For loop and if statement to copy in another sheet - excel

I am currently trying to check cells from 2 columns (one for loop for each) and see whether they have the string true. If yes I would like to copy some cells corresponding, to another sheet(log).
I know that I have some cells, which contain the word true but when I run the program there is nothing that is copied in my other sheet.
I do not get any compiling errors and would like to know where I am wrong in this code.
Sub isLimit()
Dim a As Long, b As Long, Lr As Long
x = 2
y = 2
Lr = Worksheets("Targets").Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
For i = 8 To Lr
If (StrComp(Cells(i, 15).Text, "TRUE")) = 0 Then
Worksheets("Log").Range("B" & x) = "no"
x = x + 1
End If
Next i
For j = 8 To Lr
If (StrComp(Cells(j, 16).Text, "TRUE")) = 0 Then
Worksheets("Log").Range("B2") = Worksheets("Targets").Range("B1").Value
Worksheets("Log").Range("C" & y) = "yes"
y = y + 1
End If
Next j
End Sub

So far, I can see two problems that might causing you the trouble.
1.Since you are not setting which sheets to be checked from line below,
It will check for the activesheet cells i,15 then return -1 or 0 (true or false).
Which will only work when your screen displays sheet where data is stored.
If (StrComp(Cells(i, 15).Text, "TRUE")) = 0 Then
2.If your DATA contains something else then TRUE (for example space before or after the value).
It might see it as something other than "TRUE"
That's all I can tell without looking at your actual data.


VBA: Delete row if value is in list, looping through list

I have two tables. One table is called DRData (Blad3), other table is CheckData (Blad2). EANCODE is Column J for DRData, and Column A for Checkdata.
I want to check whether CheckData.EANCODE is present in DRData.EANCODE. If so; delete that row from CheckData.
I tried several things, but no success yet. The code I have written now is as follows:
Sub FindEAN()
Dim i As Long
Dim x As Long
x = 1 'Start on first row
EANtoFind = Blad2.Range("A" & x).Value
For i = 1 To 99999 '
If Blad3.Cells(i, 1).Value = EANtoFind Then
Blad2.Range("A" & x).EntireRow.Delete
Else: x = x + 1
End If
Next i
End Sub
When the EANCODE is not present, I want to hop over a row to check that code. I want to end with a list in CheckData where all the EANCODE values that are not in DRData are shown.
With the code above, only the first row is getting deleted and now I'm stuck how to get this to loop. Including the x+1 to get to the next row.
First you have to clarify that your problem is a little bit complicated. You have to pay attention to indexes when deleting rows
To do that, you have to point the the maximal number of line to optimize your loop
A simple way to do that, is to use predefined search function, and edit your code a little bit.
My favorite is Application.match(), which takes 3 parameters :
Value to look for
Array where you look (in our case the column J of Blad3 or position 10)
0 : exact match
For more details, see the documentation
An example of code which works is like the following
Sub FindEAN()
Dim x As Long
x = 1 'Start on first row
maxline = Blad2.Range("A" & Rows.count).End(xlUp).row
While x <= maxline '
EANtoFind = Blad2.Range("A" & x).Value
If Not IsError(Application.Match(EANtoFind, Blad3.Columns(10), 0)) Then
Blad2.Range("A" & x).EntireRow.Delete
maxline = maxline - 1
x = x + 1
End If
End Sub

VBA nesting loops to calculate multiple employee hours

I have been working on getting a timesheet macro that will take a data dumps and make do a few things.
Ultimately I am not familiar with the syntax of VBA and have got close however am needing help with getting this finished.
Below will be my code and comments where I am working on code as well as a screenshot for reference of the spreadsheet.
My question is how do I properly write the syntax using vars?
For instance in this line of code: If IsNumeric(Cells("Fr").Value) Then
I am geting errors and am unsure how I would enter the r value from the loop.
This applies to a few of the other lines I was getting errors for but didn't know
how to use r to identify a row.
Sub sum()
Dim r As Integer, c As Integer, s As Double, t As Integer, g As Integer
r = 2 'looping var
c = 3 'looping var
s = 0 'var for sum
g = 0
t = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count 'var for total rows
Do Until r = t
If Not IsEmpty(Range("Ar").Value) = True Then 'check if user name is present then
'Detect the next cell that contains data in the user name column
'Use that number between the two as a var (g) that will be used to run the embedded looping
'essentially redefining the other loop each time to account for the different number of clock ins per user
Do Until c = g 'Loop for until the next name was detected via var (g)
If IsNumeric(Cells("Fr").Value) Then 'check if Billable has a number then
s = s + Range("r, F").Value 'adds cell value (numbers only) to sum
c = c + 1 'add 1 to the value of c
Loop 'closes embedded loop once values have been added up
Range("Fr") = s 'Replace Cell (Fr) with the sum value
s = 0 'reset the value of the sum
r = r + 1
End Sub

