Type level environment in Haskell - haskell

I'm trying to use some Haskell extensions to implement a simple DSL. A feature that I'd like is to have a type level context for variables.
I know that this kind of thing is common place in languages like Agda or Idris. But I'd like to know if is possible to achieve the same results in Haskell.
My idea to this is to use type level association lists. The code is as follows:
UndecidableInstances #-}
import Data.Proxy
import Data.Singletons.Prelude
import Data.Singletons.Prelude.List
import GHC.Exts
import GHC.TypeLits
type family In (s :: Symbol)(a :: *)(env :: [(Symbol, *)]) :: Constraint where
In x t '[] = ()
In x t ('(y,t) ': env) = (x ~ y , In x t env)
data Exp (env :: [(Symbol, *)]) (a :: *) where
Pure :: a -> Exp env a
Map :: (a -> b) -> Exp env a -> Exp env b
App :: Exp env (a -> b) -> Exp env a -> Exp env b
Set :: (KnownSymbol s, In s t env) => proxy s -> t -> Exp env ()
Get :: (KnownSymbol s, In s t env) => proxy s -> Exp env t
test :: Exp '[ '("a", Bool), '("b", Char) ] Char
test = Get (Proxy :: Proxy "b")
Type family In models a type level list membership constraint that is used to ensure that a variable can only be used if it is on a given environment env.
The problem is that GHC constraint solver isn't able to entail the constraint
In "b" Char [("a",Bool), ("b",Char)] for test function, giving the following error message:
Could not deduce (In "b" Char '['("a", Bool), '("b", Char)])
arising from a use of ‘Get’
In the expression: Get (Proxy :: Proxy "b")
In an equation for ‘test’: test = Get (Proxy :: Proxy "b")
Failed, modules loaded: Main.
I'm using GHC 7.10.3. Any tip on how can I solve this or an explanation of why this isn't possible is highly welcome.

Your In is not what you think - it's actually more like All. A value of type In x t xs is a proof that every element of the (type-level) list xs is equal to '(x,t).
The following GADT is a more usual proof of membership:
data Elem x xs where
Here :: Elem x (x ': xs)
There :: Elem x xs -> Elem y (x ': xs)
Elem is like a natural number but with more types: compare the shape of There (There Here) with that of S (S Z). You prove an item is in the list by giving its index.
For the purposes of writing a lambda calculus type checker, Elem is useful as a de Bruijn index into a (type-level) list of types.
data Ty = NatTy | Ty ~> Ty
data Term env ty where
Lit :: Nat -> Term env NatTy
Var :: Elem t env -> Term env t
Lam :: Term (u ': env) t -> Term env (u ~> t)
($$) :: Term env (u ~> t) -> Term env u -> Term env t
de Bruijn indices have great advantages for compiler writers: they're simple, you needn't worry about alpha-equivalence, and in this example you don't have to mess around with type-level lookup tables or Symbols. But no one in their right mind would ever program in a language with de Bruijn indices, even with a type checker to help. This makes them a good choice for an intermediate language in a compiler, to which you'd translate a surface language with explicit variable names.
Type-level environments and de Bruijn indices are both rather complicated, so you should ask yourself: who is the target audience for this language? (and: is a type-level environment worth the costs?) Is it an embedded DSL with expectations of familiarity, simplicity, and performance? If so I'd consider a deeper embedding using higher-order abstract syntax. Or is it to be used as an intermediate language, for whom the primary audience is yourself, the compiler writer? Then I'd use a library like Kmett's bound to take care of variable binding and suck up the possibility of type errors because they could happen anyway.
For more on type-level environments et al, see The View from the Left for (as far as I know) the first example of a statically-checked lambda calculus type-checker embedded in a dependently-typed programming language. Norell gives an Agda-flavoured exposition of the same program in the Agda tutorial and a series of lectures. See also this question which seems relevant to your use-case.

