What's an OR and AND decomposition in statechart diagrams? - uml

I was reading about statechart diagrams, which are diagrams that model the different states that one or more instances of one or more classes can be.
An object can go from one state to the other through a transition, which is represented using arrow with an event and eventually a action to that event over and respectively below it.
My problem now is that I don't understand exactly what are OR and AND decompositions in a statechart diagram. Could you please give me an explanation (since I've not found around any)?
I would really appreciate a concrete example with the corresponding picture or diagram.

The following picture is an example for an OR. Consider a token traveling from Initial to the Choice (diamond). Here the token travels either to the left or right guided by the constraints which test the condition checked in Choice. From then where they are they next transit through the following unnamed diamond to Continued. You might leave away the joining diamond and draw the transitions directly to Continued.
The AND condition looks like this:
The first Fork(the bar) duplicates the token and sends them to Either and Or. The Join behind these states waits for two tokens to arrive before it sends only one token further to Continued.
Fork and Join use the same symbol. They wait until all incoming tokens arrive and then send as many tokens as there are outgoing transitions. So they are actually some split personality. But mostly they are used the one or the other way.


How to represent communication protocol in UML?

In my UML model I have a system and its subcomponents that talk to each other. For Example, I have a computer and a RC robot where they talk via Bluetooth. Currently in the diagrams the flow is something like:
"Computer" triggers "setVelocity()" function of "RC car".
At this point, I want to refine the communication by saying that
computer sends "Movement" message
with velocity field is set to 100 and direction field is set to 0
which is acknowledged by RC car by sending ACK message
with message id "Movement" and sequence number X.
How do I do that?
EDIT: Clarification
Normally this is what my diagram looks like without protocol details:
But when I tried to add messages, there are at least 2 problems:
It seems like Computer first triggered the setVelocity() funciton and then sendBluetoothMessage() sequentially which are not sequential . The followings of setVelocity() are actually what happens inside that.
sendBluetoothMessage() is actually a function of Computer. But here it belongs to RC Car. (or am I wrong?) And the same things for ACK.
Thanks for the responses. You are gold!
Communication protocols in general
There are two main ways of representing the sending of a movement message between two devices:
A movement() operation on the target device, with parameters for the velocity and direction. You would typically show the exchange in a sequence diagram, with a call arrow from the sender to the receiver. The return message could just be label as ACK.
A «signal» Movement: Signals correspond to event messages. In a class diagram, they are represented like a class but with the «signal» keyword: velocity and direction would be attributes of that signal. ACK would be another signal. The classes that are able to receive the signals show it as reception (looks like an operation, but again with «signal» keyword).
In both cases, you would show the interactions of your communication protocol with an almost identical sequence diagram. But signals are meant for asynchronous communication and better reflect imho the nature of the communication. It's semantic is more suitable for your needs.
If you prefer communication diagram over interaction diagrams, the signal approach would be clearer, since communication diagrams don't show return messages.
Why signals is what you need (your edit)
With the diagrams, your edited question is much clearer. My position about the use of signals is unchanged: signals would correspond to the information exchanged between the computer and the car. So in a class diagram, you could document the «signal»Movement as having attributes id, velocity and direction:
In your sequence diagram, you'd then send and arrow with Movement (X,100,0). Signal allows to show the high level view of the protocol exchanges, without getting lost on the practical implementation details:
The implementation details could then be shown in a separate diagram. There are certainly several classes involved on the side of the computer (one diagram, the final action being some kind of sending) and on the side of the car (another diagram: how to receive and dispatch the message, and decode its content). I do not provide examples because it would very much look like your current diagram, but the send functions would probably be implemented by a communication controller.
If you try to put the protocol and its implementation in the same diagram, as in your second diagram, it gets confusing because of the lack of separation of concerns: here you say the computer is calling a send function on the car, which is not at all what you want. The reader has then difficulty to see what's really required by the protocol, and what's the implementation details. For instance, I still don't know according to your diagram, if setVelocity is supposed to directly send something to the car, or if its a preparatory step for sending the movement message with a velocity.
Last but not least, keep in mind that the sequence diagram represents just a specific scenario. If you want to formally define a protocol in UML, you'd need to create as well a protocol state machine that tells the valid succession of messages. When you use signals, you can use their name directly as state transition trigger/event.
If you really want to display this level of detail in a sequence diagram, it would look like this:
For an asynchronous call, use an open arrowhead.
Use stacked bars to represent the call stack.
In the operation's argument list, write "argumentName=argumentValue" or just "argumentValue".
For messages for which the exact operation name is unknown or irrelevant, I use just a description without an argument list.
But be careful about which level of detail you want to show. Often, a sequence diagram becomes too complex if you display every operation in the call stack.
I was dealing with the same issue. I searched online and couldn't find something that I like. Hence I come up with this solution.
I show the communication ports on the sequence diagram and I draw communication dependent steps among port lines.
Here is a screenshot: my version of your problem.
Note: I haven't used bluetooth before so I am not sure about the acknowledge step. If this is something done automatically by the hardware( Like in the CAN Bus) I wouldn't draw it like this. I probabily wouldn't show it or I wouldn't add the function acknowledge(); and just draw the line between bluetooth port life lines.

