I have the following simple program
fn main() {
let a = 10;
let b: i32;
let r: &i32;
b = a; // move?
r = &a; // borrow?
println!("{}", a);
println!("{}", b);
println!("{}", r);
println!("{}", &r);
println!("{}", *r);
The output is
The first print does not fail even when the value is moved. Is this because of primitive type or am I missing something?
The second print seems ok.
The third one prints a reference directly - shouldn't we get the memory address as this is a reference?
The fourth print is a reference to a reference, which should print a memory address, I think?
The fifth print seems reasonable as (I think) * is the value at operator that de-references the reference.
It seems I am not quite getting the whole thing.
Please explain in detail what's going on.
Move vs Copy in Rust
1, 2 => You are working with i32, which is Copy, so in practice b = a.clone()
3, 4, 5 => You're confused with the Deref trait. I find it easier to reason about ownership/borrowing than references in rust. r = &a means r borrows a so I can access its value later on, someone else will own it and take care of dropping it
Regarding 1: Yes, because it's a primitive variable, more specifically a type that implements the Copy trait. All those Copy-types work with copy semantics instead of move semantics.
Regarding 3: println! automatically dereferences it's arguments -- this is what the user wants in 99% of all cases.
Regarding 4: Again, automatically dereferences arguments... until it's a non-reference type.
The other answers are mostly right, but have some small errors.
1. i32 implements Copy, so when you assign it to a second variable binding, the first binding does not need to be invalidated. Any type that implements Copy will have this property.
3. You have asked to format the value with {} which corresponds to the Display trait. There is an implementation of this trait for references to types that implement Display:
impl<'a, T> Display for &'a T where T: Display + ?Sized {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> Result { Display::fmt(&**self, f) }
This simply delegates to the implementation of the referred-to type.
4. The same as #3 - a reference to a reference to a type that implements Display will just delegate twice. Deref does not come into play.
Here's the sneaky thing that no one else has mentioned. println! is a macro, which means it has more power than a regular function call. One of the things that it does is automatically take a reference to any arguments. That's what allows you to print out a value that doesn't implement Copy without losing ownership.
With this code:
let a = 10;
println!("{}", a);
The expanded version is actually something like this (slightly cleaned up):
let a = 10;
static __STATIC_FMTSTR: &'static [&'static str] = &["", "\n"];
::std::io::_print(::std::fmt::Arguments::new_v1(__STATIC_FMTSTR, &match (&a,) {
(__arg0,) => [::std::fmt::ArgumentV1::new(__arg0, ::std::fmt::Display::fmt)],
Therefore, everything passed to println! is a reference. It wouldn't be very useful if references printed out memory addresses.
Besides the usefulness, Rust focuses more on value semantics as opposed to reference semantics. When you have values moving and changing addresses frequently, the location of the value isn't very consistent or useful.
See also
Auto-dereference when printing a pointer, or did I miss something?
Reference to a vector still prints as a vector?
To illustrate the necessity of Rc<T>, the Book presents the following snippet (spoiler: it won't compile) to show that we cannot enable multiple ownership without Rc<T>.
enum List {
Cons(i32, Box<List>),
use crate::List::{Cons, Nil};
fn main() {
let a = Cons(5, Box::new(Cons(10, Box::new(Nil))));
let b = Cons(3, Box::new(a));
let c = Cons(4, Box::new(a));
It then claims (emphasis mine)
We could change the definition of Cons to hold references instead, but then we would have to specify lifetime parameters. By specifying lifetime parameters, we would be specifying that every element in the list will live at least as long as the entire list. The borrow checker wouldn’t let us compile let a = Cons(10, &Nil); for example, because the temporary Nil value would be dropped before a could take a reference to it.
Well, not quite. The following snippet compiles under rustc 1.52.1
enum List<'a> {
Cons(i32, &'a List<'a>),
use crate::List::{Cons, Nil};
fn main() {
let a = Cons(5, &Cons(10, &Nil));
let b = Cons(3, &a);
let c = Cons(4, &a);
Note that by taking a reference, we no longer need a Box<T> indirection to hold the nested List. Furthermore, I can point both b and c to a, which gives a multiple conceptual owners (which are actually borrowers).
Question: why do we need Rc<T> when immutable references can do the job?
With "ordinary" borrows you can very roughly think of a statically proven order-by-relationship, where the compiler needs to prove that the owner of something always comes to life before any borrows and always dies after all borrows died (a owns String, it comes to life before b which borrows a, then b dies, then a dies; valid). For a lot of use-cases, this can be done, which is Rust's insight to make the borrow-system practical.
