Function in shell script not executed correctly - linux

I write a script to start/stop/restart a custom server application.
When starting the daemon server it should make the following:
#!/bin/sh -e
# Start service
/opt/pga/server/server -d
# Stop service
PID=`cat /var/lock/pga_server.lock`
/bin/kill --signal SIGTERM $PID
is_loaded=`lsmod | grep excalbr`
echo "Done"
if [ -z "$is_loaded" ]; then
echo "Driver excalibur loaded."
echo "Driver excalibur already loaded."
case "$1" in
Initialy it worked fine. Then I've added the pga_load_excalibur function.
Afterward, it does not work anymore.
It never returns from the function pga_load_excalibur.
It seems that the call to is_loaded=lsmod | grep excalbrnever returns as the subsequentecho` is never printed.
However, if I copy/paste this function in a separate shell works.
But if I launch the starter script manually this way:
/etc/init.d/server start
service server start
it does not work.
I'm using a Debian Wheezy 7.9 x64.
Although I'm not a schell script, it looks correct. I don't understand why it does not work when it's embedded into this service starter script.
Please note that I've also tried to replace the grep line with:
is_loaded=$(lsmod | grep excalbr)
But it does not work either.
I'm running out of ideas :(

What do you get if you run the script in debug mode? try to run it with:
#!/bin/sh -xv
That may give some idea of why it's failing, post the output if you can't figure it out


how to make sure first command finishes and then only execute second command in shell script

how to make sure first command finishes and then only execute second command in shell script
echo "Stopping application"
#command to stop application
echo "Starting application"
#command to start application
In above code, I wanted to make sure that command to stop application is finished properly and then only start the application.
How to handle this.
Please note in my case if application is already stopped then command to stop application takes some random time to complete i.e. 20sec, 30 sec .
So adding sleep is not proper way.
Main moto behind script is to restart application.
Considering fact that if application is allready stopped it doesnt work properly.
If application is running then the script works perfect.
You can use the command return code and a condition to do this.
echo "Stopping application"
#command to stop application
# if the stop command was executed successfuly
if [ $rc == 0 ]; then
echo "Starting application"
#command to start application
echo "ERROR - return code: $rc"
There are 'exit codes', try this:
echo $?
ls non_existing_file
ls: cannot access 'non_existing_file': No such file or directory
echo $?
This command echo $? prints exit code of previous command, if it's 0 than it's OK, all non 0 codes means some kind of error which is not OK.

Is it possible to auto reboot for 5 loops through mint?

I am currently using the following command to run reboot
sudo shutdown -r now
however, I would need to run it for 5 loops before and after executing some other programs. Was wondering if it is possible to do it in MINT environment?
First a disclaimer: I haven't tried this because I don't want to reboot my machine right now...
Anyway, the idea is to make a script that can track it's iteration progress to a file as #david-c-rankin suggested. This bash script could look like this (I did test this):
N=$(cat "$TRACKING_FILE" | wc -c)
if [ "$N" -lt "$ITERATIONS" ]; then
printf "." >> "$TRACKING_FILE"
echo "rebooting (iteration $N)"
# TODO: this is where you put the reboot command
# and anything you want to run before rebooting each time
# TODO: other commands to resume anything required
Then add a call to this script somewhere where it will be run on boot. eg. cron (#reboot) or systemd. Don't forget to remove it from a startup/boot command when you're finished or next time you reboot, it will reboot N times.
Not sure exactly how you are planning on using it, but the general workflow would look like:
save script to /path/to/
add script to run on boot (cron, etc.)
do stuff (manually or in a script)
call the script
computer reboots 5 times
anything in the second TODO section of the script is then run
go back to step 3, or if finished remove from cron/systemd so it won't reboot when you don't want it to.
First create a text document wherever you want,I created one on Desktop,
Then use this file as a physical counter and write a daemon file to run things at startup
For example:
var=$(cat a.txt)
echo "$var"
if [ "$var" != 5 ]
echo "$var" > a.txt
echo "restart here"
sudo shutdown -r now
echo "stop restart"
echo 0 > a.txt
Hope this helps
I found a way to create a file at startup for my reboot script. I incorporated it with the answers provided by swalladge and also shubh. Thank you so much!
#testing making a startup application
echo "
[Desktop Entry]
Exec=notify-send success
Name[en_CA]=This is a Test
Name=This is a Test
Comment=" > ~/.config/autostart/test.desktop
I create a /etc/rc.local file to execute user3089519's script, and this works for my case. (And for bootloop.txt, I put it here: /usr/local/share/bootloop.txt )
First: sudo nano /etc/rc.local
Then edit this:
#TODO: things you want to execute when system boot.
exit 0
Then it works.
Don't forget edit /etc/rc.local and remove /path/to/ when you done reboot cycling.

