Unable to get response from aws api gateway? - node.js

I have deployed my api on aws amazon api gateway and If I go through resource and make a request to an endpoint, I am able to get the response however when I go to stages and invoke url with params and x-api-key then I don't get any response with warning 'Unexpected 'N'' and 'Not Acceptable'. How is it possible that output is changed after deploying?

I found out what I was doing wrong, for all the post request body needs to be sent as form-data, when I changed body from form-urlencoded to form-data, I got the response...Thats very naive of me.


what is the code for getting auth code from azure in IBM BPM

I am trying to create rest request using Call Multipart form data REST API service in REST API toolkit. It requires apiURL, HTTPHEADER, PARAMETERtoPOST, httpMethod (using GET). I defined all the parameters(client id, client secret, response type (code), scope and response mode (query)) and httpheader - > Content -Type is application/x-www-form-urlencoded.
But in the response message I dont get the authcode even though when I create whole URL directly including parameters , I get the authcode but without Redirect URI. If I include redirect uri, it shows me that URI is not configured even though system admin for that showed me its configured.
So am I missing any parameters or anything else?

How do I import a Postman HTTP POST into Azure Logic Apps HTTP action?

I have a HTTP POST set up in Postman that is working correctly. I also have an Azure Logic App that I need to invoke that HTTP POST instead of Postman. I see in Azure Logic Apps you can have an HTTP POST like so:
In Postman, it will give you the HTTP code snippet. I have tried different formats but I can't seem to get the POST to work like it does in Postman.
My Postman POST has authentication and form-data in the body which show up in the HTTP code snippet but when I paste that into the Body of the HTTP request in the logic app, the request fails.
Any ideas of what I'm doing wrong?
There's no importer ready to use. You need to convert whatever you have on Postman into this connector.
You should add headers (Authorization and Content Type)
Authorization: Bearer ey1230218312 (replace with valid token)
Content-Type : application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Body: name=abc&age=30

How to pass Body Parameters(format) when calling a POST request with Content-Type as form-data in Azure Data Factory

I am trying to call API endpoint as a POST and Content-Type as from-data using azure data factory web activity. Tried different way of passing Body parameters but it failed.
Here is the Postman Request.
Here is the Azure Data Factory Web Activity configurations.(use the body as a json and tried different combinations but all didn't work)
And above is the error message.
Any help would be highly appreciated.
Since your request is seen successfully executing from postman, try copying the entire body from that and use in web activity.
The format for passing body for a POST request from a web activity is shown here.
Also make sure you have entered valid “url–Target endpoint and path”. This is usually seen as Activity requires Public end point but you may have used Private vnet where this is not allowed. Web Activity is supported for invoking URLs that are hosted in a private virtual network as well by leveraging self-hosted integration runtime. The integration runtime should have a line of sight to the URL endpoint.
Note: The activity will timeout at 1 minute with an error if it does not receive a response from the endpoint.
Further going through some similar scenarios it is learnt that;
Mostly the header is passed as string in WebActivity whereas Postman
it is integer/long
In case your API tries redirecting, it seems that the web activity
in Azure Data Factory does not currently support following
redirects, meanwhile Postman and other tools and libraries usually
follow redirects by default or include a option for handling them.
Checkout the supported authentication types in the web activity. If you are trying to authorize your from, try set the following.
URL: https://login.microsoftonline.com/<<tenantid>>/oauth2/token
Headers: Content-Type - "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
Body: grant_type=client_credentials&client_id=<<clientid>>f&client_secret=<<secret>>&resource=https%3A%2F%2Fmicrosoft.onmicrosoft.com%2F<<resourceId>>
Error code: 2108:
Message: Error calling the endpoint '%url;'. Response status code: '%code;'
Cause: The request failed due to an underlying issue such as network connectivity, a DNS failure, a server certificate validation, or a timeout.
Workaround: Make the API call using Powershell, and call that Powershell script from within Data Factory.

How can I restrict specific parameters in payload from API Gateway to AWS Lambda?

I have to send a request body (payload) from API Gateway to AWS Lambda. In that payload, I only need to send:
If someone passes any other parameter in the payload, it should not accept the payload and show an error message. Could somebody please help me with the logic?
For AWS API Gateway you can implement request validation using an OpenAPI template. The extension should work for both Rest and Http APIs.
For even more flexibility you could implement a Lambda authorizer which evaluates the body, but of course this leads to more costs as well:

LinkedIn REST API OAuth2 401 unauthorized_client error when trying to get access token

I'm using Ember.js and Node. I already have json web token based authentication set up and am now trying to use LinkedIn's REST API to get information for my user profiles.
I'm able to redirect my users to the LinkedIn authorization code endpoint (Step 2 in this guide: https://developer.linkedin.com/docs/oauth2), but I'm getting stuck on Step 3 (Exchange Authorization Code for Access Token). When I make the POST request with the correct parameters, I get a 401 unauthorized_client error no matter how I try and make the request.
I'm making the request directly from my Node server, and using the request module. I've tried including the params as query params, and as part of the body. I've tried adjusting the headers and the url encoding but nothing seems to change the 401 error.
This is the call I need to be making according to the guide:
POST /uas/oauth2/accessToken HTTP/1.1
Host: www.linkedin.com
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
This should not happen if you are POSTing the correct parameters. You can rather try it with an alternative way. With the authorization code you received in Step 2, use request based service like POSTMAN and try getting the response again. If you get it using that it means there has been some error while you are making the request.
Make sure to properly provide the headers.
Even after the POSTMAN service if you get an unauthorized response, confirm your client_id and client_secret.
Please note that for 2-legged authentication, the grant_type should always be "client_credentials". Also, you only need to supply the client_id and client_secret as parameters, nothing more. See the sample in the LinkedIn documentation. It looks like you try to do a 3-legged authentication request.
