I'm trying to fix a DNS issue at my office. We run a local Bind server to handle requests to locally run sub domains that are only available in the office. Recently we moved our blog to wpengine.com for hosting. They also provide the ability for DNS control. Basically I need our local DNS to point office users to the wpengine site for our blog subdomain but nothing I do to our local zone file settings makes a difference. Our browsers always get directed to our primary ecom site which originally hosted the blog. I've tried adding sub domain delegation entries to our local zone file to no effect.
WPengine's settings has a primary DNS config of blog.fractureme.com with a CNAME entry of fracture.wpengine.com pointing to blog.fractureme.com . I'm wondering if there's some sort of circular logic going on here with our local office, our primary and Wpengine's DNS that keeps pointing us in the office to the wrong server when we try to go to blog.fractureme.com in a browser? Our primary domain hosting service also has a CNAME zone entry that points blog.fractureme.com to fracture.wpengine.com .
Meanwhile our office zone file looks like this.
(i did add * to local IP entries. I know thats probably silly trying to balance security with getting the best help). The last entry in the zone file is supposed to be directing blog.fractureme.com to the IP of fracture.wpengine.com. I've also tried a NS type entry with a 'glue' record with no luck.
; BIND data file for local loopback interface
$TTL 604800
# IN SOA fractureme.com. root.fractureme.com. (
2 ; Serial
604800 ; Refresh
86400 ; Retry
2419200 ; Expire
604800 ) ; Negative Cache TTL
# IN NS ns1.fractureme.com.
# IN NS dns2.registrar-servers.com.
ns1 IN A
ns2 IN A
fractureme.com. IN A
* IN A
mobile IN A
itslog IN A
blog IN CNAME fracture.wpengine.com
m IN CNAME ghs.google.com.
# IN TXT "v=spf1 a mx ptr a:fractureme.com a:mail.fractureme.com a:mail1.fractureme.com include:_spf.google.com ~all"
; Fracture private addresses
prod IN A x.x.x.x
raid IN A x.x.x.x
dev IN A
alex IN A x.x.x.x
caldera IN A x.x.x.x
cnc IN A x.x.x.x
laser IN A x.x.x.x
encrypted-prod IN A x.x.x.x
$ORIGIN prod.staging.fractureme.com.
* IN A
$ORIGIN itslog.fractureme.com.
* IN A
$ORIGIN mobile.fractureme.com.
* IN A
$ORIGIN dev.fractureme.com.
* IN A
$ORIGIN prod.fractureme.com.
* IN A x.x.x.x
live IN A
$ORIGIN blog.fractureme.com.
* IN A
Couple suggestions--
Check that you have the correct IP for your site set up in your DNS zone file. There's been some migrations at WPE and this may cause the routing issues.
You can find the updated IP in your my.wpengine.com overview.
If this is a multisite, make sure the domains are added to their user portal as well, one per line with none redirecting to the primary.
Also if multisite, make sure you are using the Wordpress MU domain mapping plugin to direct the domains to the correct subsite rather than trying to do this custom.
I have a DNS setup with IBM SOFTLAYER with below setup
$ORIGIN mydomain.com.
$TTL 86400
# IN SOA ns1.softlayer.com. support.softlayer.com. (
2018110900 ; Serial
7200 ; Refresh
600 ; Retry
1728000 ; Expire
43200) ; Minimum
# 86400 IN NS ns1.softlayer.com.
# 86400 IN NS ns2.softlayer.com.
# 60 IN TXT v=spf1 include:_spf.google.com ~all
google._domainkey 86400 IN TXT v=DKIM1; k=rsa; p=AB
_dmarc.mydomain.com. 86400 IN TXT v=DMARC1; p=quarantine; pct=100; rua=mailto:support#mydomain.com
* 900 IN CNAME mydomain.com.
devadmin 86400 IN CNAME admin.mydomain.com.
ftp 86400 IN CNAME admin.mydomain.com.
# 86400 IN A
admin 86400 IN A
This setup works fine and I can resolve queries like mydomain.com, devmedia.mydomain.com, x.devmedia.mydomain.com
The issue arises when I add another TXT record for Lets Encrypt domain validation.
_acme-challenge.devmedia 60 IN TXT txttestrest
Once added, domains with devmedia.mydomain.com stop resolving.
