I'm running nodejs and pg-promise, and would like to use the batch function for creating a transaction with a BEGIN and COMMIT surrounding the multiple UPDATEs.
This is my code:
db.tx(function (t) {
return this.batch(function() {
for (var i = 0; i < cars.length; i++) {
return db.any('UPDATE ... ', [car_id, cars[i].votes]);
However, it seems not to be working as nothing happens. Isn't it possible to create my batch-list for input like that?
Method batch does not take a function as parameter, it takes an array of promises to resolve.
And there are plenty of examples of how to use it (on StackOverflow also), starting from the official documentation: Transactions.
For a set of updates you would simply create an array of update queries and then execute them using batch:
db.tx(t => {
const queries = cars.map(c => {
return t.none('UPDATE ... ', [c.car_id, c.votes]);
return t.batch(queries);
.then(data => {
// success
.catch(error => {
// error
Multiple updates of the same type can be executed as a single query, for a much better performance. See Performance Boost and method helpers.update.
I am using Mongoose to access to my database. I need to use transactions to make an atomic insert-update.
95% of the time my transaction works fine, but 5% of the time an error is showing :
"Given transaction number 1 does not match any in-progress transactions"
It's very difficult to reproduce this error, so I really want to understand where it is coming from to get rid of it.
I could not find a very clear explanation about this type of behaviour.
I have tried to use async/await key words on various functions. I don't know if an operation is not done in time or too soon.
Here the code I am using:
export const createMany = async function (req, res, next) {
if (!isIterable(req.body)) {
res.status(400).send('Wrong format of body')
if (req.body.length === 0) {
res.status(400).send('The body is well formed (an array) but empty')
const session = await mongoose.startSession()
try {
const packageBundle = await Package.create(req.body, { session })
const options = []
for (const key in packageBundle) {
if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(packageBundle, key)) {
updateOne: {
filter: { _id: packageBundle[key].id },
update: {
$set: {
custom_id_string: 'CAB' + packageBundle[key].custom_id.toLocaleString('en-US', {
minimumIntegerDigits: 14,
useGrouping: false
upsert: true
await Package.bulkWrite(
{ session }
for (const key in packageBundle) {
if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(packageBundle, key)) {
packageBundle[key].custom_id_string = 'CAB' + packageBundle[key].custom_id.toLocaleString('en-US', {
minimumIntegerDigits: 14,
useGrouping: false
await session.commitTransaction()
} catch (error) {
await session.abortTransaction()
throw error
} finally {
I expect my code to add in the database and to update the entry packages in atomic way, that there is no instable database status.
This is working perfectly for the main part, but I need to be sure that this bug is not showing anymore.
You should use the session.withTransaction() helper function to perform the transaction, as pointed in mongoose documentation. This will take care of starting, committing and retrying the transaction in case it fails.
const session = await mongoose.startSession();
await session.withTransaction(async () => {
// Your transaction methods
The multi-document transactions in MongoDB are relatively new and might be a bit unstable in some cases, such as described here. And certainly, it has also been reported in Mongoose here. Your error most probably is a TransientTransactionError due to a write-conflict happening when the transaction is committed.
However, this is a known and expected issue from MongoDB and these comments explain their reasoning behind why they decided it to be like this. Moreover, they claim that the user should be handling the cases of write conflicts and retrying the transaction if that happens.
Therefore, looking at your code, the Package.create(...) method seems to be the reason why the error gets triggered, since this method is executing a save() for every document in the array (from mongoose docs).
A quick solution might be using Package.insertMany(...) instead of create(), since the Model.insertMany() "only sends one operation to the server, rather than one for each document" (from mongoose docs).
However, MongoDB provides a helper function session.withTransaction() that will take care of starting and committing the transaction and retry it in case of any error, since release v3.2.1. Hence, this should be your preferred way to work with transactions in a safer way; which is, of course, available in Mongoose through the Node.js API.
The accepted answer is great. In my case, I was running multiple transactions serially within a session. I was still facing this issue every now and then. I wrote a small helper to resolve this.
File 1:
// do some work here
await session.withTransaction(() => {});
// ensure the earlier transaction is completed
await ensureTransactionCompletion(session);
// do some more work here
await session.withTransaction(() => {});
Utils File:
async ensureTransactionCompletion(session: ClientSession, maxRetryCount: number = 50) {
// When we are trying to split our operations into multiple transactions
// Sometimes we are getting an error that the earlier transaction is still in progress
// To avoid that, we ensure the earlier transaction has finished
let count = 0;
while (session.inTransaction()) {
if (count >= maxRetryCount) {
// Adding a delay so that the transaction get be committed
await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 100));
I'm new to Node and am having problems reading from Oracle.
