How to set task fields while assigning a new task? - sharepoint

I'm creating a WF with SharePoint designer 2013.
The work flow should be approved by 3 company members. So, I added a new column to my custom WF task list called "Approval stage" which is a choice column and should has values "Analyst, Reviewer and Manager".
When assigning a task for each user, I need to set the value of this column.
For now, I can update it only after the task is finished (approved or rejected). But I need to set it in the assigning process.
How can I do it??

When you create a task you will get an output as an ID on the basis of that you can update the field related to that task item.


Task name is getting renamed with Activity using TFS 2018 and Excel

I am having backlog in TFS 2018 and I am using default template provided to create the tasks.
The template is having the 'Activity' drop down, while selecting the 'Activity' it is also renaming the Task Title. It is ok if I am adding the task using TFS.
Now, I am using the Excel to create the tasks in the user story.
Only problem is whenever I publish the list, it is renaming the Title of the tasks with Activity name.
For example, If I publish the following list, "My Task" will be renamed with "Requirements- Review" (Value in Activity Column) in TFS board under "My Userstory".
Is there anyway to disable this behavior while adding tasks using the Excel?
As per my understanding both Titles are required as it is creating the
Parent Child relationship. In Excel I am selecting Title 1 and
clicking on "Add Child" and it is creating Title 2 column.
Actually we do not use this kind of way to add a nested list of work items( Parent Child relationship)
For example, you should first convert your flat list to a tree list by adding a tree level.
Enter titles for backlog items under Title 1 and for tasks, under Title 2. Also, select the corresponding work item type for each. Here we specify Task.
Publish your worksheet and the ID 95 is new created through Excel. In the background, parent-child links are created for each task listed.
As you can see in web portal, the new create task is list properly and title do not change and activity is also right.
More details please take a look at this official tutorial-- Bulk add or modify work items with Excel

Trigger SharePoint workflow when one column is edited

I have built an inventory database in SharePoint 2016. I want to create an approval workflow that is automatically triggered when the "Room" field is edited.
I'm trying to keep this clean. The option to trigger workflows when an item is edited, starts the WF when I update any other column. I tried to mitigate this with the "wait for" clause, and that just leaves a WF hanging until the condition is met.
Any ideas? The Room cloumn is single line text.
that just leaves a WF hanging until the condition is met
A "waiting" workflow is just a record in a SQL table. It is not tying up resources while it is waiting.
Otherwise, you can have a workflow that runs on Create that updates a non-displayed column with the initial Room value. Then have a workflow that runs on Change that compares the two columns. If they are the same, it just exits, otherwise it does what ever work is needed.
As a workaround, we can create an event receiver and start workflow in the event receiver base on some conditions.
Starting a SharePoint workflow from code (Event Receiver)

SharePoint 2010 Foundation Update List Where clause

I need to update List A from a form submitted in List B, where B.username = A.username. I am used to using SharePoint 2010 Enterprise and some of the advanced tools that go with that, but right now I am stuck on 2010 Foundation.
I don't know if I'm just having a brain pfft or something, but I can't make it work. Is this a limitation of Foundation? In the workflow editor in 2010 Designer, I can say update List A with a value from List B, but somehow not submit a where clause. Can anyone help?
What I'm actually trying to do is have a list of all users on the network and the form from List B just updates the "Accept" or "Decline" by the user's name in the first list.
Any help would be appreciated.
Assuming this is one-to-one relationship - that is, the WF triggered on the item in List B would only ever update one item in List A - when you configure your "Update List Item" action within the WF and select a "List" other than 'Current Item', a section will appear at the bottom called "Find the List Item" that will allow you to define how the WF will find the item in List A to update.
See here:
Bear in mind though, when using SharePoint Designer, you're limited to one-to-one relationships, and the only 'where' clause you can apply is an equals filter whereby some value you have (be it from the current item, a WF variable, an initiation parameter or a static value) is compared via equals operator to a field in the remote List (i.e. your List A). Should you define a clause that could result in more than one match - again, your WF on List B cannot trigger an update to 'n' items in List A - you will see this warning:
Caveat: all these conditions only apply when creating a WF via SPD; if you have access to Visual Studio, you can use it to create & deploy workflows that do support updating multiple items in a remote list based on a single WF being triggered, querying the associated items through something other than an equals, etc.

Assign a task in Microsoft dynamic CRM 2011 one week before expiry date

I am new with Microsoft CRM 2011, I can define a workflow for an entity,
How can I implement this scenario:
Assign a task to someone one week before the expiry date of the contract.
Create a Custom field (e.g. new_taskreminder) on Contract Entity to store date to execute workflow.
Populate the newly created field with (ContractEndDate - 1 Week). You can write a plugin to populate the field or Contracts are only created using CRM UI then you can write javascript as well.
Create a new Workflow and add the wait condition as below:
Instead of Contract End Date, select the newly created field.
Under the condition, create new record. Select task from dropdown. Set the properties as you want to assign the task to someone.
Final workflow will look like this: Activate the workflow to make affect.
If you want to run workflow on fixed 7 days before ContractEndDate. You don't need to create or populate custom field. You can write the wait condition as below:
But if you want to calculate the weekdays and holidays, then good to write a plugin or custom workflow activity.
I hope it will help you.

Sharepoint Designer Workflow with multiple tasks in sequence

I have a multi-step Sharepoint workflow in task list A that starts when a new task is created in that list and creates a task in another list, B. When that task in list B is completed, I would like the workflow in list A to create another task in list C.
I am using Sharepoint Designer 2007 to build all of this and at the moment I have this represented by multiple steps. So, step one is to create the task in the other list, and store its ID as a variable. Step 2 is conditional on a value in the task created by step one being marked complete, and it creates a task in the next list, and so on.
However, when I run the workflow, it marks its status as complete as soon as the item in the first list is completed, and does not go on to create the task outlined in Step 2 of the workflow.
I would like to know why the workflow is marking itself complete at the end of step one, and why the subsequent steps are not executed. Thanks in advance for your help.
I feel some problem with your logic.
You should have two workflows for doing this task
Workflow associated with list A to create a task in list B
Workflow associated with list B to create a task in list C
I shall explain it step by step.
You need to create a hidden field in List B to store list A's ID
Create a workflow associated with A on item creation for creating new item in B and copy the A's ID in B's hidden field
Create another workflow associated with list B for creating new item in C. You can get the A's record by comparing the A's id field with B's hidden field
