Is there a fast way of going from a symbol to a function call in Julia? [duplicate] - metaprogramming

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Julia: invoke a function by a given string
(1 answer)
Closed 6 years ago.
I know that you can call functions using their name as follows
f = x -> println(x)
y = :f
but this is slow since it is using eval is it possible to do this in a different way? I know it's easy to go the other direction by just doing symbol(f).

What are you trying to accomplish? Needing to eval a symbol sounds like a solution in search of a problem. In particular, you can just pass around the original function, thereby avoiding issues with needing to track the scope of f (or, since f is just an ordinary variable in your example, the possibility that it would get reassigned), and with fewer characters to type:
f = x -> println(x)
g = f
I know it's easy to go the other direction by just doing symbol(f).
This is misleading, since it's not actually going to give you back f (that transform would be non-unique). But it instead gives you the string representation for the function (which might happen to be f, sometimes). It is simply equivalent to calling Symbol(string(f)), since the combination is common enough to be useful for other purposes.

Actually I have found use for the above scenario. I am working on a simple form compiler allowing for the convenient definition of variational problems as encountered in e.g. finite element analysis.
I am relying on the Julia parser to do an initial analysis of the syntax. The equations entered are valid Julia syntax, but will trigger errors on execution because some of the symbols or methods are not available at the point of the problem definition.
So what I do is roughly this:
I have a type that can hold my problem description:
type Cmd f; a; b; end
I have defined a macro so that I have access to the problem description AST. I travers this expression and create a Cmd object from its elements (this is not completely unlike the strategy behind the #mat macro in MATLAB.jl):
macro m(xp)
c = Cmd(xp.args[1], xp.args[3], xp.args[2])
At a later step, I run the Cmd. Evaluation of the symbols happens only at this stage (yes, I need to be careful of the evaluation context):
function run(c::Cmd)
xp = Expr(:call, c.f, c.a, c.b)
Usage example:
c = #m a^b
a, b = 2, 3
which returns 9. So in short, the question is relevant in at least some meta-programming scenarios. In my case I have to admit I couldn't care less about performance as all of this is mere preprocessing and syntactic sugar.


Guarantee of sameness of output after switching order in functional programming

I started reading some of Haskell's documentation, and there's a fundamental concept I just don't understand. I read about it in other places as well, but I want to understand it once and for all.
In many places discussing functional programing, I keep reading that if the functions you're using are pure (have no side effects, and give same response for the same input at every call) then you can switch the order in which they are called when composing them, with it being guaranteed that the output of this composed call will remain the same regardless of the order.
For example, here is an entry from the Haskell Wiki:
Haskell is a pure language, which means that the result of any
function call is fully determined by its arguments. Pseudo-functions
like rand() or getchar() in C, which return different results on each
call, are simply impossible to write in Haskell. Moreover, Haskell
functions can't have side effects, which means that they can't effect
any changes to the "real world", like changing files, writing to the
screen, printing, sending data over the network, and so on. These two
restrictions together mean that any function call can be replaced by
the result of a previous call with the same parameters, and the
language guarantees that all these rearrangements will not change the
program result!
But when I fiddle with this idea I can quickly think of examples that contradict the statement above. For instance, let's say I have two functions (I will use pseudo code rather than Haskell):
Now, if we execute z and w, we get:
z(5) //gives 3*5+3=18
w(5) //gives (5+3)*3=24
That being so, I think I misunderstood the promised guarantee they speak about. Can anybody explain it to me?
When you compare x(y(a)) to y(x(a)), those two expressions are not equivalent because x and y aren't called with the same arguments in each. In the first expression x is called with the argument y(a) and y is called with the argument a. Whereas in the second y is called with x(a), not a, as its argument and x is called with a, not y(a). So: different arguments, (possibly) different results.
When people say that the order does not matter, they mean that in the following code:
a = f(x)
b = g(y)
you can switch the definition of a and b without affecting their values. That is it makes no difference whether f is called before g or vice versa. This is clearly not true for the following code:
a = getchar()
b = getchar()
If you switch a and b here, their values are switched as well, because getchar returns a (possibly) different character each time that it's called. So a purely functional language can't have a function exactly like getchar.

System of equations using metaprogramming

I am trying to create a function that computes the residuals of a system of equations using metaprogramming.
This is what I have tried so far (toy example):
function syst!(x::Vector, ou::Vector)
for i in 1:length(x)
eval(parse("ou[$i] = x[$i]^2 + x[$i]"))
return ou
However, when I try to compute the function, Julia says that the variable x is not defined. But if I include a println(parse("ou[$i] = x[$i]^2 + x[$i]")) I get the code that would be "typed" in the body of the function (sorry if I'm not using the correct technical CS terms, I come from the "scientific culture").
Anyways, it seems that the parseed x lives in another scope. How can I bring that parsed x to the scope of the function so that it represents the x from the arguments of syst!?
Bonus: I have a system of 700 equations and they are amenable to be "typed" using metaprogramming, what's the best way/technique to create a function that computes the residuals of the system? Was I on the right track?
Stefan's comment is right; in this specific example there is no need for metaprogramming. However, if you wanted to generate many lines similar to ou[i] = x[i]^2 + x[i] but different in complicated ways, you could generate them with a macro. See Macros expand to generated code "in place" as if you had typed it yourself, so variables can refer to the surrounding scope.

