Prevent more IO with multiple pipelines on the same RDD - apache-spark

E.g. if I run over the same RDD of numbers where one flow filters for the even numbers and averages them and the other filters for the odd and sums them. If I write this as two pipelines over the same RDD this will create two executions, that will scan the RDD twice, which can be expensive in terms of IO.
How can this IO be reduced to only read the data once without rewriting the logic to be in one pipeline? A framework that takes two pipelines and merges them to one is OK of course, just as long as developers continue to work on each pipeline independently (in the real case, these pipelines are loaded from separate modules)
The point is not to use cache() to achieve this

Since your question is rather vague let's think about general strategies that can be used to approach this problem.
A standard solution here would be caching, but since you explicitly want to avoid it, I assume there some additional limitations here. It suggests that some similar solutions, like
in memory data storage (like Ignite suggested by heenenee)
accelerated storage like Alluxio
are not acceptable either. It means you have to find some to manipulate pipeline itself.
Although multiple transformations can be squashed together every transformation creates a new RDD. This, combined with your statement about caching, sets relatively strong constraints on possible solutions.
Let's start with the simplest possible case where all pipelines can be expressed a single stage jobs. This restricts our choices to map only jobs and simple map-reduce jobs (like the one described in your question). Pipelines like this can be easily expressed as a sequence of operations on local iterators. So the following
import org.apache.spark.util.StatCounter
def isEven(x: Long) = x % 2 == 0
def isOdd(x: Long) = !isEven(x)
def p1(rdd: RDD[Long]) = {
.filter(isEven _)
.aggregate(StatCounter())(_ merge _, _ merge _)
def p2(rdd: RDD[Long]) = {
.filter(isOdd _)
.reduce(_ + _)
could be expressed as:
def p1(rdd: RDD[Long]) = {
.mapPartitions(iter =>
Iterator(iter.filter(isEven _).foldLeft(StatCounter())(_ merge _)))
.reduce(_ merge _)
def p2(rdd: RDD[Long]) = {
.mapPartitions(iter =>
Iterator(iter.filter(isOdd _).foldLeft(0L)(_ + _)))
.reduce(_ + _)
// identity _
At this point we can rewrite separate jobs as follows:
def mapPartitions2[T, U, V](rdd: RDD[T])(f: Iterator[T] => U, g: Iterator[T] => V) = {
rdd.mapPartitions(iter => {
val items = iter.toList
Iterator((f(items.iterator), g(items.iterator)))
def reduceLocally2[U, V](rdd: RDD[(U, V)])(f: (U, U) => U, g: (V, V) => V) = {
rdd.collect.reduce((x, y) => (f(x._1, y._1), g(x._2, y._2)))
def evaluate[U, V, X, Z](pair: (U, V))(f: U => X, g: V => Z) = (f(pair._1), g(pair._2))
val rdd = sc.range(0L, 100L)
def f(iter: Iterator[Long]) = iter.filter(isEven _).foldLeft(StatCounter())(_ merge _)
def g(iter: Iterator[Long]) = iter.filter(isOdd _).foldLeft(0L)(_ + _)
evaluate(reduceLocally2(mapPartitions2(rdd)(f, g))(_ merge _, _ + _))(_.mean, identity)
The biggest issue here is that we have to eagerly evaluate each partition to be able to apply individual pipelines. It means that overall memory requirements can be significantly higher compared to the same logic applied separately. Without caching* it is also useless in case of multistage jobs.
An alternative solution is to process data element-wise but treat each item as a tuple of seqs:
def map2[T, U, V, X](rdd: RDD[(Seq[T], Seq[U])])(f: T => V, g: U => X) = {{ case (ts, us) => (, }
def filter2[T, U](rdd: RDD[(Seq[T], Seq[U])])(
f: T => Boolean, g: U => Boolean) = {{ case (ts, us) => (ts.filter(f), us.filter(g)) }
def aggregate2[T, U, V, X](rdd: RDD[(Seq[T], Seq[U])])(zt: V, zu: X)
(s1: (V, T) => V, s2: (X, U) => X, m1: (V, V) => V, m2: (X, X) => X) = {
rdd.mapPartitions(iter => {
var accT = zt
var accU = zu
iter.foreach { case (ts, us) => {
accT = ts.foldLeft(accT)(s1)
accU = us.foldLeft(accU)(s2)
Iterator((accT, accU))
}).reduce { case ((v1, x1), (v2, x2)) => ((m1(v1, v2), m2(x1, x2))) }
With API like this we can express initial pipelines as:
val rddSeq = => (Seq(x), Seq(x)))
aggregate2(filter2(rddSeq)(isEven, isOdd))(StatCounter(), 0L)(
_ merge _, _ + _, _ merge _, _ + _
This approach is slightly more powerful then the former one (you can easily implement some subset of byKey methods if needed) and memory requirements in typical pipelines should be comparable to the core API but it is also significantly more intrusive.
* You can check an answer provided by eje for multiplexing examples.


