Use sed or awk to replace line after match - linux

I'm trying to create a little script that basically uses dig +short to find the IP of a website, and then pipe that to sed/awk/grep to replace a line. This is what the current file looks like:
So, basically, I want to search for the '#Server' line in a text file, and then replace the two lines underneath it with an IP address acquired from dig.
I understand some of the syntax of sed, but I'm really having trouble figuring out how to replace two lines underneath a match. Any help is much appreciated.

Based on the OP, it's not 100% clear exactly what needs to replaced where, but here's a a one-liner for the general case, using GNU sed and bash. Replace the two lines after "3" with standard input:
echo Hoot Gibson | sed -e '/3/{r /dev/stdin' -e ';p;N;N;d;}' <(seq 7)
Hoot Gibson
Note: sed's r command is opaquely documented (in Linux anyway). For more about r, see:
"5.9. The 'r' command isn't inserting the file into the text" in this sed FAQ.

here's how in awk:
awk -v newip=$newip '{
if($1 == "#Server"){
l = NR;
print $0
else if(l>0 && NR == l+1){
print newip
else if(l==0 || NR != l+2){
print $0
}' file > file.tmp
mv -f file.tmp file
pass $newip to awk
if the first field of the current line is #Server, let l = current line number.
else if the current line is one past #Server, print the new ip.
else if the current row is not two past #Server, print the line.
overwrite original file with modified version.


changing two lines of a text file

I have a bash script which gets a text file as input and takes two parameters (Line N° one and line N° two), then changes both lines with each other in the text. Here is the code:
awk -v var="$1" -v var1="$2" 'NR==var {
for(i=var+1; i < var1 ; i++) {
getline; s1=s1?s1 "\n" $0:$0
getline; print; print s1 s
}1' Ham > newHam_changed.txt
It works fine for every two lines which are not consecutive. but for lines which follows after each other (for ex line 5 , 6) it works but creates a blank line between them. How can I fix that?
I think your actual script is not what you posted in the question. I think the line with all the prints contains:
print s1 "\n" s
The problem is that when the lines are consecutive, s1 will be empty (the for loop is skipped), but it will still print a newline before s, producing a blank line.
So you need to make that newline conditional.
awk -v var="4" -v var1="6" 'NR==var {
for(i=var+1; i < var1 ; i++) {
getline; s1=s1?s1 "\n" $0:$0
getline; print; print (s1 ? s1 "\n" : "") s
}1' Ham > newHam_changed.txt
Using getline makes awk scripts always a bit complicated. It is better to prevent the use of getline and just make use of the awk pattern { action } syntax. This will make perfectly readable scripts. In any other language you would just do a loop and get the next line, but in awk I think it is best to make good use of this feature.
awk -v var="$1" -v var1="$2" '
NR==var {s=$0; collect=1; next;}
NR==var1 {collect=0; print; printf inbetween; print s}
collect {inbetween=inbetween""$0"\n"; next;}
1' Ham
Here I capture the first line in s when I found it and set the collect flag. This will trigger the collect block on the next iteration which collects all lines in between. Whenever the second line is found it sets the collect back to zero and prints first the current line, than the inbetween lines and then s. If the lines are consecutive inbetween is empty and printf will than do nothing.
Too complex for my taste, here is something quite simple that achieves the same task:
ORIGFILE='original.txt' # original text file
PROCFILE='processed.txt' # copy of the original file to be proccesed
CHGL1=`sed "$1q;d" $ORIGFILE` # get original $1 line
CHGL2=`sed "$2q;d" $ORIGFILE` # get original $2 line
sed -i "$2s/^.*/$CHGL1/" $PROCFILE # replace
sed -i "$1s/^.*/$CHGL2/" $PROCFILE # replace
More code doesn't mean more useful, keep it simple. This code do not use for and instead goes directly to the specific lines.
A simple way on one line to do this task:
printf '%s\n' 14m26 26-m14- w q | ed -s file
Found in this answer.