snmpd on Beaglebone/Debian, reading file with source

I have installed snmpd on a Beaglebone Black with Debian and everything works perfect so far, except one thing.
I have configured snmpd.conf for a pass-through
pass . /bin/sh /usr/local/bin/snmp-20
Then snmp-20 is a batch script that looks like this
if [ "$1" = "-n" ]
exit 0
. /root/snmp.cfg
if [ "$2" = "." ]
echo string
echo $serial
exit 0
In snmp.cfg it looks like this
I feel this is all pretty straight forward. Now when I run /bin/sh /usr/local/bin/snmp-20 or just /usr/local/bin/snmp-20 I get the expected output.
When I do the snmpget -c public -v2c localhost it returns with "No such instance currently exists ..."
However when I comment the ./root/snmp.cfg the snmpget call is successful, so the calling parameters all work correctly.
It seems the script exits when the source /root/snmp.cfg command is called, but only when called by snmpget, not when called from the prompt.
Any idea would be appreciated.

Read command in bash script not waiting for user input when piped to bash?

Here is what I'm entering in Terminal:
curl --silent | bash
The WordPress installing bash script contains a "read password" command that is supposed to wait for users to input their MySQL password. But, for some reason, that doesn't happen when I run it with the "curl githubURL | bash" command. When I download the script via wget and run it via "sh", it works fine.
What could be the cause of this? Any help is appreciated!
If you want to run a script on a remote server without saving it locally, you can try this.
RunThis=$(lynx -dump
if [ $? = 0 ] ; then
bash -c "$RunThis"
echo "There was a problem downloading the script"
exit 1
In order to test it, I wrote an
# File /var/www/
echo "Example read:"
read line
echo "You typed: $line"
When I run, the output looks like this.
$ ./
Example read:
Hello World!
You typed: Hello World!
Unless you absolutely trust the remote scripts, I would avoid doing this without examining it before executing.
It wouldn't stop for read:
As when you are piping in a way you are forking a child which has been given input from parent shell.
You cannot give the values back to parent(modify parent's env) from child.
and through out this process you are always in parent process.

Adding a service startup script for Amazon linux AMI

I am using an Amazon Linux AMI and doing some custom modifications(added an axis2server, etc) on it and saving it as a new AMI. Now what I want to do is when the AMI boots up, start up axis2server(ie.axis2server should automatically start when the instance boots up). For that I used a init script like below and ran the following command:
chkconfig --add axisservice
But when I launch a new instance from my image, the axis2server is not getting started.
I just only need to execute the script /home/ec2-user/axis2-1.6.1/bin/ at startup. Am I missing anything here?
#! /bin/sh
# Basic support for IRIX style chkconfig
# chkconfig: 235 98 55
# description: Manages the services you are controlling with the chkconfig command
case "$1" in
echo -n "Starting axisservice"
touch ~/temp.txt
cd /home/ec2-user/axis2-1.6.1/bin
./ &
echo "."
echo -n "Stopping axisservice"
echo "."
echo "Usage: /sbin/service axisservice {start|stop}"
exit 1
exit 0
I went through as well and it provides a mechanism called User-Data Scripts, where a user can execute a script when launching the script.
$ euca-run-instances --key mykey --user-data-file ami-axxxx
This is a command line option and what I want is something like when I launch the instance through the UI, the script should be started.Therefore, I think the above option can not be used in my case. Please correct me if I am wrong.
I bet the environment is not set(up correctly). This means that I am guessing that your shell script tries to start another program and it's not to be found.
So at first, I'd adjust the start part of your script (current):
echo -n "Starting axisservice"
touch ~/temp.txt
cd /home/ec2-user/axis2-1.6.1/bin
./ &
echo "."
echo -n "Starting axisservice"
touch ~/temp.txt
cd /home/ec2-user/axis2-1.6.1/bin
[ $RETVAL -eq 0 ] && echo Success
[ $RETVAL -ne 0 ] && echo Failure
echo "."
So what did I do?
removed & so script waits for your shell script ( to complete
checked the return status ($?) of your shell script
Further debugging:
Add set -x to your scripts to enable tracing and log both stderr and stdout.
Are you are aware that stop (in your service script) doesn't do anything?
touch ~/temp.txt is that supposed to create /root/temp.txt? (I'm guessing root runs this script.)
If none of my suggestions work, can you share and paste stderr and stdout?
