Regarding Spark Dataframereader jdbc - apache-spark

I have a question regarding Mechanics of Spark Dataframereader. I will appreciate if anybody can help me. Let me explain the Scenario here
I am creating a DataFrame from Dstream like this. This in Input Data
var config = new HashMap[String,String]();
config += ("zookeeper.connect" ->zookeeper);
config += ("partition.assignment.strategy" ->"roundrobin");
config += ("bootstrap.servers" ->broker);
config += ("serializer.class" -> "kafka.serializer.DefaultEncoder");
config += ("" -> "default");
val lines = KafkaUtils.createDirectStream[String, Array[Byte], StringDecoder, DefaultDecoder](ssc,config.toMap,Set(topic)).map(_._2)
lines.foreachRDD { rdd =>
val rddJson = { x => MyFunctions.mapToJson(x) }
val sqlContext = SQLContextSingleton.getInstance(ssc.sparkContext)
val rddDF =
val dbDF = ReadDataFrameHelper.readDataFrameHelperFromDB(sqlContext, jdbcUrl, "ABCD","A",numOfPartiton,lowerBound,upperBound)
Here is the code of ReadDataFrameHelper
def readDataFrameHelperFromDB(sqlContext:HiveContext,jdbcUrl:String,dbTableOrQuery:String,
val jdbcDF = = jdbcUrl, table = dbTableOrQuery,
columnName = columnToPartition,
lowerBound = lowerBound,
upperBound = highBound,
numPartitions = numOfPartiton,
connectionProperties = new java.util.Properties()
Lastly I am doing a Join like this
val joinedData = rddDF.join(dbDF,rddDF("ID") === dbDF("ID")
&& rddDF("CODE") === dbDF("CODE"),"left_outer")
My input DStream will have 1000 rows and data will contains million of rows. So when I do this join, will spark load all the rows from database and read those rows or will this just read those specific rows from DB which have the code,id from the input DStream

As specified by zero323, i have also confirmed that data will be read full from the table. I checked the DB session logs and saw that whole dataset is getting loaded.
Thanks zero323


Join apache spark dataframes properly with scala avoiding null values

Hellow everyone!
I have two DataFrames in apache spark (2.3) and I want to join them properly. I will explain below what I mean with 'properly'. First of all the two dataframes holds the following information:
nodeDf: ( id, year, title, authors, journal, abstract )
edgeDf: ( srcId, dstId, label )
The label could be 0 or 1 in case node1 is connected with node2 or not.
I want to combine this two dataframes to get one dataframe withe the following information:
JoinedDF: ( id_from, year_from, title_from, journal_from, abstract_from, id_to, year_to, title_to, journal_to, abstract_to, time_dist )
time_dist = abs(year_from - year_to)
When I said 'properly' I meant that the query must be as fast as it could be and I don't want to contain null rows or cels ( value on a row ).
I have tried the following but I took me 500 -540 sec to execute the query and the final dataframe contains null values. I don't even know if the dataframes ware joined correctly.
I want to mention that the node file from which I create the nodeDF has 27770 rows and the edge file (edgeDf) has 615512 rows.
val spark = SparkSession.builder().master("local[*]").appName("Logistic Regression").getOrCreate()
val sc = spark.sparkContext
val data = sc.textFile("resources/data/training_set.txt").map(line =>{
val fields = line.split(" ")
(fields(0),fields(1), fields(2).toInt)
val data2 = sc.textFile("resources/data/test_set.txt").map(line =>{
val fields = line.split(" ")
import spark.implicits._
val trainingDF = data.toDF("srcId","dstId", "label")
val testDF = data2.toDF("srcId","dstId")
val infoRDD ="header","false").option("inferSchema","true").format("csv").load("resources/data/node_information.csv")
val infoDF = infoRDD.toDF("srcId","year","title","authors","jurnal","abstract")
println("Showing linksDF sample...")
println("Rows of linksDF: ",trainingDF.count())
println("Showing infoDF sample...")
println("Rows of infoDF: ",infoDF.count())
println("Joining linksDF and infoDF...")
var joinedDF ="a").join("b"),$"a.srcId" === $"b.srcId")
joinedDF =$"a.srcId",$"a.dstId",$"a.label",$"b.year",$"b.title",$"b.authors",$"b.jurnal",$"b.abstract")
val graphX = new GraphX()
val pageRankDf =graphX.computePageRank(spark,"resources/data/training_set.txt",0.0001)
println("Joining joinedDF and pageRankDf...")
joinedDF ="a").join("b"),$"a.srcId" === $"b.nodeId")
var dfWithRanks ="srcId","dstId","label","year","title","authors","jurnal","abstract","rank").withColumnRenamed("rank","pgRank")
println("Renameming joinedDF...")
dfWithRanks = dfWithRanks
var infoDfRenamed = dfWithRanks
var finalDF ="a").join("b"),$"a.id_to" === $"b.srcId")
finalDF = finalDF
println("Dropping unused columns from joinedDF...")
finalDF = finalDF.drop("srcId")
Here are my results!
Avoid all calculations and code related to pgRank! Is there any proper way to do this join works?
You can filter your data first and then join, in that case you will avoid nulls
use <=> operator in your joining column condition
var joinedDF ="a").join("b"),$"a.srcId" <=> $"b.srcId")
There is a function in spark 2.1 or greater is eqNullSafe
var joinedDF = trainingDF.join(infoDF,trainingDF("srcId").eqNullSafe(infoDF("srcId")))