Linux cut, paste

I have to write a script file to cut the following column and paste it the end of the same row in a new .arff file. I guess the file type doesn't matter.
Current file:
The output should be:
how can I do this? using a Linux script file?
sed -r 's/^([^,]*),(.*)$/\2,\1/' Input_file
Brief explanation,
^([^,]*) would match the first field which separated by commas, and \1 behind refer to the match
(.*)$ would be the remainding part except the first comma, and \2 would refer to the match
Shorter awk solution:
$ awk -F, '{$(NF+1)=$1;sub($1",","")}1' OFS=, input.txt
{$(NF+1)=$1 # add extra field with value of field $1
sub($1",","") # search for string "$1," in $0, replace it with ""
}1 # print $0
EDIT: Reading your comments following your question, looks like your swapping more columns than just the first to the end of the line. You might consider using a swap function that you call multiple times:
func swap(i,j){s=$i; $i=$j; $j=s}
However, this won't work whenever you want to move a column to the end of the line. So let's change that function:
func swap(i,j){
if (j>NF){
for (k=i;k<NF;k++) $k=$(k+1)
} else {
So now you can do this:
$ cat tst.awk
{swap(1,NF+1); swap(2,5)}1
func swap(i,j){
if (j>NF){
for (k=i;k<NF;k++) $k=$(k+1)
} else {
$ awk -f tst.awk input.txt
Why using sed or awk, the shell can handle this easily
while read l;do echo ${l#*,},${l%%,*};done <infile
If it's a win file with \r
while read l;do f=${l%[[:cntrl:]]};echo ${f#*,},${l%%,*};done <infile
If you want to keep the file in place.
printf "%s" "$(while read l;do f=${l%[[:cntrl:]]};printf "%s\n" "${f#*,},${l%%,*}";done <infile)">infile

rearranging column based on condition

I have a *.csv file. with value as below
or sometimes the value is as below
I just want to put the numeric value (e.g. 8801989353984) always in 1st column. Is it possible using BASH script?
Sed is also your friend here
cat 41189347
sed -E 's/^("[[:alpha:]]+.*"),("[[:digit:]]+")$/\2,\1/' 41189347
awk to the rescue!
$ awk -F, -v OFS=, '$1~/[A-Z]/{t=$2;$2=$1;$1=t}1' file
if first field has alpha chars, swap first and second columns and print.
Bash can do the work but awk might be a better choice for rearrange your file:
awk -F, 'BEGIN{OFS=","}{$1=$1;if(substr($1, 2, length($1) - 2) + 0 == substr($1, 2, length($1) - 2)){print $1,$2}else{print $2,$1}}' sample.csv
substr($1, 2, length($1) - 2) + 0 == substr($1, 2, length($1) - 2) checks the column is numeric or not. If it is, print the original line otherwise switch column1 and column2
You can create a pure bash script to generate other file which has the structure you need:
rm -rf "${output_file}"
readarray -t LINES < <(cat < "${csv_file}" 2> /dev/null)
for item in "${LINES[#]}"; do
if [[ $item =~ ^\"([0-9A-Z]+)\"\,\"([0-9]+)\" ]]; then
echo "\"${BASH_REMATCH[2]}\",\"${BASH_REMATCH[1]}\"" >> "${output_file}"
echo "$item" >> "${output_file}"
This works even if your file is "mixed" I mean with some lines in the right format and other lines in the bad format.
The following commands assume that the cells in the CSV files do not contain newlines and commas. Otherwise, you should write a more complicated script in Perl, PHP, or other programming language capable of parsing CSV files properly. But Bash, definitely, is not appropriate for this task.
perl -F, -nle '#F = reverse #F if $F[0] =~ /^"\d+"$/;
print join(",", #F)' file
Beware, If the cells contain newlines, or commas, use Perl's Text::CSV module, for instance. Although it is a simple task in Perl, it goes beyond the scope of the current question.
The command splits the input lines by commas (-F,) and stores the result into #F array, for each line. The items in the array are reversed, if the first field $F[0] matches the regular expression. You can also swap the items this way: ($F[0], $F[1]) = ($F[1], $F[0]).
Finally, the joins the array items with commas, and prints to the standard output.
If you want to edit the file in-place, use -i option: perl -i.backup -F, ....
awk -F, -vOFS=, '/^"[0-9]+",/ {print; next}
{ t = $1; $1 = $2; $2 = t; print }' file
The input and output field separators are set to , with -F, and -vOFS=,.
If the line matches the pattern /^"[0-9]+",/ (the line begins with a "numeric" CSV column), the script prints the record and advances to the next record. Otherwise the next block is executed.
In the next block, it swaps the first two columns and prints the result to the standard output.
If you want to edit the file in-place, see answers to this question.

