How Can I paste the content of a text file 400 times - text

its for a unity research project, I dont want to have to press control v exactly 400 times. I just want to paste it in another .txt file
this is the text
Thank you for you help

Use Unity. Go to that link and copy the text. Run this script in Unity and it will duplicate the text for 400 times and save it. It will show you where it saved it. Any text you have in the clipboard will be duplicated 400 times.
void Start()
//Get Clipboard
string fileInfo = GUIUtility.systemCopyBuffer;
if (fileInfo == null)
Debug.Log("Clipboard is Empty. Exited");
return; //exit
//Multiply by file 400
System.Text.StringBuilder crazyfileX400 = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < 400; i++)
string filename = Application.persistentDataPath + "/" + "crazyFile.txt";
System.IO.File.WriteAllText(filename, crazyfileX400.ToString());
Debug.Log("File written to " + filename);

Have a look at this open source macro-creation and automation software.
You can use it to write a script that does the job for you. Here's a a script for simple copy and paste:
sleep, 300
You could adapt it to your situation by adding a loop.


PDFKIT piping multiple PDF files in a loop

I have a list of items, and each item have a list of instructions. Each item will be printed out into a PDF file with each instruction occupying one page and saved locally. What i have now is a for loop which queries the database for the instructions of each item, and after populating the PDF pipe it out to a path. The problem is due to the query being async, only the last PDF being piped can be opened, the rest are corrupted. How do i overcome this? My code is as shown below.
var counter = 0
for (var o=0; o<itemList.length; ++o){
Steps.find( {itemid:itemid[o], sort: "sequence asc"} ).exec( function(err,steps){
doc[counter] = new PDFDocument();
doc[counter].pipe( fs.createWriteStream(path + "DocName" + counter + ".pdf") );
for (var x=0; x<steps.length; ++x){
doc[counter].text("Instructions: " + steps[x].instruction.font('Times-Roman', 13);
***/*if (counter == itemList.length-1){
//That is the problem, i shouldn't have done the check and end the doc immediately, that solved the issue.
Edited the question to show the working solution. A careless mistake where i only do a doc.end() after the last file is written, instead of ending it after every single file.

Sometimes having Excel export problems

I have a problem, I'm importing cycling a Table to Excel.
My code is look like this :
SysExcelApplication excel;
SysExcelWorkbooks books;
SysExcelWorkbook book;
SysExcelWorksheets sheets;
SysExcelWorksheet sheet;
SysExcelCells cells;
SysExcelCell cell;
SysExcelRange columns;
while select myTable
cell = sheet.cells().item(row, col);
cell = sheet.cells().item(row, col);
// when the cycle end save my file
But sometimes I give an error look like message debug
"Wrong argument types in variable assignment"
"The number of arguments provided is different from the number of arguments accepted by the method"
But the weird thing is if i try againg to re-launch the export I will not get the errors.
I have this problem
I have same code and same data.
When I generate the file the excle rows are perfect.
I have this problem in 50% of these cases.
The rows created are 1700 more less.
What does it depend on? I have a lot rows? Or other?
I share the same question found on web Some question ,I tried to use, but did't solved my problem:
I add more information not slved my problem change settings
Thanks in advice,
Yes, when develop any export Excel had this problem, when many rows. If there are few rows it works perfect.
For this cases always change the excel export for CSV export. The code to export csv file never fail and work perfect!
Here I leave an example to export csv file with 5 rows.
static void ExportCSV(Args _args)
Commaio file;
container lineCSV;
str DatosLinea[500];
int _i;
str filename;
Dialog dialog;
DialogField dialogFileName;
dialog = new Dialog("Path CSV");
dialogFileName = dialog.addField(ExtendedTypeStr("FilenameSave"),"Path File:");
if (
filename = dialogFileName.value();
if (!filename)
file = new Commaio((filename), 'W'); //Path + file name.csv
if( !file || file.status() != IO_Status::Ok)
throw error("File Cannot be opened");
DatosLinea[1] = "Col 1";
DatosLinea[2] = "Col 2";
DatosLinea[3] = "Col 3";
DatosLinea[4] = "Col 4";
DatosLinea[5] = "Col 5";
_i = 1;
lineCSV = conNull();
while(_i <= 5){
lineCSV += DatosLinea[_i];
_i += 1;
info("Export end");

