Rolewise status display on Bugzilla - web

I have two roles in bugzilla .
1 . Admin
2. Developers.
Now my requirement is, showing some chosen workflow status to the developers not all. This way I will allow developers to change some statuses(IN PROGRESS / RESOLVED) but not allow to CLOSE or ASSIGN the bug.
How should I configure it in Bugzilla ?

I am also an Admin of Bugzilla. You can set the Group access of developers like this.
In this way, they just can change the bug's status to Resolve and then you can close them after rechecking.


Gitlab's "Clear Runner Caches" missing for developer user(s)

We are running permissions re-ordering. Moving teams to smaller groups in order to achieve it, and I created three groups as well:
For users under developer rank, the button Clear Runner Caches has gone missing. How can I allow every user to execute this option?
It's currently available only for maintainers and owners roles.
Nevertheless, there's an open ticket to allow developers to execute this command as well.
Refer: GitLab Issue

Admin permissions for Jira users (Core and Confluence)

We're running Jira 7.7.0 and Confluence 6.0.4
Our team is split into 2nd level support and 3rd level (us).
We would like to let 2nd level to do as much admin support as possible with as few permissions as needed.
1. The software offers for Core two admin groups, but both offer too many admin rights (Jira Administrators / Jira System Administrators)
2. Confluence has 2 groups Admins and users
None of the global permissions of either permit, that we allow a group to
- Add Spaces
- Add projects
- Add users
- Add groups
but keep them otherwise out of all the rest
A way to have a super user be able to not just manage >existing<, but also add the entities mentioned above.
A) A plugin that enhances users to be "a bit" Administrator, BUT with ADDING feature (this does not seem to exists)
B) A plugin that hides the menu items, but would technically still enable the users to execute the tasks if a URL was known
- Does anyone have a hint on what plugin could manage this? Either permission or menu hiding?
- Is there a way to trick configuration to achieve this (I assume not)
Many thanks!
There is an addon called Delegated Project Creator for Jira that address your request. To get it, search for it in the marketplace under "administration".
On the other hand you can tweak the UI of both apps to control access to options using Jquery. The addon Script Runner for JIRA has some options for this.

OBIEE - Interface customizations

I am facing problems with interface customizations in the latest OBIEE release.
Is it possible to "hide" the Mobile, VA and BiPublisher options - marked red in the appendix.
(Privileges in Administration and roles in EM are configured - users can not access Mobile, BiPub however the buttons are still visible - OBI 11 did not display them afterwards...)
I am looking for a "clean" design.
Any help is much appreciated
Unfortunately up to and including (the current version) the "Visual Analyzer" menu point will keep being rendered even if they permission has been removed from the application role(s) of the user.
Mobile and BIP disappear completely on the other hand.
So the question to be asked is: how did you configure your application roles and policies? Did you reuse vanilla ones? Then it may just be the case that some rights still persist due to ootb inheritance between roles and hence some rights stay even though you think you removed them.

Bugzilla workflow status restriction for normal user

I have configured bugzilla 5 which have admin and normal users. In bug forms, in status field, I want to show some chosen statuses to normal user. so that can be restricted from doing actions they are not authorized like.
For example - normal user can resolve a bug but can not close it.
How do I achieve this ?
This isn't really possible in Bugzilla. The workflow editor does not allow you to specify a role.
There are some limited roles - canconfirm, editbugs but they apply to all bugs in the product.
You could create a Bugzilla extension that added this functionality.

Why don't the Flag links show up in a view for anyone except the super admin user

I have a node type on my Drupal site that uses a Flag to let users "unpublish" or "publish" their content. This is not the same as Drupal's node publishing... that is still reserved for admins of the site. Instead, the Flag is used to determine if the node shows up in other Views. I've also created an "admin" type page for each user to allow them to manage their nodes and determine which ones should be published using this Flag. This page has two views, one of flagged nodes and one of unflagged nodes. That way they can either "publish" or "unpublish" their content from a central location.
My problem is that on this page, the Flag links don't show up for the user. The FLag is respected in the two views (one for flagged and one for unflagged) but the links to flag or unflag content don't show up. They're only visible if logged in as the super admin account for the site.
The Flag is set up as a global flag and enabled for the specific content types the users can control. If I check the "display link on node page" or the "display checkbox on node edit form" the link is displayed in those places, but still not in the views on the "admin" page. Both Views and Flags modules are up to date (though some other modules are not, but I don't think that would cause this).
Does anyone know what might be causing this behavior? Or could someone suggest a way to debug this to figure out what's going wrong?
------------------------- Update ------------------------
There's been quite a bit of discussion with wiifm (thanks by the way) but something absolutely ridiculous just happened... for the Flag in question, I removed all of the roles from the flag, so under "Roles" that are allowed to use this flag absolutely nothing is selected. On the Flag admin page, it says that "No roles" are allowed to use it... and this fixed the issue. The flag links now show up in the Views where they are supposed to. They still show up on the node edit form as well. This just boggles my mind. It shouldn't be working at all, yet its finally working correctly. I really don't know what to make of this.
From what I know about flags, is that they are only visible to users that have permission to interact with them. As for the placement of the flag link, it can be done in two ways:
Manually with a call to flag_create_link() - see the help page
Automatically by flag, be setting 'Display link under comment' in the administration page for the flag. In this case it gets prints with other links in the variable $links
There has been some amazing improvements in the 2.0 beta version of the flag module as well - have you tried this? Would definitely recommend it, even though it says beta, I have been using it in production for some time now, and the admin UI is much cleaner. Screenshot of flag 2.0 beta 3 access permissions section, which maybe of some use
