Building pjSip 2.5 - unable to undefined reference to 'pj_jni_jvm' - android-ndk

Trying to build pjSIP from sources for Android, using following guide -
Checkout sources of pjsip (2.5)
export ANDROID_NDK_ROOT=/home/dev/android/android-ndk-r9b
export TARGET_ABI=armeabi
export APP_PLATFORM=android-13
./configure-android --use-ndk-cflags --disable-video --disable-l16-codec --disable-gsm-codec --disable-g722-codec --disable-g7221-codec --disable-ssl --disable-ilbc-codec --disable-tls
configuration is completed successfully.
make dep && make clean && make
And I got following error - >
../src/pj/guid_android.c:43: error: undefined reference to 'pj_jni_jvm'
../src/pj/guid_android.c:117: error: undefined reference to 'pj_jni_jvm'
The command invoked by linked which leads to this error
/home/dev/android/android-ndk-r9b/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.8/prebuilt/linux-x86/bin/arm-linux-androideabi-gcc -o ../bin/pjlib-test-arm-unknown-linux-androideabi \
output/pjlib-test-arm-unknown-linux-androideabi/main.o output/pjlib-test-arm-unknown-linux-androideabi/activesock.o output/pjlib-test-arm-unknown-linux-androideabi/atomic.o output/pjlib-test-arm-unknown-linux-androideabi/echo_clt.o output/pjlib-test-arm-unknown-linux-androideabi/errno.o output/pjlib-test-arm-unknown-linux-androideabi/exception.o output/pjlib-test-arm-unknown-linux-androideabi/fifobuf.o output/pjlib-test-arm-unknown-linux-androideabi/file.o output/pjlib-test-arm-unknown-linux-androideabi/hash_test.o output/pjlib-test-arm-unknown-linux-androideabi/ioq_perf.o output/pjlib-test-arm-unknown-linux-androideabi/ioq_udp.o output/pjlib-test-arm-unknown-linux-androideabi/ioq_unreg.o output/pjlib-test-arm-unknown-linux-androideabi/ioq_tcp.o output/pjlib-test-arm-unknown-linux-androideabi/list.o output/pjlib-test-arm-unknown-linux-androideabi/mutex.o output/pjlib-test-arm-unknown-linux-androideabi/os.o output/pjlib-test-arm-unknown-linux-androideabi/pool.o output/pjlib-test-arm-unknown-linux-androideabi/pool_perf.o output/pjlib-test-arm-unknown-linux-androideabi/rand.o output/pjlib-test-arm-unknown-linux-androideabi/rbtree.o output/pjlib-test-arm-unknown-linux-androideabi/select.o output/pjlib-test-arm-unknown-linux-androideabi/sleep.o output/pjlib-test-arm-unknown-linux-androideabi/sock.o output/pjlib-test-arm-unknown-linux-androideabi/sock_perf.o output/pjlib-test-arm-unknown-linux-androideabi/ssl_sock.o output/pjlib-test-arm-unknown-linux-androideabi/string.o output/pjlib-test-arm-unknown-linux-androideabi/test.o output/pjlib-test-arm-unknown-linux-androideabi/thread.o output/pjlib-test-arm-unknown-linux-androideabi/timer.o output/pjlib-test-arm-unknown-linux-androideabi/timestamp.o output/pjlib-test-arm-unknown-linux-androideabi/udp_echo_srv_sync.o output/pjlib-test-arm-unknown-linux-androideabi/udp_echo_srv_ioqueue.o output/pjlib-test-arm-unknown-linux-androideabi/util.o -lpj-arm-unknown-linux-androideabi -nostdlib -L/home/dev/android/android-ndk-r9b/platforms/android-13/arch-arm/usr/lib -L/home/dev/android/android-ndk-r9b/sources/cxx-stl/gnu-libstdc++/4.8/libs/armeabi/ -lm /home/dev/android/android-ndk-r9b/platforms/android-13/arch-arm/usr/lib/crtbegin_so.o -lgnustl_static -lc -lgcc -ldl -lOpenSLES -llog -L/home/dev/android/pjproject-2.5/pjlib/lib -L/home/dev/android/pjproject-2.5/pjlib-util/lib -L/home/dev/android/pjproject-2.5/pjnath/lib -L/home/dev/android/pjproject-2.5/pjmedia/lib -L/home/dev/android/pjproject-2.5/pjsip/lib -L/home/dev/android/pjproject-2.5/third_party/lib -nostdlib -L/home/dev/android/android-ndk-r9b/platforms/android-13/arch-arm/usr/lib -L/home/dev/android/android-ndk-r9b/sources/cxx-stl/gnu-libstdc++/4.8/libs/armeabi/
Code of guid_androind.c
#include <pj/guid.h>
#include <pj/log.h>
#include <pj/string.h>
#include <jni.h>
extern JavaVM *pj_jni_jvm;
static pj_bool_t attach_jvm(JNIEnv **jni_env)
if ((*pj_jni_jvm)->GetEnv(pj_jni_jvm, (void **)jni_env,
JNI_VERSION_1_4) < 0)
if ((*pj_jni_jvm)->AttachCurrentThread(pj_jni_jvm, jni_env, NULL) < 0)
jni_env = NULL;
return PJ_FALSE;
return PJ_TRUE;
return PJ_FALSE;
#define detach_jvm(attached) \
if (attached) \
Struggling with this error for whole day, any clue is highly appreciated. Meanwhile I'm able to build version 2.3 without any errors, but not 2.5