There are cases where this can't be done statically. In the example you've given, you're sort of cheating, because all borrows have a 'static-lifetime; and 'static items can be "ordered" before or after anything out to infinity because of that - so there actually is no constraint in the first place. The example becomes much more complex when you take different lifetimes (many List<'a>, List<'b>, etc.) into account. This issue will become apparent when you try to pass values into functions and those functions try to add items. This is because values created inside functions will die after leaving their scope (i.e. when the enclosing function returns), so we cannot keep a reference to them afterwards, or there will be dangling references.
Rc comes in when one can't prove statically who is the original owner, whose lifetime starts before any other and ends after any other(!). A classic example is a graph structure derived from user input, where multiple nodes can refer to one other node. They need to form a "born after, dies before" relationship with the node they are referencing at runtime, to guarantee that they never reference invalid data. The Rc is a very simple solution to that because a simple counter can represent these relationships. As long as the counter is not zero, some "born after, dies before" relationship is still active. The key insight here is that it does not matter in which order the nodes are created and die because any order is valid. Only the points on either end - where the counter gets to 0 - are actually important, any increase or decrease in between is the same (0=+1+1+1-1-1-1=0 is the same as 0=+1+1-1+1-1-1=0) The Rc is destroyed when the counter reaches zero. In the graph example this is when a node is not being referred to any longer. This tells the owner of that Rc (the last node referring) "Oh, it turns out I am the owner of the underlying node - nobody knew! - and I get to destroy it".
Even single-threaded, there are still times the destruction order is determined dynamically, whereas for the borrow checker to work, there must be a determined lifetime tree (stack).
fn run() {
let writer = Rc::new(std::io::sink());
let mut counters = vec![
(7, Rc::clone(&writer)),
(7, writer),
while !counters.is_empty() {
let idx = read_counter_index();
counters[idx].0 -= 1;
if counters[idx].0 == 0 {
fn read_counter_index() -> usize {
As you can see in this example, the order of destruction is determined by user input.
Another reason to use smart pointers is simplicity. The borrow checker does incur some code complexity. For example, using smart pointer, you are able to maneuver around the self-referential struct problem with a tiny overhead.
struct SelfRefButDynamic {
a: Rc<u32>,
b: Rc<u32>,
impl SelfRefButDynamic {
pub fn new() -> Self {
let a = Rc::new(0);
let b = Rc::clone(&a);
Self { a, b }
This is not possible with static (compile-time) references:
struct WontDo {
a: u32,
b: &u32,
Updated Question:
Or I can ask this way: for every type T, if it's Copy, then there is no way for it to be moved, right? I mean is there any way like the std::move in C++ can move a copyable value explicitly?
Original Question:
Presume we have below a piece of Rust code, in this code, I defined a variable x holding an i32 value. What I want to do is to drop its value and invalidate it. I tried to use ptr::drop_in_place to drop it through a pointer, but it doesn't work, why?
fn main() {
let mut x = 10;
use std::ptr;
unsafe {
ptr::drop_in_place(&mut x as *mut i32);
println!("{}", x); // x is still accessible here.
For every type T, if it's Copy, then there is no way for it to be moved, right?
That is one way to word it. The semantics of Copy are such that any move leaves the original object valid.
Because of this, and that Drop and Copy are mutually exclusive traits, there's no way to "drop" a Copy. The traditional method of calling std::mem::drop(x) won't work. The only meaningful thing you can do is let the variable fall out of scope:
fn main() {
let x = 10;
println!("{}", x); // x is no longer accessible here.
I mean is there any way like the std::move in C++ can move a copyable value explicitly?
The specifics of copying vs moving are quite different between C++ and Rust. All types are moveable in Rust, whereas its opt-in for C++. And moving and copying in Rust are always bitwise copies, there's no room for custom code. Moving in Rust leaves the source object invalid whereas its still useable as a value in C++.
I can go on, but I'll leave off one last bit: moving a primitive in C++ isn't different than a copy either.
In Rust, there are two possibilities to take a reference
Borrow, i.e., take a reference but don't allow mutating the reference destination. The & operator borrows ownership from a value.
Borrow mutably, i.e., take a reference to mutate the destination. The &mut operator mutably borrows ownership from a value.
