Cannot run my Electron App without internet connection - node.js

I have an Electron App which connects to an instance of a sql server(Microsoft SQL Server 2012) on my local machine using npm module mssql.The app works fine when connected to the internet, however I get the following error when offline.
"Failed to connect to DELL:undefined - getaddrinfo ENOENT DELL:48988"
following is the config:
var dbconfig = {
database: 'myDB',
user: 'username',
password: 'password'
port: 1433
I have also made sure of the following:
1. TCP/IP protocol is enabled
2. SQL Server INSTANCE/Server Agent and Server Browser is enabled
Since what I'm building is a desktop app, I do not want any dependency with internet connection. Not sure what I'm missing.... please suggest.


Why connection to postgres from nodejs is not working?

I have back-end created in nodejs hosted on Debian server using postgres 14.
the Nodejs listenning on port 5000, and when I try to connect to postgres using port 5432, I am getting the following reponse from Postman:
"Password is invalid".
I was trying the postgres role, and to create a new role, and problem is the same.
I was installing postgres on my Windows 10 computer, and all works fine in my localhost, but on the remote server not.
My Nodejs back-end, and postgres are on the same computer, but each role I've tryed won't connect to the database.
There is pg_hba.conf in /etc/postgres/14 on your server you have to add:
host username database md5
This would allow connection to database from any host to username using password authentication.
Also there is a pg.conf or postgres conf
There is line allow_connections the value should be '*'
This would generally allow connections to postgres running on that server
don’t forget you have to reload postgres after config change:
systemctl reload postgres

compass refuse to connect to remoto mongodb

I am trying to connect with my MongoDB data base using compass or through my NodeJS app but it refuse to connect, It was working but suddenly it now not ,I am using windows 11
I have try to connect it from the PowerShell using this and it actually connected
mongo "mongodb+srv://<username>:<password>"
I tried edit the security in config file in bin folder but nothing changed , I also have configure the IP address option in MongoDB to accept connect from anywhere but still the same
authorization: enabled
port: 27017

Node.JS on Google Cloud Run with cloud SQLError: connect ENOENT /cloudsql/<instancename...>

I'm not able to connect the cloudrun service to cloudsql.
I am using Sequelize and here is my connection section!
let sequelize = new (<any> Sequelize) (
dialect: 'postgres'
dialectOptions: {
socketPath: `/cloudsql/${DATABASE_HOST}`,
supportBigNumbers: true,
bigNumberStrings: true
host: `/cloudsql/${DATABASE_HOST}`,
logging: false,
PS: Apparently everything is configured correctly, that is,
The cloudsql service is connected to the specific cloudrun service,
they are in the same region, the AMIs are released ...
My unsuccessful attempts were:
The code snippet above returns: Error: connect ENOENT / cloudsql / <instancename ...>,
If I change the host to = connection refused,
Putting the native property in the connection: true = Error: Connection not found
direct connection attempt by PG = Error: connect ENOENT / cloudsql / <instancename ...>
I created another project, other permissions and the error continues
I changed the zone and the error continues
Another attempt was:
I tried to create VPC without a server for private IP connection enabled in cloudsql, but I get timeout in cloudrun
What I had left was to enable the cloudsql public network to access and the application is working fine.
I'm out of ideas and need help connecting using /cloudsql/
Cloud Run connects to Cloud SQL over Unix sockets.
You'll want to use the instance connection name in the socket path instead of the host IP address. This will follow the format project-name:region-name:instance-name. You might also need to append the suffix s.PGSQL.5432. The full socket path should look like "/cloudsql/project-name:region-name:instance-name.s.PGSQL.5432" If you're using the socket path, you can remove the host and port connection arguments

Azure VM not connecting to Azure Redis Cache but local is connecting to Azure Redis Cache

The same Azure Redis cache is getting connected from local machince.
The port 6380, on which cache is running is open in firewall of both inbound and outbound in the VM.
I tried in both NodeJs and Java. Both are connecting to remote Azure Redis from local and the exact same code for NodeJS and Java is not connceting to Azure Redis cache from VM.
Java config:
NodeJS config:
const client = redis.createClient(6380,
auth_pass: <password>,
tls: { servername: '' }
well, the other end must accept connection as well, so you mist allow connections from the VM if you have any firewall rules at all:
This is solved by the following on my Windows Desktop VM:
Click Start.
Enter cmd in the Start menu search text box.
Right-click Command Prompt and select Run as Administrator.
Run the following command: ipconfig /flushdns
Run the following command: ipconfig /registerdns

Error connecting to my redis server from my code

io.adapter(redis({ host: config.redisHost, port: config.redisPort }));
Both the confif.redisHost and config.redisPort are the correct values, but when I try to connect from my code I get the error -
'Error: Redis connection to failed - connect ECONNREFUSED'
In redis.conf I've changed the bind to as well as removing it completely and I've also tried setting protected mode to off just to try and get the connection working.
The IP and port are definitely, correct. Does anyone know why I might not be able to access the server from my code? My code is just being ran on my local machine and the redis server is being ran on a digital ocean ubuntu 14.04 machine. The status of the server is definitely running and I can access the redis-cli from the machine itself.
For some reason, it wasn't using redis.conf when I tried starting the server, I had to manually tell it to use it when starting up, now it's working.