In generates impossible constraints:
In "b" Char '['("a", Bool), '("b", Char)] =
("b" ~ "a", ("b" ~ "b", ())
It's a conjunction and it has an impossible element "a" ~ "b", so it's impossible overall.
Moreover, the constraint doesn't tell us anything about Char which I assume is the looked-up value.
The simplest way would be directly using a lookup function:
type family Lookup (s :: Symbol) (env :: [(Symbol, *)]) :: * where
Lookup s ('(s , v) ': env) = v
Lookup s ('(s' , v) ': env) = Lookup s env
We can use Lookup k xs ~ val to put constraints on the looked-up types.
We could also return Maybe *. Indeed, the Lookup in Data.Singletons.Prelude.List does that, so that can be used too. However, on the type level we can often get by with partial functions, since type family applications without a matching case get stuck instead of throwing errors, so having a value of type Lookup k xs :: * is already sufficient evidence that k is really a key contained in xs.


Type-level constraints in Haskell

I'm trying to encode term algebra as a data type in Haskell for further use in an algorithm. By term algebra I mean a set of terms which are either variables or functions applied to other terms. The functions with zero arguments are constants (but that's actually does not matter here).
Firstly, one would need the following GHC language extensions to replicate my code:
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, DataKinds,
and the following imports:
import qualified GHC.TypeLits as GTL
import Data.Kind
The direct way to encode terms (the first one I took):
data Term where
Var :: String -> Term
Func :: String -> Integer -> [Term] -> Term
where by String I want to encode the name, by Integer the arity and by [Terms] the list of arguments of a function.
Then I want to be sure that the list of terms as arguments have the same length as an arity.
The first idea is to use smart constructors, but I would like to encode such constraints on a type level. So the second idea would be to create type-level naturals, lists of a specified length and the data type where these numbers coincide:
data Z = Z
data S a = S a
data List n a where
Nil :: List Z a
Cons :: a -> List m a -> List (S m) a
data WWTerm where
WWVar :: String -> WWTerm
WWFunc :: String -> m -> List m WWTerm -> WWTerm
My question here is the following: is there a way to impose type-level constraints using ordinary lists at the same time via 1) creating special type-families, 2) creating special type classes, or 3) via constraints in data types?
Regarding my attempts, I wrote the following:
type MyLength :: [Type] -> GTL.Nat
type family MyLength xs where
MyLength '[] = 0
MyLength (x':xs) = 1 GTL.+ (MyLength xs)
data QFunc n l where
QFunc :: (MyLength l ~ n) => String -> (n :: GTL.Nat) -> l -> QFunc n l
Unfortunately, this part of code doesn't compile for the following reasons:
Expected a type, but ‘n :: Nat’ has kind ‘Nat’
Expected a type, but ‘l’ has kind ‘[*]’
Are there any thoughts on how to approach my goal?

Generics : run-time ADT for types with instances

Is it possible with Haskell / GHC, to extract an algebraic data type representing all types with Eq and Ord instances ? This would probably need Generics, Typeable, etc.
What I would like is something like :
data Data_Eq_Ord = Data_String String
| Data_Int Int
| Data_Bool Bool
| ...
deriving (Eq, Ord)
For all types known to have instances for Eq and Ord. If it makes the solution easier, we can limit our scope to Ord instances, since Eq is implied by Ord. But is would be interesting to know if constraints intersection is possible.
This data type would be useful because it gives the possibility to use it where Eq and Ord constraints are required, and pattern-match at runtime to refine on types.
I would need this to implement a generic Map Key Value, where Key would be this type, in a Document Indexing library, where the keys and their type is known at run-time. This library is here. For the moment I worked around the issue by defining a data DocIndexKey, and a FieldKey class, but this is not fully satisfactory since it requires boilerplate and can't cover all legit candidates.
Any good alternative approach to this situation is welcome. For some reasons, I prefer to avoid Template Haskell.