The Rust documentation about borrowing rules says:
First, any borrow must last for a scope no greater than that of the
owner. Second, you may have one or the other of these two kinds of
borrows, but not both at the same time:
one or more references (&T) to a resource,
exactly one mutable reference (&mut T).
I believe that taking a reference is creating a pointer to the value and accessing the value by the pointer. This could be optimized away by the compiler if there is a simpler equivalent implementation.
However, I don't understand what move means and how it is implemented.
For types implementing the Copy trait it means copying e.g. by assigning the struct member-wise from the source, or a memcpy(). For small structs or for primitives this copy is efficient.
And for move?
This question is not a duplicate of What are move semantics? because Rust and C++ are different languages and move semantics are different between the two.
Rust implements what is known as an Affine Type System:
Affine types are a version of linear types imposing weaker constraints, corresponding to affine logic. An affine resource can only be used once, while a linear one must be used once.
Types that are not Copy, and are thus moved, are Affine Types: you may use them either once or never, nothing else.
Rust qualifies this as a transfer of ownership in its Ownership-centric view of the world (*).
(*) Some of the people working on Rust are much more qualified than I am in CS, and they knowingly implemented an Affine Type System; however contrary to Haskell which exposes the math-y/cs-y concepts, Rust tends to expose more pragmatic concepts.
Note: it could be argued that Affine Types returned from a function tagged with #[must_use] are actually Linear Types from my reading.
It depends. Please keep in mind than Rust is a language built for speed, and there are numerous optimizations passes at play here which will depend on the compiler used (rustc + LLVM, in our case).
Within a function body (playground):
fn main() {
let s = "Hello, World!".to_string();
let t = s;
println!("{}", t);
If you check the LLVM IR (in Debug), you'll see:
%_5 = alloca %"alloc::string::String", align 8
%t = alloca %"alloc::string::String", align 8
%s = alloca %"alloc::string::String", align 8
%0 = bitcast %"alloc::string::String"* %s to i8*
%1 = bitcast %"alloc::string::String"* %_5 to i8*
call void #llvm.memcpy.p0i8.p0i8.i64(i8* %1, i8* %0, i64 24, i32 8, i1 false)
%2 = bitcast %"alloc::string::String"* %_5 to i8*
%3 = bitcast %"alloc::string::String"* %t to i8*
call void #llvm.memcpy.p0i8.p0i8.i64(i8* %3, i8* %2, i64 24, i32 8, i1 false)
Underneath the covers, rustc invokes a memcpy from the result of "Hello, World!".to_string() to s and then to t. While it might seem inefficient, checking the same IR in Release mode you will realize that LLVM has completely elided the copies (realizing that s was unused).
The same situation occurs when calling a function: in theory you "move" the object into the function stack frame, however in practice if the object is large the rustc compiler might switch to passing a pointer instead.
Another situation is returning from a function, but even then the compiler might apply "return value optimization" and build directly in the caller's stack frame -- that is, the caller passes a pointer into which to write the return value, which is used without intermediary storage.
The ownership/borrowing constraints of Rust enable optimizations that are difficult to reach in C++ (which also has RVO but cannot apply it in as many cases).
So, the digest version:
moving large objects is inefficient, but there are a number of optimizations at play that might elide the move altogether
moving involves a memcpy of std::mem::size_of::<T>() bytes, so moving a large String is efficient because it only copies a couple bytes whatever the size of the allocated buffer they hold onto
When you move an item, you are transferring ownership of that item. That's a key component of Rust.
Let's say I had a struct, and then I assign the struct from one variable to another. By default, this will be a move, and I've transferred ownership. The compiler will track this change of ownership and prevent me from using the old variable any more:
pub struct Foo {
value: u8,
fn main() {
let foo = Foo { value: 42 };
let bar = foo;
println!("{}", foo.value); // error: use of moved value: `foo.value`
println!("{}", bar.value);
how it is implemented.
Conceptually, moving something doesn't need to do anything. In the example above, there wouldn't be a reason to actually allocate space somewhere and then move the allocated data when I assign to a different variable. I don't actually know what the compiler does, and it probably changes based on the level of optimization.
For practical purposes though, you can think that when you move something, the bits representing that item are duplicated as if via memcpy. This helps explain what happens when you pass a variable to a function that consumes it, or when you return a value from a function (again, the optimizer can do other things to make it efficient, this is just conceptually):
// Ownership is transferred from the caller to the callee
fn do_something_with_foo(foo: Foo) {}
// Ownership is transferred from the callee to the caller
fn make_a_foo() -> Foo { Foo { value: 42 } }
"But wait!", you say, "memcpy only comes into play with types implementing Copy!". This is mostly true, but the big difference is that when a type implements Copy, both the source and the destination are valid to use after the copy!
