Multiple y series on same chart androidplot - androidplot

i have a requirement to plot a line chart over a candlestick chart.(see first image)
we can simply add line series over the candlestick chart. but if the data of line chart is large, it does not show the candlestick series clearly(see the second image). so is there anything to draw multiple y series on the same chart(one for the line chart and another for the candlestick chart.

you should take the maximum value and then scale all the values accordingly for candlesticks as well as line chart.:)


How do I control which Excel chart axes pair I plot a data series to?

I have three data series (x-y) I want to plot as scatter graphs in Microsoft Excel.
I want the first series to be plotted using the bottom x-axis and left y-axis.
I want the second series to be plotted using the top x-axis and the left y-axis (again).
I want the third series to be plotted using the bottom x-axis and the right y-axis.
So I need four different axes on the four sides of the chart area. Excel seemingly can place primary and secondary horizontal and vertical axes okay but I can't seem to control which combination of these my data series are plotted to - only whether they are "primary" or "secondary" which isn't enough detail.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Screenscrab of chart area with the three data series present. The blue series is correctly plotted against bottom X and left Y but the orange and red series are plotted against the wrong y-axis

Excel Multiple Series Chart with Time on x-axis

I have two series of daily data, displayed on a Scatter Plot with date on the x-axis. One series is orange, the other is blue. Here is the chart:
Scatter Plot
The x-axis labels appear on the major tick marks every 100 days. I want the labels to appear on the first day of every third month.
Is there a way to get a regular spacing of x-axis labels based on the number of months in a Scatter Plot?
When I try to do this in a Line Chart I get this:
Line Chart
Note that the orange series in the Line Chart has moved all the way to the left of the chart where it does not belong.
I have a work-around.
I use a Line Plot and I enter 0's for the dates where no information exists. The plot can be seen here: Line Graph with Extra Points
This is for a deliverable so I don't want to show all those zeros. I went ahead and made the points I don't want invisible. This can be done manually (right-click a datapoint and select "Format Data Point" then select "No Line") but there are ~500 datapoints in this graph and I have about 20 graphs so I automated it with the following lines of code:
For i = 1 To A1
oChart.Chart.FullSeriesCollection(2).Points(i).Format.Line.Visible = msoFalse
I was already using the variable A1 as the row where I wanted the orange curve to begin. oChart is the shape object that holds the graph.
The end result is here: Corrected Line Chart
It still seems like there should be a way to do this with a Scatter Plot and I'd appreciate it if anyone could show me how to do that.

Excel Boxplot Create a horizontal Line

is there a way to create a horizontal line in a boxplot?
so i have this boxplot and i want to get the orange line in the first boxplot with the y-axis 00:30 as a horizontal line. Is that even possible?
so i have some data like that:
and now i want to create a horizontal line which is 30 minutes so my boxplot should look like this:
so normally it is one boxplot, because i filtered it
I tested an example with your needs. I used two charts and stacked them on top of each other.
The first graph has your data, while the second graph has the average.(I am not an expert in excel).
The data
The First graph
The second graph
In this graph I removed the background (transparent). After "them combination" i removed the axes.
The Final Graph
Then you can merge the two graphs so they always stay aligned.

How can I customize the horizontal axis values in excel?

So I am trying to make a nice line graph for some data that I have. Each line has 100 data points, so excel automatically makes the horizontal axis from 1-100. I want to change the min/max values for the horizontal axis from 0-1, without moving the frame of the graph (i.e. without zooming in the graph). I just want to divide the horizontal axis numbers by 100 in order to rescale the time. This is what my graph looks like now:
So I want to change the numbers on the horizontal axis to be fractions or decimals in the range [0,1]. Does anyone know how I can do this, or any other graphing software that would allow me to do this (I have tried using google sheets, but they have less options to customize axes than excel). Thank you!
Did you use two column to plot one line and did you use the Scatter with smooth lines chart type?
Have one column (X) go from 0 to 1 using intervals of 0.01 and your data in your second column (Y). When using a scatter with smooth lines chart type your answer should look like this:
image graph
Plotting your second line in the same chart can be done the same way by adding it through the 'select data' options of the chart.

How can I neatly overlay a line graph series over a scatter plot?

I have two series of data that should be able to easily share an X and Y axis.
Both series only have 12 unique values that should go on the X axis (one for each month in the 2015 year).
The difference is that Series 1 has only 1 value which corresponds to each month (hence the line graph), while Series 2 has several (for the scatter plot).
I want the scatter plot in the background with the line graph overlayed on top. It took me an hour just to figure out how to combine the line and scatter plot without major formatting issues (when I first tried simply changing the chart type of Series 1 to a line graph, almost all of the scatter plot points just dissappeared out of sight). Now I have it almost perfect, but part of the line graph is hidden behind the scatter points, and I would like to bring the line graph to the front. These are the steps I've taken to get it to this point:
Insert a scatter plot of Series 1.
Click "Select Data", and Add Series 2
Right-click a data point for Series 1, Click "Format Data Series", and in "Series Options", choose to plot the series on the "Secondary Axis". A new Y axis appears on the right side of the graph in addition to the Y axis that was already on the left
Right click a data point from Series 1, click "Change Series Chart Type", and make it a line graph
Delete the right axis on the right of the chart
How can I bring the line graph to the front?
I just replicated your issue and the following worked for me. I had my data set up like this:
Right-click on the Chart and Choose Select Data
Click Hidden and Empty Cells
Choose Connect data points with line and check Show data in hidden rows and columns (EDIT: actually, only need to check Connect data points with line.)
