What is the maximum concurrent connection in RPC? - rpc

I want to use RPC in a client-server architecture. In test/debug phase, we establish just one remote call-it means that there is no concurrent RPC to the same remote function-, however, concurrent remote call from multiple client are also possible in the future.
several client would call the same remote function, currently. what happen in this situation?
I want to know that is there a bottleneck in RPC due to the maximum concurrent remote call?
Dosen't RPC reject any remote call, itself, when another client concurrently do RPC on the same function?
Thank you

I implemented RPC in Linux with the help of rpcgen, for two different architecture, X86-64 & ARM (Raspberry Pi), as client and server, respectively. It work fine when I used my own stress test. I think that dual was right. He wrote "It depends on so many factors. What kind of machines, the switches, connection between the machines, the programming language used. ..."


Is using Pool instead of Client in node-postgres useful despite Nodejs being single threaded?

I am using Node.js express for building REST api with postgres database using node-postgres package.
My question is whether I should use Client or Pool? I found this answer:
How can I choose between Client or Pool for node-postgres
but I don't understand what would be the use of Pool connection, since Nodejs is single-threaded and there won't be an attempt to use a single connection at the same time even if there are concurrent requests occurring.
Also by using a single connection, I can benefit from the prepared statements much more efficiently. I can prepare them at the initialization phase of my app, and then execute it whenever a request arrives.
Yes since Postgresql is still multithreaded.
When making a database request your process spends 0% CPU time executing code. Yes, you've read that right, zero.
The computer does not execute code in order to wait. Instead it sets up interrupt handlers and tells the hardware (ethernet card or wifi module) to send it an interrupt when there is data. Regardless of the number of requests you make to your database you still only have ONE ethernet card in your PC (well, some servers can have multiple and have increased bandwidth by trunking but I think you can see that the number of PCI cards you have does not have any relationship with the number of threads you are running - rather it is more related with the amount of $money you are willing to spend). Your hardware still basically sends all the requests out one bit at a time.
A traditional multi-threaded server therefore spends exactly the same amount of CPU time as node.js waiting for responses from the database: zero. Which means node.js improves efficiency by not needing to malloc a lot of RAM for each thread since node only has one thread.
Even when you are running your database on the same computer as your node process, communication with the database is not overly parallel. And the TCP/IP stack itself sort of serializes the communication. And while it does not go through the networking hardware the OS still schedules the responses using OS level events (instead of hardware interrupts).
So yes, it makes sense for your node.js process to make multiple parallel connections to the database even when node is singlethreaded - it is to allow the database to process requests in multiple database threads. You are making use of your database's multithreading instead of forcing your database to also use only one thread to process node's single connection.

Multithreaded Corba Client

There is a lot on multithreading on the Corba server side, but I'm interested about the client side. We have a multithreaded client (Solaris, Orbix 6.3) with a Corba singleton "manager" that initialises the ORB. During runtime 'lsof' shows only one TCP connection to the Corba server, so all synchronous calls made from the client worker threads should be serialised.
Would like to change this arrangement to take advantage of parallelism: each thread to manage its own connection. I've changed the setup so that instead of a singleton each worker thread calls ORB_init(), etc.
Totally puzzled now: 'lsof' shows now 2 TCP connections but there are 6 worker threads.
Something is not right, would have expected as many TCP connections as the number of worker threads. May be that the approach is naive - does it makes sense for example to call ORB_init() per thread?
I'd need someones opinion on this. Sample code for a multithreaded client would greatly help. Again, using Orbix 6.3 on Solaris.
Kind regards,
The management of connections is implementation specific for plain CORBA. Each vendor has its own proprietary way of configuration their behavior. If you check the RTCORBA specification, that has a standardized way to configure how connections between client and server will be used.
I don't know how Orbix works and whether it supports RTCORBA, that is something you could get from their manuals probably. I do know that TAO has a lot of support for threading at the client side. By default when multiple threads make an invocation to the same server multiple tcpip transports can be opened at the same moment.
Thank you guys for your answers. I found, as Johnny says that this is indeed implementation specific.
omniORB has for example maxGIOPConnectionPerServer - default 5. That's:
The maximum number of concurrent connections the ORB will open to a single server. If multiple threads on the client call the same server, the ORB opens additional connections to the server, up to the maximum specified by this parameter. If the maximum is reached, threads are blocked until a connection becomes free for them to use.
Unfortunately I haven't yet found out what's the equivalent (if any) for Orbix. It's definitely defaulting to 1 connection. Still googling...
Found out though that as part of Solaris -> Linux migration will be moving from Orbix to TAO in a number of months. Hoping TAO would be more friendly and customizable.
Orbix internally uses a lot of optimization routines to ensure that connections are used efficiently. Specifically, it's not going to open up multiple connections to the same server endpoint because it's able to multiplex multiple concurrent GIOP requests over the same TCP connection. CORBA deliberately hides connection management from client and server programmers.
I don't believe this is controllable through configuration. Send a support ticket to Progress Support to confirm. You might be able to force it to happen if you move away from the singleton model and initialize a different ORB for each client (each with their own unique ID), but that would be a very heavy-handed and costly solution to a problem that is a little vague. The underlying ORB is already build to optimize for concurrent requests, so I'm not sure what problem it is you're trying to solve.
In my honest opinion I don't think there is such a concept called multi threaded client for CORBA applications. Because in the server side, there is only one object that is registered with the naming service which is available for all the clients. If you look at the IOR of the object, it will be same for all the clients. So it can establishes at most only one connection to that object. It also leads to thinking that you can not get more than one remote object (which means how much ever you do look-up for the object from different clients, they all get the same reference) for any number of clients. So, in order to support mutli-threading ,the server actually has to support different thread policies. POA the server can have different thread policies. Please go through JAVA PROGRAMMING WITH CORBA for more.
I don't know how exactly Orbix works, but normally ORB initialization in done only once even for a multithreaded setup. The multithreaded (server side) ORB will start an amount of worker threads (on demand or if needed or if configured, a fixed number) to handle incomming connection. These connections are handled by a worker. This worker looks up the servant that can handle this request. Normally this (the real call to the servant) is performed in an extra thread also. But you won't see this thread with lsof. Try so use ps -eLf or top -H with thread support enabled.
On the client side it depends on how many object do you want to call. For each object a caller thread is possible. It is also possible to have more than one caller thread per remote object, but only if called from different threads on the client side logic. (Imagine to have multiple threads and the remote object is shared across the threads)