Well, it's not an ADT, but this definitely works:
data Satisfying c = forall a. c a => Satisfy a
class (l a, r a) => And l r a where
instance (l a, r a) => And l r a where
ex :: [Satisfying (Typeable `And` Show `And` Ord)]
ex = [ Satisfy (7 :: Int)
, Satisfy "Hello"
, Satisfy (5 :: Int)
, Satisfy [10..20 :: Int]
, Satisfy ['a'..'z']
, Satisfy ((), 'a')]
-- An example of use, with "complicated" logic
data With f c = forall a. c a => With (f a)
-- vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv QuantifiedConstraints chokes on this, which is probably a bug...
partitionTypes :: (forall a. c a => TypeRep a) -> [Satisfying c] -> [[] `With` c]
partitionTypes rep = foldr go []
where go (Satisfy x) [] = [With [x]]
go x'#(Satisfy (x :: a)) (xs'#(With (xs :: [b])) : xss) =
case testEquality rep rep :: Maybe (a :~: b) of
Just Refl -> With (x : xs) : xss
Nothing -> xs' : go x' xss
main :: IO ()
main = traverse_ (\(With xs) -> print (sort xs)) $ partitionTypes typeRep ex
Exhaustivity is much harder. Perhaps with a plugin, you could get GHC to do it, but why bother? I don't believe GHC actually tries to keep track of what types it has seen. In particular, you'd have to scan all modules in the project and its dependencies, even those that haven't been loaded by the module containing the type definition. You'd have to implement it from the ground-up. And, as this answer shows, I very much doubt you would actually be able to use such exhaustivity for anything that you can't already do by just taking the open universe as it is.

Is it possible to ensure that two GADT type variables are the same without dependent types?

I'm writing a compiler where I'm using GADTs for my IR but standard data types for my everything else. I'm having trouble during the conversion from the old data type to the GADT. I've attempted to recreate the situation with a smaller/simplified language below.
To start with, I have the following data types:
data OldLVal = VarOL Int -- The nth variable. Can be used to construct a Temp later.
| LDeref OldLVal
data Exp = Var Int -- See above
| IntT Int32
| Deref Exp
data Statement = AssignStmt OldLVal Exp
| ...
I want to convert these into this intermediate form:
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
-- Note: this is a Phantom type
data Temp a = Temp Int
data Type = IntT
| PtrT Type
data Command where
Assign :: NewLVal a -> Pure a -> Command
data NewLVal :: Type -> * where
VarNL :: Temp a -> NewLVal a
DerefNL :: NewLVal ('PtrT ('Just a)) -> NewLVal a
data Pure :: Type -> * where
ConstP :: Int32 -> Pure 'IntT
ConstPtrP :: Int32 -> Pure ('PtrT a)
VarP :: Temp a -> Pure a
At this point, I just want to write a conversion from the old data type to the new GADT. For right now, I have something that looks like this.
convert :: Statement -> Either String Command
convert (AssignStmt oldLval exp) = do
newLval <- convertLVal oldLval -- Either String (NewLVal a)
pure <- convertPure exp -- Either String (Pure b)
-- return $ Assign newLval pure -- Obvious failure. Can't ensure a ~ b.
pure' <- matchType newLval pure -- Either String (Pure a)
return $ Assign newLval pure'
-- Converts Pure b into Pure a. Should essentially be a noop, but simply
-- proves that it is possible.
matchType :: NewLVal a -> Pure b -> Either String (Pure a)
matchType = undefined
I realized that I couldn't write convert trivially, so I attempted to solve the problem using this idea of matchType which acts as a proof that these two types are indeed equal. The question is: how do I actually write matchType? This would be much easier if I had fully dependent types (or so I'm told), but can I finish this code here?
An alternative to this would be to somehow provide newLval as an argument to convertPure, but I think that essentially is just attempting to use dependent types.
Any other suggestions are welcome.
If it helps, I also have a function that can convert an Exp or OldLVal to its type:
class Typed a where
typeOf :: a -> Type
instance Typed Exp where
instance Typed OldLVal where
Thanks to the excellent answers below, I've been able to finish writing this module.