One way of thinking of move semantics is the same as copy semantics, but with the added restriction that the thing being moved from is no longer a valid item to use.
However, it's often easier to think of it the other way: The most basic thing that you can do is to move / give ownership away, and the ability to copy something is an additional privilege. That's the way that Rust models it.
This is a tough question for me! After using Rust for a while the move semantics are natural. Let me know what parts I've left out or explained poorly.
Rust's move keyword always bothers me so, I decided to write my understanding which I obtained after discussion with my colleagues.
I hope this might help someone.
let x = 1;
In the above statement, x is a variable whose value is 1. Now,
let y = || println!("y is a variable whose value is a closure");
So, move keyword is used to transfer the ownership of a variable to the closure.
In the below example, without move, x is not owned by the closure. Hence x is not owned by y and available for further use.
let x = 1;
let y = || println!("this is a closure that prints x = {}". x);
On the other hand, in this next below case, the x is owned by the closure. x is owned by y and not available for further use.
let x = 1;
let y = move || println!("this is a closure that prints x = {}". x);
By owning I mean containing as a member variable. The example cases above are in the same situation as the following two cases. We can also assume the below explanation as to how the Rust compiler expands the above cases.
The formar (without move; i.e. no transfer of ownership),
struct ClosureObject {
x: &u32
let x = 1;
let y = ClosureObject {
x: &x
The later (with move; i.e. transfer of ownership),
struct ClosureObject {
x: u32
let x = 1;
let y = ClosureObject {
x: x
Please let me answer my own question. I had trouble, but by asking a question here I did Rubber Duck Problem Solving. Now I understand:
A move is a transfer of ownership of the value.
For example the assignment let x = a; transfers ownership: At first a owned the value. After the let it's x who owns the value. Rust forbids to use a thereafter.
In fact, if you do println!("a: {:?}", a); after the letthe Rust compiler says:
error: use of moved value: `a`
println!("a: {:?}", a);
Complete example:
struct Example { member: i32 }
fn main() {
let a = Example { member: 42 }; // A struct is moved
let x = a;
println!("a: {:?}", a);
println!("x: {:?}", x);
And what does this move mean?
It seems that the concept comes from C++11. A document about C++ move semantics says:
From a client code point of view, choosing move instead of copy means that you don't care what happens to the state of the source.
Aha. C++11 does not care what happens with source. So in this vein, Rust is free to decide to forbid to use the source after a move.
And how it is implemented?
I don't know. But I can imagine that Rust does literally nothing. x is just a different name for the same value. Names usually are compiled away (except of course debugging symbols). So it's the same machine code whether the binding has the name a or x.
It seems C++ does the same in copy constructor elision.
Doing nothing is the most efficient possible.
Passing a value to function, also results in transfer of ownership; it is very similar to other examples:
struct Example { member: i32 }
fn take(ex: Example) {
// 2) Now ex is pointing to the data a was pointing to in main
println!("a.member: {}", ex.member)
// 3) When ex goes of of scope so as the access to the data it
// was pointing to. So Rust frees that memory.
fn main() {
let a = Example { member: 42 };
take(a); // 1) The ownership is transfered to the function take
// 4) We can no longer use a to access the data it pointed to
println!("a.member: {}", a.member);
Hence the expected error:
post_test_7.rs:12:30: 12:38 error: use of moved value: `a.member`
let s1:String= String::from("hello");
let s2:String= s1;
To ensure memory safety, rust invalidates s1, so instead of being shallow copy, this called a Move
fn main() {
// Each value in rust has a variable that is called its owner
// There can only be one owner at a time.
let s=String::from('hello')
// Error: borrow of moved value "s". value borrowed here after move. so s cannot be borrowed after a move
// when we pass a parameter into a function it is the same as if we were to assign s to another variable. Passing 's' moves s into the 'my_string' variable then `println!("{}",my_string)` executed, "my_string" printed out. After this scope is done, some_string gets dropped.
let x:i32 = 2;
// instead of being moved, integers are copied. we can still use "x" after the function
//Primitives types are Copy and they are stored in stack because there size is known at compile time.
fn take_ownership(my_string:String){
fn makes_copy(some_integer:i32){
println!("{}", some_integer)
I'm implementing Conway's game of life to teach myself Rust. The idea is to implement a single-threaded version first, optimize it as much as possible, then do the same for a multi-threaded version.