Can any one implement CombineByKey() instead of GroupByKey() in Spark in order to group elements?

i am trying to group elements of an RDD that i have created. one simple but expensive way is to use GroupByKey(). but recently i learned that CombineByKey() can do this work more efficiently. my RDD is very simple. it looks like this:
val grouped_elements=first_RDD.groupByKey()..mapValues(x => x.toList)
the result is:
i want to group them based on the first element (key).
can any one help me to do it with CombineByKey() function? i am really confused by CombineByKey()
To begin with take a look at API Refer docs
combineByKey[C](createCombiner: (V) ⇒ C, mergeValue: (C, V) ⇒ C, mergeCombiners: (C, C) ⇒ C): RDD[(K, C)]
So it accepts three functions which I have defined below
scala> val createCombiner = (v:Int) => List(v)
createCombiner: Int => List[Int] = <function1>
scala> val mergeValue = (a:List[Int], b:Int) => a.::(b)
mergeValue: (List[Int], Int) => List[Int] = <function2>
scala> val mergeCombiners = (a:List[Int],b:List[Int]) => a.++(b)
mergeCombiners: (List[Int], List[Int]) => List[Int] = <function2>
Once you define these then you can use it in your combineByKey call as below
scala> val list = List((1,5),(1,8),(1,40),(2,9),(2,20),(2,6))
list: List[(Int, Int)] = List((1,5), (1,8), (1,40), (2,9), (2,20), (2,6))
scala> val temp = sc.parallelize(list)
temp: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[(Int, Int)] = ParallelCollectionRDD[41] at parallelize at <console>:30
scala> temp.combineByKey(createCombiner,mergeValue, mergeCombiners).collect
res27: Array[(Int, List[Int])] = Array((1,List(8, 40, 5)), (2,List(20, 9, 6)))
Please note that I tried this out in Spark Shell and hence you can see the outputs below the commands executed. They will help build you your understanding.

How to check if all records for a given key are in the same partition already?

I'd like to avoid repartitioning data set by key as much as possible and know if all records for a given key are in the same partition already.
Is there a built-in function in Spark that would give me the answer?
Not built-in but if you assume specific partitioner it is easy enough to implement your own function:
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import org.apache.spark.Partitioner
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
def checkDistribution[K : ClassTag, V : ClassTag](
rdd: RDD[(K, V)], partitioner: Partitioner) =
// If partitioner is set we compare partitioners == partitioner).getOrElse {
// Otherwise check if correct number of partitions
rdd.partitions.size == partitioner.numPartitions &&
// And check if distribution matches partitioner
rdd.keys.mapPartitionsWithIndex((i, iter) =>
Iterator(iter.forall(x => partitioner.getPartition(x) == i))
).fold(true)(_ && _)
A few tests:
import org.apache.spark.HashPartitioner
val rdd = sc.range(0, 20, 5).map((_, None))
Not partitioned, invalid distribution:
checkDistribution(rdd, new HashPartitioner(10))
Boolean = false
Partitioned, invalid partitioner:
rdd.partitionBy(new HashPartitioner(5)),
new HashPartitioner(10)
Boolean = false
Partitioned, valid partitioner:
rdd.partitionBy(new HashPartitioner(10)),
new HashPartitioner(10)
Boolean = true
Not partitioned, valid distribution:
rdd.partitionBy(new HashPartitioner(10)).map(identity),
new HashPartitioner(10)
Boolean = true
Without assuming particular partitioner the only option that comes to mind requires shuffle, so it it unlikely to be an improvement.
def checkDistribution[K : ClassTag, V : ClassTag](rdd: RDD[(K, V)]) =
rdd.keys.mapPartitionsWithIndex((i, iter) =>, i)))
x => Seq(x),
(x: Seq[Int], y: Int) => x,
(x: Seq[Int], y: Seq[Int]) => x ++ y) // Should be more or less OK
.mapPartitions(iter => Iterator(iter.forall(_.size == 1)))
.fold(true)(_ && _)
One possible improvement is that you can use the same logic to automatically define Partitioner for the data. If you collectAsMap before values and check that all Seqs are of size 1 you have a valid partitioner which guarantees no network traffic.
Not 100% what you requested but you can check this by using spark_partition_id. Basically do:
withColumn("pid", spark_partition_id())
and then do:
df.groupby(what you want to check).agg(max($"pid").as("pidmax"),min($"pid").as("pidmin")).filter($"pidmax"===$"pidmin").count()
The count would give you how many elements are not partitioned.
Note that this is relatively low cost being a simple aggregation.
I don't believe there is a generic way because if we read from a generic source (e.g. file), we don't necessarily know how the source was originally partitioned.
It would be nice if there was something like "get current partitioner" which would get explicit partitioners (e.g. if we had an explicit repartition command or reading something from parquet which was written using PartitionBy) as an approximation though.