I ended up using the singletons package mentioned below. It was a little strange at first, but I found it pretty reasonable to use after I started understanding what I was doing. However, I did run into one pitfall: The type of convertLVal and convertPure requires an existential to express.
data WrappedPure = forall a. WrappedPure (Pure a, SType a)
data WrappedLVal = forall a. WrappedLVal (NewLVal a, SType a)
convertPure :: Exp -> Either String WrappedPure
convertLVal :: OldLVal -> Either String WrappedLVal
This means that you'll have to unwrap that existential in convert, but otherwise, the answers below show you the way. Thanks so much once again.
You want to perform a comparison at runtime on some type level data (namely the Types by which your values are indexed). But by the time you run your code, and the values start to interact, the types are long gone. They're erased by the compiler, in the name of producing efficient code. So you need to manually reconstruct the type level data that was erased, using a value which reminds you of the type you'd forgotten you were looking at. You need a singleton copy of Type.
data SType t where
SIntT :: SType IntT
SPtrT :: SType t -> SType (PtrT t)
Members of SType look like members of Type - compare the structure of a value like SPtrT (SPtrT SIntT) with that of PtrT (PtrT IntT) - but they're indexed by the (type-level) Types that they resemble. For each t :: Type there's precisely one SType t (hence the name singleton), and because SType is a GADT, pattern matching on an SType t tells the type checker about the t. Singletons span the otherwise strictly-enforced separation between types and values.
So when you're constructing your typed tree, you need to track the runtime STypes of your values and compare them when necessary. (This basically amounts to writing a partially verified type checker.) There's a class in Data.Type.Equality containing a function which compares two singletons and tells you whether their indexes match or not.
instance TestEquality SType where
-- testEquality :: SType t1 -> SType t2 -> Maybe (t1 :~: t2)
testEquality SIntT SIntT = Just Refl
testEquality (SPtrT t1) (SPtrT t2)
| Just Refl <- testEquality t1 t2 = Just Refl
testEquality _ _ = Nothing
Applying this in your convert function looks roughly like this:
convert :: Statement -> Either String Command
convert (AssignStmt oldLval exp) = do
(newLval, newLValSType) <- convertLVal oldLval
(pure, pureSType) <- convertPure exp
case testEquality newLValSType pureSType of
Just Refl -> return $ Assign newLval pure'
Nothing -> Left "type mismatch"
There actually aren't a whole lot of dependently typed programs you can't fake up with TypeInType and singletons (are there any?), but it's a real hassle to duplicate all of your datatypes in both "normal" and "singleton" form. (The duplication gets even worse if you want to pass singletons around implicitly - see Hasochism for the details.) The singletons package can generate much of the boilerplate for you, but it doesn't really alleviate the pain caused by duplicating the concepts themselves. That's why people want to add real dependent types to Haskell, but we're a good few years away from that yet.
The new Type.Reflection module contains a rewritten Typeable class. Its TypeRep is GADT-like and can act as a sort of "universal singleton". But programming with it is even more awkward than programming with singletons, in my opinion.
matchType as written is not possible to implement, but the idea you are going for is definitely possible. Do you know about Data.Typeable? Typeable is a class that provides some basic reflective operations for inspecting types. To use it, you need a Typeable a constraint in scope for any type variable a you want to know about. So for matchType you would have
matchType :: (Typeable a, Typeable b) => NewLVal a -> Pure b -> Either String (Pure a)
It needs also to infect your GADTs any time you want to hide a type variable:
data Command where
Assign :: (Typeable a) => NewLVal a -> Pure a -> Command
But if you have the appropriate constraints in scope, you can use eqT to make type-safe runtime type comparisons. For example
-- using ScopedTypeVariables and TypeApplications
matchType :: forall a b. (Typeable a, Typeable b) => NewLVal a -> Pure b -> Either String (Pure b)
matchType = case eqT #a #b of
Nothing -> Left "types are not equal"
Just Refl -> {- in this scope the compiler knows that
a and b are the same type -}

How to convert Dynamic to Forall something

I have a cache with Dynamic values. Some of them have the type Delayed a.