Why are new programming languages shifting types to the other side?

If you look at Rust, Go, Swift, TypeScript and a few others, and compare them to C/C++, the first thing that I noticed was how the types have moved positions.
int one = 1;
In comparsion to:
let one:int = 1;
My question: Why?
To me, personally, it is weird reading type specifiers that far into the line, since I am very used to them being on the left. So it interests me on why the type specifiers are being moved - and this not being the case with just one, but many modern/new languages that are on the table.
To me, personally, it is weird reading type specifiers that far into the line, since I am very used to them being on the left
And English is the best language because it is the only language where the words are spoken in the same order I think them. One wonders why anyone speaks French at all, with the words all in the wrong order!
So it interests me on why the type specifiers are being moved - and this not being the case with just one, but many modern/new languages that are on the table.
I note that you ignore the existence of the many older languages which use this pattern. Visual Basic (mid 1990s) immediately comes to mind.
Function F(x As String) As Object
Pascal, 1970s:
Set1 : set of 1..10;
Simply-typed lambda calculus, a programming language invented before computers, in the 1940s:
The whole ML family. I could go on. There are plenty of very old languages that use the types on the right convention.
But we can get far older than the 1940s. When you say in mathematics f : Q --> R, you are putting the name of the function on the left and the type -- a map from Q to R -- on the right. When you say x∈R to indicate that x is a real, you're putting the type on the right. "Type on the right" predates type on the left in C by literally centuries. This is not anything new!
In fact the "types on the left" syntax is the weird one! It just seems natural to you because you happen to have used a language that uses this convention in your formative years.
The types on the right syntax is much superior, for numerous reasons. Just a few:
var x : int = 1;
function y(z : int) : string { ... }
emphasizes that x is a variable and y is a function. If the type comes to the left and you see int y then you don't know whether it is a function or a variable until later. This makes programs harder for humans to read, which is bad enough. As a compiler developer, let me tell you it is quite inconvenient that the type comes on the left in C#. (I could point out numerous inconsistencies in how C# syntax deals with the positions of types.)
Another reason: In the "type on the right" syntax you can make types optional. If you have
var x : int = 1;
then you can easily say "well, we can infer the int, and so eliminate it"
var x = 1;
but if the int is on the left, then what do you do?
Inverting this: you mention TypeScript. TypeScript is a gradually-typed JavaScript. The convention in JavaScript is already
var x = 1;
function f(y) { }
Given that, plainly it is easier to modify both existing code, and the language as a whole, to introduce optional type elements on the right than it would be to make the "var" and "function" keywords replaced by a type.
Consider also the positioning. When you say:
int x = 1;
then the two things that must be consistent -- the type and the initializer -- are as far apart as they possibly can be. With var x : int = 1; they are side by side. And in
int f() {
return 123;
what have we got? The return is logically as far to the right as possible, so why does the function declaration move the type of the return as far to the left as possible?" With the type on the right syntax we have this nice flow:
function f(x : string) : int
{ ... ... ... return 123; }
What happens in a function call? The flow of the declaration is now the same as the flow of control: the things on the left -- initialization of formal parameters -- happens first, and the things on the right -- production of a return value -- happen last.
I could go on at some additional length pointing out how the C style gets it completely backwards, but it is late. Summing up: first, type on the right is superior in almost every possible way, and second, it is very, very old. New languages which use this convention are the ones that are being consistent with traditional practice.
If you do a web search, it is not hard to find the developers of newer languages answering this question in their own words. For example, the Go developers have a FAQ entry on this, as well as an entire article on their language blog. Many programmers are so used to C-like languages that any alternative seems weird, so this question tends to come up a lot...
However, you could argue that the C type declaration syntax itself is odd at best. The pattern-like features for pointers and function types become awkward and unintuitive very quickly, and were never developed as part of, or into, any kind of more general pattern-matching facility. For the sake of familiarity, they were adopted to a greater or lesser degree by many successive C-like languages, but the feature itself sticks out as more of a failed experiment that we have to live with for the sake of backwards compatibility.
One advantage of extricating yourself from C type syntax is that it makes it easier to use types in more places than just declarations. If you can place types conveniently wherever they make sense, you can use your types as annotation, as described in the Swift documentation.