How to generate random vector in Spark

I want to generate random vectors with norm 1 in Spark.
Since the vector could be very large, I want it to be distributed, And since data in RDD has no order, I want to store the vector in the form of RDD[(Int, Double)], because I also need to use this vector to do some matrix-vector multiplication.
So how could I generate this kind of vector?
Here is my plan for now:
val v = normalRDD(sc, n, NUM_NODE)
val mod = GetMod(v) // Get the modularity of v
val res = => x / mod)
val arr:Array[Double] = res.toArray()
var tuples = new List[(Int, Double)]()
for (i <- 0 to (arr.length - 1)) {
tuples = (i, arr(i)) :: tuples
// Get the entries and length of the vector.
entries = sc.parallelize(tuples)
length = arr.length
I think it not elegant enough because it goes through a "distributed -> single node -> distributed" process.
Is there any way better? Thanks:D
try this:
import scala.util.Random
import scala.math.sqrt
val n = 5 // insert length of your array here
val randomRDD = sc.parallelize(for (i <- 0 to n) yield (i, Random.nextDouble))
val norm = sqrt( => x._2 * x._2).sum())
val finalRDD = randomRDD.mapValues(x => x/norm)
You can use this function to generate a random vector, then you can normalise it by dividing each element on the sum() of the vector, or by using a normalizer.

Document Count of a Word in Spark/Scala

I have a text variable which is an RDD of String in scala
val data = sc.parallelize(List("i am a good boy.Are you a good boy.","You are also working here.","I am posting here today.You are good."))
I have another variable in Scala Map(given below)
//list of words for which doc count needs to be found,initial doc count is 1
val dictionary = Map( """good""" -> 1,"""working""" -> 1,"""posting""" -> 1 ).
I want to do a document count of each of the dictionary terms and get the output in key value format
My output should be like below for the above data.
What i have tried is { case(k,v) => k -> k.r.findFirstIn( => line.trim()).collect().mkString(",")).size}
I am getting counts as 1 for all the words.
Please help me in fixing the above line
Thanks in advance.
Why not use flatMap to create the dictionary and then you can query that.
val dictionary = data.flatMap {case line => line.split(" ")}.map {case word => (word, 1)}.reduceByKey(_+_)
If I collect this in the REPL I get the following result:
res9: Array[(String, Int)] = Array((here,1), (good.,1), (good,2), (here.,1), (You,1), (working,1), (today.You,1), (boy.Are,1), (are,2), (a,2), (posting,1), (i,1), (boy.,1), (also,1), (I,1), (am,2), (you,1))
Obviously you would need to do a better split than in my simple example.
First of all your dictionary should be a Set, because in general sense you need to map the Set of terms to the number of documents which contain them.
So your data should look like:
scala> val docs = List("i am a good boy.Are you a good boy.","You are also working here.","I am posting here today.You are good.")
docs: List[String] = List(i am a good boy.Are you a good boy., You are also working here., I am posting here today.You are good.)
Your dictionary should look like:
scala> val dictionary = Set("good", "working", "posting")
dictionary: scala.collection.immutable.Set[String] = Set(good, working, posting)
Then you have to implement your transformation, for the simplest logic of the contains function it might look like:
scala> => k -> docs.count(_.contains(k))) toMap
res4: scala.collection.immutable.Map[String,Int] = Map(good -> 2, working -> 1, posting -> 1)
For better solution I'd recommend you to implement specific function for your requirements
(String, String) => Boolean
to determine the presence of the term in the document:
scala> def foo(doc: String, term: String): Boolean = doc.contains(term)
foo: (doc: String, term: String)Boolean
Then final solution will look like:
scala> => k -> docs.count(d => foo(d, k))) toMap
res3: scala.collection.immutable.Map[String,Int] = Map(good -> 2, working -> 1, posting -> 1)
The last thing you have to do is to calculate the result map using SparkContext. First of all you have to define what data you want to have parallelised. Let's assume we want to parallelize the collection of the documents, then solution might be like following:
val docsRDD = sc.parallelize(List(
"i am a good boy.Are you a good boy.",
"You are also working here.",
"I am posting here today.You are good."
docsRDD.mapPartitions( => dictionary.collect {
case term if doc.contains(term) => term -> 1
})).map(_.toMap) reduce { case (m1, m2) => merge(m1, m2) }
def merge(m1: Map[String, Int], m2: Map[String, Int]) =
m1 ++ m2 map { case (k, v) => k -> (v + m1.getOrElse(k, 0)) }