Is it allowed to use DECISION NODE after INITIAL NODE in activity diagram?

I'm modelling an activity diagram for a project. Directly after initial node is it okay to use a decision node. I just google for it. But I fail to find similar examples even.
Eg:- imagine a person can Search for a dog name or Select the category animal, then dog likewise at the very beginning.......
One of my team mates mention that according to above example those are two different activities and we should create two activity diagrams for it.
This is allowed under condition.
The rules concerning the input flow(s) of a decision node are (formal 2017 § Decision Nodes page 390) :
A DecisionNode shall have at least one and at
most two incoming ActivityEdges, and at least one outgoing ActivityEdge. ... If the DecisionNode has only one
incoming edge, then it is the primary incoming edge. If the primary incoming edge of a DecisionNode is a ControlFlow,
then all outgoing edges shall be ControlFlows and, if the primary incoming edge is an ObjectFlow, then all outgoing edges
shall be ObjectFlows.
Also knowing (§ Initial Node page 387) :
The outgoing ActivityEdges of an InitialNode must all be ControlFlows.
that means in your case, and supposing there is no other input edge to the DecisionNode, all outgoing edges of the DecisionNode shall be ControlFlows, else this is not allowed
Your team mate isn't wrong. This is a design question which should have been clarified beforehand. Activities are functional parts inside of use cases. They represent scenarios like "sunny day", various error scenarios, etc. And again one step back the use cases represent the added value the system under consideration represents for its primary actor.
Now from your examples it's hard to tell what that system should be. Search for dog name could be a use case, but in which context? Is it to name a new dog or to search for an existing dog in a database? Same for Select animal category(and then dog?). Both do not make much sense as use cases. Once you come up with meaningful use cases you can tell exactly which steps the activities should have as actions. Only then you can have the need to decide. The decision which use case to actually use it outside the system and you wont see the steps done for it.
As a recommendation: Bittner/Spence have an excellent book about use cases which (unlike the UML specification) makes a lot of sense. There are also other well known authors teaching the same school (along Ivar Jacobson).

Sequence diagram advice

I have an analysis exam tomorrow and one of my designs is a sequence diagram. I do not know if I have got it right. Its pretty simple, its supposed to illustrate a teacher who creates an assignment and posts it to a schools website, then a student gets a notice and the teacher is able to edit or add more files to the assignment. Repeat
Is it something wrong with this diagram? What could I have changed?
What are some key points about sequence diagram that I could say in my oral exam.
Strictly speaking, what you draw is NOT a sequence diagram in UML spec. There are more than one correct ways to draw a sequence diagram for a given flow.
Here is a sequence diagram I created with ZenUML (I created this tool btw). There are a few key items in a sequence diagram - lifeline, message and fragment.
This answer is certainly late for the exam, but your diagram looks ok. For the sake of completeness, here some minor remarks:
the messages are certainly all asynchronous (i.e. the website will not wait for the student to answer the notification before it continues its job); so the arrows should have an open head
you could consider using a combined fragment (with operator loop) around the interactions related to the addition of a file, to show that this part may be repeated.
all messages in your diagram describe interactions. The wording "web page is updated" suggests a state, whereas a wording "notify student of the update" would be more consistent with the rest.
the first execution occurence ("activation bar" on the lifeline) on the website should start with the incoming message that triggers the related activity. Similarly, for the student I'd put a small activation bar after each notification, instead of a continuous one.