I wanted to implement an alternative data layout which I thought might be more cache-friendly. The idea is to store the status of two cells for each point on a board next to each other in memory in a vector, one cell for reading the current generation's status from and one for writing the next generation's status to, alternating the access pattern for each
generation's computation (which can be determined at compile time).
The basic data structures are as follows:
pub enum CellStatus {
/** 2 bytes */
pub struct CellRW(CellStatus, CellStatus);
pub struct TupleBoard {
width: usize,
height: usize,
cells: Vec<CellRW>,
/** used to keep track of current pos with iterator e.g. */
pub struct BoardPos {
x_pos: usize,
y_pos: usize,
offset: usize,
pub struct BoardEvo {
board: TupleBoard,
The function that is causing me troubles:
impl BoardEvo {
fn evolve_step<T: RWSelector>(&mut self) {
for (pos, cell) in self.board.iter_mut() {
//pos: BoardPos, cell: &mut CellRW
let read: &CellStatus = T::read(cell); //chooses the right tuple half for the current evolution step
let write: &mut CellStatus = T::write(cell);
let alive_count = pos.neighbours::<T>(&self.board).iter() //<- can't borrow self.board again!
.filter(|&&status| status == CellStatus::ALIVE)
*write = CellStatus::evolve(*read, alive_count);
impl BoardPos {
/* ... */
pub fn neighbours<T: RWSelector>(&self, board: &BoardTuple) -> [CellStatus; 8] {
/* ... */
The trait RWSelector has static functions for reading from and writing to a cell tuple (CellRW). It is implemented for two zero-sized types L and R and is mainly a way to avoid having to write different methods for the different access patterns.
The iter_mut() method returns a BoardIter struct which is a wrapper around a mutable slice iterator for the cells vector and thus has &mut CellRW as Item type. It is also aware of the current BoardPos (x and y coordinates, offset).
I thought I'd iterate over all cell tuples, keep track of the coordinates, count the number of alive neighbours (I need to know coordinates/offsets for this) for each (read) cell, compute the cell status for the next generation and write to the respective another half of the tuple.
Of course, in the end, the compiler showed me the fatal flaw in my design, as I borrow self.board mutably in the iter_mut() method and then try to borrow it again immutably to get all the neighbours of the read cell.
I have not been able to come up with a good solution for this problem so far. I did manage to get it working by making all
references immutable and then using an UnsafeCell to turn the immutable reference to the write cell into a mutable one.
I then write to the nominally immutable reference to the writing part of the tuple through the UnsafeCell.
However, that doesn't strike me as a sound design and I suspect I might run into issues with this when attempting to parallelize things.
Is there a way to implement the data layout I proposed in safe/idiomatic Rust or is this actually a case where you actually have to use tricks to circumvent Rust's aliasing/borrow restrictions?
Also, as a broader question, is there a recognizable pattern for problems which require you to circumvent Rust's borrow restrictions?
When is it necessary to circumvent Rust's borrow checker?
It is needed when:
the borrow checker is not advanced enough to see that your usage is safe
you do not wish to (or cannot) write the code in a different pattern
As a concrete case, the compiler cannot tell that this is safe:
let mut array = [1, 2];
let a = &mut array[0];
let b = &mut array[1];
The compiler doesn't know what the implementation of IndexMut for a slice does at this point of compilation (this is a deliberate design choice). For all it knows, arrays always return the exact same reference, regardless of the index argument. We can tell that this code is safe, but the compiler disallows it.
You can rewrite this in a way that is obviously safe to the compiler:
let mut array = [1, 2];
let (a, b) = array.split_at_mut(1);
let a = &mut a[0];
let b = &mut b[0];
How is this done? split_at_mut performs a runtime check to ensure that it actually is safe:
fn split_at_mut(&mut self, mid: usize) -> (&mut [T], &mut [T]) {
let len = self.len();
let ptr = self.as_mut_ptr();
unsafe {
assert!(mid <= len);
(from_raw_parts_mut(ptr, mid),
from_raw_parts_mut(ptr.offset(mid as isize), len - mid))
For an example where the borrow checker is not yet as advanced as it can be, see What are non-lexical lifetimes?.
I borrow self.board mutably in the iter_mut() method and then try to borrow it again immutably to get all the neighbours of the read cell.
