In the repository, I can see it’s using recursive neural networks.
And from the open lecture (, I learned that these networks calculate phrase vectors at each node of the parse tree.
I'm trying to make the Parser to output phrase vectors so that I can plot them on the 2-d plane but so far I haven't figured it out. - Can someone please point me to the java object and line numbers where they are calculated? (I suspect that they would be in line 765~)
private void setupClassifierForTraining(List<CoreMap> trainSents, List<DependencyTree> trainTrees, String embedFile, String preModel) {
double[][] E = new double[knownWords.size() + knownPos.size() + knownLabels.size()][config.embeddingSize];
double[][] W1 = new double[config.hiddenSize][config.embeddingSize * config.numTokens];
double[] b1 = new double[config.hiddenSize];
double[][] W2 = new double[system.numTransitions()][config.hiddenSize];
And if this is not the correct place to be looking for phrase vectors, I'd really appreciate it if you could point me to the code in the CoreNLP project I should be looking at.
Which lecture are you referring to?
This paper describes the neural network dependency parser we distribute:
I don't believe it creates phrase embeddings ; it creates embeddings for words, part-of-speech tags, and for dependency labels.
I am new and learning about transformers.
In a lot of BERT tutorials, I see the input is just the token id of the words. But surely we need to convert this token ID to a vector representation (it can be one hot encoding, or any initial vector representation for each token ID) so that it can be used by the model.
My question is: Where cam I find this initial vector representation for each token?
In BERT, the input is a string itself. THen, BERT manages to convert it into a token and then, create its vector. Let's see an example:
prep_url = ''
enc_url = ''
bert_preprocess = hub.KerasLayer(prep_url)
bert_encoder = hub.KerasLayer(enc_url)
text = ['Hello I"m new to stack overflow']
# First, you need to preprocess the data
preprocessed_text = bert_preprocess(text)
# this will give you a dict with a few keys such us input_word_ids, that is, the tokenizer
encoded = bert_encoder(preprocessed_text)
# and this will give you the (1, 768) vector with the context value of the previous text. the output is encoded['pooled_output']
# you can play with both dicts, printing its keys()
I recommend you to go to both links above and do a little of research. To recap, BERT uses string as inputs and then tokenize it (with its own tokenzer!). If you want to tokenize with the same values, you need the same vocab file, but for a fresh start like you are doing this should be enough.
I am trying to use a pretrained word2vector model to create word embeddings but i am getting the following error when Im trying to create weight matrix from word2vec genism model:
import gensim
w2v_model = gensim.models.KeyedVectors.load_word2vec_format("/content/drive/My Drive/GoogleNews-vectors-negative300.bin.gz", binary=True)
vocab_size = len(tokenizer.word_index) + 1
# Function to create weight matrix from word2vec gensim model
def get_weight_matrix(model, vocab):
# total vocabulary size plus 0 for unknown words
vocab_size = len(vocab) + 1
# define weight matrix dimensions with all 0
weight_matrix = np.zeros((vocab_size, EMBEDDING_DIM))
# step vocab, store vectors using the Tokenizer's integer mapping
for word, i in vocab.items():
weight_matrix[i] = model[word]
return weight_matrix
embedding_vectors = get_weight_matrix(w2v_model, tokenizer.word_index)
Im getting the following error:
As a note: it's better to paste a full error is as formatted text than as an image of text. (See Why not upload images of code/errors when asking a question? for a full list of the reasons why.)
But regarding your question:
If you get a KeyError: word 'didnt' not in vocabulary error, you can trust that the word you've requested is not in the set-of-word-vectors you've requested it from. (In this case, the GoogleNews vectors that Google trained & released back around 2012.)
You could check before looking it up – 'didnt' in w2v_model, which would return False, and then do something else. Or you could use a Python try: ... catch: ... formulation to let it happen, but then do something else when it happens.
But it's up to you what your code should do if the model you've provided doesn't have the word-vectors you were hoping for.
(Note: the GoogleNews vectors do include a vector for "didn't", the contraction with its internal apostrophe. So in this one case, the issue may be that your tokenization is stripping such internal-punctuation-marks from contractions, but Google chose not to when making those vectors. But your code should be ready for handling missing words in any case, unless you're sure through other steps that can never happen.)
I have somewhat read a bunch of papers which talks about predicting missing words in a sentence. What I really want is to create a model that suggest a word from an incomplete sentence.
Incomplete Sentence :
I bought an ___________ because its rainy.
Suggested Words:
From the journal I have read, they have utilized Microsoft Sentence Completion Dataset for predicting missing words from a sentence.
Example :
Incomplete Sentence :
Im sad because you are __________
Missing Word Options:
a) crying
b) happy
c) pretty
d) sad
e) bad
I don't want to predict a missing word from a list of options. I want to suggest a list of words from an incomplete sentence. Is it feasible? Please enlighten me cause Im really confused. What is state of the art model I can use for suggesting a list of words (semantically coherent) from an incomplete sentence?
Is it necessary that the list of suggested words as an output is included in the training dataset?
This is exactly how the BERT model was trained: mask some random words in the sentence, and make your network predict these words. So yes, it is feasible. And not, it is not necessary to have the list of suggested words as a training input. However, these suggested words should be the part of the overall vocabulary with which this BERT has been trained.
I adapted this answer to show how the completion function may work.