Are return arrows allowed in a UML Activity Diagram

I would like to represent the following in a UML Activity Diagram
1) User requests a product list from Application
2) Application requests product list from Database
3) Database returns product list to Application
4) Application displays list to User
Originally I thought this would be a simple case of arrows travelling from left to right connecting to each activity boxes then drawing arrows back all the way to the where the request started as follows:
But then I noticed I see no examples of UML Activity Diagrams with arrows showing the return of anything back to a requester. They all show a one way path to an end point. Is a return always implied if it started with a request to get something? Are return arrows incorrect to use?
Thanks in advance.
Update ---
After some looking around it appears paths are one way. When you reach the end point that is to provide something like a list instead of drawing arrows all the way back to the requester it looks to me like you just add a phrase to the end node saying something like the following: "Return list".
It seems you may not understand the token semantics in activities. An activity diagram does not represent a call stack where one action returns to the previous action. However, one action calling another Call Behavior Action does work like a call stack.
The way an activity diagram works is that each action is a step. A completed action offers tokens to outgoing edges. As soon as any action is offered all the tokens it needs to start, it actually starts. Data and control both work this way.
You can think of each action like a function call. When all tokens are ready on all incoming edges, the function is invoked. When a function finishes, all the outgoing tokens are offered to all enabled outgoing edges. (Outgoing edges are enabled when an optional guard is not false.)
I recommend you read the excellent series by Conrad Bock to be sure you understand how activities work. Otherwise, you are going to frustrate yourself and others trying to make it fit your preconceptions.
There's nothing stopping you from introducing loops in an activity diagram, although for clarity, whenever you've got two or more possible exits from one activity, you should use guards on your connectors to specify under which condition that connector may be followed (eg [x < 10] on one and [x >= 10] on the other).
You can also use decisions (rhomboid) if you want to make the branching condition explicit (eg a decision named "x < 10 ?"); you'd then draw a single connector from the preceding activity to the decision, and the two guarded connectors from the decision.
But from your example it seems you're not drawing a proper activity diagram at all. In an activity diagram, the nodes must be activities -- not actors. There should always be a verb in the name of every activity. So "User requests a product list from Application" is a good activity, but if you've got an activity named "User" you're doing it wrong.

In UML Sequence diagrams, is it possible to model optional external inputs

In UML Sequence Diagrams you have the combined fragment type Alt to branch based on different values for parameters. But let's say that in the middle of your sequence you are waiting for one of two different messages from two different external actors and you shall branch the code depending on which one arrives, what would be the best way to model this? And to make the question a little more challenging, let's throw in the possibility that neither message comes (triggering a timeout).
Without a better solution, I would divide the sequence diagram into multiple sequence diagrams, each new one starting with the one of the two possible messages. Or possibly just go over to state machines. But is their a not too convoluted way that would allow me to show these different cases within one sequence diagram?
I would simply go for the two SDs which you can name accordingly. One should always keep in mind that a SD shall highlight a certain aspect of a complex chain of actions in a system. Trying to put more and more information in a single SD will mess it up and hinder more than it helps.
It is also possible to use diagram fragments which allows navigation through zooming into the two fragments.
The timing diagram will not really help here. You would still need a large alt-fragment to show the sequences depending on which message arrived first.
In addition to the answer I referred in the comment, I made a little sample with a duration constraint for the timeout.
If you have a lot of conditional logic to show Activity Diagrams are an alternative. They do not have object responsibilities or a time axis, but because of this they can freely use two dimensions to show flow control.