If you know that the references don't overlap, then you can choose to use unsafe code to express it. However, this means you are also choosing to take on the responsibility of upholding all of Rust's invariants and avoiding undefined behavior.
The good news is that this heavy burden is what every C and C++ programmer has to (or at least should) have on their shoulders for every single line of code they write. At least in Rust, you can let the compiler deal with 99% of the cases.
In many cases, there's tools like Cell and RefCell to allow for interior mutation. In other cases, you can rewrite your algorithm to take advantage of a value being a Copy type. In other cases you can use an index into a slice for a shorter period. In other cases you can have a multi-phase algorithm.
If you do need to resort to unsafe code, then try your best to hide it in a small area and expose safe interfaces.
Above all, many common problems have been asked about (many times) before:
How to iterate over mutable elements inside another mutable iteration over the same elements?
Mutating an item inside of nested loops
How can a nested loop with mutations on a HashMap be achieved in Rust?
What's the Rust way to modify a structure within nested loops?
Nesting an iterator's loops
I have been playing with Rust by porting my Score4 AI engine to it - basing the work on my functional-style implementation in OCaml. I specifically wanted to see how Rust fares with functional-style code.
The end result: It works, and it's very fast - much faster than OCaml. It almost touches the speed of imperative-style C/C++ - which is really cool.
There's a thing that troubles me, though — why do I need two ampersands in the last line of this code?
let moves_and_scores: Vec<_> = moves_and_boards
.map(|&(column,board)| (column, score_board(&board)))
let target_score = if maximize_or_minimize {
} else {
if let Some(killer_move) = moves_and_scores.iter()
.find(|& &(_,score)| score==target_score) {
I added them is because the compiler errors "guided" me to it; but I am trying to understand why... I used the trick mentioned elsewhere in Stack Overflow to "ask" the compiler to tell me what type something is:
let moves_and_scores: Vec<_> = moves_and_boards
.map(|&(column,board)| (column, score_board(&board)))
let () = moves_and_scores;
...which caused this error:
src/main.rs:108:9: 108:11 error: mismatched types:
expected `collections::vec::Vec<(u32, i32)>`,
found `()`
(expected struct `collections::vec::Vec`,
found ()) [E0308]
src/main.rs:108 let () = moves_and_scores;
...as I expected, moves_and_scores is a vector of tuples: Vec<(u32, i32)>. But then, in the immediate next line, iter() and find() force me to use the hideous double ampersands in the closure parameter:
if let Some(killer_move) = moves_and_scores.iter()
.find(|& &(_,score)| score==target_score) {
Why does the find closure need two ampersands? I could see why it may need one (pass the tuple by reference to save time/space) but why two? Is it because of the iter? That is, is the iter creating references, and then find expects a reference on each input, so a reference on a reference?
If this is so, isn't this, arguably, a rather ugly design flaw in Rust?
In fact, I would expect find and map and all the rest of the functional primitives to be parts of the collections themselves. Forcing me to iter() to do any kind of functional-style work seems burdensome, and even more so if it forces this kind of "double ampersands" in every possible functional chain.
I am hoping I am missing something obvious - any help/clarification most welcome.
This here
gives you an iterator over borrowed vector elements. If you follow the API doc what type this is, you'll notice that it's just the iterator for a borrowed slice and this implements Iterator with Item=&T where T is (u32, i32) in your case.
Then, you use find which takes a predicate which takes a &Item as parameter. Sice Item already is a reference in your case, the predicate has to take a &&(u32, i32).
pub trait Iterator {
fn find<P>(&mut self, predicate: P) -> Option<Self::Item>
where P: FnMut(&Self::Item) -> bool {...}
... ^
It was probably defined like this because it's only supposed to inspect the item and return a bool. This does not require the item being passed by value.
If you want an iterator over (u32, i32) you could write
cloned() converts the iterator from one with an Item type &T to one with an Item type T if T is Clone. Another way to do it would be to use into_iter() instead of iter().
The difference between the two is that the first option clones the borrowed elements while the 2nd one consumes the vector and moves the elements out of it.
By writing the lambda like this
|&&(_, score)| score == target_score
you destructure the "double reference" and create a local copy of the i32. This is allowed since i32 is a simple type that is Copy.
Instead of destructuring the parameter of your predicate you could also write
|move_and_score| move_and_score.1 == target_score
because the dot operator automatically dereferences as many times as needed.