Is this normal behavior or some bug in DNS.
Do I need to add devmedia.mydomain.com explicitly in my DNS or there is some other way to do this.
CNAME records are not allowed to co-exist with other records. Since you have a CNAME defined for devmedia, you can't create a acme-challenge.devmedia. So either you need to change devmedia to an A record, or handle it some other way.
It might work to create acme-challenge.admin instead, since that is where the CNAME points, but I am not sure if they will actually check that way.
How to configure domain to open like www.domainname.com
Currently it is opening as domainname.com
Host -- Points To -- TTL Actions
# 1/2 Hour
CName (Alias)
Host -- Points To -- TTL Actions
email email.secureserver.net 1 Hour
ftp # 1 Hour
www # 1/2 Hour
You need to adjust DNS settings for your domain. You don't need CNAME record, instead you should add two A records for both domains (with www and without it), pointing to the same IP.
I want type domain.com at browser, then connect www.domain.com likes type google.com to connect www.google.com.
The information below is currently set.
domain.com. NS ns-1623.awsdns-10.co.uk.
domain.com. SOA ns-1461.awsdns-54.org. awsdns-hostmaster.amazon.com. 1 7200 900 1209600 86400
*.domain.com. A XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX
What should I do if you would like to do this?
You want to use DNS redirection with a CNAME entry/record. Check out this link.
Basically, you create a record that refers to some other A record (or, perhaps, another CNAME in some circumstances). You can set this up for any number of subdomains (www, www2, mail, home, etc.).
My DNS has a set up for the domain base.com that consists of A and MX records. There are several other domains that are set up with CNAME records, pointing to base.com.
Do I need to set up anything special (like extra MX records) for the CNAME domains, or will the CNAME records also forward any MX requests.
Will an email sent to info#otherdomain.com be delivered correctly to the MX of base.com if these (and only these) DNS records are in place:
; A and MX set up for base.com
base.com. 3600 IN A
mail.base.com. 3600 A
base.com. 3600 IN MX 10 mail.base.com.
; CNAME set up for otherdomain.com
otherdomain.com. CNAME IN A base.com.
CNAME causes queries for all RR types (excluding CNAME itself) to be directed to the target name. That includes MX. So yes, the above zone data will cause queries for otherdomain.com.'s MX to resolve to mail.base.com..
Experiment with dig or your favorite DNS client. Not only will you confirm the result for sure, but you won't have to wait 4 hours for someone to answer your SO question before you get your answer!
Unfortunately, in this particular case, if your domain is really of the form otherdomain.com., you would not be able to configure a CNAME resource records for it. This is because domains that have CNAME records cannot have any other type of resource record at the same time. Yet if otherdomain.com. is directly below com. (or another gTLD), it is necessarily at the top of a zone and so it needs at least SOA and NS records.
The glue record provider redirects "platform.domain.com to my DNS server. Now that I have dynamic control over this domain, I'm trying to forward all requests for this domain to to eu.loadbalancer.domain.com (a health check and server monitor) - so the user is redirected to a healthy and available server.
Because I can't resolve eu.loadbalancer.domain.com to a IP address, I have to use a CNAME (please correct me if I'm wrong on the latter statement).
My problem is that the zone file requires "# IN A"-record to be valid, and if I add a additional record for the #-alias, the zone file becomes: invalid.
So please help me out if you got any ideas. Thanks
$TTL 10
# IN SOA # platform.domain.com. (
1278075871 ; serial
10 ; refresh
180 ; retry
120 ; expiry
120 ) ; minimum
# IN NS platform.domain.com.
# 10 IN CNAME eu.loadbalancer.domain.com.
(this question probably belongs to serverfault.com)
This is a very common question. You can't have a CNAME at the same point as other DNS records. Section 3.6.2 of RFC 1034:
If a CNAME RR is present at a node, no
other data should be present; this
ensures that the data for a canonical
name and its aliases cannot be
Try this instead:
# IN A w.x.y.z. ; IP address of an HTTP-level redirector
www IN CNAME eu.loadbalancer.example.com.
in other words, use the www prefix for the canonical URL, and push that off to your scalable web farm. Have the bare domain name go to a very simple web server which does nothing but HTTP redirects to the correct address.