Normally when I access the cache, I know the type a, so it's not a problem, I can use fromDynamic to cast to Maybe a.
I would like to call a function which doesn't need to know anything about the type a on a list of Dynamic. (The method is cancel :: Delay a -> IO ()).
Is there a way to do so ?
Basically I need a way to do get from Dynamic to Forall a . Delayed a ?
For information, Delayed holds a pending asynchronous value and a MVar to start or Cancel it. It is equivalent to
data Delayed m a = Delayed { blocker :: MVar Bool, async :: Async m a }
Such values are stored in a cache (which use Dynamic and store other things). When displaying the cache status, I need to be able to get the status of Delayed value (which involve accessing the blocker but has nothing to do with the actual value.
A value of type forall a . X a is a value which can be instantiated to any of X Int, X Bool, X String, etc. Presumably, your cache stores values of many different types, but no single value is valid at every possible type parameter. What you actually need is a value of type exists a . Delayed a. However, Haskell doesn't have first-class existential quantifiers, so you must encode that type in some way. One particular encoding is:
castToDelayed :: (forall a . Typeable a => Delayed a -> r) -> Dynamic -> r
Assume that you have this function; then you can simply write castToDelayed cancel :: Dynamic -> IO (). Note that the function parameter to castToDelayed provides a Typeable constraint, but you can freely ignore that constraint (which is what cancel is doing). Also note this function must be partial due to its type alone (clearly not every Dynamic is a Delayed a for some a), so in real code, you should produce e.g. Maybe r instead. Here I will elide this detail and just throw an error.
How you actually write this function will depend on which version of GHC you are using (the most recent, 8.2, or some older version). On 8.2, this is a very nice, simple function:
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
-- NB: probably requires some other extensions
import Data.Dynamic
import Type.Reflection
castToDelayed :: (forall a . Typeable a => Delayed a -> r) -> Dynamic -> r
castToDelayed k (Dynamic (App (eqTypeRep (typeRep :: TypeRep Delayed) -> Just HRefl) a) x)
= withTypeable a (k x)
castToDelayed _ _ = error "Not a Delayed"
(Aside: at first I thought the Con pattern synonym would be useful here, but on deeper inspection it seems entirely useless. You must use eqTypeRep instead.)
Briefly, this function works as follows:
It pattern matches on the Dynamic value to obtain the actual value (of some existentially quantified type a) stored within, and the representation of its type (of type TypeRep a).
It pattern matches on the TypeRep a to determine if it is an application (using App). Clearly, Delayed a is the application of a type constructor, so that is the first thing we must check.
It compares the type constructor (the first argument to App) to the TypeRep corresponding to Delayed (note you must have an instance Typeable Delayed for this). If that comparison is successful, it pattern matches on the proof (that is Just HRefl) that the first argument to App and Delayed are in fact the same type.
At this point, the compiler knows that a ~ Delayed x for some x. So, you can call the function forall a . Typeable a => Delayed a -> r on the value x :: a. It must also provide the proof that x is Typeable, which is given precisely by a value of type TypeRep x - withTypeable reifies this value-level proof as a type-level constraint (alternatively, you could have the input function take as argument TypeRep a, or just omit the constrain altogether, since your specific use case doesn't need it; but this type is the most general possible).
On older versions, the principle is basically the same. However, TypeRep did not take a type parameter then; you can pattern match on it to discover if it is the TypeRep corresponding to Delayed, but you cannot prove to the compiler that the value stored inside the Dynamic has type Delayed x for some x. It will therefore require unsafeCoerce, at the step where you are applying the function k to the value x. Furthermore, there is no withTypeable before GHC 8.2, so you will have to write the function with type (forall a . Delayed a -> r) -> Dynamic -> r instead (which, fortunately, is enough for your use case); or implement such a function yourself (see the source of the function to see how; the implementation on older versions of GHC will be similar, but will have type TypeRep -> (forall a . Typeable a => Proxy a -> r) -> r instead).
