JayData with WebAPI OData V4 returns undefined - node.js

I'm writting AWS lambda function in NodeJS to read the data from WebAPI OData V4 service (http://localhost/SomeService/$metadata)
I generated metadata file using JaySvcUtil and referenced the resulting file in Lambda function
'use strict';
let $data = require('jaydata');
let meta = require('./apiData');
exports.handler = function (event, context) {
var con = new DataContext({
name: 'oData',
oDataServiceHost: 'http://localhost/SomeService'
con.onReady(function () {
$data.Users.forEach(function(data) {
Unfortunately, when onReady method is invoked, Users object is undefined as well as any other type exosed by my API.
Any idea what i'm doing wrong?

Turned out that generated code created by jaysvcutil doesn't work with nodejs.
Instead of using .extend, .define should be used as explained in the doc.
$data.Class.define('Project.User', $data.Entity, null, {
'UserID': { 'key': true, 'type': 'Edm.Int32', 'nullable': false, 'computed': true },
$data.Class.define('$Project.Types.Context', $data.EntityContext, null, {
Users: { type: $data.EntitySet, elementType: Project.User }
And context initialization callback should be defined as follows:
jayContext = new $Project.Types.Context({
name: 'oData',
oDataServiceHost: 'http://localhost/SomeService'
jayContext.onReady(function (serviceContext) {
serviceContext.Users.forEach(function (user) {
context.done(null, 'Hello World');


Error: "Missing initializer in const declaration" plaid api create link token

I'm trying to setup the plaid api in my node.js code and I need to be able to make a request for the create_link_token. The sample code from their docs is as follows:
const request: LinkTokenCreateRequest = {
user: {
client_user_id: 'user-id',
client_name: 'Plaid Test App',
products: ['auth', 'transactions'],
country_codes: ['US'],
language: 'en',
webhook: 'https://sample-web-hook.com',
redirect_uri: 'https://domainname.com/oauth-page.html',
account_filters: {
depository: {
account_subtypes: ['DepositoryAccountSubtype.Checking, DepositoryAccountSubtype.Savings'],
try {
const response = await plaidClient.linkTokenCreate(request);
const linkToken = response.data.link_token;
} catch (error) {
// handle error
my code is:
app.post('/api/create_link_token', async (req, res, next) => {
const request: LinkTokenCreateRequest = {
user: {
client_user_id: 'user-id',
client_name: 'Plaid Test App',
products: ['auth', 'transactions'],
country_codes: ['US'],
language: 'en',
webhook: 'https://sample-web-hook.com',
redirect_uri: 'https://domainname.com/oauth-page.html',
account_filters: {
depository: {
account_subtypes: ['DepositoryAccountSubtype.Checking, DepositoryAccountSubtype.Savings'],
try {
const response = await plaidClient.linkTokenCreate(request);
const linkToken = response.data.link_token;
} catch(e) {
Right off the bat I get the error: 'LinkTokenCreateRequest' refers to a value, but is being used as a type here. Did you mean 'typeof LinkTokenCreateRequest'?ts(2749) as a red underline underneath LinkTokenCreateRequest. Side note I've never used TS before this, but I believe I have to use it on this project because some of their components require it. If I do as they suggest and change it to typeof LinkTokenCreateRequest = {... then the red underline error goes away, however upon starting the server I get the error:
const request: typeof LinkTokenCreateRequest = {
SyntaxError: Missing initializer in const declaration
I've very confused as to how I can make this work so any suggestions would be much appreciated.