I believe you missed a step.
Set your config_site.h to the following:
/* Activate Android specific settings in the 'config_site_sample.h' */
#include <pj/config_site_sample.h>


Getting error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol when compiling SDL2 code in Windows using MSVC

The complete error output:
SDL2main.lib(SDL_windows_main.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol __imp_CommandLineToArgvW referenced in function main_getcmdline
My compiler options:
cl -D WINDOWS -nologo -W4 -WX -wd4100 -Fe"output_file.exe" input_file.c SDL2.lib SDL2main.lib -I ./SDL2-2.0.12/include -link -LIBPATH:./SDL2-2.0.12/lib/x64 -SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE
My input_file.c header and main function:
#ifdef LINUX
#include <SDL2/SDL.h> /* Comes with stdio.h and stdlib.h */
#include <stdio.h>
#include "SDL.h"
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to initialize SDL: %s\n", SDL_GetError());
return -1;
. . .
The SDL development folder used in the command line arguments is the development libraries zip file downloaded from
Why am I getting this error?
you also need to use the library called "shell32.lib"
cl -D WINDOWS -nologo -W4 -WX -wd4100 -Fe"output_file.exe" input_file.c shell32.lib SDL2.lib SDL2main.lib -I ./SDL2-2.0.12/include -link -LIBPATH:./SDL2-2.0.12/lib/x64 -SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE

No permissions to change tty mode inside a docker container

I'm trying to run some software inside a docker container, which wants to do VT_SETMODE for the tty currently in use. This will always fail with an error saying "Operation not permitted".
I've tried playing around with permissions/groups with no luck.
Finally I created a small snippet to reproduce the error:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <linux/vt.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <string.h>
int main() {
const char *tty_path;
tty_path = "/dev/tty1";
int fd = open(tty_path, O_RDWR | O_CLOEXEC);
if (fd < 0) {
printf("ERROR: Failed to open %s\n", strerror(errno));
return 1;
struct vt_mode mode = {
.mode = VT_AUTO,
errno = 0;
ioctl(fd, VT_SETMODE, &mode);
if (errno) {
printf("ERROR: %s\n", strerror(errno));
return 1;
return 0;
I ran the code inside a docker container with a simple dockerfile:
FROM archlinux/base
RUN pacman -Sy --noconfirm gcc
That was started with command:
docker build -f Dockerfile -t tty-test . && docker run --device /dev/tty1 -v $HOME/tty-test:/volume -it tty-test /bin/bash -c 'cd /volume && gcc tty_r.c && ./a.out ; /bin/bash'
Output is this:
ERROR: Operation not permitted
Can anyone explain why the tty is not accessible from the container, or is there some way to give more control to the container?
Okay it seems that I have solved my own problem. I was trying to run the code inside a container which had no privilege to do tty-configuration. Adding --cap-add SYS_TTY_CONFIG to the docker run command fixed the issue.

How to link .so library properly in C++?