Parse arithmetic/boolean expression but skip capture

Given the following expression
x = a + 3 + b * 5
I would like to write that in the following data structure, where I'm only interested to capture the variables used on the RHS and keep the string intact. Not interesting in parsing a more specific structure since I'm doing a transformation from language to language, and not handling the evaluation
Variable "x" (Expr ["a","b"] "a + 3 + b * 5")
I've been using this tutorial as my starting point, but I'm not sure how to write an expression parser without buildExpressionParser. That doesn't seem to be the way I should approach this.
I am not sure why you want to avoid buildExpressionParser, as it hides a lot of the complexity in parsing expressions with infix operators. It is the right way to do things....
Sorry about that, but now that I got that nag out of the way, I can answer your question.
First, here is some background-
The main reason writing a parser for expressions with infix operators is hard is because of operator precedence. You want to make sure that this
parses as this
/ \
x *
y z
and not this
/ \
+ z
/ \
x y
Choosing the correct parsetree isn't a very hard problem to solve.... But if you aren't paying attention, you can write some really bad code. Why? Performance....
The number of possible parsetrees, ignoring precedence, grows exponentially with the size of the input. For instance, if you write code to try all possibilities then throw away all but the ones with the proper precedence, you will have a nasty surprise when your parser tackles anything in the real world (remember, exponential complexity often ain't just slow, it is basically not a solution at all.... You may find that you are waiting half an hour for a simple parse, no one will use that parser).
I won't repeat the details of the "proper" solution here (a google search will give the details), except to note that the proper solution runs at O(n) with the size of the input, and that buildExpressionParser hides all the complexity of writing such a parser for you.
So, back to your original question....
Do you need to use buildExpressionParser to get the variables out of the RHS, or is there a better way?
You don't need it....
Since all you care about is getting the variables used in the right side, you don't care about operator precedence. You can just make everything left associative and write a simple O(n) parser. The parsetrees will be wrong, but who cares? You will still get the same variables out. You don't even need a context free grammar for this, this regular expression basically does it
(where <variable> and <operator> are defined in the obvious way).
I wouldn't recommend this, because, as simple as it is, it still will be more work than using buildExpressionParser. And it will be trickier to extend (like adding parenthesis). But most important, later on, you may accidentally use it somewhere where you do need a full parsetree, and be confused for a while why the operator precedence is so completely messed up.
Another solution is, you could rewrite your grammar to remove the ambiguity (again, google will tell you how).... This would be good as a learning exercise, but you basically would be repeating what buildExpressionParser is doing internally.

Access the configuration parameters through a monad?

Quote from here:
If you have a global environment,
which various functions read from (and
you might, for example, initialise
from a configuration file) then you
should thread that as a parameter to
your functions (after having, very
likely, set it up in your 'main'
action). If the explicit parameter
passing annoys you, then you can
'hide' it with a Monad.
Now I'm writing something that needs access to configuration parameters and I wonder if someone could point me to a tutorial or any other resource that describes how monads can be used for this purpose. Sorry if this question is stupid, I'm just starting to grok monads. Reading Mike Vainer's tutorial on them now.
The basic idea is that you write code like this:
main = do
parameters <- readConfigurationParametersSomehow
forever $ do
myData <- readUserInput
putStrLn $ bigComplicatedFunction myData parameters
bigComplicatedFunction d params = someFunction params x y z
where x = function1 params d
y = function2 params x d
z = function3 params y
You read the parameters in the "main" function with an IO action, and then pass those parameters to your worker function(s) as an extra argument.
The trouble with this style is that the parameter block has to be passed down to every little function that needs to access it. This is a nuisance. You find that some function ten levels down in the call tree now needs some run-time parameter, and you have to add that run-time parameter as an argument to all the functions in between. This is known as tramp data.
The monad "solution" is to embed the run-time parameter in the Reader Monad, and make all your functions into monadic actions. This gets rid of the explicit tramp data parameter, but replaces it with a monadic type, and under the hood this monad is actually doing the data tramping for you.
The imperative world solves this problem with a global variable. In Haskell you can sort-of do the same thing like this:
parameters = unsafePerformIO readConfigurationParametersSomehow
The first time you use "parameters" the "readConfigurationParametersSomehow" gets executed, and from then on it behaves like a constant value, at least as long as your program is running. This is one of the few righteous uses for unsafePerformIO.
However if you find yourself needing such a solution then you really need to have a think about your design. Odds are you are not thinking hard enough about generalising your functions lower down; if some previously pure function suddenly needs a run-time parameter then look at the reason and see if you can exploit higher order functions in some way. For instance:
Pass down a function built using the parameter rather than the parameter itself.
Have the worker function at the bottom return a function as a result, which gets
passed up to be composed with a parameter-based function at the higher level.
Refactor your call stack so that fundamental operations are done by lower level
primitives at the bottom which are composed in a parameter-dependent way at the top.
Either way is going to involve