Concurrent networking in Scala

I have a working prototype of a concurrent Scala program using Actors. I am now trying to fine tune the number of different Actors, etc..
One stage of the processing requires fetching new data via the internet. Of course, there is nothing I can really do to speed that aspect up. However, I figure if I launch a bunch of requests in parallel, I can bring down the total time. The question, therefore, is:
=> Is there a limit on concurrent networking in Scala or on Unix systems (such as max num sockets)? If so, how can I find out what it is.
In Linux, there is a limit on the number of open file descriptors each program can have open. This can be seen using the ulimit -n. There is a system-wide limit in /proc/sys/kernel/file-max.
Another limit is the number of connections that the Linux firewall can track. If you are using the iptables connection tracking firewall this value is in /proc/sys/net/netfilter/nf_conntrack_max.
Another limit is of course TCP/IP itself. You can only have 65534 connections to the same remote host and port because each connection needs a unique combination of (localIP, localPort, remoteIP, remotePort).
Regarding speeding things up via concurrent connections: it isn't as easy as just using more connections.
It depends on where the bottlenecks are. If your local connection is being fully used, adding more connections will only slow things down. If you are connecting to the same remote server and its connection is fully used, more will only slow it down.
Where you can get a benefit is when your local connection is not fully used and you are connecting to multiple remote hosts.
If you look at web browsers, you will see they have limits on how many connections will be made to the same remote server. They also have limits on how many connections will be made in total.

Socket.io: How many concurrent connections can WebSockets handle?

I am wondering if you have any data on concurrent connections to websockets? I am using Socket.io on Node.js server. How many clients can connect to socket and receive data without bringing my server down? 1000? 1000.0000?
This highly depends on your hardware configuration, what exactly are you doing/processing on the server side and if your system is optimized for many concurrent connections. For example on Linux machine by default you would probably first hit maximum number of opened files or other limits (which can be increased) before running into hardware resources exhaustion or similar scalability issues. Key resource may be the amount of RAM which can be allocated by your node.js program to keep concurrent connections opened and ability to receive new ones.
Check this blog. We use the same principle. Previously our nodejs server will crash after 100 concurrent connections due to hardware constraints. But after we move to Amazon EC2 it is now highly scalable.

New thread per client connection in socket server?

I am trying to optimize multiple connections per time to a TCP socket server.
Is it considered good practice, or even rational to initiate a new thread in the listening server every time I receive a connection request?
At what time should I begin to worry about a server based on this infrastructure? What is the maximum no of background threads I can work, until it doesn't make any sense anymore?
Platform is C#, framework is Mono, target OS is CentOS, RAM is 2.4G, server is on the clouds, and I'm expecting about 200 connection requests per second.
No, you shouldn't have one thread per connection. Instead, you should be using the asynchronous methods (BeginAccept/EndAccept, BeginSend/EndSend, etc). These will make much more efficient use of system resources.
In particular, every thread you create adds overhead in terms of context switches, stack space, cache misses and so on. Linux is better at managing this stuff than Windows, for example, but that shouldn't be an excuse to give you free reign to create as many threads as you like ;)