How to keep original rotate page in itextSharp (dll)

i would like create the project, reading from Excel and write on pdf and print this pdf.
From Excel file (from cell) read directory where is original pdf on computer or server, and next cell have info what write on the top in second pdf.
And problem is here, original pdf is horizontal, landscape, rotate and my program create copy from original pdf and write info from excel on the top on copy pdf file. But pdf which is landscape is rotate for 270 deegres. This is no OK. For portrait rotation working program OK, copy OK and write on the top of the copy is OK.
Where is my problem in my code.
public int urediPDF(string inTekst)
if (inTekst != "0")
string pisava_arialBD = #"..\debug\arial.ttf";
string oldFile = null;
string inText = null;
string indeks = null;
//razbitje stringa
string[] vhod = inTekst.Split('#');
oldFile = vhod[0];
inText = vhod[1];
indeks = vhod[2];
string newFile = #"c:\da\2";
//odpre bralnik pdf
PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(oldFile);
Rectangle size = reader.GetPageSizeWithRotation(reader.NumberOfPages);
Document document = new Document(size);
//odpre zapisovalnik pdf
FileStream fs = new FileStream(newFile + "-" + indeks + ".pdf", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write);
PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.GetInstance(document, fs);
label2.Text = ("Status: " + reader.GetPageRotation(reader.NumberOfPages).ToString());
//določi sejo ustvarjanje pdf
PdfContentByte cb = writer.DirectContent;
//izbira pisave oblike
BaseFont bf = BaseFont.CreateFont(pisava_arialBD, BaseFont.IDENTITY_H, BaseFont.NOT_EMBEDDED);
cb.SetFontAndSize(bf, 8);
//pisanje teksta v pdf
string text = inText;
//izbira koordinat za zapis pravilnega teksta v pdf (720 stopinj roatacija (ležeče) in 90 stopinj (pokončno))
if (reader.GetPageRotation(1) == 720) //ležeča postavitev
cb.ShowTextAligned(1, text, 10, 450, 0);
else //pokončna postavitev
cb.ShowTextAligned(1, text + " - pokončen", 10, 750, 0);
// create the new page and add it to the pdf
PdfImportedPage page = writer.GetImportedPage(reader, reader.NumberOfPages);
cb.AddTemplate(page, 0, 0);
// close the streams and voilá the file should be changed :)
label2.Text = "Status: Končano zapisovanje";
return 0;
return 0;
Picture fake pdf:
As explained many times before (ITextSharp include all pages from the input file, Itext pdf Merge : Document overflow outside pdf (Text truncated) page and not displaying, and so on), you should read chapter 6 of my book iText in Action (you can find the C# version of the examples here).
You are using a combination of Document, PdfWriter and PdfImportedPage to split a PDF. Please tell me who made you do it this way, so that I can curse the person who inspired you (because I've answered this question hundreds of times before, and I'm getting tired of repeating myself). These classes aren't a good choice for that job:
you lose all interactivity,
you need to rotate the content yourself if the page is in landscape,
you need to take the original page size into account,
Your problem is similar to this one itextsharp: unexpected elements on copied pages. Is there any reason why you didn't read the documentation? If you say: "I didn't have the time", please believe me if I say that I have almost 20 years of experience as a developer, and I've never seen "reading documentation" as a waste of time.
Long story short: read the documentation, replace PdfWriter with PdfCopy, replace AddTemplate() with AddPage().