I have project structure like this,
a.pb.h --- includes --> protobuf.h
b.grpc.pb.h --- includes --> a.pb.h & grpcpp.h
Also there are and files.
A C++ wrapper with extern C which is and wrapper.h which includes b.grpc.pb.h and grpcpp.h.
The function inside extern C is char* helloWorld(const char*, const char*, const char*);
Creating .o of a.pb.h and b.grpc.pb.h:
g++ -fpic -std=c++11 `pkg-config --cflags protobuf grpc` -c -o a.pb.o
g++ -fpic -std=c++11 `pkg-config --cflags protobuf grpc` -c -o b.grpc.pb.o
Steps to create
The grpc and protobuf so are already provided under /usr/local/lib.
First created .so of a.pb.o and b.grpc.pb.o to compile wrapper file as:
g++ -shared -o *.o
Compiled wrapper as:
g++ -fpic -l:./ -c -o wrapper.o -std=c++11
.so of a.pb.o, b.grpc.pb.o and wrapper.o as
g++ -shared -o *.o
Compiled main.c as:
gcc main.c -l:./ -o main -ldl
I am calling helloWorld from my main.c file which is:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <dlfcn.h>
int main(){
char* (*fn)(const char*,const char*,const char*);
void *handle = dlopen("path_to/",RTLD_NOW);
fprintf(stderr, "Error: %s\n", dlerror());
fn = (char* (*)(const char*,const char*,const char*))dlsym(handle, "helloWorld");
if (!fn) {
/* no such symbol */
fprintf(stderr, "Error: %s\n", dlerror());
return 0;
char* msg = fn("asd","asdas","asdasd");
return 0;
Error after executing: ./main
Error: path_to/ undefined symbol: _ZN6google8protobuf2io20ZeroCopyOutputStream15WriteAliasedRawEPKvi
Error: ./main: undefined symbol: helloWorld
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
The first above error is from symbol from protobuf.h file.
Can someone please suggest what I am doing wrong while linking or is there something I am doing wrong in main.c file?
g++ -shared -o *.o
You need to also link in all dependencies of the objects (libgrpc here).
You can add -Wl,--no-allow-shlib-undefined to verify that is linking everything it needs.
P.S. To avoid core dump, you should exit or return once dlopen fails.
P.P.S. It is generally a very bad idea(TM) to link *.o. Use proper Makefile to avoid unnecessary compilations and explicitly list objects that you are intending to put into

Android NDK - Android studio gradle undefined reference to __android_log_write

I am trying to debug a JNI C function by inserting log messages, but I can't get it to work. To start with I am just trying to modify the hello-jni example that comes with Android Studio. This is the modified code:
#include <string.h>
#include <jni.h>
#include <android/log.h>
Java_com_example_hellojni_HelloJni_stringFromJNI( JNIEnv* env,
jobject thiz )
#if defined(__arm__)
#if defined(__ARM_ARCH_7A__)
#if defined(__ARM_NEON__)
#if defined(__ARM_PCS_VFP)
#define ABI "armeabi-v7a/NEON (hard-float)"
#define ABI "armeabi-v7a/NEON"
#if defined(__ARM_PCS_VFP)
#define ABI "armeabi-v7a (hard-float)"
#define ABI "armeabi-v7a"
#define ABI "armeabi"
#elif defined(__i386__)
#define ABI "x86"
#elif defined(__x86_64__)
#define ABI "x86_64"
#elif defined(__mips64) /* mips64el-* toolchain defines __mips__ too */
#define ABI "mips64"
#elif defined(__mips__)
#define ABI "mips"
#elif defined(__aarch64__)
#define ABI "arm64-v8a"
#define ABI "unknown"
__android_log_write(ANDROID_LOG_ERROR, "TEST_TAG", "Error here");
return (*env)->NewStringUTF(env, "Hello from JNI ! Compiled with ABI " ABI ".");
And this is my file:
LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)
include $(CLEAR_VARS)
LOCAL_MODULE := hello-jni
LOCAL_SRC_FILES := hello-jni.c
When I use the ndk-build script the files get built no problem. When I try to build the project in Android Studio I get the following gradle error message
Information:Gradle tasks [:app:assembleDebug]
C:\Android\projects\hello-jni\app\build\intermediates\ndk\debug\obj/local/arm64-v8a/objs/hello-jni/C_\Android\projects\hello-jni\app\src\main\jni\hello-jni.o: In function `Java_com_example_hellojni_HelloJni_stringFromJNI':
hello-jni.c:(.text.Java_com_example_hellojni_HelloJni_stringFromJNI+0x24): undefined reference to `__android_log_write'
Error:error: ld returned 1 exit status
make.exe: *** [C:\Android\projects\hello-jni\app\build\intermediates\ndk\debug\obj/local/arm64-v8a/] Error 1
Error:Execution failed for task ':app:compileDebugNdk'.
> Failed to run command:
C:\Android\android-ndk-r10c\ndk-build.cmd NDK_PROJECT_PATH=null APP_BUILD_SCRIPT=C:\Android\projects\hello-jni\app\build\intermediates\ndk\debug\ APP_PLATFORM=android-19 NDK_OUT=C:\Android\projects\hello-jni\app\build\intermediates\ndk\debug\obj NDK_LIBS_OUT=C:\Android\projects\hello-jni\app\build\intermediates\ndk\debug\lib APP_ABI=all
Error Code:
C:\Android\projects\hello-jni\app\build\intermediates\ndk\debug\obj/local/arm64-v8a/objs/hello-jni/C_\Android\projects\hello-jni\app\src\main\jni\hello-jni.o: In function `Java_com_example_hellojni_HelloJni_stringFromJNI':
hello-jni.c:(.text.Java_com_example_hellojni_HelloJni_stringFromJNI+0x24): undefined reference to `__android_log_write'
collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status
make.exe: *** [C:\Android\projects\hello-jni\app\build\intermediates\ndk\debug\obj/local/arm64-v8a/] Error 1
Information:BUILD FAILED
Information:Total time: 3.297 secs
Information:2 errors
Information:0 warnings
Information:See complete output in console
I've tried the suggestions given in this question, but I still get the same error: What is the Log API to call from an Android JNI program?
What am I doing wrong?
I'm using Android Studio 0.8.9 and NDK r10c.
I found an answer after a bit more searching.
If I build the .so files using the ndk-build script on the command line and add
sourceSets.main {
jni.srcDirs = []
jniLibs.srcDir 'src/main/libs'
into my build.gradle file so gradle doesn't try to build the .so files it all then works. Looks like a problem with Android Studio-Gradle-NDK integration?
I found the answer here
Ugly workaround is to remove function call and rebuild sources just add this after includes :
#if 1
#undef __android_log_print
#define __android_log_print(...) {}

