404 Not Found error after Parse migration - linux

I've followed the migration guide and setup the Mongodb, NodeJS and Parse server locally on our Linux server. I'm able use the REST API to login to the game and download game-related files that are still hosted by Parse's S3. However it seems like whenever I'm doing a POST or PUT http requests I receive a 404 not found error.
So far I've tried:
1. Enabling the HTTP interface in /etc/mongod.conf
2. Checked the post URLs and they look correct. For logging out I'm sending a post request to http://<server-ip-address:1337>/parse/logout
I'm thinking there might be something wrong with the setup on the server.
Did anyone run into similar problem?

Okay I found the solutions.
Logout problem:
Unity's WWW class seems to work only with valid postData. I didn't provide postData when creating a WWW instance since logout only required custom HTTP request headers. It worked after I created a dummy byte array and pass that to the WWW constructor.
WWW www = new WWW(url, null, headers) // return 404
WWW www = new WWW(url, new byte[1], headers) // worked
PUT problem:
My request headers had 'X-HTTP-Method-Override' set to PUT but it had no effect on the server until I modified allowMethodOverride function inside middlewares.js
var allowMethodOverride = function allowMethodOverride(req, res, next) {
if (req.method === 'POST' && req.body._method) {
req.originalMethod = req.method;
req.method = req.body._method;
delete req.body._method;
// Also detect these override request header sent by Unity clients
else if (req.method === 'POST' && req.get('X-HTTP-Method-Override')) {
req.originalMethod = req.method;
req.method = req.get('X-HTTP-Method-Override');


How to add readable text to URL with NodeJS Express?

I have links that looks like this on my website:
When users go to the link, I want the URL to change based on information related the id parameter like this:
I have been messing around changing the req and res object data before the user is sent to the page similarly to this.
app.get('/view', (req, res, next) => {
res.baseUrl = "/test";
req.url = req.url + '/test';
req.originalUrl = req.originalUrl + '/test';
As an HTTP server, the primary way you can influence the client (i.e the users browser) is with your HTTP response. To change their location you can return a redirection response.
A redirection response is any HTTP response with a 3XX status code and a Location header set to the new destination. In express you can use res.redirect(/*your location here*/) to send a redirection response. For more information about different types of redirects check out this MDN article.
As a side note, you could also consider making the change to the location using javascript on the client once the page is loaded. Though this will depend on other factors. You could investigate the History api for this.

Postman Requests Receive a HTTP 401 Status Code

I am working on creating a Node.js REST API, using the Express module, that redirects HTTP GET and PUT requests to another server. However, when running test queries in Postman, I always get HTTP 401 Unauthorized responses. Yet, when I try the same on query on the Chrome browser I get a successful response (HTTP 302). I read through some documentation on the HTTP request/response cycle and authorization. The server I am redirecting to uses HTTP Basic authentication. In my code I am redirecting the API call to my application server using the res.redirect(server) method. In my Postman request I am setting the username/password in Authorization tab for my request. I know this is gets encoded using base64, but I am guessing this isn't being passed on the redirect when done through Postman.
The following code snippets show what I've created thus far.
This is the Express route I created for GET requests
app.get('/companyrecords/:name', function(req, res) {
var credentials = Buffer.from("username:password").toString('base64');
var requestURL = helperFunctions.createURL(req);
I define a function called createURL inside a file called helperFunctions. The purpose of this function is set up the URL to which requests will be directed to. Here is the code for that function.
module.exports.createURL = function (requestURL) {
var pathname = requestURL._parsedUrl.pathname;
var tablename = pathname.split("/")[1];
var filter = `?&filter=name=\'${requestURL.params.hostname}\'`;
var fullPath = BASE_URL + tablename.concat('/') + filter;
return fullPath;
Where BASE_URL is a constant defined in the following form:
Is this something I need to change in my code to support redirects through Postman or is there a setting in Postman that I need to change so that my queries can execute successfully.
Unfortunately you can't tell Postman not to do what was arguably the correct thing.
Effectively clients should be removing authorisation headers on a redirect. This is to prevent a man-in-the-middle from sticking a 302 in and collecting all your usernames and passwords on their own server. However, as you've noticed, a lot of clients do not behave perfectly (and have since maintained this behaviour for legacy reasons).
As discussed here however you do have some options:
Allow a secondary way of authorising using a query string: res.redirect(302, 'http://appServer:5001/?auth=auth') however this is not great because query strings are often logged without redacting
Act as a proxy and pipe the authenticated request yourself: http.request(authedRequest).on('response', (response) => response.pipe(res))
Respond with a 200 and the link for your client to then follow.

Ghost Blog - Check Request Headers

I have a self-hosted Ghost blog running. I want to check for the presence of a custom header, for example X-Den-Was-Here.
What I want to implement is a conditional check, where:
If the header is present - load the blog cotnents.
If the header is not present - return a 401 Unauthorized.
Where would be the most appropriate place to perform this check within the Ghost infra?
According to Express 4.x API Reference you can access headers using req.get(headerName), and check if it returns undefined or something, e.g.:
app.get('/', function(req, res, next) {
if(req.get(headerName) == undefined){
//do not load modules
As it turns out, the solution to this (and I am open to have someone validate it and show me that I chose the wrong location for it) is to modify the caching layer to verify an inbound request header.
For that, you need \core\server\middleware\cache-control.js. Within the cacheControlHeaders function, you can just add the snippet below right before the next() call:
if (req.headers["den-was-here"] != "1")
return res.sendStatus(401);
This will effectively throw a 401 Unauthorized response for any request that does not carry the header.