I have the basic examples all set up and can issue basic queries, and process the results etc..
The problem I'm having is that I need to;
Execute one query (Q1)
For each item in the results of Q1 I need to execute a second query (Q2)
I need to combine the results of Q1 and Q2s into an array to return as a promise
I am struggling to find an example where I can perform #2 - call the same query multiple times for each item returned from Q1, using the same connection which was used for Q1.
My code is below - I first perform a read, then iterate through the results storing connection.execute objects which I then run via the Promise.all line - the result of which I just output as I want to get this working before I code the logic to combine the results of Q1 and Q2.
When I run this via mocha, the results of don't contain any data - I see the column headings but no data.
So what am I missing here?
// placeholder for the connection
let conn;
// return case list array
var caseList = [];
var queryList = [];
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// retrieve connection
user: dbconfig.user,
password: dbconfig.password,
connectString: dbconfig.connectString
}) // the connection is returned as a promise
.then(connection => {
console.log('Connected to the DB!');
// assign connection
conn = connection;
// execute statement
return connection.execute(
`select caseid, casereference, startdate from caseheader inner join orgobjectlink on caseheader.ownerorgobjectlinkid = orgobjectlink.orgobjectlinkid where orgobjectlink.username = :username`,
[params.username], {
outFormat: oracledb.OBJECT // set the output format to be object
.then(result => {
// iterate around rows
result.rows.forEach(row => {
var caseObj = {
caseID: row.CASEID,
reference: row.CASEREFERENCE,
dateAssigned: moment(row.STARTDATE).format('YYYY-MM-DD'),
username: params.username,
queryList.push(conn.execute(`select concernroleid, concernrolename from concernrole inner join caseparticipantrole on concernrole.concernroleid = caseparticipantrole.participantroleid where caseparticipantrole.caseid = :caseID and (caseparticipantrole.typecode = 'PRI' or caseparticipantrole.typecode = 'MEM')`,
[caseObj.caseID], {
outFormat: oracledb.OBJECT
// build up queries
return Promise.all(queryList).then(results => {
}, err => {
console.log("Closing DB connection");
}).catch(err => {
console.log('Error', err);
Promise.all will not work for you as you want to use a single connection and as mentioned previously a connection will only do one thing at a time anyway. To solve this problem using promises, you'd have to build up and unwind a promise chain. I can show you an example, but it's nasty - probably better to just forget I mentioned it.
A better option would be to go into a simple for loop using async/await. I can show you can example of that too but again, I think this is the wrong move. We call this row by row fetching (a.k.a slow by slow).
It's likely the best solution for you will be to take the results from the first query and build up an array. Then execute the second query using one of these options to process the array. https://oracle.github.io/node-oracledb/doc/api.html#sqlwherein
You'll need to include the caseid column in the select clause and perhaps even order by that column so that post-processing of the result set is simplified in Node.js.
This solution has the potential to greatly improve performance and resource utilization, but that has to be balanced against the amount of data you have, the resources, etc. I could probably show you an example of this too, but it will take a bit longer and I'd want to get some more info from you to ensure we're on the right path.
One problem is the Promise.all().then... function doesn't return anything (and doesn't need the additional resolve()). The way to get this sorted is build small, testable, promise returning functions, and test them individually.
Starting simply, write a mocha test to connect to the database...
function connect() {
return oracledb.getConnection({
user: dbconfig.user,
password: dbconfig.password,
connectString: dbconfig.connectString
Here's one that can run a command on the db. Test this with a simple query that you know will return some results.
function executeCmd(connection, cmd, params) {
return connection.execute(cmd, params, { outFormat: oracledb.OBJECT });
With just these two (and one more) we can outline a simple function that does the job: connect to the database, run a select, process each result asynchronously, then disconnect.
function connectAndQuery(username) {
let connection;
return connect().then(result => {
connection = result;
let cmd = `select caseid, casereference, startdate from caseheader inner join orgobjectlink on caseheader.ownerorgobjectlinkid = orgobjectlink.orgobjectlinkid where orgobjectlink.username = :username`;
return executeCmd(connection, cmd, [username]);
}).then(result => {
let promises = result.rows.map(row => processCaseRow(connection, row, username));
return Promise.all(promises);
}).then(result => {
// result should be an array of caseObj's
return connection.close().then(() => result);
The last thing to build and test is a promise-returning function which processes a row from the main function above.