How to Use spark cassandra connector API in scala

My previous post: Reparing Prepared stmt warning.
i was not able to solve it, with few suggestions, i tried using spark cassandra connector to solve my problem.
But i am completely confused about its usage in my application.
i tried to write code as below,but not sure how exactly to use the API's.
val conf = new SparkConf(true)
.set("", "")
.set("spark.cassandra.auth.username", "auser")
.set("spark.cassandra.auth.password", "apass")
val sc=new SparkContext(conf)
val c = CassandraConnector(sc.getConf)
c.withSessionDo ( session => session.prepareStatement(session,insertQuery)
val boundStatement = new BoundStatement(insertStatement)
batch.add(boundStatement.bind(data.service_id, data.asset_id, data.summ_typ, data.summ_dt, data.trp_summ_id, data.asset_serial_no, data.avg_sp, data.c_dist, data.c_epa, data.c_gal, data.c_mil, data.device_id, data.device_serial_no, data.dist, data.en_dt, data.en_lat, data.en_long, data.epa,, data.h_dist, data.h_epa, data.h_gal, data.h_mil, data.id_tm, data.max_sp,, data.rec_crt_dt, data.st_lat, data.st_long, data.tr_dis, data.tr_dt, data.tr_dur, data.st_addr, data.en_addr))
def prepareStatement(session: Session, query: String): PreparedStatement = {
val cluster = session.clustername
get(cluster, query.toString) match {
case Some(stmt) => stmt
case None =>
synchronized {
get(cluster, query.toString) match {
case Some(stmt) => stmt
case None =>
val stmt = session.prepare(query)
put(cluster, query.toString, stmt)
val table1 =
.option( "spark.cassandra.auth.username","apoch_user")
"table" -> "trip_summary_data",
"keyspace" -> "aphoc" ,
"cluster" -> "Cluster1"
) ).load()
def insert( data: TripHistoryData) {
val df1= spark.sql("select * from inputTable1 where service_id = ? and asset_id = ? and summ_typ = ? and summ_dt >= ? and summ_dt <= ?");
val df2=spark.sql("insert into inputTable1 values (data.service_id, data.asset_id, data.summ_typ, data.summ_dt, data.trp_summ_id, data.asset_serial_no, data.avg_sp, data.c_dist, data.c_epa, data.c_gal, data.c_mil, data.device_id, data.device_serial_no, data.dist, data.en_dt, data.en_lat, data.en_long, data.epa,, data.h_dist, data.h_epa, data.h_gal, data.h_mil, data.id_tm, data.max_sp,, data.rec_crt_dt, data.st_lat, data.st_long, data.tr_dis, data.tr_dt, data.tr_dur, data.st_addr, data.en_addr))
You need to concentrate on how you process your data in Spark application, not how the data are read or written (it matters, of course, but only when you hit performance problems).
If you're using Spark, then you need to think in the Spark terms as you're processing data in RDDs or DataFrames. In this case you need to use constructs like these (with DataFrames):
val df = spark
.cassandraFormat("words", "test")
val newDf = df.sql(...) // some operation on source data
.cassandraFormat("words_copy", "test")
And avoid the use of direct session.prepare/session.execute, cluster.connect, etc. - Spark connector will do prepare, and other optimizations under the hood.

why the data has changed after convert to parquet format testing by union two dataframe?