URL rewriting not working with iframe expressjs

I am trying to rewrite the URL of an iframe using express.
Similar code works fine on files available in my public folder (which express knows about thanks to server.use(express['static'](__dirname + '/public').
Jade code:
iframe(width="560", height="315", src="/videos/9bZkp7q19f0", frameborder="0", allowfullscreen=true)
Express code:
server.use(function(req, res, next) {
if (/videos/.test(req.url)) {
req.url = req.url.replace("videos", "embed");
req.url = "www.youtube.com" + req.url;
Adding console.log(req.url) shows the correct url (www.youtube.com/embed/9bZkp7q19f0), yet express logs a 404 error.
Thanks in advance.
You can't just change req.url and expect the client to actually retrieve data from there. What you need is either a proxy or a redirect.
A redirect will force the iframe to redirect to youtube.com:
res.redirect('http://www.youtube.com' + req.url.replace('videos', 'embed'));
A proxy will actually request the page from your server, download the content, and serve back to the client: (you can use request for this)
+ req.url.replace('videos', 'embed'))).pipe(res);

Express request is called twice

To learn node.js I'm creating a small app that get some rss feeds stored in mongoDB, process them and create a single feed (ordered by date) from these ones.
It parses a list of ~50 rss feeds, with ~1000 blog items, so it's quite long to parse the whole, so I put the following req.connection.setTimeout(60*1000); to get a long enough time out to fetch and parse all the feeds.
Everything runs quite fine, but the request is called twice. (I checked with wireshark, I don't think it's about favicon here).
I really don't get it.
You can test yourself here : http://mighty-springs-9162.herokuapp.com/feed/mde/20 (it should create a rss feed with the last 20 articles about "mde").
The code is here: https://github.com/xseignard/rss-unify
And if we focus on the interesting bits :
I have a route defined like this : app.get('/feed/:name/:size?', topics.getFeed);
And the topics.getFeed is like this :
function getFeed(req, res) {
// 1 minute timeout to get enough time for the request to be processed
var name = req.params.name;
var callback = function(err, topic) {
// if the topic has been found
if (topic) {
// aggregate the corresponding feeds
rssAggregator.aggregate(topic, function(err, rssFeed) {
if (err) {
res.status(500).send({error: 'Error while creating feed'});
else {
else {
res.status(404).send({error: 'Topic not found'});
// look for the topic in the db
findTopicByName(name, callback);
So nothing fancy, but still, this getFeed function is called twice.
What's wrong there? Any idea?
This annoyed me for a long time. It's most likely the Firebug extension which is sending a duplicate of each GET request in the background. Try turning off Firebug to make sure that's not the issue.
I faced the same issue while using Google Cloud Functions Framework (which uses express to handle requests) on my local machine. Each fetch request (in browser console and within web page) made resulted in two requests to the server. The issue was related to CORS (because I was using different ports), Chrome made a OPTIONS method call before the actual call. Since OPTIONS method was not necessary in my code, I used an if-statement to return an empty response.
if(req.method == "OPTIONS"){
res.set('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*');
res.set('Access-Control-Allow-Headers', 'Content-Type');
Spent nearly 3hrs banging my head. Thanks to user105279's answer for hinting this.
If you have favicon on your site, remove it and try again. If your problem resolved, refactor your favicon url
I'm doing more or less the same thing now, and noticed the same thing.
I'm testing my server by entering the api address in chrome like this:
my Node.js server is then responding with a json object depending on the id.
I set up a console log in the get method and noticed that when I change the id in the address bar of chrome it sends a request (before hitting enter to actually send the request) and the server accepts another request after I actually hit enter. This happens with and without having the chrome dev console open.
IE 11 doesn't seem to work in the same way but I don't have Firefox installed right now.
Hope that helps someone even if this was a kind of old thread :)
I am to fix with listen.setTimeout and axios.defaults.timeout = 36000000
Node js
var timeout = require('connect-timeout'); //express v4
//in cors putting options response code for 200 and pre flight to false
app.use(cors({ preflightContinue: false, optionsSuccessStatus: 200 }));
//to put this middleaware in final of middleawares
app.use(timeout(36000000)); //10min
app.use((req, res, next) => {
if (!req.timedout) next();
var listen = app.listen(3333, () => console.log('running'));
listen.setTimeout(36000000); //10min
import axios from 'axios';
axios.defaults.timeout = 36000000;//10min
After of 2 days trying
you might have to increase the timeout even more. I haven't seen the express source but it just sounds on timeout, it retries.
Ensure you give res.send(); The axios call expects a value from the server and hence sends back a call request after 120 seconds.
I had the same issue doing this with Express 4. I believe it has to do with how it resolves request params. The solution is to ensure your params are resolved by for example checking them in an if block:
app.get('/:conversation', (req, res) => {
let url = req.params.conversation;
//Only handle request when params have resolved
if (url) {
res.redirect(301, 'http://'+ url + '.com')
In my case, my Axios POST requests were received twice by Express, the first one without body, the second one with the correct payload. The same request sent from Postman only received once correctly. It turned out that Express was run on a different port so my requests were cross origin. This caused Chrome to sent a preflight OPTION method request to the same url (the POST url) and my app.all routing in Express processed that one too.
app.all('/api/:cmd', require('./api.js'));
Separating POST from OPTIONS solved the issue:
app.post('/api/:cmd', require('./api.js'));
app.options('/', (req, res) => res.send());
I met the same problem. Then I tried to add return, it didn't work. But it works when I add return res.redirect('/path');
I had the same problem. Then I opened the Chrome dev tools and found out that the favicon.ico was requested from my Express.js application. I needed to fix the way how I registered the middleware.
Screenshot of Chrome dev tools
I also had double requests. In my case it was the forwarding from http to https protocol. You can check if that's the case by looking comparing
It will either be 'http' or 'https'.
I could fix my issue simply by adjusting the order in which my middlewares trigger.