Here is how you implement this in GHC < 8.2 (tested on 8.0.2). It is a horrible hack, and I make no claim it will correctly in all circumstances.
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable, MagicHash, ScopedTypeVariables, PolyKinds, ViewPatterns #-}
import Data.Dynamic
import Data.Typeable
import Unsafe.Coerce
import GHC.Prim (Proxy#)
import Data.Proxy
-- This part reifies a `Typeable' dictionary from a `TypeRep'.
-- This works because `Typeable' is a class with a single field, so
-- operationally `Typeable a => r' is the same as `(Proxy# a -> TypeRep) -> r'
newtype MagicTypeable r (kp :: KProxy k) =
MagicTypeable (forall (a :: k) . Typeable a => Proxy a -> r)
withTypeRep :: MagicTypeable r (kp :: KProxy k)
-> forall a . TypeRep -> Proxy a -> r
withTypeRep d t = unsafeCoerce d ((\_ -> t) :: Proxy# a -> TypeRep)
withTypeable :: forall r . TypeRep -> (forall (a :: k) . Typeable a => Proxy a -> r) -> r
withTypeable t k = withTypeRep (MagicTypeable k) t Proxy
-- The type constructor for Delayed
delayed_tycon = fst $ splitTyConApp $ typeRep (Proxy :: Proxy Delayed)
-- This is needed because Dynamic doesn't export its constructor, and
-- we need to pattern match on it.
data DYNAMIC = Dynamic TypeRep Any
unsafeViewDynamic :: Dynamic -> DYNAMIC
unsafeViewDynamic = unsafeCoerce
-- The actual implementation, much the same as the one on GHC 8.2, but more
-- 'unsafe' things
castToDelayed :: (forall a . Typeable a => Delayed a -> r) -> Dynamic -> r
castToDelayed k (unsafeViewDynamic -> Dynamic t x) =
case splitTyConApp t of
(((== delayed_tycon) -> True), [a]) ->
withTypeable a $ \(_ :: Proxy (a :: *)) -> k (unsafeCoerce x :: Delayed a)
_ -> error "Not a Delayed"
I don't know what Delayed actually is, but lets assume it's defined as follows for testing purposes:
data Delayed a = Some a | None deriving (Typeable, Show)
Then consider this simple test case:
test0 :: Typeable a => Delayed a -> String
test0 (Some x) = maybe "not a String" id $ cast x
test0 None = "None"
test0' =
let c = castToDelayed test0 in
[ c (toDyn (None :: Delayed Int))
, c (toDyn (Some 'a'))
, c (toDyn (Some "a")) ]
Why not define
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
data Delayed' = forall a. Delayed' (Delayed a)
and then store than in the Dynamic? You can then cast it out of the dynamic, case on it, and pass the result to cancel. (Depending on what your use case is you may no longer even need the Dynamic.)

Can a Haskell type constructor have non-type parameters?

A type constructor produces a type given a type. For example, the Maybe constructor
data Maybe a = Nothing | Just a
could be a given a concrete type, like Char, and give a concrete type, like Maybe Char. In terms of kinds, one has
GHCI> :k Maybe
Maybe :: * -> *
My question: Is it possible to define a type constructor that yields a concrete type given a Char, say? Put another way, is it possible to mix kinds and types in the type signature of a type constructor? Something like
GHCI> :k my_type
my_type :: Char -> * -> *
Can a Haskell type constructor have non-type parameters?
Let's unpack what you mean by type parameter. The word type has (at least) two potential meanings: do you mean type in the narrow sense of things of kind *, or in the broader sense of things at the type level? We can't (yet) use values in types, but modern GHC features a very rich kind language, allowing us to use a wide range of things other than concrete types as type parameters.