Adobe InDesign hangs indefinitely when I try to duplicate pages using ExtendScript

I have a very simple ExtendScript script which creates a new document out of a subset of the current active document:
var sourceDocument = app.activeDocument;
var i, j;
for(i = 0; i < sourceDocument.layers.length; i++) {
sourceDocument.layers.item(i).locked = false;
for(i = 0; i < sourceDocument.spreads.length; i++) {
for(j = 0; j < sourceDocument.spreads.item(i).textFrames.length; j++) {
if(sourceDocument.spreads.item(i).textFrames.item(j).locked) {
sourceDocument.spreads.item(i).textFrames.item(j).locked = false;
var destDocument = app.documents.add();
var firstPageIndex = 0; // In the actual script, this is chosen by the user.
var lastPageIndex = 5; // In the actual script, this is chosen by the user.
destDocument.importStyles(ImportFormat.paragraphStylesFormat, new File(sourceDocument.filePath + "/" +, GlobalClashResolutionStrategy.LOAD_ALL_WITH_OVERWRITE);
destDocument.importStyles(ImportFormat.characterStylesFormat, new File(sourceDocument.filePath + "/" +, GlobalClashResolutionStrategy.LOAD_ALL_WITH_OVERWRITE);
destDocument.viewPreferences.horizontalMeasurementUnits = sourceDocument.viewPreferences.horizontalMeasurementUnits;
destDocument.viewPreferences.verticalMeasurementUnits = sourceDocument.viewPreferences.verticalMeasurementUnits;
destDocument.documentPreferences.facingPages = sourceDocument.documentPreferences.facingPages;
destDocument.documentPreferences.pageHeight = sourceDocument.documentPreferences.pageHeight;
destDocument.documentPreferences.pageWidth = sourceDocument.documentPreferences.pageWidth;
destDocument.documentPreferences.pageSize = sourceDocument.documentPreferences.pageSize;
destDocument.documentPreferences.allowPageShuffle = true;
var range = sourceDocument.pages.itemByRange(firstPageIndex, lastPageIndex);
range.duplicate(LocationOptions.AFTER, destDocument.pages[destDocument.pages.length - 1]);
destDocument.pages[0].remove(); // An empty spread containing an empty page is added when the new document is created and we cannot remove it before other pages are inserted (Documents must have at least one page)
This script works perfectly on many documents. But when I execute it against one particular document (let's call it foo.indd), InDesign becomes unresponsive when executing the duplication: range.duplicate(LocationOptions.AFTER, destDocument.pages[destDocument.pages.length - 1]);. From then on, the only thing I can do is force InDesign to quit.
Is this an InDesign bug? How can I find which part of this particular document is creating the problem?
I can't really say what's wrong in your example but if indesign hangs, that might caused by the loops ( to infinity and beyond :) )
So you may try to avoid issues by outputting the loop limit to avoid InDesign re-calculation
var limit = …
for ( i = 0; i<limit ; i++)…
Additionally you could try to write info on the console to get info where InDesign is actually being stuck. So write informations on the fly on a report file and you might finally identify the issue area.
Also, you can try to interrogate every key items to see if the file has some issue.
Last but not least, try a manual export to idml of this file, re open and run again the script. Sometimes files become clunky and passing by idml fix most of them.
Give this script a try onto your probleamtic file. If it fails, please have a look at the report it should have generated onto the desktop.

The process cannot access the file 'd:\1.doc' because it is being used by another process

my code :
object c = "d:\\1.doc";
error :
The process cannot access the file 'd:\1.doc' because it is being used
by another process.
How close ? with code
first of all use string instead of object, so:
string c = "d:\\1.doc";
now as the message indicated the file being used by another process. either by windows process, or you are opening the file stream and forget to close it. check in your code where you are interacting with the file.
Edit: Since you are using Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word make sure you close the file(s) open first like:
Word.ApplicationClass word = new Word.ApplicationClass();
//after using it:
if (word.Documents.Count > 0)
I had the same type of issue when I wanted to Delete File after Open/Read it using Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word and I needed to close my document and the application like that :
private void parseFile(string filePath)
// Open a doc file.
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Application application = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Application();
Document document = application.Documents.Open(filePath);
// Loop through all words in the document.
int count = document.Words.Count;
for (int i = 1; i <= count; i++)
// Write the word.
string text = document.Words[i].Text;
Console.WriteLine("Word {0} = {1}", i, text);
// Close document correctly
You have that file actively open in this or another program, and Windows prevents you from deleting it in that case.
Check if the file still running (opened) by another application
1- Microsoft Word
2- WordPad