Kernel module with multiple files - unknown symbol

Hello stackoverflowers :)
For the last several hours I've been trying to compile+load a multiple file module. The compilation emits a strange warning and the module fails to load. Here are the module, Makefile, compilation output and dmesg.
// header.h
#ifndef _HEADER_H
#define _HEADER_H
void do_module_func(void);
void do_other_func(void);
'main' module file:
#include <linux/module.h>
#include <linux/kernel.h>
#include "header.h"
void do_module_func(void)
printk(KERN_INFO "module_func\n");
static int mymodule_init(void)
printk(KERN_INFO "Hello world\n");
return 0;
static void mymodule_exit(void)
printk(KERN_INFO "Goodbye, cruel world\n");
other c file, which calls do_module_func() that sits in the 'main' module
#include "header.h"
#include <linux/kernel.h>
void do_other_func(void)
printk(KERN_INFO "other_func\n");
obj-m := mymodule.o
mymodule-objs := other_file.o
KERNEL:= ~/work/linux-davinci-2.6.38/
PWD:=$(shell pwd)
I'm cross compiling but I believe this shouldn't be a problem.
make output:
make[1]: Entering directory .../linux-davinci-2.6.38
CC [M] .../other_file.o
LD [M] .../mymodule.o
Building modules, stage 2.
MODPOST 1 modules
WARNING: "do_module_func" [.../mymodule.o] undefined! <--- warning here
CC .../mymodule.mod.o
LD [M] .../mymodule.ko
make[1]: Leaving directory .../linux-davinci-2.6.38
insmod output:
can't insert 'mymodule.ko': unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter
mymodule: Unknown symbol do_mdule_func (err 0)
Thus the module compiles with a (linkage?) warning and the module doesn't load.
Now, I see that in the make output there appears to be a linkage attempt after compiling other_file.c, but shouldn't there be a compilation of also mymodule.c before the linkage?
Thanks! :)
Turns out the problem was in the Makefile. The 'trick' is that you define in obj-m the module that will be compiled (into a .ko) and in the -objs you write all the source files.
Thus the definitions in this Makefile turn to:
obj-m := moduleko.o
moduleko-objs := other_file.o mymodule.o
and this is compiled into moduleko.ko.
This is because file_2 required file_1 symbol reference for building file_2 as LKM.
To overcome this, build file_1(LKM) and place the Module.symvers of file_1 in file_2 location. And build the file_2 again.
instead try like this
this will run each file and links with object.hope this would solve your problem
