I have a question regarding Hazelcast community edition.
If I form a cluster consisting of 2 hosts [1 in NY data center,1 in NJ data center] but in NA region only, is it possible to use replication or even for that we are required to go for Enterprise edition?
If yes, could you guide me how we can achieve that for Maps?
Hazelcast Wan Replication is available in the Community Edition but some of the fancy features are not available unless you go with Enterprise. You also lose out on Management Center to monitor the clusters. Depending on your needs you may be able to get away with Community Edition and write your own custom monitoring.
What architecture and application development best practices must be followed in order to scale a TWX application?
The majority of applications start with few devices but with time they quickly build up to thousands of devices. Once the amount of traffic is too much for one TWX instance what strategy should be followed?
The same question applies when the front end is overwhelmed by the number of users.
Anytime I have had ThingWorx architecture concerns, I have been redirected to the PTC ThingWorx guide linked below. I do not believe you need a PTC account to view it, but if so it is free.
ThingWorx 8 High Availability Administrators Guide
In your case where you have big load concerns, the guide recommends using
two ThingWorx instances to handle the load.
At least two ThingWorx instances are required for HA configuration. A
single instance is started, which becomes leader and fully connects to
the database. Standby servers boot up and can become the leader if
needed, but they do not fully connect to the database or load
information like the leader does. All ThingWorx servers have a service
that is called by the load balancer, which indicates their
availability. Different codes identify the leader, which receives
traffic, and standby nodes, which do not receive traffic but may
become leader.
High-Level Architecture example from the referenced guide:
The Load Balancer determines which ThingWorx instance is to be used by the user. Usually it is used to determine which is available in a redundant architecture (which is what makes it Highly Available). However, it can also be used to determine which to use based on performance. In PTC's HA Admin Guide, they use HAProxy (see page 47) as the Load Balancer. See Section 3.2 of the HAProxy Config Doc for how to configure based on performance.
Hope this helps! It is a pretty open-ended topic
With ThingWorx 9.0 release, the ThingWorx Foundation platform supports true horizontal scalability with an active-active clustering setup providing no single points of failure. The document here provides the details about the install and setup.
There is also a ThingWorx 9.0 deployment architecture guide for an overview of all the architectural details.
ThingWorx High Availability Clustering setup image
DataStax seems expensive. Is there a best practice configuration that is available to use Apache Cassandra in production? I am trying to setup Cassandra on EC2.
Instead of giving you a commercial for some other product, let me give you some practical advice when choosing to go with OSS vs Commerical licensed products.
You have two things to spend when using any technology. Time or money. Ultimately time is money, but for the sake of this let's say they are different. By your question, you have more time so let's focus on that.
Spend the time to learn the fundamentals. The term black magic is FUD. Some of the world's largest workloads are running on Cassandra. You can do it too.
Seek out peers and learn from those who have been successful. There are organizations that have been running Cassandra in prod for years.
Focus on a single use case/project. Nothing worse than trying to replace all of your infrastructure with a new technology when you are learning. Pick one thing and become proficient. Use that experience for the next projects.
You can get some free training at DataStax Academy. http://academy.datastax.com
Learn from peers by watching talks from the community of awesome users.
You can find something in these 135 talks here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLm-EPIkBI3YoiA-02vufoEj4CgYvIQgIk
If you need to ask questions. Stack Overflow, the Cassandra mailing list, and DataStax Academy Slack are all good resources.
Using a commercial product or spending the time is up to you, but don't let anyone try to convince you that it's too hard and you should use something else. We are all here to help if we can.
Disclaimer: I'm a ScyllaDB employee.
There are several alternative to operate Cassandra/Scylla like workloads.
Use OpenSource Cassandra, with best practices. Most of them, unfortunately, where created couple of years ago. So you'll need to learn the black magic of tuning JVM and Cassandra loads.
There are no "official" AMIs on AWS for recent releases of Cassandra.