Cognito - Error: Invalid UserPoolId format

I am using AWS CDK to create a userpool and userpool client. I would like to be able to access the userpool id and userpool client id from a lambda once they have been created. I pass these two values to the lambda via environmental variables. Here is my code:
import { Construct } from 'constructs';
import {
} from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-apigateway';
import {
} from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-lambda-nodejs';
import { Runtime } from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-lambda';
import * as amplify from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-amplify';
import {
} from 'aws-cdk-lib';
export class FrontendService extends Construct {
constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {
super(scope, id);
const userPool = new aws_cognito.UserPool(this, 'userpool', {
userPoolName: 'frontend-userpool',
selfSignUpEnabled: true,
signInAliases: {
email: true,
autoVerify: { email: true },
const userPoolClient = new aws_cognito.UserPoolClient(
generateSecret: false,
const bucket = new aws_s3.Bucket(this, 'FrontendStore');
const nodeJsFunctionProps: NodejsFunctionProps = {
environment: {
BUCKET: bucket.bucketName,
DB_NAME: 'hospoFEDB',
USER_POOL_ID: userPool.userPoolId,
USER_POOL_CLIENT_ID: userPoolClient.userPoolClientId,
runtime: Runtime.NODEJS_14_X,
const registerLambda = new NodejsFunction(this, 'registerFunction', {
entry: 'dist/lambda/register.js',
memorySize: 1024,
const registerIntegration = new LambdaIntegration(registerLambda);
const api = new RestApi(this, 'frontend-api', {
restApiName: 'Frontend Service',
description: 'This service serves the frontend.',
const registerResource = api.root.addResource('register');
registerResource.addMethod('POST', registerIntegration);
Here is my lambda function and how I intend to use the USER_POOL_ID and USER_POOL_CLIENT_ID env variables:
import {
} from 'amazon-cognito-identity-js';
export const handler = async (event: any, context: any) => {
try {
const userPool = new CognitoUserPool({
UserPoolId: process.env.USER_POOL_ID as string,
ClientId: process.env.USER_POOL_CLIENT_ID as string,
return {
statusCode: 200,
} catch (error) {
if (error instanceof Error) {
const body = error.stack || (JSON.stringify(error, null, 2) as any);
return {
statusCode: 400,
headers: {},
body: JSON.stringify(body),
return {
statusCode: 400,
The idea with this setup is that I would create a cognito user pool and client then be able to pass those id's directly down. Currently if I run this locally via sam local start-api it generates the following USER_POOL_ID : Frontenduserpool87772999. If I try and use this id in the new CognitoUserPool({... part of my lambda function I get the following error:
Error: Invalid UserPoolId format.
If I deploy the app however and execute the lambda function from the deployed environment with the exact same code I get a USER_POOL_ID that looks more like: us-east-1_HAjkUj9hP. This works fine and I do not get the error above.
Should I assume that I can not create a user pool locally and will always have to point to the deployed user pool?
Should I assume that I can not create a user pool locally and will always have to point to the deployed user pool
Yes. See the docs: start-api creates an emulated local API endpoint and Lambda for local testing. It does not deploy or emulate other resources.
You can reference previously deployed AWS resources by passing a JSON file with the deployed physical values using the --env-vars flag.

How to make kuzzle-device-manager plugin API actions works?

I successfully installed and loaded kuzzle-device-manager in the backend file:
import { Backend } from 'kuzzle';
import { DeviceManagerPlugin } from 'kuzzle-device-manager';
const app = new Backend('playground');
const deviceManager = new DeviceManagerPlugin();
const mappings = {
updatedAt: { type: 'date' },
payloadUuid: { type: 'keyword' },
value: { type: 'float' }
deviceManager.devices.registerMeasure('humidity', mappings)
.then(async () => {
// Interact with Kuzzle API to create a new index if it does not already exist
console.log(' started!');
But when i try to use controllers from that plugin for example device-manager/device with create action i get an error output.
Here is my "client" code in js:
const { Kuzzle, WebSocket } = require("kuzzle-sdk")
const kuzzle = new Kuzzle(
new WebSocket('KUZZLE_IP')
kuzzle.on('networkError', error => {
console.error('Network Error: ', error);
const run = async () => {
try {
// Connects to the Kuzzle server
await kuzzle.connect();
// Creates an index
const result = await kuzzle.query({
index: "nyc-open-data",
controller: "device-manager/device",
action: "create",
body: {
model: "model-1234",
reference: "reference-1234"
}, {
queuable: false
} catch (error) {
} finally {
And the result log:
API action "device-manager/device":"create" not found
Note: The nyc-open-data index exists and is empty.
We apologize for this mistake in the documentation, the device-manager/device:create method is not available because the plugin is using auto-provisioning until the v2.
You should send a payload to your decoder, the plugin will automatically provision the device if it does not exists https://docs.kuzzle.io/official-plugins/device-manager/1/guides/decoders/#receive-payloads