Unhide 4 columns with each button press

I have more than 20 hidden columns with data. I want 4 columns to appear and then the next 4 columns on each click of a button.
I tried the below code. Instead of 4 columns at a time, it shows all 20 columns in a click.
Sub compare() '
'compare macro
'selects the button1 rows for the output tab
you want something like:
but you need logic to determine what j is... first scenario is where nothing is hidden:
if not columns(9).entirecolumn.hidden and not columns(13).entirecolumn.hidden and not columns(17).entirecolumn.hidden and not columns(21).entirecolumn.hidden then
Then you will want to hide such that:
j = 13
k = 15
Where that scenario is not true (ELSE), you should have some logic embedded to determine what is hidden and unhide other sections:
if not columns(9).entirecolumn.hidden then
j = 9
k = 3
y = 13
z = 3
You would need the above for each of your column groupings to tell what isn't hidden, so you know what grouping is next.
You would have listed what sections will be visible and which sections would be hidden based on the column numbers.
I know it has been a few days since anyone has posted on this, but I figured I would post this part of a macro that I have built for another project. This should work as intended, and the variables are already setup according to the OP's question.
Sub DynHideColumns()
FirstColumn = 9 ' First Column that could be hidden
LastColumn = 200 ' Last Column that could be hidden
ColumnSteps = 4 ' Number of columns to hide per start
x = FirstColumn
Z = 1
ReDim y(1 To ColumnSteps)
Do Until x > LastColumn
If ActiveSheet.Range(Columns(x), Columns(x)).EntireColumn.Hidden = False Then
If Z <= ColumnSteps Then
y(Z) = x
Z = Z + 1
y(1) = ""
End If
End If
x = x + 1
ActiveSheet.Range(Columns(FirstColumn), Columns(LastColumn)).EntireColumn.Hidden = True
If y(1) = "" Then
ActiveSheet.Range(Columns(FirstColumn), Columns(FirstColumn + ColumnSteps - 1)).EntireColumn.Hidden = False
If y(ColumnSteps) = LastColumn Then
ActiveSheet.Range(Columns(FirstColumn), Columns(FirstColumn + ColumnSteps)).EntireColumn.Hidden = False
ActiveSheet.Range(Columns(y(1) + ColumnSteps), Columns(y(ColumnSteps) + ColumnSteps)).EntireColumn.Hidden = False
End If
End If
End Sub

Vba - Rows Property

I am a novice of Vba.
I have been litteraly fighting all day with this bit of code:
Sub ComandsCompactVisualization()
Dim x, i As Integer
Dim CellToAnalyse As Range
x = 2
i = 0
For i = 0 To 5 Step 1
Set CellToAnalyse = Worksheets("Comandi").Cells(x + i, 2)
If Not CellToAnalyse.Font.ColorIndex = 2 Then
Worksheets("Comandi").Rows("x+i:2").Hidden = True
End If
Next i
End Sub
I am trying to hide all the rows that in cell (x+i,2) have not got red text.
I am almost there but... Rows does not seem to accept as content Rows("x+i:2").
I obtain Runtime error 13 "Type mismatch".
If I substitute its content with Rows("2:2") row 2 is deleted but I am not any more able to hide all the other rows that do not have red text in column 2.
Anything between quotes "like this" is just a string. To perform arithmetic on x you need to do this first, then concatenate it to the other part of the string. Like this:
.Rows((x + i) & ":2")
BTW Isn't red 3..?
Sub ComandsCompactVisualization()
Dim x as long, i As Long 'You must declare ALL variables (x was as variant in your code)
Dim CellToAnalyse As Range
dim WS as Worksheet
'x = 2 'if x is always the same value, no need to calculate it each loop
'i = 0 'numbers are initialized to be 0, strings to be "", boolean to be false.
set WS=Sheets("Commandi")
For i = 0 To 5 ' Step 1
Set CellToAnalyse = WS.Cells(2 + i, 2)
If CellToAnalyse.Font.ColorIndex <> 2 Then
' WS.Rows(2+i).entirerow.hidden = true is the same result
End If
Next i
End Sub

VBA loop exiting loop on second run

I need some help with some VBA. The code below sorts a bunch of data which is spread horrizonally then apends them vertically which I have posted below:
Sub Test()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
countrow = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
countcolumn = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Columns.Count
numberofiterations = countcolumn / 6
MsgBox "Number of Rows is" & Str(countrow)
MsgBox "Number of Column is" & Str(countcolumn)
a = 1
b = 1
c = 6
d = 1
While n < numberofiterations
Range(Cells(a, b), Cells(countrow, c)).Select
ActiveSheet.Cells(d, 1).Select
b = b + 6
c = c + 6
d = d + countrow
n = n + 1
End Sub
It runs ok once but when running it for the second time it itteraits through to the line:
While n < numberofiterations
I can't find the reason why it drops out the loop the second time. Any help will be apriciated
A few things to consider:
1) Please initialize the value of n. That is, before you start your loop, set
n = 0
explicitly. If you later add other code that happens to set n to some value, you will not get the result you expect
2) When you say
countrow = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
Range(Cells(a, b), Cells(countrow, c)).Select
You will not get a selection all the way to the bottom of the range IF THE USED RANGE DIDN'T START IN ROW 1. If UsedRange = $Q1:Z20, then UsedRange.Rows.Count = 10, not 26!
This second point is probably not your problem today - but I wanted to point it out as it will bite you another time.
3) I am a huge fan of writing
Option Explicit
at the top of every module. It forces you to be thoughtful about every variable you create, and more likely will make you remember to initialize variables as well. In general it's good practice, and should be right up there on your list with "initialize right before you use".