# install this package to obtain the pretrained model
# ! pip install -U pytorch-pretrained-bert
import torch
from pytorch_pretrained_bert import BertTokenizer, BertForMaskedLM
tokenizer = BertTokenizer.from_pretrained('bert-base-uncased')
model = BertForMaskedLM.from_pretrained('bert-base-uncased')
model.eval(); # turning off the dropout
def fill_the_gaps(text):
text = '[CLS] ' + text + ' [SEP]'
tokenized_text = tokenizer.tokenize(text)
indexed_tokens = tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids(tokenized_text)
segments_ids = [0] * len(tokenized_text)
tokens_tensor = torch.tensor([indexed_tokens])
segments_tensors = torch.tensor([segments_ids])
with torch.no_grad():
predictions = model(tokens_tensor, segments_tensors)
results = []
for i, t in enumerate(tokenized_text):
if t == '[MASK]':
predicted_index = torch.argmax(predictions[0, i]).item()
predicted_token = tokenizer.convert_ids_to_tokens([predicted_index])[0]
return results
print(fill_the_gaps(text = 'I bought an [MASK] because its rainy .'))
print(fill_the_gaps(text = 'Im sad because you are [MASK] .'))
print(fill_the_gaps(text = 'Im worried because you are [MASK] .'))
print(fill_the_gaps(text = 'Im [MASK] because you are [MASK] .'))
The [MASK] symbol indicates the missing words (there can be any number of them). [CLS] and [SEP] are BERT-specific special tokens. The outputs for these particular prints are
['here', 'here']
The duplication is not surprising - transformer NNs are generally good at copying words. And from semantic point of view, these symmetric continuations look indeed very likely.
Moreover, if it is not a random word which is missing, but exactly the last word (or last several words), you can utilize any language model (e.g. another famous SOTA language model, GPT-2) to complete the sentence.
I have a corpus(Hotel Reviews) and I want to do some NLP process including Tfidf. My problem is when I Applied Tfidf and print 100 features it doesn't appear as a single word but the entire sentence.
Here is my code:
Note: clean_doc is a function return my corpus cleaning from stopwords, stemming, and etc
vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer(analyzer='word',tokenizer=clean_doc,
max_features=100, lowercase = False, ngram_range=(1,3), min_df = 1)
vz = vectorizer.fit_transform(list(data['Review']))
feature_names = vectorizer.get_feature_names()
for feature in feature_names:
it returns something like this:
love view good room
food amazing recommended
bad services location far
any idea why? Thanks in Advance
There is most likely an error in your clean_doc function. The 'tokenizer' argument should be a function that takes a string as input and returns a list of tokens.
I have set of images on which I performed edge detection using OpenCV 3.1. The edges are stored in MAT of OpenCV. Can someone help me in processing for Java SVM train and test code on those set of images ?
Following discussion in comments I am providing you with an example project which I built for android studio a while back.
This was used to classify images depending on Lab color spaces.
//1.a Assign the parameters for SVM training here
double nu = 0.999D;
double gamma = 0.4D;
double epsilon = 0.01D;
double coef0 = 0;
//kernel types are Linear(0), Poly(1), RBF(2), Sigmoid(3)
//For Poly(1) set degree and gamma
double degree = 2;
int kernel_type = 4;
//1.b Create an SVM object
SVM B_channel_svm = SVM.create();
B_channel_svm.setTermCriteria(new TermCriteria(2, 10, epsilon));
// Repeat Step 1.b for the number of SVMs.
//2. Train the SVM
// Note: training_data - If your image has n rows and m columns, you have to make a matrix of size (n*m, o), where o is the number of labels.
// Note: Label_data is same as above, n rows and m columns, make a matrix of size (n*m, o) where o is the number of labels.
// Note: Very Important - Train the SVM for the entire data as training input and the specific column of the Label_data as the Label. Here, I train the data using B, G and R channels and hence, the name B_channel_SVM. I make 3 different SVM objects separately but you can do this by creating only one object also.
B_channel_svm.train(training_data, Ml.ROW_SAMPLE, Label_data.col(0));
G_channel_svm.train(training_data, Ml.ROW_SAMPLE, Label_data.col(1));
R_channel_svm.train(training_data, Ml.ROW_SAMPLE, Label_data.col(2));
// Now after training we "predict" the outcome for a sample from the trained SVM. But first, lets prepare the Test data.
// As above for the training data, make a matrix of (n*m, o) and use the columns to predict. So, since I created 3 different SVMs, I will input three separate matrices for the three SVMs of size (n*m, 1).
//3. Predict the testing data outcome using the trained SVM.
B_channel_svm.predict(scene_ml_input, predicted_final_B, StatModel.RAW_OUTPUT);
G_channel_svm.predict(scene_ml_input, predicted_final_G, StatModel.RAW_OUTPUT);
R_channel_svm.predict(scene_ml_input, predicted_final_R, StatModel.RAW_OUTPUT);
//4. Here, predicted_final_ are matrices which gives you the final value as in Label(0,1,2... etc) for the input data (edge profile in your case)
Now, I hope you have an idea for how SVM works. You basically need to do these steps:
Step 1: Identify labels - In your case Gestures from edge profile.
Step 2: Assign values to the labels - For example, if you are trying to classify haptic gestures - Open Hand = 1, Closed Hand/Fist = 2, Thumbs up = 3 and so on.
Step 3: Prepare the training data (edge profiles) and Labels (1,2,3) etc. according to the process above.
Step 4: Prepare data for prediction using the transformation calculated using SVM.
Very Important for SVM on OpenCV - Normalize your data, make sure you all matrices are of Same Type - CvType
Hope it helps. Feel free to ask questions if you have any doubts and post what you have tried. I can solve the problem for you if you send me some images but then you won't learn anything right? ;)