Field name in form is truncated in Dynamics CRM 2016 - dynamics-crm-2011

I have created a custom entity and I have some new fields created.
Ex: StudentCarrierTypeInformation (field name)
datatype: single line of text
I put this field on the form, and when I see this in the front end of the form, the field name is truncated.
It is like StudentCarrierTy. The rest of the name is truncated in the form.
I think its label has length only 20 I guess.
Is there a way to display the field name which is longer as I have above?

I was able to fix this myself. I navigated to the the form and went to the field properties and edited the same to 200 pixels.

You can set the Field label width from Section properties. Default is 115 (shown below) and Maximum is 250.
After making changes to 250, If label text is still hiding - then use the Field label position in Formatting tab of Section properties.
Tooltip will show full text in any case.


Adding/Updating contentful richtext entry name

contentful newbie here:)
while adding a rich text entry I can see the name of the entry is defaulted to untitled and can't see any way to change it. any idea how can we add/update names for rich text entries in contentful?
when i click on Add entry -> Generic rich text
below screen displayed but was not able to update the entry name
Thanks in advance
You just need to go into your content model for that Rich text field and create a new field called 'Name' or something like that. It doesn't matter what you call it. Then click 'Create and Configure.' Go to the settings tab. Then check the box to make it the entry title.
See screenshot here:
Then when you go make a new entry of that content type, you just input a name into that 'Name' field, and it will become your Entry Title.

Wrap label text

Is it possible to text of the labels on a form column? We want to change the label for Customer Reference just on SO301000 which I can do with SetDisplayName, but even the standard label does not fit the current column width. I would like to make the label a little longer and it would look better wrapped.
One thought to wrap the text is to insert a line break HTML tag in the display name. The only issue with this I found is I had to add a hidden label field below the field I wanted to wrap because it caused a layout issue with the field below it.
PXUIFieldAttribute.SetDisplayName<Location.taxRegistrationID>(cache, "Tax <br/> Registration");

Lotus notes text field width on web

I would like to increase width of lotus notes text field on web, I have tried
On html tab of the field and put there in style tag but that is not working.
Basically I am having comment field which wherein I would like to increase width of the field so user can see enter long text instead of typing and getting moved.
P.s I know richtext field which can have cols and rows property but I dont need rich text field. I just need simple text field.
Use colon and not an equals sign and add px. So do this instead:

Changing the Type of the Custom field

How can i change the Type of the Custom field in Acumatica?
I created a new custom field of "ComboBox" Type for the Sales Order Header Section.Now i would like to change its type to "TextEdit" so the user can manually enter any value in it. So far there are only few Sales order where user has entered the value in this field.
Combo boxes are stored in string fields in the database - you can therefore easily replace the control on the page with a text edit field. The simplest way is to remove the combo box from the layout editor, and then adding it back as a text box from the "Add Data Fields" tab. If you want to modify the properties of the field itself, you have to go to the Data Access section and modify the attributes of the field (PXDBString + remove PXStringList attribute if you have one). Lastly, if this is a field you were creating as part of your customization project, you might have to manually edit the Table node of the project XML (File -> View Project XML)

Gravity forms - merging values

Need some help with Gravity forms. I need to have a field, that is a merge of values ,that user has previously selected.
So, if a user has selected 3 different fields wth values of 1)XYY, 2)YYX,3)YYZ I do not need a sum, just a plain merge, in form of XYY.YYX.YYZ, or anything like that.
Could that be acomplised with some merging tags, or dynamically population?
Of course;
You should create two different forms.
Collect data with field1-field2-field3, they can be single line text, number, date or anything. In the advanced tab of field settings, write a parameter name for each one, like field1-field2-field3.
In the second form create a single line text, in the advanced tab of field settings check "dynamically populate field" and write your parameters like field1.field2.field3.
In form1 settings->confirmations->redirect URL line, write your form2 page url where you added form2. Select "Pass field data via query string" and add your parameters like field1={fieldname:1}&field2={fieldname:2}&field3={fieldname:3}
When you submit form1, your form2->single line text field will capture the parameters as you wish.
This is possible with Gravity Forms Populate Anything by...
Add whatever type of field you'd like to use to capture the combined.
Set the Default Value to the merge tags of your 3 fields: #{Field A:1}.#{Field B:2}.#{Field C:3}.
That's it.
Edit: Updated screenshot for Gravity Forms 2.5 and updated merge tags to use the # to make them "live".