Use Scylla OpenSource. It is a drop replacement for Cassandra. Scylla autotunes itself, to minimize the intervention of the operator in the day-to-day operations. Also, Scylla provides opensoure AMIs for EC2 deployment, so, all you need is an AWS account.
Scylla is a C++ implementation of Cassandra, which benefits from the great (and costly) resources on AWS. Thus, offer a better ops/$$ ratio. Scylla highly recommends the usage of I3 instances, you'd be using contemporary CPU technology, excellent I/O (NVMe based) and lots of memory at the fraction of the cost of other EC2 instances.
You can read more about it here:
ScyllaDB is committed to provide opensource, optimized AMI versions.
Buy enterprise licenses from DataStax or Scylla.
Hire consultants to help you install a Cassandra setup.
Companies like "the last pickle" or Pythian can help you in that regard.
Use DBaaS offerings from the following companies:
IBM Compose: https://www.compose.com/databases/scylladb
Joyent Triton:https://www.joyent.com/blog/free-trial-managed-scylladb-beta-on-triton
Scylla and Cassandra
Instaclustr: https://www.instaclustr.com/
Hope this helps.
As DataStax will discontinue the OpsCenter (http://docs.datastax.com/en/opscenter/5.2/opsc/opscPolicyChanges.html), which was rather okay for monitoring purposes and the daily management tasks,
I'm searching for a valid alternative. The list of tools under http://www.planetcassandra.org/related-projects/ does not really look attractive.
Is there a meaningful or even better way? OpsCenter already had very limited functionality for OSS. Any recommendations?
Cassandra exposes own metrics via JMX, so you can use any tool that is able to collect JMX data.
On production environment we are using Zabbix for monitoring purposes.
Also we looked at Graphite but we chose Zabbix because it is our "corporate standard"
I'm trying to come up with a solution for achieving Geo-Redundancy (2+ datacentres) while using Service Fabric reliable Actors/Services to manage state. It insinuates here that geo replication is possible
This may happen when, for example, if you aren’t geo replicated and your entire cluster is in one data center, and the entire data center goes down.
but doesn't explain how to switch it on.
Does anybody know if it's a planned feature for ASF that just hasn't been released yet, or whether it's present but not fully explored yet?
Alternatively does anybody have any recommended approaches for cross DC resilience when the state required to run the app is stored using ASF's StateManager?
Apparently the service fabric team is still to crack this problem - more info below. However, you should be able to GeoHA Service Fabric Cluster on Azure by yourself. Here's an example of that:
Not today, but this is a common request that we continue to investigate.
The core Service Fabric clustering technology knows nothing about Azure regions and can be used to combine machines running anywhere in the world, so long as they have network connectivity to each other. However, the Service Fabric cluster resource in Azure is regional, as are the virtual machine scale sets that the cluster is built on. In addition, there is an inherent challenge in delivering strongly consistent data replication between machines spread far apart. We want to ensure that performance is predictable and acceptable before supporting cross-regional clusters. Source: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/service-fabric/service-fabric-common-questions
There is no reason you cannot install a series of nodes in different regions as part of the same Fabric, and use placement constraints to control service allocation. As long as the nodes can properly communicate with each other, there should be no problem with this.
If you're using Azure, you should deploy them to Virtual Networks, and link them together using VPNs. You could even cross to on-prem.
I believe the answer would be to use a custom replicator implementation and bridging multiple clusters with expressroute.
Am I right in saying that Gridgain visor and Wan replication can only be used on an Enterprise subscription?
http://www.gridgain.org/support/ suggests they are.
Datacenter Replication (DR) and GUI-based Visor management are part of enterprise edition.
However, GridGain Command Line Visor management (http://atlassian.gridgain.com/wiki/display/GG60/Command+Line+Interface) is part of open source edition.
Additionally, some of the other cool features provided as open source include different language connectivity (like C++, C#, HTTP), and off-heap storage.