Higher-Kinded Types
Type constructors in Haskell have always admitted non-* parameters. For example, the encoding of the fixed point of a functor works in plain old Haskell 98:
newtype Fix f = Fix { unFix :: f (Fix f) }
ghci> :k Fix
Fix :: (* -> *) -> *
Fix is parameterised by a functor of kind * -> *, not a type of kind *.
Beyond * and ->
The DataKinds extension enriches GHC's kind system with user-declared kinds, so kinds may be built of pieces other than * and ->. It works by promoting all data declarations to the kind level. That is to say, a data declaration like
data Nat = Z | S Nat -- natural numbers
introduces a kind Nat and type constructors Z :: Nat and S :: Nat -> Nat, as well as the usual type and value constructors. This allows you to write datatypes parameterised by type-level data, such as the customary vector type, which is a linked list indexed by its length.
data Vec n a where
Nil :: Vec Z a
(:>) :: a -> Vec n a -> Vec (S n) a
ghci> :k Vec
Vec :: Nat -> * -> *
There's a related extension called ConstraintKinds, which frees constraints like Ord a from the yoke of the "fat arrow" =>, allowing them to roam across the landscape of the type system as nature intended. Kmett has used this power to build a category of constraints, with the newtype (:-) :: Constraint -> Constraint -> * denoting "entailment": a value of type c :- d is a proof that if c holds then d also holds. For example, we can prove that Ord a implies Eq [a] for all a:
ordToEqList :: Ord a :- Eq [a]
ordToEqList = Sub Dict
Life after forall
However, Haskell currently maintains a strict separation between the type level and the value level. Things at the type level are always erased before the program runs, (almost) always inferrable, invisible in expressions, and (dependently) quantified by forall. If your application requires something more flexible, such as dependent quantification over runtime data, then you have to manually simulate it using a singleton encoding.
For example, the specification of split says it chops a vector at a certain length according to its (runtime!) argument. The type of the output vector depends on the value of split's argument. We'd like to write this...
split :: (n :: Nat) -> Vec (n :+: m) a -> (Vec n a, Vec m a)
... where I'm using the type function (:+:) :: Nat -> Nat -> Nat, which stands for addition of type-level naturals, to ensure that the input vector is at least as long as n...
type family n :+: m where
Z :+: m = m
S n :+: m = S (n :+: m)
... but Haskell won't allow that declaration of split! There aren't any values of type Z or S n; only types of kind * contain values. We can't access n at runtime directly, but we can use a GADT which we can pattern-match on to learn what the type-level n is:
data Natty n where
Zy :: Natty Z
Sy :: Natty n -> Natty (S n)
ghci> :k Natty
Natty :: Nat -> *
Natty is called a singleton, because for a given (well-defined) n there is only one (well-defined) value of type Natty n. We can use Natty n as a run-time stand-in for n.
split :: Natty n -> Vec (n :+: m) a -> (Vec n a, Vec m a)
split Zy xs = (Nil, xs)
split (Sy n) (x :> xs) =
let (ys, zs) = split n xs
in (x :> ys, zs)
Anyway, the point is that values - runtime data - can't appear in types. It's pretty tedious to duplicate the definition of Nat in singleton form (and things get worse if you want the compiler to infer such values); dependently-typed languages like Agda, Idris, or a future Haskell escape the tyranny of strictly separating types from values and give us a range of expressive quantifiers. You're able to use an honest-to-goodness Nat as split's runtime argument and mention its value dependently in the return type.
#pigworker has written extensively about the unsuitability of Haskell's strict separation between types and values for modern dependently-typed programming. See, for example, the Hasochism paper, or his talk on the unexamined assumptions that have been drummed into us by four decades of Hindley-Milner-style programming.