I wrote a function to operation on a csv file, to convert it to parquet format.
and I wonder how to make sure the data is the same,not lost or add.
So I wrote a test for it. But it turns out they are not the same:
My logic is:
1) make the csv to dataframe A.
2)and make the dataframe A to parquet format ,save to a dir.
3)read the parquet file to be a new dataframe B.
4)then A.union(B).
5)count the A and B and A.union(B).
If the three are the same ,then I can get to the conclusion that they are the same data.
But I get third one different.
def doJob(sc: SparkContext, data: RDD[String]): DataFrame = {
logInfo("Extracting omniture data")
val result = data
val sqlsqlContext = new SQLContext(sc)
//just ignore above codes...
val packagesCsvDF = sqlsqlContext.load("com.databricks.spark.csv", Map("path" -> "file:///D:/test/testsample.csv", "header" -> "true"))
val sqlContext = new org.apache.spark.sql.hive.HiveContext(sc)
import sqlContext.implicits._
// // we should have some additional filter here
// val mydf = packagesDF.groupBy($"page_url").agg(last($"pagename"),last($"prop46"),last($"prop56"),last($"post_evar34"))
// logInfo("show mydf")
// save files
logInfo("Saving omniture packages data to S3")
if (true) {
.repartition(sc.defaultParallelism, col("pagename"))
packagesCsvDF//Is this packagesCsvDF have not been changed yet??????
object ParquetDataTestsSpec {
def main (args: Array[String] ): Unit = {
val sc = new SparkContext(new SparkConf().setAppName("parquet data test Logs").setMaster("local"))
val input = PackagesOmnitureMapReduceJob.formatToJson(sc.textFile("file:///D:/test/option.json", sc.defaultParallelism))
val df = PackagesOmnitureMapReduceJob.doJob(sc, input)//call the function I want to test in "file:///D:/test/parquet"
val sqlContext = new SQLContext(sc)
val SourceCSVDF = sqlContext.load("com.databricks.spark.csv", Map("path" -> "file:///D:/test/testsample.csv", "header" -> "true"))// original
val parquetDataFrame ="file:///D:/test/parquet") //get the new dataframe
val dfCount = df.count()
val SourceCSVDFcount = SourceCSVDF.count()
val parquetDataCount = parquetDataFrame.count()
val unionCount = parquetDataFrame.union(SourceCSVDF).count()
then I try to parse all the dataframe to json:
and when I open the json files, I find they are so all same..Is the problem is coming with the key word union?
val unionalldis3 = parquetDataFrame.unionAll(SourceCSVDF).distinct().count()
then it is right...
But I am very confused.I thought union() is the distincted unionAll....

How two RDD according to funcation get Result RDD

I am a beginner of Apache Spark. I want to filter two RDD into result RDD with the below code
def runSpark(stList:List[SubStTime],icList:List[IcTemp]): Unit ={
val conf = new SparkConf().setAppName("OD").setMaster("local[*]")
val sc = new SparkContext(conf)
val st = sc.parallelize(stList).map(st => ((st.productId,st.routeNo),st)).groupByKey()
val ic = sc.parallelize(icList).map(ic => ((ic.productId,ic.routeNo),ic)).groupByKey()
//val result = st.join(ic).mapValues( )
here is what i want to do
List[ST] ->map ->Map(Key,st) ->groupByKey ->Map(Key,List[st])
List[IC] ->map ->Map(Key,ic) ->groupByKey ->Map(Key,List[ic])
STRDD join ICRDD get Map(Key,(List[st],List[ic]))
I have a function compare listST and listIC get the List[result] result contains both SubStTime and IcTemp information
def calcIcSt(st:List[SubStTime],ic:List[IcTemp]): List[result]
I don't know how to use mapvalues or other some way to get my result
val result = st.join(ic).mapValues( x => calcIcSt(x._1,x._2) )

How to build a lookup map in Spark Streaming?

What is the best way to maintain application state in a spark streaming application?
I know of two ways :
use "Union" operation to append to the lookup RDD and persist it after each union.
save the state in a file or database and load it in the start of each batch.
My question is from the performance perspective which one is better ? Also, is there a better way to do this?
You should really be using mapWithState(spec: StateSpec[K, V, StateType, MappedType]) as follows:
import org.apache.spark.streaming.{ StreamingContext, Seconds }
val ssc = new StreamingContext(sc, batchDuration = Seconds(5))
// checkpointing is mandatory
val rdd = sc.parallelize(0 to 9).map(n => (n, n % 2 toString))
import org.apache.spark.streaming.dstream.ConstantInputDStream
val sessions = new ConstantInputDStream(ssc, rdd)
import org.apache.spark.streaming.{State, StateSpec, Time}
val updateState = (batchTime: Time, key: Int, value: Option[String], state: State[Int]) => {
println(s">>> batchTime = $batchTime")
println(s">>> key = $key")
println(s">>> value = $value")
println(s">>> state = $state")
val sum = value.getOrElse("").size + state.getOption.getOrElse(0)
Some((key, value, sum)) // mapped value
val spec = StateSpec.function(updateState)
val mappedStatefulStream = sessions.mapWithState(spec)