Scala - modify strings in a list based on their number of occurences

Another Scala newbie question since I am not getting how to achieve this in a functional way (mostly coming from a scripting language background):
I have a list of strings:
val food-list = List("banana-name", "orange-name", "orange-num", "orange-name", "orange-num", "grape-name")
and where they are duplicated, I'd like to add an incrementing number into the string and get that in a list similar to the input list, like so:
List("banana-name", "orange1-name", "orange1-num", "orange2-name", "orange2-num", "grape-name")
I've grouped them up to get counts for them with:
val freqs = list.groupBy(identity).mapValues(v => List.range(1, v.length + 1))
Which gives me:
Map(orange-num -> List(1, 2), banana-name -> List(1), grape-name -> List(1), orange-name -> List(1, 2))
The order of the list is important (it should be in the original order of food-list) so I know it's problematic for me to use a Map at this point. The closest I feel I have gotten to a solution is:{l =>
if (freqs(l).length > 1){
freqs(l).map(n =>
l.split("-")(0) + n.toString + "-" + l.split("-")(1))
} else {
This of course gives me a wonky output since I am mapping the list of frequencies from the words value in freqs
List(banana-name, List(orange1-name, orange2-name), List(orange1-num, orange2-num), List(orange1-name, orange2-name), List(orange1-num, orange2-num), grape-name)
How is this done in a Scala fp way without resorting to clumsy for loops and counters?
If the indices are important, sometimes it's best to keep track of them explicitly using zipWithIndex (very similar to Python's enumerate):
//if only one entry in this group, don't change the values
//x is actually a tuple, could write case (str, idx) :: Nil => (str, idx) :: Nil
case x :: Nil => x :: Nil
//case where there are duplicate strings
case xs => {
//idx is index in the original list, n is index in the new list i.e. count
case ((str, idx), n) =>
//destructuring assignment, like python's (fruit, suffix) = ...
val Array(fruit, suffix) = str.split("-")
//string interpolation, returning a tuple
(s"$fruit${n+1}-$suffix", idx)
//We now have our list of (string, index) pairs;
//sort them and map to a list of just strings
Efficient and simple:
val food = List("banana-name", "orange-name", "orange-num",
"orange-name", "orange-num", "grape-name")
def replaceName(s: String, n: Int) = {
val tokens = s.split("-")
tokens(0) + n + "-" + tokens(1)
val indicesMap = scala.collection.mutable.HashMap.empty[String, Int]
val res = { name =>
val n = indicesMap.getOrElse(name, 1)
indicesMap += (name -> (n + 1))
replaceName(name, n)
Here is an attempt to provide what you expected with foldLeft:
foodList.foldLeft((List[String](), Map[String, Int]()))//initial value
((a/*accumulator, list, map*/, v/*value from the list*/)=>
if (a._2.isDefinedAt(v))//already seen
(s"$v+${a._2(v)}" :: a._1, a._2.updated(v, a._2(v) + 1))
(v::a._1, a._2.updated(v, 1)))
._1/*select the list*/.reverse/*because we created in the opposite order*/