find a pattern and print line based on finding the first pattern sed, awk grep

I have a rather large file. What is common to all is the hostname to break each section example :
data 1
data here
data 2
text here
section 1
text here
part 4
data here
comm = 2
data 1
data here
data 2
text here
section 1
text here
part 4
data here
comm = 1
The above prints
As you see above, in between each section there are other sections broken down by key words or lines that have specific values
I like to use a oneliner to print host name for each section and then print which ever lines I want to extract under each hostname section
Can you please help. I am using now grep -C 10 HOSTNAME | gerp -C pattern
but this assumes that there are 10 lines in each section. This is not an optimal way to do this; can someone show a better way. I also need to be able to print more than one line under each pattern that I find . So if I find data1 and there are additional lines under it I like to grab and print them
So output of command would be like
grep -C 10 HOSTNAME | grep data 1
grep -C 10 HOSTNAME | grep -A 2 data 1
data 1
data 1
Beside Grep I use this sed command to print my output
sed -r '/HOSTNAME|shared/!d' filename
The only problem with this sed command is that it only prints the lines that have patterns shared & HOSTNAME in them. I also need to specify the number of lines I like to print in my case under the line that matched patterns shared. So I like to print HOSTNAME and give the number of lines I like to print under second search pattern shared.
awk to the rescue!
$ awk -v lines=2 '/HOSTNAME/{c=lines} NF&&c&&c--' file
data 1
data 1
print lines number of lines including pattern match, skips empty lines.
If you want to specify secondary keyword instead number of lines
$ awk -v key='data 1' '/HOSTNAME/{h=1; print} h&&$0~key{print; h=0}' file
data 1
data 1
Here is a sed twoliner:
sed -n -r '/HOSTNAME/ { p }
/^\s+data 1/ {p }' hostnames.txt
It prints (p)
when the line contains a HOSTNAME
when the line starts with some whitespace (\s+) followed by your search criterion (data 1)
non-mathing lines are not printed (due to the sed -n option)
Edit: Some remarks:
this was tested with GNU sed 4.2.2 under linux
you dont need the -r if your sed version does not support it, replace the second pattern to /^.*data 1/
we can squash everything in one line with ;
Putting it all together, here is a revised version in one line, without the need for the extended regex ( i.e without -r):
sed -n '/HOSTNAME/ { p } ; /^.*data 1/ {p }' hostnames.txt
The OP requirements seem to be very unclear, but the following is consistent with one interpretation of what has been requested, and more importantly, the program has no special requirements, and the code can easily be modified to meet a variety of requirements. In particular, both search patterns (the HOSTNAME pattern and the "data 1" pattern) can easily be parameterized.
The main idea is to print all lines in a specified subsection, or at least a certain number up to some limit.
If there is a limit on how many lines in a subsection should be printed, specify a value for limit, otherwise set it to 0.
awk -v limit=0 '
/^HOSTNAME:/ { subheader=0; hostname=1; print; next}
/^ *data 1/ { subheader=1; print; next }
/^ *data / { subheader=0; next }
subheader && (limit==0 || (subheader++ < limit)) { print }'
Given the lines provided in the question, the output would be:
data 1
data 1
(Yes, I know the variable 'hostname' in the awk program is currently unused, but I included it to make it easy to add a test to satisfy certain obvious requirements regarding the preconditions for identifying a subheader.)
sed -n -e '/hostname/,+p' -e '/Duplex/,+p'
The simplest way to do it is to combine two sed commands ..

Extract K-th Line from Chunks Using Sed/AWK/Perl

I have some data that looks like this. It comes in chunk of four lines. Each chunk starts with a # character.
#SRR037212.1 FC30L5TAA_102708:7:1:741:1355 length=27
+SRR037212.1 FC30L5TAA_102708:7:1:741:1355 length=27
#SRR037212.2 FC30L5TAA_102708:7:1:1045:1765 length=27
+SRR037212.2 FC30L5TAA_102708:7:1:1045:1765 length=27
What I want to do is to extract last line of each chunk. Yielding:
Note that the last line of the chunk may contain any standard ASCII character
including #.
Is there an effective one-liner to do it?
The following sed command will print the 3rd line after the pattern:
sed -n '/^#/{n;n;n;p}' file.txt
If there are no blank lines:
perl -ne 'print if $. % 4 == 0' file
$ awk 'BEGIN{RS="#";FS="\n"}{print $4 } ' file
If you always have those 4 lines in a chunk, some other ways
$ ruby -ne 'print if $.%4==0' file
$ awk 'NR%4==0' file
It also seems like your line is always after the line that start with "+", so
$ awk '/^\+/{getline;print}' file
$ ruby -ne 'gets && print if /^\+/' file
This prints the lines before lines that starts with #, and also the last line. It can work with non uniform sized chunks, but assumes that only a chunk leading line starts with #.
sed -ne '1d;$p;/^#/!{x;d};/^#/{x;p}' file
Some explanation is in order:
First you don't need the first line so delete it 1d
Next you always need the last line, so print it $p
If you don't have a match swap it into the hold buffer and delete it x;d
If you do have match swap it out of the hold buffer, and print it x;p
This works similarly to dogbane's answer
awk '/^#/ {mark = NR} NR == mark + 3 {print}' inputfile
And, like that answer, will work regardless of the number of lines in each chunk (as long as there are at least 4).
The direct analog to that answer, however, would be:
awk '/^#/ {next; next; next; print}' inputfile
this can be done using grep easily
grep -A 1 '^#' ./infile
This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed '/^#/,+2d' file
