed the root directory at one point, and the updated root is shown in the workspace info from p4v and from command line. However, I get the following when I attempt to review history.
Path 'c:\path_to_old_root\...' is not under client's root 'c:\path_to_new_root'.
The Perforce command run is:
p4 changes -s submitted -l -m 100 c:\path_to_old_root...
Additionally, when looking at the workspace in the selectro on the left side pane it shows c:\path_to_old_root\ for the local directory.
I am unsure why it is the generating the command/determining local directory to use in the manner it is.

Not sure why this occurred, but it appears files in the .p4qt directory were not correctly updated. Based on the suggestion that deleting said directory might be helpful, I searched the directory for occurrences of the old root path and replaced them with the new root path. This appears to have corrected the problem.


How to delete the old Perforce Workspace without damaging the work I've done on the exact same files under a new Workspace?

Trusty computer crashed and died while files were checked out under a Perforce Workspace. The New computer was not recognized by the old Workspace so I couldn't check the files back in. Had to keep working so I created a new Workspace to edit the exact same files.
I couldn't remove the old Workspace without reverting the files. But I don't want to risk copying over the work I've done on the exact same files under the new Workspace.
Is "p4 revert -k" what I want to do?
Suggestions? Thanks.
What you're really asking is how you can revert files in an old workspace/client that you can no longer access (because it's tied to a host that no longer exists).
The simplest way would be to ask your Perforce administrator to delete your old workspace. Someone with administrative access to your Perforce server can do p4 revert -C OLD_CLIENT to revert files belonging to another user and client, or the administrator can do p4 client -df OLD_CLIENT to delete the client outright.
If you want to do it yourself instead (note: I don't have a Perforce installation handy right now, so this is untested), then you could try:
Run p4 client OLD_CLIENT, clear the Host: field. Save and exit. This should allow further edits from a different host.
Run p4 client OLD_CLIENT again. Change Root: to point to some empty directory. Save and exit.
cd to the directory from step 2. Run p4 -c OLD_CLIENT revert ....

P4V Path '/Applications/...' is not under client's root '/Users/sylwester/test'

I've set up a new workspace in /Users/sylwester/test and checked for get all revisions and switch to workspace. Every time i start p4v and select my workspace after login I get this error. The command it says it has performed is:
p4 changes -s submitted -l -m 100 /Applications/...
The p4v executable is of course in the /Applications/ directory but my workspace in /Users/sylwester/test. To be sure it was not fixed at a later version i upgraded p4v to 2017.2 (P4V/MACOSX1011X86_64/2017.2/1518788)
It sounds like you have a filter somewhere (probably the history or submitted changelists tab?) that specifies /Applications/... as the path. If you clear or fix that I'd expect the error to go away.

How do I get back a directory that was deleted from svn and commited

I have tried to search for a way to resolve this and have come up with nothing so far.
I made changes to certain files in a directory. I then performed an svn add and svn commit for those files I changed. Then (by accident) I deleted the directory in svn containing the files I just modified. (the directory names were different which is what caused the mix up).
My goal is to get back the directory I deleted with my modified files or get back just the modified files. I have tried using svn merge -c REV and recommitting. it first told me there was a tree conflict with the directory i deleted so i did an svn resolve --accept working PATH. I have also tried an svn merge -r (current):(previous) to no avail.
Please help. I am using Linux (centOS)

Follow symlinks in SVN

I have a linux directory (and don't need any windows checkout):
In this project, I need SVN (1.8.8) to follow a symlink "link1":
But SVN won't let me do that, it just add link1 but not its content. If I try to add its content, I get an error:
svn add link1/*
svn: E145001: Can't schedule an addition of '/home/me/projects/project1/link1/first_directory' below a not-directory node
I tried converting link1 to hard link but I can't do that either:
ln /path/to/my/linked/directory link1
ln: ‘/path/to/my/linked/directory’: hard link not allowed for directory
Any idea? How do you handle this kind of configuration? I just need to commit everything from /home/me/projects/project1 from a simple svn commit
If I understand your problem, you have:
project1/link1 -> ../../some/where/else
If you do a simple svn add link1 it adds a symlink entry to the subversion repository, but what you're trying to accomplish is getting the stuff under somewhere else into the tree.
If this is the case, then you're fighting in the wrong direction, you should make the real files and directories under link1, and make the target locations symlinks into the link1 directory. That would be a simple solution to the problem.
Another solution would be to make the location ../../some/where/else an svn location in it's own right, and make link1 an externals definition to that location. When you commit in the main directory, the externals would be committed at the same time which would achieve storing the information; however to ensure that the other location was kept in sync, you would have to make sure to update it to the same version as the stored data.
In my case, on my desktop, I have a settings directory:
This is a checked out copy of a directory containing .bashrc, .profile, .vimrc, .vim, etc. files and folders from an svn repo. All my profile files and directories were symlinks into this folder, so for example .profile -> settings/.profile, etc. When I make changes, they are reflected in the svn tree, which I can commit back to in order to ensure that I don't lose my config settings when I go to another system.
If you really want svn to follow symlinks as hardlinks (You can't make directory hardlinks because it would be a bad thing™), then you'll have to hack the svn client source so that it did what you wanted; but this would be a maintenance nightmare.
You could get away with making the symlink into a bind mount point directed at the target, but that has it's own issues - you would need to be root to accomplish this, and it ends up leaving funny entries in your /proc/mounts to accomplish this:
mount --bind /absolute/path/to/some/where/else project1/link1
Bind mounting does not work when mounting to inside the svn tree since the working copy format changes introduced by svn 1.7 - svn operations attempt to move files from .svn/tmp to the target folder, which would be a cross device link. The workaround in this case is to go from the inside out, i.e.:
mount --bind project/link1 /absolute/path/to/somewhere/else
With the change in the svn working copy format of a single .svn folder for the checked out tree, you will need to perform all subsequent operations from the true svn location, as it won’t work from the bind mounted folder, on the assumption that you have not mounted the entire checked out tree at that target location.

perforce exclude subfolder from diff

I have added an exclusion to my workspace which is called "dev-machine"
-//depot/DotNetProject/bin/... //dev-machine/bin/...
The bin folder now shows as excluded in p4diff but...
The differences are still showing i.e. diff 1 of 11 and the next and previous arrows are still taking me into those excluded folders.
Am I missing something obvious here?
Did you add the client-spec rule to remove the bin directory after making changes to the directory, and opening files in the directory? Perforce will still consider the files as mapped until you explicitly sync, and even then it'll prevent you from removing the file Perforce knows is open.
If Perforce already thinks the files in the bin directory are open (check with p4 open), your best bet may be to force-sync these files, or revert them, to remove them from your workspace. You'll end up with no files in your bin directory (at least, that Perforce is tracking), so you'll need to rebuild.