I had to take some liberty with this, but I think the objective is -- given a row representing a "case" -- build a case object, including a collection of "concernedRoles" that can be queried with the caseID. (that last bit was my idea, but you can build a separate collection if you like)
// return a promise that resolves to an object with the following properties...
// caseID, reference, dateAssigned, username, concernedRoles
// get concernedRoles by querying the db
function processCaseRow(connection, row, username) {
var caseObj = {
caseID: row.CASEID,
reference: row.CASEREFERENCE,
dateAssigned: moment(row.STARTDATE).format('YYYY-MM-DD'),
username: username
let cmd = `select concernroleid, concernrolename from concernrole inner join caseparticipantrole on concernrole.concernroleid = caseparticipantrole.participantroleid where caseparticipantrole.caseid = :caseID and (caseparticipantrole.typecode = 'PRI' or caseparticipantrole.typecode = 'MEM')`;
return executeCmd(connection, cmd, row.CASEID).then(result => {
caseObj.concernedRole = result
return caseObj
Please keep in mind that I am new to node.js and I am used with android development.
My scenario is like this:
Run a query against the database that returns either null or a value
Call a web service with that database value, that offers info paginated, meaning that on a call I get a parameter to pass for the next call if there is more info to fetch.
After all the items are retrieved, store them in a database table
If everything is well, for each item received previously, I need to make another web call and store the retrieved info in another table
if fetching any of the data set fails, all data must be reverted from the database
So far, I've tried this:
getAllData: function(){
//get secondary data for each result row and insert it into database
getMainWebData: function(nextPage){
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
module.getWebData(nextPage, function(errorReturned, response, values) {
if (errorReturned) {
nextPage = response.nextPageValue;
}).then(function(result) {
//here I need to insert the returned values in database
//there's a new page, so fetch the next set of data
if (nextPage) {
//call again getMainWebData?
There are a few things missing, from what I've tested, getAllData.then fires only one for the first set of items and not for others, so clearly handling the returned data in not right.
LATER EDIT: I've edited the scenario. Given some more research my feeling is that I could use a chain or .then() to perform the operations in a sequence.
Yes it is happening as you are resolving the promise on the first call itself. You should put resolve(value) inside an if statement which checks if more data is needed to be fetched. You will also need to restructure the logic as node is asynchronous. And the above code will not work unless you do change the logic.
Solution 1:
You can either append the paginated response to another variable outside the context of the calls you are making. And later use that value after you are done with the response.
getAllData: function(){
// make your database transaction if result is not an error
function getList(nextpage, result, callback){
module.getWebData(nextPage, function(errorReturned, response, values) {
nextPage = response.nextPageValue;
getList(nextPage, result, callback);
callback(null, result);
getMainWebData: function(nextPage){
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
var result = [];
getList(nextpage, result, function(err, results){
// Here all the items are retrieved, you can store them in a database table
// for each item received make your web call and store it into another variable or result set
// suggestion is to make the database transaction only after you have retrieved all your data
// other wise it will include database rollback which will depend on the database which you are using
// after all this is done resolve the promise with the returning value
I have not tested it but something like this should work. If problem persists let me know in comments.
Solution 2:
You can remove promises and try the same thing with callback as they are easier to follow and will make sense to the programmers who are familiar with structural languages.
Looking at your problem, I have created a code that would loop through promises.
and would only procede if there is more data to be fetched, the stored data would still be available in an array.
I hope this help. Dont forget to mark if it helps.
let fetchData = (offset = 0, limit= 10) => {
let addresses = [...Array(100).keys()];
return Promise.resolve(addresses.slice(offset, offset + limit))
// o => offset & l => limit
let o = 0, l = 10;
let results = [];
let process = p => {
if (!p) return p;
return p.then(data => {
// Process with data here;
// increment the pagination
o += l;
results = results.concat(data);
// while there is data equal to limit set then fetch next page
// otherwise return the collected result
return (data.length == l)? process(fetchAddress(o, l)).then(data => data) : results;
process(fetchAddress(o, l))
.then(data => {
// All the fetched data will be here
}).catch(err => {
// Handle Error here.
// All the retrieved data from database will be available in "results" array
if You want to do it more often I have also created a gist for reference.
If You dont want to use any global variable, and want to do it in very functional way. You can check this example. However it requires little more complication.