Mock multiple api call inside one function using Moxios

I am writing a test case for my service class. I want to mock multiple calls inside one function as I am making two API calls from one function. I tried following but it is not working
it('should get store info', async done => {
const store: any = DealersAPIFixture.generateStoreInfo();
moxios.wait(() => {
const request = moxios.requests.mostRecent();
status: 200,
response: store
const nextRequest = moxios.requests.at(1);
status: 200,
response: DealersAPIFixture.generateLocation()
const params = {
dealerId: store.dealerId,
storeId: store.storeId,
uid: 'h0pw1p20'
return DealerServices.retrieveStoreInfo(params).then((data: IStore) => {
const expectedOutput = DealersFixture.generateStoreInfo(data);
const nextRequest is always undefined
it throw error TypeError: Cannot read property 'respondWith' of undefined
here is my service class
static async retrieveStoreInfo(
queryParam: IStoreQueryString
): Promise<IStore> {
const res = await request(getDealerStoreParams(queryParam));
try {
const locationResponse = await graphQlRequest({
query: locationQuery,
variables: { storeId: res.data.storeId }
res.data['inventoryLocationCode'] =
} catch (e) {
res.data['inventoryLocationCode'] = 'N/A';
return res.data;
Late for the party, but I had to resolve this same problem just today.
My (not ideal) solution is to use moxios.stubRequest for each request except for the last one. This solution is based on the fact that moxios.stubRequest pushes requests to moxios.requests, so, you'll be able to analyze all requests after responding to the last call.
The code will look something like this (considering you have 3 requests to do):
moxios.stubRequest("get-dealer-store-params", {
status: 200,
response: {
name: "Audi",
location: "Berlin",
moxios.stubRequest("graph-ql-request", {
status: 204,
moxios.wait(() => {
const lastRequest = moxios.requests.mostRecent();
status: 200,
response: {
isEverythingWentFine: true,
// Here you can analyze any request you want
// Assert getDealerStoreParams's request
const dealerStoreParamsRequest = moxios.requests.first();
// Assert graphQlRequest
const graphQlRequest = moxios.requests.get("POST", "graph-ql-request");
// Assert last request

backbone.js and express: trouble searching a mongodb collection by field with a query string

I am new to backbone, express, and mongodb.
I am trying to pass a query string to search a mongodb collection by field.
I am doing something wrong. If I comment out the "fetch" from my router, the page is found.
If I try to fetch, then I get a page not found error.
I've tried to isolate where it's breaking, but the backbone architecture is still confusing to me. Thanks in advance. (I'm betting it's a syntax issue in my mongodb call)
Here is my code.
this URL should return a collection where "type" = 3.
window.Content = Backbone.Model.extend({
urlRoot: "/content",
idAttribute: "_id"
window.ContentCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: Content,
url: "/content"
window.ContentListView = Backbone.View.extend({
initialize: function () {
render: function () {
//return this;
this.$el.append('<ul class="thumbnails">');
this.collection.each(function(model) {
this.$('.thumbnails').append(new ContentView({model: model}).render().el);
}, this);
return this;
} });
window.ContentView = Backbone.View.extend({
tagName: "li",
initialize: function () {
this.model.bind("change", this.render, this);
this.model.bind("destroy", this.close, this);
render: function () {
return this;
var AppRouter = Backbone.Router.extend({
routes: { "content/:type" : "contentType" },
contentType: function(type) {
var contentList = new ContentCollection({type : type});
contentList.fetch({success: function(){
$("#content").empty().append(new ContentListView({collection: contentList}).el);
], function() {
app = new AppRouter();
Backbone.history.start(); });
name (<% tag won't print here)
exports.findContentByType = function(req, res) {
var type = req.params.type;
db.collection('content', function(err, collection) {
collection.find({'type': type.toString()}).toArray(function(err, items) {
app.get('/content/:type', module.findContentByType);
I can see a couple of problems here:
this.headerView.selectMenuItem('build-menu'); (in the router) implies you've defined headerView in the router object, but it's not defined.
Similarly, this.template inside ContentView is not defined
When I remove the line in #1, and and define a dummy template in ContentView:
template: _.template("<div> Test: <%= version %> </div>"),
Then the view at least renders -- see here. (This is with dummy data -- I can't confirm that your server is returning valid/expected JSON.)