Dependent Kinds
Finally, for what it's worth, with TypeInType modern GHC unifies types and kinds, allowing us to talk about kind variables using the same tools that we use to talk about type variables. In a previous post about session types I made use of TypeInType to define a kind for tagged type-level sequences of types:
infixr 5 :!, :?
data Session = Type :! Session -- Type is a synonym for *
| Type :? Session
| E
I'd recommend #Benjamin Hodgson's answer and the references he gives to see how to make this sort of thing useful. But, to answer your question more directly, using several extensions (DataKinds, KindSignatures, and GADTs), you can define types that are parameterized on (certain) concrete types.
For example, here's one parameterized on the concrete Bool datatype:
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, KindSignatures, GADTs #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
module FlaggedType where
-- The single quotes below are optional. They serve to notify
-- GHC that we are using the type-level constructors lifted from
-- data constructors rather than types of the same name (and are
-- only necessary where there's some kind of ambiguity otherwise).
data Flagged :: Bool -> * -> * where
Truish :: a -> Flagged 'True a
Falsish :: a -> Flagged 'False a
-- separate instances, just as if they were different types
-- (which they are)
instance (Show a) => Show (Flagged 'False a) where
show (Falsish x) = show x
instance (Show a) => Show (Flagged 'True a) where
show (Truish x) = show x ++ "*"
-- these lists have types as indicated
x = [Truish 1, Truish 2, Truish 3] -- :: Flagged 'True Integer
y = [Falsish "a", Falsish "b", Falsish "c"] -- :: Flagged 'False String
-- this won't typecheck: it's just like [1,2,"abc"]
z = [Truish 1, Truish 2, Falsish 3] -- won't typecheck
Note that this isn't much different from defining two completely separate types:
data FlaggedTrue a = Truish a
data FlaggedFalse a = Falsish a
In fact, I'm hard pressed to think of any advantage Flagged has over defining two separate types, except if you have a bar bet with someone that you can write useful Haskell code without type classes. For example, you can write:
getInt :: Flagged a Int -> Int
getInt (Truish z) = z -- same polymorphic function...
getInt (Falsish z) = z -- ...defined on two separate types
Maybe someone else can think of some other advantages.
Anyway, I believe that parameterizing types with concrete values really only becomes useful when the concrete type is sufficient "rich" that you can use it to leverage the type checker, as in Benjamin's examples.
As #user2407038 noted, most interesting primitive types, like Ints, Chars, Strings and so on can't be used this way. Interestingly enough, though, you can use literal positive integers and strings as type parameters, but they are treated as Nats and Symbols (as defined in GHC.TypeLits) respectively.
So something like this is possible:
import GHC.TypeLits
data Tagged :: Symbol -> Nat -> * -> * where
One :: a -> Tagged "one" 1 a
Two :: a -> Tagged "two" 2 a
Three :: a -> Tagged "three" 3 a
Look at using Generalized Algebraic Data Types (GADTS), which enable you to define concrete outputs based on input type, e.g.
data CustomMaybe a where
MaybeChar :: Maybe a -> CustomMaybe Char
MaybeString :: Maybe a > CustomMaybe String
MaybeBool :: Maybe a -> CustomMaybe Bool
exampleFunction :: CustomMaybe a -> a
exampleFunction (MaybeChar maybe) = 'e'
exampleFunction (MaybeString maybe) = True //Compile error
main = do
print $ exampleFunction (MaybeChar $ Just 10)
To a similar effect, RankNTypes can allow the implementation of similar behaviour:
exampleFunctionOne :: a -> a
exampleFunctionOne el = el
type PolyType = forall a. a -> a
exampleFuntionTwo :: PolyType -> Int
exampleFunctionTwo func = func 20
exampleFunctionTwo func = func "Hello" --Compiler error, PolyType being forced to return 'Int'
main = do
print $ exampleFunctionTwo exampleFunctionOne
The PolyType definition allows you to insert the polymorphic function within exampleFunctionTwo and force its output to be 'Int'.
No. Haskell doesn't have dependent types (yet). See https://typesandkinds.wordpress.com/2016/07/24/dependent-types-in-haskell-progress-report/ for some discussion of when it may.
In the meantime, you can get behavior like this in Agda, Idris, and Cayenne.