I am using the viewer.getProperties(dbId, onSuccessCallback, onErrorCallback) method in order to get properties for objects in my viewer. I want to run the method for all selected objects, extract a subset of the properties for each object, and present the subsets in a table.
var subsets = [];
var selectFunctions = [];
handleSelection(selection, addProps, onError);
function handleSelection(selection, onSuccess, onError) {
for (var i = 0; i < selection.length; i++)
selectFunctions.push(_viewer.getProperties(selection[i], onSuccess, onError));
function addProps(data) {
var props = [];
for (var prop in data.properties) {
//Add property to props if some condition is true...
Promise.all(_selectFunctions).then(function () {
console.log("Handled all selections");
//Add subsets to table...
}).catch(function (error) {
Since getProperties is running asynchronously I am not able to wait for all objects before the table is updated. The table is updated with one object at a time, and we would rather update all at once. Blocking IO is not a problem.
As the could shows I have been looking into Promise.all() from bluebird.js in order to control execution and wait for all getProperties calls to return, but so far unsuccessfully.
This question is purely unrelated to the use of the viewer, you would need to look for some documentation on how to use Promises in order to wait for completion of multiple requests in parallel.
here is some pseudo code that may help you (ES6 syntax), I'm skipping error handling for sake of clarity:
// wrap get the async method in a promise so you can wait its completion
const getPropertiesAsync = (id) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
_viewer.getProperties(id, (result) => {
}, (error) => {
//create an array of asynchronous tasks for each component you want to get props on
const propTasks = componentIds.map((id) => {
return getPropertiesAsync(id)
//promise version
Promise.all(propTasks).then((results) => {
//populate table with results
//OR async ES7 syntax
const results = await Promise.all(propTasks)
//populate table with results
Here is an article I wrote about using async/await with the viewer, but since the topic is much broader you should be able to find a lot more documentation by looking over the web by yourself:
Getting rid of JavaScript callbacks using async/await
Hope that helps
I use Node.js to provide an API for storing data on a MongoDB database.
I ran multiple tests on a read method, which takes ids and returns the corresponding documents. The point is that I must return these documents in the specified order. To ensure that, I use the following code:
// Sequentially fetch every element
function read(ids, callback) {
var i = 0;
var results = [];
function next() {
db.findOne(ids[i], function (err, doc) {
results.push(err ? null : doc);
if (ids.length > ++i) {
return next();
This way, documents are fetched one-by-one, in the right order. It takes about 11s on my laptop to retrieve 27k documents.
However, I thought that it was possible to improve this method:
// Asynchronously map the whole array
var async = require('async');
function read(ids, callback) {
async.map(ids, db.findOne.bind(db), callback):
After running a single test, I was quite satisfied seeing that the 27k documents were retrieved in only 8s using simpler code.
The problem happens when I repeat the same request: the response time keeps growing (proportionally to the number of elements retrieved): 9s 10s 11s 12s.... This problem does not happen in the sequential version.
I tried two versions of Node.js, v6.2.0 and v0.10.29. The problem is the same. What causes this latency and how could I suppress it?
Try to use async.mapLimit to prevent overload. You need some tests to tune limit value with your environment.
But find({_id: {$in: list}}) is always better, because single database request instead of multiple.
I suggest you to try to perform restore of original order client-side.
Something like this:
function read(ids, cb) {
{_id: {$in: ids.map(id => mongoose.Types.ObjectId(id))}},
function process(err, docs) {
if (err) return cb(err);
return cb(null, docs.sort(ordering))
function ordering(a, b) {
return ids.indexOf(b._id.toString()) - ids.indexOf(a._id.toString());
May be, find query needs to be corrected, I can't to know what exact mongodb driver you use.
This code is first-try, more manual sorting can improve performance alot. [].indexOf is heavy too(O(n)).
But I'm almost sure, even as-is now, it will work much faster.
Possible ordering replacement:
var idHash = {};
for(var i = 0; i < ids.length; i++)
idHash[ids[i]] = i;
function ordering(a, b) {
return idHash[b._id.toString()] - idHash[a._id.toString()];
Any sort algorithm has O(nlogn) in best case, but we already know result position of each found document, so, we can restore original order by O(n):
var idHash = ids.reduce((c, id, i) => (c[id] = i, c), {});
function process(err, docs) {
if (err) return cb(err);
return cb(null,
(c, doc) => (c[idHash[doc._id.toString()]] = doc, c),
ids.map(id => null))) //fill not_found docs by null
Functional style makes code flexier. For example this code can be easy modified to use async.reduce to be less sync-blocking.